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[SP-F2] <<Breaking the unbreakable>> Its gonna be another one of those days isn't it?

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Elul got out of the wagon, thanking the npc as she got out with a basket of fruits in her hand. "So you want me to just take this to the man who lives in the hut up there?" The npc nodded, it was the agreed arrangement for carrying her this far. The cart pulled away as she turned to the hut. She took the twenty or so steps required to be at the entrance, seeing a silhouette of a man in the hut.

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Elul flinched as a hand reached out and took an apple from her basket, "aren't you a little young to be traveling alone, little girl?" The man stood up, as if to prove the point of her being small. Elul sighed, she had to remember that npcs were intelligent enough to judge your looks and carry out full conversations. It made her wonder if the npcs had a system similar to a program called clever bot.

"Maybe, but that's why I came up here, so I could use my healing skill on other people and not have to worry about myself."

The man stepped into the light, Elul could've sworn he was ripped from a kung fu movie with his long pointy white beard and red robe. "Is that the only reason?"

Elul flinched once again as the quest box appeared, only to disappear upon her pressing the accept button.

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"Very well, hand me the fruits my son gave you." Elul handed the basket to the man, his name tag said <Master> as if to tell her to listen and obey him. 'The carriage npc was his son? Well I guess that makes sense since it would be odd for a random stranger to give food to someone. Of course Hirru paid for me at Iggy's place, so I guess it wouldn't be entirely unnatural.' Meanwhile <Master> had mixed a paint which he held behind his back.

"Oops" <Master> said as he dropped one of the apples from Elul's basket onto the floor. Elul snapped out of her daydreaming to lean down and pick it up, but upon looking up she got swiped in the face by a brush. 

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"Oops again" The npc chuckled at his joke. Elul had hardly processed what happened when the brush had lifted away. "Oh this is terrible I've accidently smeared all over your face and this is quick dry paint!" "Okay I-I get it you tricked me into getting drawn on, so what did you draw on me." Elul was handed a mirror similar to the one on her first day here. For only having drawn for a couple seconds <Master> was a talented artist, or at least with cat noses and whiskers. Elul attempted to rub her nose in attempts to getting it off, but the old man was right, it wasn't going to come off easily. Elul frowned at herself in the mirror, she should've seen that trick coming.

"Hmm I do know of one item which can remove your whiskers, it lies in a boulder not too far from here." Elul handed the npc his mirror, "then lets go get it."

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Elul followed the npc out of its hut, taking an immediate left upon exiting. The npc led her through an uneven path, sometimes she would have to climb up a steep hill, others it would be a deep slope, and at one time she was forced to wade through ankle deep water, much to her dismay. Alas, she finally reached her destination and with it she saw the boulder the man was talking about.

The meadow it sat alone in the middle of was covered in flowers, and Elul was pretty sure she could spot a town. "Ah here we are, now to crack it open.

Elul waited as the man stood there staring at her, eventually it dawned on her that he was talking to her.

"But-but I-"

"Seeing as we're going to be here all day, I think I will take a nap." <Master> proceeded to lie in the flowers around him, and a snoring noise could be heard from him. 'Alright, fine, I'll just break this rock I mean its only four times taller than me.' Elul reached for her dagger, only to find a scroll in its sheath.

I've never met a cat that could use a weapon, have you? Cats generally use their paws to attack something, but I guess a little Kitty Cat wouldn't know that.

Elul had never wished death on someone, but <Master> wasn't a person, so she mentally wrote an angry letter and threw it in the trash.

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ID: 34760


Energy 0/1

Boulder [50/50]

Elul ran up and kicked the boulder, only to slip on its surface and fall to the ground. She sighed, it still had full health, this could take a while. "Kicking it won't help, only punching will help you." Elul sighed once again, it would've been nice to know that before she wasted her energy. Elul rested for a moment wishing she had more energy before starting this quest.

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ID: 34764

BD: 5

Energy +1 -1 0/1

Elul punched the boulder this time, but it was more of a knock than a punch. Upon realizing this wasn't powerful enough she leaned her head against it. Elul looked up as she felt something slide beside her ears. <Master> had placed something on her head, it felt like a hair band, 'but I thought those didn't exist in Aincrad.' "Now you are a true cat." Elul felt the attachment to her head to find cat ears, to which she chucked them at the boulder.

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ID: 34779

BD: 4

Energy +1 -1 0/1

Dear <Master>

This is a letter to inform you how much of a meanie pants you are, I hope you get stung by a bunch of bees, and maybe a wasp. I would also like to inform you that if I don't get my Dagger back, I will personally smother you in the flowers by which you roll in laughing.

Your student Elul.

Elul threw yet another paper in the trash, mimicking tossing a crumbled up piece of paper in a recycling bin, but activating an attack accidently while mimicking the motion.

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Energy +1 -1 0/1

Boulder 48/50

Elul stared at the Asian man on the ground whilst mumbling to herself, "stupid meanie ugly crap-loving piece of shrimp." She turned to the boulder and stared it for the longest time, attempting to reach into its soul and show it fates worse than the death it would eventually meet if it didn't allow her to shatter it. After being satisfied of showing it kittens being sprayed by a hose, she punched it.

