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[SP:F3] The Path of the Battle Medic <<Earning a Living Reprise>> COMPLETE

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Mayuri was a lucky, lucky girl. Within the span of a few days, she went from being a no one to a rather popular girl. She would have liked it to be because of her excellent social graces; sadly it was because she had obtained something rare and valuable. So far, she’d refused every offer she’d gotten for the item; there was no way she was ever going to give up the <<Blood of Champions>>. She’d even refused party requests because she knew the only reason people wanted her there. Shay wanted to be needed because of her abilities, not for an item she only received by chance. So the young woman had to prove herself. Step one to doing so, become a better alchemist.

Shay had used her materials as payment for items that would help her out in the long run, but that meant she had nothing for crafting. She’d set off to the Alchemy shop she’d originally taken the <<Earning a Living>> quest, and reaccepted the quest, doing so would earn her five extra random materials after completing her tasks. It’d seemed that the NPC wanted her to bring in digitalis and poison spores from Poisonous Nepents both of which could be found on the third floor not far from Delilah. So Mai began her journey up to the third floor.



To complete this quest, please bring me the following:

3 Digitalis

3 Poison Spores

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Even though the third floor seemed a bit drab compared to the other floors, Mayuri liked the location immensely. It perhaps had to do with a certain someone more than anything, but anytime she was on the floor at sunrise or sunset, she would make her way back to the field of dandelions to with them dance in the breeze as she’d done with Life that day. Today she had no time to do so, and sunset wasn’t for hours. Maybe she could convince Life to come out again here with her later, but for now she had a job to do.

Mayuri found herself at the end of field where the Poisonous Nepents lived and the Foxgloves grew. The Digitalis plants were actually food for the Nepents, which is why they were so toxic to begin with. The plantlike mobs weren’t out in the open for the moment. She knew they would come once she started picking at their food supply so she took the moment of quiet to go ahead and try out her new tool. Pulling the <<Blood of Champions>> from her inventory, Mai held the glowing red crystal syringe in her hand. Since the device came without instruction, she wasn’t sure how or where to inject herself with the item. Hiking up the skirt of her short kimono, she thought it best to stick herself in the fleshy bit of her thigh hoping it wouldn’t hurt too much. She pricked herself with the device and jumped from surprise as she instantly felt a rush of warmth course through her body. She grinned as she felt stronger and watched as her health bar doubled. “This…” Mayuri laughed, “Is amazing!”





Mayuri’s New Temporary stats:

HP: 80

DMG: 5

EVA: 2

MIT: 1


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As Mayuri stepped into the field, a Poisonous Nepent cropped up and stood meters above head. These ones were much larger than the ones she had to fight on the first floor. Normally there would have been apprehension of attack on her part to something that enormous; however with the Blood of Champions within her, she didn’t feel any fear. The young woman unsheathed Light Reaver and grinned as the blade glistened in the afternoon light. Mai had this and it was time for her to go.

Activating her attack, she used <<Reaver>> on the creature, and slashed at the creature at its vertical mid-line. A ‘CRITICAL’ messaged popped up and the plant mob stopped moving instantly. The young raven hair girl landed and giggled as she’d watched the mobs health plunge quite sharply. “YESSSS!!!!” Mai cheered as she threw her hands up in the air and pointed her weapon to the sky. There was still not time for celebration as she had to keep on moving, but this was an exciting revelation nonetheless.


BD: 10     +2 CRITICAL     -1 ENERGY

(5 DMG+ 2 CRIT= 7 DMG)






Mayuri     80/80     9/10 Energy

Poisonous Nepent     13/20      

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While the nepent was frozen, Mai took the opportunity to attack the creature again using <<Reaver>>. As she hit it the mob sprung to life and lunged at the girl. Mayuri quickly dodged the nepent’s attack as it shot poisoned thorns at her. Once more, she let the system automate her actions as she swung her sword at the creature. ‘Paralysis Activated’ appeared again and Mai doubled over in laughter at how much better she was at the game now that she had her new prize. Persephone truly was lovely for passing along such a valuable tool to Shay.

With the mob frozen in place the girl twirled her blade and marched a perimeter around the creature readying herself for another go.




BD: 8     - 1 ENERGY

MD: 4 (6-2 EVA)     MISSED





Mayuri     80/80     9/10 Energy     (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     8/20  


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Mayuri was getting cocky. Way too cocky. The girl could feel her little ego bubble up inside as she was totally smashing the mob without any effort. So once more she went in to strike with her attack. However, she activated her skill much too soon and Light Reaver failed to make contact with her opponent. The mob was too dazed to attack and Mayuri bounced back to a safe distance before she could be retaliated against. It was then that she realized that it must have been her buff that was inflating her ego. It was a trait of champions after all.

“Keep it together…” shay told herself as she slapped her cheeks with her hands and got her head back in the game.



BD: 5     MISSED     -2 ENERGY

MD 1 (3-2 EVA)   MISSED


Mayuri     80/80     7/10 Energy     (-2 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     8/20  


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The pretty pink kimono clad girl brushed her long jet black hair back out of her face as she glared at the mob. She breathed slowly as he brought Light Reaver up and focused on her attack. Activating << Reaver>>, Mayuri gave into the system once more as it lead her through the vertical strike. Whenever she seemed to lose herself to the game, her attacks landed more violently. She cut the Nepent at the midline again causing both a critical and paralysis upon the creature. Its health fell so much so that only one tiny red tick of life remained.

