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[PP-F1][Guild] A Time To Get Along (Isa, Flints)

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Endilix sat on a hill not too far outside of the City of Beginnings as he waited for his mate and one of the recruits of the guild to show up. Flints had brought up the idea of her coming along on Isa's guild rank mission, and he figured that was better than just having to be with the kid alone. He gave a sigh, he had no idea what was going to happen, but he was going to try his best to be Flint's mate and the Guild's Second-In-Command rather than get upset at Isa. Unless Isa did something dumb like hurt Flints. Though if that happened he wouldn't be afraid to beat some sense into the kid. He rolled his shoulders and stood up, his armor clinking as he did so. He popped open his friends list and found Flints to check her location as he waited.

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Flints rushed her way to the place where the three were supposed to meet, she never intended on grouping the three together but seeing as they couldn't get along on their own she agreed on joining the two, she spotted Endilix and shouting out to him, "Hey! there you are i've missed you!" as she continued to force her way up to her place next to him, luckily Isa was no where in sight, she quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him close to her. "well I'm glad i got here before him! i don't think i like the idea of you two alone.." she smiled up at him then released him from her grip and looked out to the City of beginnings in search of Isa.  

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Endilix had seen her coming, not wanting for her to get the jump on him again after the last time of scaring him out of his skin. She saw her running towards him as she shouted for him. He couldn't help but give a chuckle as she said that she missed him. We've been apart for all of maybe a few hours. But he let that pass as he put an arm around her and gave her a quick kiss to signify that he was happy to see her. "Yeah, it's bad enough that Emerath was actually going to come instead of me. But he agreed since you said you would come. Good job there, sweetheart. Now I get to see what Isa is all about first hand, rather than letting my brother have all the fun."

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Isa yawned and looked up into the bright sun, his blue eyes found it hard to adjust to such a bright light but he pushed himself along still trying to wake up. The thought of being able to spend more time with Flints was enough to get him out of bed, despite having her body guard tag along he'd take anytime at all with her as a good time. As he neared the hill he saw Endilix and Flints already waiting for him, hopfully they weren't waiting long. "Goodmorning guys! Sorry I took a while, I'm not really a morning person.." 

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Flints tried to quickly kiss Endilix but ended up holding the kiss longer than intended, before she could pull away she heard another familiar voice from behind the two, and became extremely red. Flints turned around quickly and gripped her weapon growling at Isa. "Don't Sneak up on me you idiot!" she spat, attempting to cover up her embarrassment. she wasn't quite sure why it flustered her so much but she wasn't going to fight it either, she turned back to Endilix and cleared her throat. "So whats on the agenda for today?"  

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Isa watched the two and scoffed, he knew what Endilix was doing and he didn't like it. 

"So what did you have in mind for today anyways? I hope I didn't wake up just to watch you two flirt." He looked away quickly but felt a pang of hurt from the fact that she was willing to draw her weapon on him. 

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Endilix couldn't help but chuckle at Flints at her reaction to Isa coming up on their kiss. He took her hand, and gave it a light squeeze to attempt to calm her a bit after she got flustered, before looking to Isa. "Well, good morning, recruit! It's time for you to find some treasure and rank up in the guild." He looked back to Flints, "As far as the agenda, that's really up to Isa. We're just here to supplement him, whether that be in battle or in helping him search." He patted his hammer idly, "But no funny business. This is a formal mission, and you're here to impress the guild, so let's get this done right and we can all go home."

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Flints calmed when Endilix squeezed her hand and waited for their next move, she wasn't sure why Isa looked away from her, maybe the fact she was almost always ready to attack him was a little off putting but then again most of the times he gave her many reasons to treat him that way. his crude remark made her bristle but she didn't lash out at him and looked to Endilix to keep herself calm, if he kept up the crude remarks Endilix was probably going to have to pull her off of him instead of the latter.Today was going to be difficult to handle she could already feel it. "So Isa, how are you today?" she asked awkwardly hoping to keep her attitude in check. maybe he was just feeling out of place, she wasn't exactly the best of the welcoming committee.

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Isa stood close to Flints and smiled at her.

