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[SP-F2] <<Breaking the unbreakable>> Its gonna be another one of those days isn't it?

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ID: 36790

BD: 8

Boulder: 18/50

Elul quickly threw another punch, barely scraping the boulder, but enough to count as a hit. Elul tried to think positive, but her mind and body were tired, though the mind was probably tired due to her imagining the Whits, Elul looked back down at the tiny figures.

Whit couldn't believe he had been forced to get down from on top of Elul's head, he would've been fine, he was wearing the Elul equivalent of a seatbelt. He turned to the himself, "I blame you. Who the heck are you anyways?" "I'm you from the future, I've learned from my mistakes of not caring for anyone and I'm here to warn you about- Hey were you listening?" "Oh yes but there's one thing you didn't account for, I don't care."

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ID: 36798

BD: 7

Boulder: 17/50

Elul punched the rock again, her daydreaming was getting in the way of her punching and doing massive damage. "Could you two keep it down, I need to concentrate" She asked politely, "Please."

"Just give me a sec, listen Whit, one day people will rise up against you and force Elul to stay away from you. Do you know why?" "Because I beat them fair and square?" "No, because your a insensitive." Whit rolled his eyes, "So they basically kidnapped her?" "I suppose, but no, they said we were a bad influence on her."

"That's what we call kidnapping where I'm from."

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ID: 36800

BD: 4

Boulder: 17/50

Elul checked the health of the rock, that statement sounded weird in her head, she never thought that in any video game she'd be fighting a rock. It was in between yellow and what she guessed the red area was. She had never seen an enemy with a red Health bar, nor had she fought an enemy. It was a little fitting for her first enemy to be a rock, her mind flying back to watching old cartoons of the peanuts.

"I fought a boar."

"I fought a wolf."

"I fought a rock."

Elul threw another punch and sighed, I can't even hit said rock.

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ID: 36806

BD: 9

Boulder: 15/50

Elul punched the boulder once again, getting a more satisfying feeling from punching it. Let out a breath of air, if this thing had only thirty HP, then she would've been done by now. It had to be the easiest enemy in the game, yet its health was mini-boss material. The idea of it reminded her of Metapod from pokemon, its high defense yet lack of attack paired with a rock in SAO. At least it lacked arms and wasn't a geodude.

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BD: 9

Boulder 13/50

Elul performed the same punch down to an inch, recieving the same results as before, giving her more faith. At the very least, fifteen punches would probably end the rock and allow her to finally wash her stupid whiskers off.

"Hey Elul, I know its almost halloween, but that doesn't mean you should dress up like a cat a day early, no matter how cute it makes you." "Sweet mother of Buhda, you know that weird man over there did it, and she can't get it off unless she breaks the boulder." Whit raised an eyebrow, "how could I possibly know that?" Whit gave out a groan, "we're literally figments of her imagination, we aren't even the real Whit, she's just entertaining herself while she breaks the boulder, why do you think we're so cute, we know everything she knows!" 

"If we aren't real, then does that mean you aren't really from the future?"

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ID: 36809

BD: 7

Boulder: 12/50 (Red)

Elul punched again, expecting similar results as before. Elul looked up, her optimism growing at the sight of a red health bar. "Ya Elul, just a little more and we can go home!" Elul smiled a little bit, trying not to interact with the imaginary people so as not to embarrass herself in front of the npc. Elul recalled past mmorpgs where Whit would be doing the pummeling and she'd do the supporting, but with actions instead of words, only talking when needed. With these imaginary people she could talk freely, even if she were to say something stupid they would still cheer her on.

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ID: 36815

BD: 2

Boulder: 12/50

Elul punched, not paying attention to where her fist went. The only reason she knew she had missed was the lack of ridges in the smooth boulder, Elul ignored it, she had the whole day ahead of her to finish it off.

"Look I am from the future, but only because Elul wants me to be. We only exist because Elul wanted us to cheer her on, or at least break her boredom. Do you understand?" "Yes I understand, I've always understood, just because I like to do random things, does not mean I can't understand what an imaginary friend is." Whit steamed a little bit, resisting the urge to slap his "futuristic" counterpart.

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ID: 36836

BD: 2

Elul punched again, once more, receiving the same results as before.

"Well shoot, I wish there was some way we could help her." Whit looked up at the girl who seemed to not care enough, "Its too bad we're just figments of her imagination." The two Whits were thinking the same thing, "I mean just 'cause we aren't real doesn't mean we can't help her, it'll just technically be her doing it by herself."

