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[PP - F3] An unnecesary reward<<Worn out welcome>> (Hirru)

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"Now many times I have to repeat myself, old man, the young master doesn't need your puny armor!" this shouts could be heard in front of a certain shop. A small crowd of pointy eared people was forming already, attracted by the sound. The source of it was a certain brunette dressed in a butler outfit, my assistant Darius. I, his 'master' was behind him, being slightly embarrassed by the whole scene as I was the apparent reason for all this racket. Many of the gazes were directed towards myself for that reason.

"Darius, cut it out already, it's not that big of a deal" .While unbuttoning the collar of my white shirt and loosening the red tie with a blue rose near the tip, I say in a subdued tone to the boy who was younger than me, with an appearance of 19 years old, a mere 3 years split us apart. To think that a quest would pop out while visiting this town... I need to get more knowledgeable about these things. The man who introduced himself as Griswold shoot my assistant a irritated look and was about to say a few words to the boy.

Edited by Dracul
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After sometime on this floor, it became customary to check out the quest locations to find anyone that was having issues, or needed to party with someone.  The most frequent, that he had seen, was Griswold's shop.  The NPC couldn't get enough of the people coming in for his help.  Of course, he would tell you as much, but as a NPC, he couldn't really feel it.  Hirru was learning that much about this world when he started out.  Now, he knows just that they don't act much like people anymore than the actual player.

Opening the door to his shop, Hirru found himself in earshot of the three.  One was the old smith, while the other two looks.. much more professional.  Classy even!  Hirru hadn't really met many players that would intentionally wear such armor/clothing outside of the first floor.  Walking up to Griswold, Hirru held up his hand to quell the noise.

"What, may I ask, is going on here?"

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The moment he heard his master's words, the brunette stopped paying attention to the blacksmith and turned around to face the blond. "I'm sorry, my lord. It won't happen again." he said, then assumed a position on his right, a bit behind him while simply glaring intensely at Griswold. The old blacksmith showed no restraint as he addressed Dracul this time, throwing gazes at the assistant behind him from time to time. "That's a rude man servant you got there kid! You better put a shorter collar around him or you'll be in trouble."

For some reason that statement made me frown. So I replied in a similar tone to his: "First of all, he is one of my assistants and acting that way on his own will. And second of all he is right, with all due respect, I don't really need a item like that now." he stopped and pated the boy on his back, encouraging him with a short "Chin up!" before addressing the blacksmith once again: "But I'm willing to go on the material hunt for you, as an apology for the boy's behavior." Of course i wouldn't have even bothered if this wasn't an actual quest.

Next a dark haired guy, another player like myself this time, came into the 'picture', inquiring about the fuss. I simply look at him and put on the usual fake pleasant smile and friendly voice tone as I reply:

"Nothing much, In the end I decided to accept this guy's quest" the blacksmith wasn't pleased as I call him 'this guy'.

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Looking between the three of them, Hirru could only think one thing.  This one wouldn't need his help with the quest, but the area around it would be a problem.  Especially when the Minotaur duo were out in the forest with them, but they usually didn't venture very far from their designated posts.  It would be easy to find the enemy, as long as the questing player could follow the map icon.  The Forest of Wavering Mists was named that for a reason.

"Well, if you're taking Griswold's quest, then you'll be going to the Forest of Wavering Mists.  You'll need a guide to get around the place, if you haven't already visited the place."

The Forest of Wavering Mists was a dense forest that had the area effect of disrupting map data.  Everything would be a fuzzy haze, except for landmarks already visited and quest icons.  It was better to either have an NPC guide, or a player that knew there way around the area.

"If you would like, I can take you."

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"Hmmmm" I put my hand under the chin as I weighted that option. Neither myself or Claudia...nor Darius has been to this floor from what I've heard. SO when somebody accepts to be your guide, without any kind of recompense, that would be a nice deal right? Seeing little flaw in that particular logic I turn once again towards the brunette and speak in my usual laid back voice that instilled some hidden nobility in it: "I would very much appreciate it friend. It would be a weight off my shoulders going there with somebody that knew the place. No hard feeling Darius, k?" I said as I put my hand on the other brunette's shoulder. My assistant simply nodded in agreement, no ill intend directed towards this generous newcomer.

I took a better look at the guy, he appeared to have the equipment, at least, to back up his claim. I extended my right hand: "My name is Dracul, nice to meet you. And this is my assistant Darius" I claim, pointing with my free left palm towards the boy in a butler outfit.

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"I guess that settles it.  You can call me, Hirru."

The hunter said as he grasped the hand of Dracul.  Thinking about it, this guy looked familiar, but that was impossible.  He would have to be at a much higher level to be the person that he was thinking of.  Looking towards the boy, the hunter would have to question the two.

"Before we go, I need to assess your combat capabilities.  I just need your main statistics: level, health, damage output, mitigation, etc."

He looked from one to the other.

