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[PP-F1] Many Materials for Wicked Weapons and Adamant Armors! (Adelyn&Kalesh) [Finished]

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Kalesh grinned happily to the lower leveled player, chuckling as he said "Now, you're getting it!" He drew his sword and held it towards the labyrinth tower, the massive structure that could be seen anywhere on any floor. "Perseverance even in the face of adversity, that is how you play this type of game!" He grinned mischievously and added "Though being properly equipped helps too." He chuckled softly and adds "There are foods fishermen and chefs can make that give you as much perception as these." He flicks his clover leaf accessory once he had sheathed his blade after his grandiose mini-speech. "It can be boosted a point higher if you are sneaky about it though." He shrugged, seeming to have everything planned out as far as abusing his luck went.

[ID# 34828][LD: 9(7+2)]

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ID:34829   LD:10+2=12

I listened to kalesh explain how there were other ways to gain lad such as what must have been food from fishermen and cooks, and way to gain an extra point. I listened intently thinking about trying out myself these foods sometimes and trying this again. Of course I wasn't sure how often id be out in the fields like I am now, risking life. It didn't seem like a big risk right now as I had a strong player next to me who seemed to be able to handle himself, and protect me fairly easily. "So how much do I need for some decent equipment" I was wondering, I had already gotten 3, how much did I need.

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He looked over to Adelyn and said with a small smile "Straight up? You could probably get stuff either free or for cheaper if you went and joined a guild... I myself never did" He winked before continuing "If you are talking right now... For a perfect item, the price varies from merchant to merchant. Some charge six, some charge twelve. It's normally easier to start off with a rare, though you could just pay with materials and col... Oh!" He smiles and brings his hand to his fist an an 'ah-ha' motion before saying "Have you thought of doing the quest 'Worn out Welcome?" He looked to her curiously before saying, just in case "Basically it is a quest that gives you a free uncommon quality armor. Light or heavy, depending on what you want to use." He gestures to his own red jacket "Like the one I have been using this entire time." He chuckled, even with his moderate level of strength he was able to get by on items of this quality alone. At least for now, he was aware he needed an upgrade. He blinked as he noticed  a small flower at his feet. He kneels down and digs his fingers into the dirt, removing it from the ground roots and all, sure an alchemist could use it for... something.

[ID# 34830][LD: 15(13+2)][3 Total]

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Worn out welcome huh...a quest kalesh said that gave some armor. Sounded like a nice thing but I had never even heard the name let alone what you do. "Worn out welcome? Never heard of it, what do you have to do" I was wondering if itd be easy for me, I didn't have anything now. And 6 of these stupid mats seemed like a lot so this quest would probably be the best way to go, but if I had to kill something. Nope not doing it, back to searching. I looked around quickly before looking back at kalesh. I wondered that if I did have to fight something, if he could by chance help me like he had here. I would hate to ask so I wouldn't, but maybe hed offer.

ID:34839 LD11

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Kalesh nodded softly as he kept his eyes to the dirt, walking around in the general area for now. "It's pretty straight forward, if a bit spooky." He says before going on to add "Basically we go into a misty forest where you will hear screams in the distance, not actually caused by anything by the way, and we kill a dark elf who supposedly stole a material from the merchants up on the same floor you get the quest..." He was sure that he was just deterring he with his description so he happily added "I've helped other people with low levels with it before, I could do the same with you. One swing of my sword and they are deceased." He smiles to her curiously to see if that got her interest at all. He looked up and grinned as he approached a nearby tree, grabbing up a fruit of some kind that didn't exist in the real world from its base. It had obviously fallen, but now it was his and going into his inventory.

[ID# 34841][LD: 17(15+2)][4 Materials]

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ID:34843 LD:16+3=18 (4 mats)

As kalesh explained the quest I grew unhappy as he explained I would indeed have to kill something. But after he finished he said that he could help me as he had done for some others before, This helped as I figured he could do it, and he said that he could do so really easily. I smiled at him. "Alright, well im free so whenever you want to do it, I guess we can." I was still somewhat worried as I watched the man pickup a fruit, it would suck if he wasn't able to protect me and I did die, id lose everything because of trust, but I trusted him enough to have him help me. I looked around and spotted a four leaf clover. it was rare in the real world, and it must have been here as well as I hadn't seen others. I put it in my inventory before looking back at kalesh