“Awwww!” Mai whined as she stamped her foot. She had really wanted to kill the mob off with her hit, but it was still alive. She was just going to have to level her weapon. But, that would come AFTER she mastered her first aid skill.



BD: 10     +2 CRITICAL     -1 ENERGY

(5 DMG+ 2 CRIT= 7 DMG)






Mayuri     80/80     7/10 Energy     (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     1/20  


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Mayuri walked toward the Nepent as it stood there still as a picture. The mob followed her movements with its eyes and made an unusual growling sound at she approached it and patted the creatures petals. “So you’re not completely immobilized then…” she said with a smile having learned something of interest. She stayed next to the creature a few moments and noticed that slowly but surely it began to regain movement.

“It must be a timed effect,” Mayuri said as she walked away from the Nepent. The creature lashed out at her, but she easily ducked the tendril that came after the raven-haired girl.

“Naughty!” She told the mob as she slapped the tendril away hard. The Nepent recoiled and Mai jumped back putting space between she and the plant.



BD: 4      MISSED     -2 ENERGY

MD: 3     MISSED


Mayuri     80/80     5/10 Energy     (-2 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     1/20  

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Shay was a bit annoyed. She was doing well, but having so little damage ability made it difficult to really wallop the heck out of Mobs like Life could. Even though she knew her goal was to be a support player, she wouldn’t have minded the ability to at least look a little fearsome with a weapon in her hand. As it were she was hardly a threat to anything, including the plant mob before her. The girl moved in and activated her only attack once more and slashed at the monster quiet harshly. She’d over killed the creature with a critical and paralyzed it, but as it had next to no health, the thing ended up exploding into pixels and disappearing from sight. She found a small pile of poisonous spores upon the ground and carefully swept them up and into her inventory. One mob down, two more to go, at this rate she’d have what she needed rather quickly.



BD: 10    +2 CRITICAL     -1 ENERGY

(5 DMG+ 2 CRIT= 7 DMG)





Mayuri     80/80     7/10 Energy     (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     -6/20      DEAD


FOUND: +1 Poison Spore


0/3 Digitalis

1/3 Poison Spores




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Mai began to walk through the field looking for the foxgloves she needed to complete the quest. So far there was none around, but she knew they were out there. She remembered seeing them the last time she’d crossed this field while exploring one day. The girl figured the mobs must have eaten them and moved on. Once they respawned the field would once more be crawling with the darn Nepents looking to eat up her quest items before she could get to them. She supposed she would just have to fight the things to get what she needed before they could!


Mayuri     8/10 Energy (+1 Energy)

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Still nothing.

Mai crossed the field picking at the grass and swiping at the vegetation with Light Reaver.  For now that was all her shiny falchion was good for: lawn maintenance.  The girl sighed heavily and pouted. She hated this part of everything, when RNGesus was cruel and there was just nothing to find or fight. There had to be something soon or Mai was going to have a fit. Well not really. More like her writer was going to have a fit. Mai had patience, her writer, not so much.


Mayuri      9/10 Energy

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“Oh! Digitalis!”

The girl squeaked as she spotted the stalk of red foxgloves growing on the edge of the long field. “Mine…. Mine!” she said as she hurried toward it hoping that the Nepents would not spawn right at that very moment and become competition for her material. Reaching the plant, Mai gently picked it. Success! She’d collected her specimen without incident and added it into her inventory.

“YEAH!” Mai cheered.


 Mayuri:      10/10 Energy



1/3 Digitalis

1/3 Poison Spore

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LD: 13     NOTHING


“OH! MINE TOO!” Mai hollered as she bounced over toward a second stalk of foxgloves that had generated around her. The girl swiped for the plant, but the moment she did, the digitalis splintered and the fragments of it pixeled quickly and dissipated into the breeze. “NO!” She hollered as she held her hand out toward the little colored squares as the floated away from her. The girl really did have the WORST luck when it came to gathering materials. 

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The field once more began to populate with Foxgloves and Mai was excited! She decided to gather what she could before the damn Poisonous Nepents showed up and mowed down the plants before she could get her share. It wasn’t like she needed very many of them! The mobs were just terribly greedy monsters!Running for the closest digitalis, Mai plucked the stem of bright red blooms up. It held together nicely and she added them to her inventory keeping a watchful eye for the appearance of hungry Nepents  looking for a snack!


+1 Digitalis


2/3 Digitalis

1/3 Poison Spore

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Another stalk of digitalis awaited the young woman the very second she turned around. She plucked the plant up and grinned when it didn’t fade away as the other had on her. It seemed she’d gotten rather lucky with the collection portion of her material hunt. All there was left was to smash up two more Nepents and then head back to the hoity-toity little Alchemist who had originally given Shay flack for wanting to be an Alchemist. “I’ll show her…” Mai huffed, determined to become a rank up in her Alchemy by the end of the week. 