"From both of you..  As a hunter, it's my job to make sure that nothing bad happens in the wilds, and that means taking precautions."

As he said this, the hunter shrugged before calling out his own statistics.

"Hirru: Level 15; Health 65; Damage 5 paralysis; Mitigation 5, Regen 6."

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This time I raised an eyebrow as I heard the guy speak, it pained me a bit but voice retained its nobility as I recognized my inferiority, in terms of stats, to the self-proclaimed hunter:

"How fortunate of me to have a guide like this, sorry to disappoint but I'm only level 3...for now, that will change soon enough. Health: 12, Damage: 2, Mitigation: 6, and a couple of hp recovery potions."

I brushed my blond hair backwards and fixated my gaze on Darius for a second before glancing at Hirru once again, the tone of my voice didn't show it but the somehow my eyes betrayed me, I was showing concern for my assistant as I spoke. Luckily Darius was behind me and didn't notice:

"This is my assistant, Darius. He won't be fighting alongside me us. Until I get stronger neither him or his sister are allowed to fight! they can train but fighting against real mobs is strictly forbidden." I let out a sigh and straighten then start rolling up  the sleeve of my shirt, twice so that it won't disturb me during combat.

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Hirru listened well from the information that he was given.  He was quite low level, and the enemy was known to cause high powered attacks.  It would be a problem if he got hit.  Not only that, but his 'assistant' wasn't allowed to defend himself.  Though, it wasn't his nature to question the lives of the lower floors, he was still curious about it.

"Very well, when we reach our destination, we'll probably be confronted by the forest denizens.  If that happens, I want you to not attack until I say so.  The creatures on this floor are able to take your health to the red in one hit, and I'd rather not risk that."

"And speaking of risks..."

Looking towards Darius, the hunter had to say something about him.

"Your assistant should stay here until we return.  As I know you can defend yourself, Dracul, I can not say how well your assistant will fair."

"That, however, is your call to make."

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As expected, the hunter proposed to put Darius on stand by this time. I felt a bit sorry for the boy but it was for his best, I needed to get stronger in order to take him and his sister with me on quests. Nodding to the man I say with a pleased voice:

"I was planning on doing that, Darius has been tasked to go on a shopping spree for some alchemical compounds. So he will remain here, in the safe zone. Sorry bud, you'll have to sit this one out. Make sure to pick the best quality yes? half-ass or low quality stuff won't due in our shop. After all we have a name to make for ourself!" I said, directing the last half towards my brunette assistant while giving him a small pouch with col. It contained a bit of the rewards from our last quest, hopefully he can buy/trade it for something of use.

Turning back towards the hunter, I show a smile... a imitation compared with other real emotion-related ones but nonetheless a smile. "Okay Hirru, lead the way!" Meanwhile Darius simply nodded and with a short "I'll be on my way then. Take care master!" he went into the busy market area of this town. After a few steps his shoulders slumped as he was slightly sad that he had to remain on stand by.

Edited by Dracul
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"That settles that part too.  Alright, I have nothing else left to say.  Let's head out!"

Hirru said as he walked out of the shop leading Dracul past the south end of the village, that lead towards the Forest of Wavering Mists.  A rather peculiar mini-dungeon of sorts.  The entire forest is an overtly created maze that keeps players stuck for hours to days at a time.  Not only that, but the area has an adverse effect on the menu map.  Everything on the map is covered in white noise and static, except for landmarks already seen, and quest icons.  The best way to traverse the forest was to either buy a forest map from a wandering vender, or have someone that knows their way around the forest guide the player through.

Thankfully, Hirru had been around the block a few times.

Edited by Hirru
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"Lead the way!" I said a bit enthusiast. As we left the safe zone, I instinctively put my left hand on top of the basic two handed long sword I received when I logged in. Next we entered a forest.... who am I kidding, it was a freaking maze desquized as a forest. The mist was so thick you couldn't see more than several meters in front of you but somehow. But the hunter skilfully managed to navigate us through it without harm. After a while I break the silence with a simple question: "You sure seem to know your way around these parts, don't you?" It was a simple way to relieve my boredom dressed under the form of a indirect compliment towards the skills of the higher level. I was starting to wonder how much long did we have to go until we find those items the smith talked about.

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"I've been hunting on this floor for a good while now.  After a few walks through the forest, you start getting used to the twists and turns."

That being said, Hirru's first time through this places wasn't pleasant at all.  Though confusing, the adventure itself was a reminder to trust your allies, even if your views were different.  Having gone through this place multiple times now, as long as you know which ways to go, you would be fine.  Most visitors to the forest are only here for Griswold's quest or for the hoya.  Both could lead to some unfortunate events, but only if the player gets lost along the way.

After some time, they would come to a meadow from within the forest.  Nothing could be seen inside it, or around it for that matter.  Looking back towards Dracul, the hunter spoke to him in earnest.

"Check your map to see if the quest icon is in this area.  The items like to spawn in one of two places."

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