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[SP-F3] You Can Probably Use This <<Worn Out Welcome>>

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The bell rang as the tall spear bearer walked into Griswold and Hanna's armory. "Ah your back. And i see you have what we need to make your armor." The hefty Griswold said as he reached out for the vial of dark elf blood. "Yeap, here you go big guy." The golden haired Lawfer stated as he handed over the vial from his inventory. "If you could just make yourself at home, I will be able to coat the armor, then you should be on your way." The blacksmith replied as he gestured for Lawfer to take a seat in one of the free chairs. AS Lawfer sat down, he kicked back and began to relax. The chair was quite comfortable compared to the others he had sat in at this point. The perks of taking the quest I assume.' He thought to himself as he watched the man o to work. For such a large set of armor, the little bit of blood seemed to do wonders. A few minutes had passed then a booming voice shattered the silence, "Looks like we are done here." the loud blacksmith stated as he smiled. Lawfer stood then walked over to the counter. "Here you go Young man! One Dragon Bone Curiass with +3 Damage Mitigation." "Thanks Griswold!" He replied as he picked up the armor. It wasn't as good as his current armor, but that was fine. He could probably sell it off and make some col. "I'll be seeing you old man! Give my regards to your wife!"

Lawfer Quest Summary:
+2440 Col (2040 col from loot, 400 from Thread)
+2 SP (+1 from Quest, +1 from Thread)
+29 Materials (+28 Materials from Loot, +1 Material Gathered)
+1 Dragon Bone Curiass (+3 DMG Mit) - Quest Item

Edited by Lawfer
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