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He smiled happily towards Adelyn and said proudly while suddenly drawing his blade upward, slicing off a thick branch of the tree and slicing it again until he had a decent sized hunk of wood in his hand, tossing it to his inventory "Why not right now?" He goes through his inventory to check the newly gained materials before saying "You need them more, so I will give you half of what I've gathered." He chuckled happily as he starts getting ready to make the trade, happy to help those starting out to give them more incentive to keep going in a way. "It's up on the third floor, but I have the majority of the misty forest mapped out, we don't need to worry about getting lost or encountering anything that would be hostile if you stick close." He chuckled "Other than the elf. I already know how to deal with them though. Will only take oooone swing of the sword." He seemed decently confident that he could live up to that promise all things considered.

[ID# 34847][17(15+2)][5 Materials]

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Kalesh explained that we could do it right now, and that it would be easy as he had the forest mapped so we wouldn't have to deal with anything like someone who didn't would have to, which was definitely encouraging. I looked around again quickly spotting a flower like the one kalesh had found earlier, I ran over and plucked it from the ground showing him before saying "Twinning....found the same flower" with a smile on my face I store the flower in my inventory and watch Kalesh doing something. I didn't know what it was but I was fine watching until he was done. I was definitely beginning to feel better about the quest as well, and kalesh alone. He seemed like a trustworthy guy and a nice one as well, which was the main reason I was able to trust him in taking me on this quest

ID:34851 LD:18+2=20 (5mats)

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He happily let Adelyn think and look around, having no desire to rush her. He noticed her confusion at his actions though and said "Gathering a little wood. Either can get an artisan to craft a statuette out of it, or maybe get a new Saya or Hilt made." He smiled as he shrugged and started looking around for something else he didn't have much of. Sadly though, luck decided to intervene at this moment and grant him nothing save a wasted effort. "It's good to have a varied supply... foods, potions, all sorts. Or would you want iron ore in your soup?" He winked playfully "It doesn't matter TOO much early on, but in time having some consumables will help a lot once your equipment is up to snuff!"

[ID# 34923][LD: 4(2+2)]

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I smiled as kalesh made a joke about iron in my soup. "Well iron is good for your body, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad" I smile as I say it, I was of course talking about the iron you didn't notice, but still went into your body. It was of course different then what he meant but o well. "I don't know about you but metal in my soup sounds like a fun time, who needs teeth anyway." I say jokingly with kalesh. It was nice to be able to joke around even in the fields where at any moment a boar could come out and stab me with its tusks. I didn't think it would of course as I had this man with me who seemed to kill them rather easily, so that helped me throw those thoughts away.

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Kalesh chuckled softly and nodded in approval "Bah, losing a few teeth or even a hand isn't a big deal here! I could cut my hand off riiiiight now, nobody would know tomorrow because it grew back!" He grinned mischievously at the thought of doing it to prove his point but swiftly decided against it. "On the other hand, who needs nutrition? It's all about taste here! You can eat like a glutton and never gain a pound! Such bliss!.... Though, I was like that in the real world to start with." He chuckled, reminiscing on his awesome genes. He moves on over and tugs out a root vegetable from the ground, the plant having had just a small flower which he removed, putting the rooty plant in his inventory. "Taste is kinda mixed up though. This plant might taste like strawberry for all I know."

[ID# 35443][LD: 20(18+2)][6 Materials]

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As kalesh remarked about loss of limbs I was rather surprised, i myself would have never thought about regenerating a limb, and it never had happened to, or near me so i wouldn't have known anyway. But the thought of going without a hand for even a minute was enough to make me shiver, the though was scary enough and i never needed to see it happen. As for him and his lucky no weight gain thing, that was just so not fair. I myself had always needed to eat somewhat healthy to stay looking good and in shape. "Lucky, i could never touch chocolate deserts, or most any deserts in the real world, maybe once a month if i felt like it because of some despair or something" I say back the man with a frown.