Elul smiled to herself, watching as the health bar dropped.

"Good boy."

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BD: 4

Energy +1-1 0/1

Boulder 48/50

With confidence she punched it again, but  APPAREANTLY this rock thought kittens being tortured by a hose wasn't terrifying. Elul sighed, sitting at the base of it, there has to be a trick or something to this. Elul was no stranger to long quests in mmos, but generally someone didn't mock you while you played. Speaking of which it looked like the npc was done laughing his head off, and was simply catching his breath.

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Boulder 48/50

Elul backed up, took a running start and tripped, driving her fist into the ground.

Immortal object.

Elul sat up brushing herself off, the dirt particles of which immediately shattered as she sat on the ground. Meanwhile <Master> had begun laughing again, causing Elul to run over and kick him. Or at least she wanted, frankly that sounded like something Nirvana would do...

How long had it been since they met?

A couple days at least, Nirvana was a bit of a wild card and scared Elul a bit, but she seemed good at heart.

'I mean the worst thing she had done was Divert the attention of Hirru and Aphrodite to myself so, she's not all that bad.' 

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BD: 8

Boulder 47/50

Elul breathed in a calming pattern, she was sure the npc would kill her if she attacked him, so continuing to pound on the rock was the best solution right now.

"Saren, please pay attention, you need to learn to defend yourself." Elul's attention was diverted to her sister who was like a giant to her. "Now I want you to position your legs like this."

Elul stood up placing her left leg in front of her right and raised her arms in a boxer stance.


Elul launched her fist at the giant rock, causing a tiny crack to form.

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Elul punched the rock again, this time not inflicting damage. Elul looked down, 'I thought I had it.'

"Look Saren, you did fine, but you need to work on the force of your punch, you can't just attack someone twice without resetting your stance."

Elul breathed through her nose, if only she had paid more attention back then. Elul had never needed to know how to fight back then, if she got in trouble her big sis or a teacher would step in. If she didn't survive this game then she would only have herself to blame.

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ID: 34867

BD: 4

Elul reasserted her form, she could feel this to be the right form. Nothing could stop her from destroying this rock, Elul placed her hand on the boulder right next to her target. Her aura grew slowly, at first only lifting rocks, but slowly it raised her hair, and finally her hair turned yellow.

Of course this was only in her mind but she had a feeling of her heart rising, as if she could do it.

Elul's eyes turned red, and her fist glowed yellow-


Elul launched her fist breaking two sound barriers as her fist traveled to her target, "NOW DIE!"

Elul stopped her fist and breathed a sigh of relief, "That was close." She examined the butterfly, it took the shape of a flower with blue petals and a red center. The butterfly flew off as Elul stared, forgotten about the boulder.

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ID: 34883

BD: 9

Boulder 45/50

"Your doing great Saren now just throw your weight into it for a strong punch."

Elul shifted her upper body weight along with her punch, causing the crack to form a small t. Elul smiled, she was slowly getting better, it wouldn't be too long before she cracked it. 'Wonder what the item will be, probably some ancient chalk that returns the user to their natural state.' Elul readjusted her stance, ready to widen the crack in the boulder. The old man had gotten up and actually started to take her fighting the boulder seriously, "I guess we won't be here all day."


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ID: 34893

BD: 5

Elul relaxed, on second thought maybe she should take a break, she had been attempting nonstop and her fist was numb from punching every 10 seconds. She turned to <Master> who simply looked back, "tired?" Elul nodded, preferring to not talk so as to not evoke a mocking or punishment in any form. "Well the more you rest the longer it will take, so if you want to be here all day then go ahead."

Elul sighed, the npc was right, if she spent all day in a field of flowers then night would come.

And that was the opposite of what she wanted to happen.

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ID: 34894

BD: 9

Boulder: 43/50

"Remember Saren, set your thumb on the outside of your other fingers, if you lose your other fingers around it, then you might break a thumb."

"Have you ever fought before?"

"No." Elul replied, too busy focusing on her punch. Setting her stance faster this time, legs apart, fist close together to prevent potential attacks from hitting her body, and setting her thumbs in the proper position.


The crack which had started to form continued to grow around the boulder with each punch, forty more would properly suffice.

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ID: 34897

BD: 7

Elul quickly punched again, this time with her left hand, and missed the crack. Okay, so maybe sticking with her right arm was a good idea. After all, why fix what ain't broke? Of course her sister was constantly fixing things that were broke into jewelry, one because she was a money saver, and two because she thought it looked pretty. Elul never cared for jewelry, she never had anyone to appreciate it, so why care? Then again she did wear jewelry in past mmos, but no one could see it due to how small it was. 'Is there jewelry in this game? Now that I think about it, I remember seeing a couple players wearing earrings and necklaces.'

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ID: 34900

BD: 5

Elul punched again, momentarily forgetting her strategy as she punched and missed the crack. Elul groaned, okay fine, time to try again. Elul didn't want to get distracted again, though that butterfly was beautiful, she would've preferred it hadn't tried to commit suicide via Elul's fury. Of course if this was a normal game she would've been playing it while listening to music, but she couldn't afford the money to buy "in game" music. The energy system was even more annoying, but she'd rather have it than pain so it was an okay swap.

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