Elul groaned at the realization of her failure, it was like the rock was sending out a signal that forced her to miss.

"MWAHAHA" The Boulder laughed evilly at her, "you shall never defeat me!"

Maybe her parents were right about her imaginary friends and how she needed to make real friends, the talking rock was definitely an indication of "too much" daydreaming.

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ID: 36866

BD: 2

Boulder: 12/50

An antennae sprouted from the top of the Boulder as a smile formed on its face, "you think you have the right to wash those whiskers off your face, HA, a weak little girl like you could never hit me, especially standing still!" "Hey what the heck man, boulder, thing- whatever, we just want to wash off Elul's whiskers, is that too much to ask?"

"... Yes."

"Wow, rude."

Elul attempted another punch, only to miss.

Maybe there really was an antennae, and she wasn't just imagining it.

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ID: 36871

BD: 10

Boulder: 9/50

Elul looked up at the rock, she was so close, if she would just focus.

"Hey Elul, we got an idea." Elul looked down at the two, the original having a grin like he had already called checkmate. "We want you to pick us up and chuck us at the rocks antennae so you can punch correctly." Elul looked down at Whit, that was a clever idea, after all, she couldn't reach it, but they were just small enough for her to toss them up. She picked them up as the two linked arms, "Ready." Elul tossed them at the top of the rock, both of them stabbing their swords into the rock. The original looked up, they were a ways away, but their system of using the swords as picks was good enough for them to make it. They eventually reached a part where they could start walking and began sprinting towards the goal. "Huh, there's an off switch." The new Whit threw the switch, giving Elul a thumbs up. "Wait, what just happened, how in the world?"

Elul ignored the rocks confused words as she placed a hand on the crack, quickly repeating her previous strategy to deal more damage to the rock.

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ID: 36881

BD: 1

Boulder: 9/50

Elul groaned as she missed again, she thought she had it!

"No more" the boulder bellowed, "guard drones, activate!" Two rocky drones appeared in front of the two, emerging from the rock. "Oh come one Elul, we need a bigger challenge then this." Elul frowned, fine then. Fifty more drones appeared out of the ground, threatening them with their blue eyes, ready to crush them with their rocky arms.

"I hate you, so much."

The Whits backpedaled, leaving the tower unguarded as the Golems came towards them. "Okay new plan, Elul, don't you have any other friends you could turn into imaginary people?"

Elul shrugged, she couldn't think of anyone else to entertain herself with as she missed another punch, most of the people she knew were people she didn't know very well.

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ID: 36887

BD: 1

Boulder: 9/50

Okay, so if she didn't have friends then imaginary characters would have to do. Elul threw a punch which missed as she tried to think of one of her favorite tv characters.

"What time is it?"

"Elul, I'm so proud of you, ADVENTURE TIME!" Whit sliced a golem in half with greater courage as he saw a chipped golden sword take out two of the golems in a single swing. Whit immediately went on a rampage with what Elul considered the greatest tv characters of her generation, leaving his confused counterpart behind. While Elul wasn't sure if Whit liked Adventure time, she figured that Whit would get along with him if they somehow met.

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ID: 38168

BD: 2

Boulder: 9/50

Elul shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts once more of her friend(s?) He wasn't here, so why was she thinking about him? I'm bored Elul answered her own question, even though she wasn't openly social, she still enjoyed the company of others, and the idea of Whit being by her side to keep her mind off of the boring event before her kept her going enough to not sit down and prolong the quest. She threw another punch once again dista- disrupted by the rays of the evil boulder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ID: 38170

BD: 6

Boulder: 8/50

Elul threw another punch, Disrup- Distracted by her thoughts again, she really needed to stop daydreaming, atleast she actually hit the weak point this time. Elul looked up, the rock was barren, but in her imagination a battlefield of mini people were destroying each other, (or Whit was destroying the golems, since it was impossible for her to imagining the bad guys winning.) Elul turned to the npc behind her, who was still staring at her like she was a sort of test subject. Elul turned back to the rock, ready to try to clear her head again.

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ID: 38171

BD: 1

Elul threw a punch, yawning, this had gotten old a while ago, especially with how often she missed.

Whit slid back, losing his balance and nearly falling over, watching as the cartoon character vanished from death. "Elul, summon anyone." Whit raised his sword to block a blow, "'cause I'm pretty sure we could at the very least use them as cannon fodder." Elul looked up, how about god? Then she could be done with this little game, just cause the apocalypse and be done with it. Elul mulled it over, she really just needed to pay attention to the rock, but like every story she wanted to know how she would make this one end.

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