"I'm doing great now that I'm with you" he looked over at Endilix  "Well okay, is it time for me to admit I've never actually been in a guild. Or  have done anything in game wise besides tag along with flints everywhere.." He laughed at the last part. It was true that he hadn't even tried anything in game besides hang around her, but who wouldn't. The girl was amazing. 

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Endilix shrugged, and pulled away from Flints, but gave her a wink so she wouldn't worry, as he went to stand over on the other side of Isa. He looked up at him and patted him on the back, "Well, then it's time we taught you how to be a functioning member of society, my fine recruit!" Endilix stood next to him and pulled up the map, "Well, you're going treasure hunting, so the best way to do so is to look for caves or suspicious trees or rocks. You might be able to dig for treasure, but that hasn't turned out well for me in the past." Endilix gave a chuckle and held an arm out, "Well, we should get started in any case. Isa, lead the way."

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ID: 34483

LD: 11 (nope. Nothing) 

Isa tensed when Endilix patted his back but coughed to cover his uneasy feelings. "Alright then, I guess I'll check behind these bushes.." He walked down from the hill towards some bushes that laid beneath a large tree, he didn't see anything but went ahead and started to reach in and feel around before shouting over his shoulder at Endilix and Flints, "I feel like this is a really bad joke..are you sure this is what I'm supposed to be doing? I feel silly.." He frowned when he didn't find anything, although he didn't really expect to find much anyways. "Uh, your turn! Being a guild head you'll probably have more luck than I.." Isa quickly took his place back besides flints and looked over to Endilix. 

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Endilix rolled his eyes at Isa's pitiful attempt to actually look for treasure, before starting to walk out more into the field. "I told you to look for caves and suspicious trees, not bushes. You aren't going to find a treasure chest hidden in a bush. That is, in fact, silly." He motioned for Flints and Isa to follow him. Unlike himself, Isa seemed incapable of actually separating himself from Flints for any length of time, and what Isa didn't understand is that would just upset her even further, especially if the attention was unwanted. But he shrugged it off, as he turned and started walking backwards as the two were to follow him, "We'll find treasure deeper into the wilds. Don't worry, if we get attacked that's why I'm here to defend us, and why we're on the first floor."

((OOC: Just to make sure it's clear, treasure can only be found every 40 posts. So as we explore the floor, every 40 posts you'll do a LD roll and if you get 15+ you'll find your treasure. If you do any other LD rolls, it's just for crafting materials, not for treasure. If at any time the thread gets too long, we can find a way to wrap it up and call it a day and perhaps begin a new thread in a different setting or time to make things interesting. But we'll figure that out if it comes to that.))

Edited by Endilix
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Isa huffed at Endilix. 

"Well it seemed like a good idea at the moment, much better than digging in the dirt.." He sighed in defeat but continued to follow Endlix deeper out into the field keeping an eye out for anything that seemed suspicious. "Well everything looks kind of the same here..li wouldn't really know what you are talking about until we find it I guess." Damian frowned at the idea of having to search endlessly for a treasure that might not exist. But spending all this time with the two could be good for him. "So Endilix, where's your brother at today?" 

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Flints watched as Isa threw himself at bushes in an angry attempt to find treasure. She continued walking even though Endilix stayed with Isa to help him figure out how to properly do things. She figured the further off she went the more likely she was to find somewhere worth searching through. "You guys have fun..bonding and stuff I'm going to explore the area." Flints hardly had time to look around the outskirts of The City of Beginnings so finally being able to take a good look around was refreshing to her. And surprisingly the guys weren't doing too terribly at getting along, she almost felt as though she could have sat this one out. 

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Endilix shrugged at Isa, "Everything is the same because it's an MMO. The artists only have time for so much art design." Endilix gave a chuckle and then said, "In any case, I'm sure you'll recognize it when you see it. Stuff like treasure sticks out in a less obvious way, but it still sticks out so that players can actually find it." Endilix rubbed his chin as he considered what Emerath was doing and said, "As far as I know, he's just doing Guild Leader stuff. He had talked to me about a few recruits that he had found and was talking to, and he went off with Hans for his own guild mission. So far, things are just busy setting the groundwork and getting everyone involved and participating."

