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[PP-F?] Thicker than Water (Opal)

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Azide smiled as his eyes caught sight of a hand reaching out toward him, and moved his own to meet it with a firm clasp. "If you really wish to thank someone for the duel, then I'm sure Heathcliff would be more than happy to accept your gratitude," he remarked, a curl of his lips sending one corner upward while the other remained in place. He wondered if Opal had caught the twinkle in his eye, which hinted at the playfulness behind his words. Of course he had understood her sentiments- that she was being courteous and respectful with her comments, but he enjoyed being able to catch people off guard by taking those courtesies at face value.

Their hands shook once, but that was enough. Besides, that was one more shake than there had been when they'd initially met- when the young lady had been more about business than pleasantries. "Then again, I have yet to meet a businessman who doesn't shake hands..." he thought briefly, before casting the thought aside. There had been a change in the woman somewhere within walls of this empty arena, and within a much smaller window of time than he could have expected. Whatever it was that she had found here today was beyond his knowledge, but the fact that she had found it showed in her eyes. The colors were the same, yet different; what had once been the gold of a dying day was now the gold of one peeking just over the horizon.

"I have no recording crystals on me today, but I'll be holding you to those words all the same," spoke Azide, drawing his hand away. "In the meantime, I have a feeling that Heathcliff will not keep us waiting for long, so it'd be a waste of a goodbye to use one here. So instead, I think I'll just go with, 'See you soon.'" He weaved the freed hand to his temple in a two-fingered farewell, before turning towards the exit. A swish of green as a light breeze tugged at his coat, and he was off.

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+200 col to Azide and Opal

+1 SP to Azide and Opal

Edited by Azide
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