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[PP-F1][Guild] A Time To Get Along (Isa, Flints)

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Isa laughed as he watched her turn back to face them and when she noticed them and went further out he sighed. "I'd be lying to you if I told you that she was normal outside of the game. She's pretty feral. You'd think someone plucked her from a forest and dropped her in a town and tried to make her adapt. She's got decent people skills and is extremely intelligent, but some times I swear she's a...wild woman. You got really lucky. She's not one for settling down. But one things for sure is that she would try anything in her power to keep you safe. I don't doubt that. You better hope you and your brother are worth her time." 

His eyes softened after his odd bout of lecturing on Flints, he was treating her like she was a subject that he had to teach to unsuspecting students. Or a dangerous element that was super unstable. He felt his fists clench at the idea of her and Endilix. He didn't want to think about it but his mind did wonder. "How much does she..let you get away with..?" He gulped. "Her pairing off so soon in anything is odd for her. I'm curious.."  Isa could feel himself getting angry for no reason, he cleared his throat trying to shake the feeling. This woman was maddening even when she wasn't near him.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Endilix listened to Isa, looking up at him a bit curiously, wondering about a few of the things he had said. "I feel like you knew her, before the game. That might explain why you act the way you do, although I wouldn't say that excuses it." Endilix crossed his arms and looked ahead to Flints, "Honestly, it's not so much that she lets me get away with anything, mostly because I haven't tried to do anything. It's, really against my nature, but I settled down too. I don't do that. And I have yet to figure out what makes her so special. I might never. But I know that I'm happy to have her by my side." Endilix smiled at Flints as she watched them, and gave her a bit of a wave to show that he was still paying attention to her. Thankfully, most of the mobs on this floor were passive. So long as she didn't wander into a dark cave, she should be okay.

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Flints watched as Endilix waved out to her , she snorted and turned back around and ignored their closeness. "I really hope they are talking about the guild.." She whispered to herself, the further off she walked the more off the ground felt, the dense dirt was suddenly soft, as if it had been dug up and left overturn, she kept following this odd soft dirt till the floor started to become stone. She looked up at the sudden break in trees and brush to see a cave that looked as if it went deep into the ground. She turned back to the two who were still conversing and scoffed. "Well they won't miss me if I take a little detour.." She smiled and began her desend into the darkness.

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Damian scoffed and let his hands fall to a rest at his sides, he looked over at Endilix and looked him over closely, from his red messy hair, green eyes and almost boyish face. He waited before he addressed him, carefully picking his words before he burst with emotion, it was too late for that.  

"You say these things as if you love her, but that's impossible. You've just met. Hell if I wouldn't have made a move to claim what's mine, she probably wouldn't have ended up with you. She would still be wondering the forest, and pouncing weaker players. You hold this title but yet it seems to mean nothing. You can't even figure her out. You just go along with her, as if you were her father or something. She doesn't want someone who's so...submissive, her nature should have crushed you long ago, to be honest I think she only keeps you around is for the night time sprawls. Other than that you're basically worth nothing." Damian began to walk in the direction flints went, he could no longer see her, he could hardly see the world around him, his emotions had gotten out of hand. "I've gone most of my life being to her what you are. And in the end she didn't need me. She doesn't need anyone that can't quell her dominate nature. It took me a long time to realize she's on a league of her own. That scares me." Damian began to walk faster, in search of the woman who had suddenly vanished. His heart raced at the thought of her disappearing from his life again, or worse, dying. He shook the notion from his mind and called out for her. "Kita?!" His voice became desperate, not only for her abcence but for their past. It pained him. "Where are you Kita, are you okay?

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Endilix listened to Isa's rant patiently with a smile. It was interesting to hear someone be so sure about who he was and what he felt, especially considering him and Isa hardly knew each other. When Isa was finished Endilix was going to give a retort, but Isa ran off after Flints, who had gone somewhere. Endilix frowned, and shook his head, 'I wonder if Isa realizes that passive acceptance doesn't mean submission.... I suppose he'll learn eventually.' He followed after Isa, as he looked around for where she might've gone. She was only in the trees a moment ago. Endilix heard Isa call out for her using her real name, and with that he was certain that this man knew who she was outside the game. But, that was the least of their worries. Endilix continued walking along, before he just noticed a cave out of the corner of his eye.

Endilix turned an looked into the mouth of the cave, looking back to Isa, "Knowing Flints, she's in here. I'm going to go check." And without waiting for Isa's reply, he descended into the mouth of the cave to find his mate.

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Flints continued to travel in the cave, the light that filtered in through its mouth became less and less as she went along, the ground became smooth and slick as ground changed from dirt, to limestone. She looked around at what little she could make out and hoped for the best, if anything she could find treasure here. She knew it. Flints looked back to the now far gone mouth of the cave and wondered if she could really hear her name, faintly traveling down to her or was the silence that irking to the mind. Whatever it was she pushed it aside, fixated on either reaching the end of the cave, or finding the treasure they came for. 

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Damian wondered around a little before catching a glimpse of Endilix's red hair descending into a cave. He snorted and quickly followed him, hoping to catch up to the two. "Of course she would go somewhere we wouldn't want her to go.." Damian whispered to himself. He pondered for a moment on calling out to her, but in a cave it probably wasn't a wise idea, he didn't want to stir some unbenounced enemy. He picked up his speed until he caught up to Endilix. "Why did she come in here?" He glanced around at the dark cave and sighed, the fact that he could only see a few feet In front of him made the search almost impossible, all he could see was Endilix in this desend into the great unknown. 

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