Endilix noticed Flints as she ran off. He didn't really like the idea of that because it probably meant that Isa would run off too. Though he could understand her wanting to distance herself thanks to Isa's advances. He let it go and tried to keep Isa's attention with his idle chatter about the guild.

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Isa stared at Endilix, listening intently about how finding treasure was a lot simpler than he was making it out to be, this whole world was a lot simpler than he made it out to be. He had never been very good at games, so it was no surprise that he was terrible at this. 

"Oh, well it's good to know he's very attentive to his guild members. Oddly enough I thought this place was going to fall apart right after it was made. You two don't seem like the guild running type." Isa was no longer looking at Endilix as he spoke but flicking the dirt from his body from his over excited treasure attempt. He glanced up to meet Endilix's eyes for a second only to have his own wonder off to Flints who was now stalking something in the distance. He sighed as he watched her get further and further before looking down at Endilix. "Oh great, she does that here too huh.."

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Endilix thought about the idea of them running a guild as Isa brought it into the light, "Well, I'm certainly not the guild running type. But my brother... well, in real life he's a businessman and he's super successful in school. All that junk. He has a mind for this type of thing. He has always wanted to run a guild in the games we play, but I just don't think he ever had the drive. Now that I guess his life is on the line, things have changed. I think once you've been around him more you'll understand. We aren't really alike in many ways besides the way we look."

Emerath took a glance over at Flints as she wandered off further into the forest while him and Isa chatted. "Honestly, I've found it's best to just let her do her own thing. If I go running after her it just makes her run away more. I'll suggest things, and sometimes she likes the suggestions and it happens, and other times it upsets her and I just back off. The things that happen have to be her idea. She's a bit stubborn like that. So if she wants to wander off into the forest, I'm not about to stop her. Unless she gets in trouble. Then I'll tank, but that's expected, I think."

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Isa smiled at Endilix as he talked about his brother and how different the two were. "The way you talk about him makes it seem like you aren't as driven for those sorts of things. I would have assumed you guys were very different people, but I guess I didn't take him for being the successful type, just more of the withdrawn type. So, if you compare yourself to him, what do you see yourself as?"

Isa's eyes never really ventured far from Flints, he wanted to be sure she was safe. He chuckled when Endilix told him how he handled her wild spirit. "She's very stubborn, but that's what you get when you deal with such a powerful spirit. She's trapped in a capped level. It must frustrate her to be a beginner in anything..and I learned from a young age to just be completely submissive to her, or else she would try to fight you, and that usually doesn't end well. She's a lot stronger than she looks.." He raised an eyebrow, curious as to why she kept venturing further and further way, it was as if she was trying to lose both him and Endilix. It kind of offended him but he tried his best to ignore it. 

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Flints could still hear the light conversation between the two, they didn't seem as agitated around eachother as usual, she raised an eyebrow at Isa's changing behavior towards Endilix, the way they spoke to eachother made it seem like they were old friends. She scoffed and continued to walk off before launching herself into the trees, they became sense the further out they went so now the trees were almost merged into one huge network of heavy thick branches. She had stopped searching for anything in particular and just wanted to cover more area and this was her favorite way of doing so. When she felt she was far enough she dropped from the branches and continued to wonder around, watching board as they passed in the distance, she decided against attacking any and just watched as they grazed along the borders of the forest. She sighed realizing how hungry she had become from rushing out to meet the two, in her rush she hadn't eaten. "What are they talking about..probably the guild..I hope...what else could they possibly talking about.." She starred back at the two that were now no more than small specs in the distance. 

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Endilix listened to Isa, while watching Flints. As she continued to run off, Endilix watched her jump in and out of trees and then watch them. It was odd watching her like this, considering how used to her he was in the less feral environs of the game. He gave a shrug and turned back to Isa, "A strong and wild spirit, that's for sure. Sometimes I wonder if she even knows why she does what she does, or if she acts purely off of instinct. Survival mechanisms are strong in the mind of a person like that. It's good to have someone like that at my back, that I can trust. I know I'll never need to worry about staying alive as long as I have her watching over me. That is, unless I upset her myself, which I have no plans to do."

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