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[PP-F3] Misty Minotaur Massacre Maybe? - Search for the Hoya (Kalesh&Opal)

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Kalesh nodded as he lifted he removed the axe from his flesh, letting out a sigh as he lifts his sword, ready to take the kill and the glory!... but he then hesitated... He looked to Opal and said "Actually..." He lowers his sword and smiles to the female player "You should do the honors." He nodded in assurance to her, letting her know it was okay with him. "I am sure with your ring, you could get something from him worth while." He gives her a wink and sheaths his blade, but didn't let go. He remained in a battle stance as he says "Make it clean and fast before I change my mind!" He smiled as he watched her curiously, sure she could use the materials or anything it dropped more than him. She had people hunting her, after all. All he had to worry about was what he killed next, along with the safety of his friends. "Though I do think seeing your treasure hunting clothes would be interesting. You describe it well, but I dunno, the mind and the eye tend to see different things." He shrugged his shoulders.

<<Battle Engaged>>

Opal HP: 72/72 
Energy: 9/18 
Sword Art: 

Kalesh HP: 46/56 
Energy: 11/14 [+1 Regen][-2 Miss Technically]
Sword Art: 

Minotaur: 15/45 [Stunned]

ID: 34344
BD: 2+2=4

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Opal looked over to Kalesh as he said she could take the killing blow, "Aww. That's sweet of you...I think..." she said with a small smile, "Alright, Ugly..." she said looking at the brutish minotaur. The stun had worn off and it seemed angrier than ever at the woman, all its rage and hate focused on her. Taking stance, the minotaur charged sweeping it massive axe left and right as she ducked and weaved from the explosive two handed attacks. It grunted and growled at her as it swung once more, the fine broken axe bouncing off her well made Katana as it glowed a familiar hue. 

She jumped back a foot and then stepped into her next attack. The finesse of the blade worked it way through the lack of defense the creature had as the blade cut through the hide without mercy to the mob and was then cut in half by the last cleaving strike of her Dragon's Breath. A small loot explosion occurred as it poofed into digital matter. The small event was over as soon as it had begun, even the ghouls gave them more trouble than this so called Minotaur of the Mist. 

The woman whipped her blade to the side as she normally done after every battle cleaning the iron steel of any blood matter then remained and sheathed it carefully back into her scarlet saya. With a small click the blade entered without fault and she looked back to Kalesh, "Once we get somewhere safe, we'll divvy up the rewards from the ghouls and such. Let's go get that item you are searching for...and that chest..." she pointed over near some ruined rubble. 

<<Battle Engaged>>

Opal HP: 72/72 
Energy: 5/18 [+1 Regen]
Sword Art: Wa Shu [-5 Energy, +25 Dmg]

Kalesh HP: 46/56 
Energy: 11/14 
Sword Art: 

Minotaur: 0/45 [Vulnerable from Stun for 3 turns]

ID: 34346
BD: 8+1 = 9
LD: 18+1 [+225 Col, +1 Mat]

Edited by Opal
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Kalesh nodded as he removed his eyepiece and equipped the clover-leaf on a chain that dangled from the hilt of his sword, looking around curiously to see if he could find anything in the rubble she directed him towards. "Well, I didn't let you kill it just because I was feeling lazy," He chuckled softly as he started to lift up one of the larger piece of rock to curiously look what was hidden under it. He gasped happily as he steadied the rock up, gesturing Opal order as he pointed down at what was hidden. There was a chest hidden here after all! "Guess we got lucky if nobody else has snagged this thing!" He smiled down at it with such hope in his eyes, wondering what could be awaiting within. "Ah, and what awful luck I say, five enemies. Oh well." He looks to Opal "If there are no materials in there, I guess I'll just have to give you the bigger half." He grinned, obviously fairly set on that.

[ID# 34347][20+2=22!]

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She helped Kalesh pry a rock free as he discovered a loot chest not too far from where the Minotaur had originated from, apparently Kalesh got extraordinarily lucky with his find and Opal was thrilled for the both of them. She folded her arms over her chest and smiled at the crimson haired katana wielder, "Hey! That's a pretty neat looking chest, looks like we might be the first ones to discover this..."

