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[SP-F1] Soooo....Shiny <<Earning a living>> (alchemy)

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Once she was finished I asked a question "That's it, I thought it'd be much harder." I say o the lady "Not hard to learn, hard to master however" She replies sounding like yoda from star wars, such an old movie now, what 30 years...still good though. "Ahh okay, thank you for teaching me though, I hope I can repay you one day." I say to the lady meaning it although she crept me out. "No need, Its great to see another person taking a liking to alchemy, its a passion of my own I love to share." I smiled politely as she finished "Well, off you go, you have some work ahead of you in your new profession" I smiled as I saw a new message in my view QUEST COMPLETE. It was great to finally finish, and I left the shop happily a minute later, with experience in a new profession, and hopefully the ability to begin helping other players.


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