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He chuckled softly and said "Ohhh trust me, I don't take it for granted. I have a younger sister in the real world... She often said that she was upset with me for taking all the good genes before she got there." He grinned in recollection of his temperamental younger sister, letting out a long sigh before saying "It's not all flowers and sunshine though when your metabolism gets that high. You are constantly hungry, caffeine goes through you like nothing and you have to deal with the crash... And to top it off, alcohol goes through your system pretty much as fast as you can drink it." He chuckled softly and shrugs his shoulders while glancing around curiously. Soon he located an incoming boar mosying along and he happily charged to stand between Adelyn and the beast. He walked right up to it and sliced it in half, getting a nice hunk of ham! "Ooh~ You'll be tasty!"

[ID# 35696][LD: 22(20+2)][7 Materials]

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I listened to Kalesh and his story, and smiled as he told me about his joking with his sister. I wished that me and my brother could have been like that, but he grew distant as he grew older, and he was never one to joke around and have fun, it just wasn't the kind of person he was or had ever seemed to even want to be, it was weird but I let him be. As he talked about the bad sides though, I weighed them being hungry for me would be no problem, and to make it better id be able to eat whatever I wanted. My parents were riche enough, and I was spoiled enough to get what I wanted so that wouldn't be an issue, and I could stand the alcohol thing fairly easily so it seemed like a win-win to me. "Doesn't sound like the bad outweighs the good to me though" I say as he walked away after making some weird comment about the animal going to taste good. and then watching as he kills it. I looked around and found not the same luck though and looked back empty handed.

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Kalesh chuckled and said with a grin "Ohhh it's definitely has a lot of positives, I adore it to pieces. It just has the occasional downside too. Before SAO, which does not have my metabolism technically, I've never gotten drunk in my life. I wasn't about to start chugging bottles of scotch to try, but regular drinking didn't work out. I am not a big or heavy guy, either." He chuckled as he shakes his head of such memories before saying "How many materials you up to so far? I have seven, I'd be willing to toss you two of mine so I have a clean five materials if you want!" He didn't particularly like certain numbers, borderline throwing away things until they synced up to a good number in his mind. It was just a quirk about him, nothing that alarming.

[ID# 35853][LD: 11(9+2)][7 Materials]

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After kalesh spoke again about his metabolism he asked me a simple question. I looked around and saw a glint on the ground, I moved some dirt that was on top to find a glass bottle, somehow unbroken. "Well that will help I guess, 6 now, and you can keep your materials you earned them" I really didn't want him to give me his, I had taken enough things from this man today, he had given me some already and id taken up a lot of his time and effort that could have been spent elsewhere. I had never really been one for taking anyway, not that I had ever needed to my parents gave me whatever I wanted so I took from them but not from anyone outside of the family. Why take what you can get on your own, whether its harder or not you help another person out.

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Kalesh nodded in understanding, stretching himself out happily he says "Alrighty~ Suit yourself!" He chuckled happily while cracking his neck. "If you want me to kill something for you, just ask." He looked to Adelyn with a smile as he closed up his menus and scanned around one more time to make sure no monsters were coming before he said "I'm heading back to town to teleport up. Do you want me to escort you?" He was happy to offer, and it wouldn't cause him any trouble regardless! They were going the same way unless she wanted to stay out in the field which was her choice to make. "Thanks for the conversation, some people are so 'we are here for reason just do it'" He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "This is muuuch nicer."

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As kalesh asked if I wanted to go back to town with him, and he could escort me I thought about It for a moment. I had 6 materials so I could get a new piece of equipment, or stay out here an farm for more to get more equipment when I did go back. After some thinking I finally decided "I think ill go back with you, try to find a new piece of equipment or something before I go out again, thanks" And with that I walked past him, turning back to look at him "Coming" I question with a smile before turning back around and seeing a beautiful white flower, I crouch down and pluck it from the ground admiring it before putting it in my inventory.


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Kalesh chuckled happily and nodded to her question, smiling as he followed after Adelyn "Okay, sounds good to me. Lead the way, then. I am sure you can put those materials to lots of good work." He stretched his arms out and played guard as they headed back towards town. If nothing else he was going to make sure no monsters tagged her on the way back, would defeat the point of him coming in the first place! So for now, he kept his eyes to the horizons to make sure she was safe and sound the entire trip to the starter city! He watched as she picked the flower, smiling happily at how pure and innocent it looked while he wondered what it could be used to craft. Whatever it was, he was sure it would be very good!

Summary: +1 SP to everyone, +200 Col to everyone, All 7 Materials to Adelyn regardless of consent.

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