She knelt down and examined the ornate chest with a careful eye, it looked like any other treasure chest with a gold outline and sparkled with mystery. She sighed, if only she kept up with her Search & Detect Skill, this would have made things easier. Finding it was a piece of cake, opening it up would be rather difficult. 

"Looks like a solid iron lock...A good kick will probably break it..." she sighed, "But if we smash the lock we could break the valuable item inside. I was on an adventure with a friend and he ended up destroying the item when we found a chest as well, so let's be a bit extra careful with this one." 

Opal took a step back and gestured for Kalesh, hopefully his luck wouldn't run out. Dice god have mercy on our souls and please grant us phat l00t. 

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Kalesh took a deep breath and said "I'm going to try and be a little more careful, actually..." He looks at the lock, peering inside. He reaches into his pocket and takes out the thin end of the chain clip that kept him from dropping his eyepiece. He pushes it into the lock and starts to slowly jumble around with the lock. A soft click was heard and he froze, slowly taking the clip out and setting the accessory down as he said "Okay, it's unlocked!" He said happily, shoving the chest open... not knowing it was also trapped. It was triggered by the chest opening, not failing the lock. He had gotten that right, but three spears shot from the chest and into Kalesh's chest! Only one pierced through to his back, revealing a coat of poison as the other two caught him there, stunned and slowly fading from consciousness as it kicked in. "S-... Sorry" He mutters in apology for screwing up as he takes unmitigated damage. Far from enough to kill, but definitely not a fun feeling.

[ID# 34351][LD: 1]

Kalesh: 43/56 HP!

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"Kalesh! Wai--" before Opal was able to alert him of the possible danger of actually opening the chest, she jumped back just in time to save herself from being skewered by three raised spears as they penetrated the noble katana wielder as he fell to the ground and unconscious. She rushed towards him and placed his head on her lap and unequipping her gloves."Hey, hang in there..." she materialized a bottle of water from her inventory as the poison seemed to seep away from his body, his armor had been battle torn, but it would be good as new in no time. She smoothed the long red hair from his face with a careful hand as she poured the cold water over her hands and allowed it to trickle over his forehead gently, rubbing it over the smooth surface of his skin. 

He seemed to moan a bit as she looked down at him, her soft honey eyes looking down, the highlighted raven hair brushing against her shoulder as she leaned down to make sure he was alright, "Gave me quite the scare there. You seem to be doing alright though..." she left the bottle of water next to him as she gently lifted his head off her lap and stood up. She cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed, "I was gonna warn you about opening it after it was unlocked..." she sighed. 

After he was able to get up on his own, the woman scrolled through her recent loot drops and split everything down the middle. 

+1 Mat, + 312 Col

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Kalesh's eyes started to slowly flutter open to the sensation of soft thighs, glancing up to see something else soft and the face of a familiar player. Still a bit groggy as he was pushed up he didn't realize what was going on until things all started to click. Immediately he started to blush with embarrassment at his failings. "Ahh... Sorry, I really messed up... Sorry for worrying you, too, he said softly as he looks back while reaching with his arm. He tugged the first spear three, having to get the other two out through his front with a grunt of dissatisfaction, but not before noticing that dangling from one of the spears was a peridot set pendant! Despite the technical success he had to say "That's so cruel... Trapping the chests like that..." He saw his hitpoints and confirmed with a whistle "No mitigation either... straight through." He dreaded to think what a high leveled chest could have done to him. "Thanks for... Helping me." He smiled to Opal happily, watching as she separated the money and items, happy to see she was getting the biggest portion. "I owe you one again... So how about when you buy me dinner, we call it even-even?" He smiles to her happily in the hopes that was acceptable as he put the prize into his inventory and stretched out. "Let's head back to town at least... no point sticking around these woods." He pushed himself up and onto his legs, happily heading back into town with his friend and their gained wealth!

Materials: 2 to Kalesh, 3 to Opal
Col: 712 to Kalesh, 713 to Opal
SP: 3 to Opal&Kalesh
Items: Hoya of Minos(Peridot) to Kalesh

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