+1 Digitalis



3/3 Digitalis

1/3 Poison Spore

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  • 4 weeks later...

With all the digitalis that she needed gathered, Mai needed to focus on killing Nepents for poison spores. It just so happened that Mai was in luck! A Nepent appeared before her, and the young woman took up Light Reaver and slashed at the monster with the falchion striking the thing but not injuring it critically or stunning the beast. She moved away before the monster could strike and she readied herself mentally for the fight ahead.



BD: 6     -1 Energy

MD: 4 (6-2 EVA)     MISSED




Mayuri     80/80     9/10 Energy     (-1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     15/20  


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the blood coursing through her she felt stronger, more confident. She could see how a player could become addicted to such a feeling. She felt more alive and more powerful than she ever had in her whole life. She held Light Reaver in her hand eyeing the Nepent with a knowing smile painted across her soft pink lips. Shay would obliterate this thing and move on with nary a scratch on her. Rushing into attack, the young woman moved to attack trying to see if what she believed was true.

The Nepent shot out its poisonous needles but the creature could not hit the speedy Mai. She easily dodged each attack with little effort. Mai was finally in striking range. She lifted her blade and used <<Reaver>>, slicing at the creature’s midsection with a vertical blow. Her weapon connected, dropping the creature’s health down to half. Shay spun about and faced her opponent ready for more.


BD: 6     -1 Energy

MD: 3 (5-2 EVA)     MISSED




Mayuri     80/80     9/10 Energy     (-1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     10/20  

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Despite Mai’s confidence getting a boost, little else had improved in her skills. She had to remember she was still only a rank one in her weapon. Without higher ranks, there was little she could do in terms of attack. This was evident when she went at the Nepent once more. Mai sliced through the air with <<Reaver>>, but she released the attack too soon and missed the creature completely. "Focus Shay," She reminded herself again. The young woman took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she turned to face her opponent once more. 



BD: 4     MISSED    -2 Energy

MD: 2 (4-2 EVA)       MISSED

Mayuri     80/80     8/10 Energy     (-2 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     10/20 

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Shay took a deep breath and watched the Nepent carefully as it moved toward her. Her eyes followed it as it crept about readying her weapon for attack. The poisonous Nepent moved toward her slowly, carefully, not making an attack. It was if it was learning from her; trying to anticipate what she might do. Mai gripped her weapon in both hands, ready to strike once the Nepent was in range. She was not going to move. She would let it come to her.

The thing crept and then flew at her at a great speed. Mai tracked the thing until it was close enough. She activated <<Reaver>> slashing the creature vertically. She had struck yet another critical. The monster froze and Mai approached the thing and grinned as it made a rustling sound vibrating its needles at her. “Just one more and you’re out.” She told the thing, confident she would finish it off with her next blow.



BD: 10    +2 CRITICAL     -1 ENERGY

(5 DMG+ 2 CRIT= 7 DMG)





Mayuri     80/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     3/20 


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Mai got stupid.

The silly raven hair girl flicked the monster, inadvertently activating it back into action. “The Repent rattled its needles hard and then began to fire them at the girl who was still in close range. She ducked and twirled away as best she could, and managed to escape most of them, all but a few. Mai mis-stepped and moved right into the path of the firing needles, taking several of them in the arm. They didn’t hurt which stunned the young woman, but she was not distracted by this fact. She found she was again in striking range and activated her attack. She landed the final blow, and the mob dissolved. The poison indicator was lit on her screen as she pulled the needles from her arm remarked by the lack of pain.

Mai had two options. She could continue to fight, or head back to her shop to try and craft an antidote. She was so close to finishing, and with the blood coursing through her, she would not be moved to quit. The young woman sucked it up. She would not die from the wound, and she would heal up by the time she returned to her shop so she decided to finish the quest. Shay picked up the spores and added them to her collection.

“One more…” she told herself.



BD: 6     - 1 ENERGY

MD: 10    +2 CRITICAL



NEPENT HITS MAYURI  FOR 8 DMG     [(3*3+2)-3 MIT= 8 DMG]


Mayuri     72/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)

Poisonous Nepent     -2/20      DEAD




(For the next 10 turns, Mayuri will suffer +2 Damage due to effects of poison)


FOUND: +1 Poison Spore


3/3 Digitalis

2/3 Poison Spore




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  • 4 months later...

Mai scanned the area for another target, and sure enough, another Nepent came into view. Her health bar went down another two points, but for her, this was nothing. The blood had seen to her protection so all she need to was fight.  She squeezed Light Reaver in her balled little fist and went in for the attack. Her falchion cut through the air and sliced into her intended target. The unsuspecting mob let out a shrill cry and shook as Mai moved past the creature without retaliation. Her health bar ticked down a small amount again and Mai clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. The little poison icon blinked on her interface and it bothered the girl. “Nine more rounds…” Mai reminded herself, though her fight would be over much faster than that.



BD: 7      - 1 ENERGY

MD: 0     (2-2 EVA)








Mayuri     70/80     8/10 Energy        (-1 Energy/+1 Energy)


Poisonous Nepent     15/20 


9 Posts until Poison wears off


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