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[PP - F1] Out on the Town

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Another day had passed by in Aincrad; another day that the players grew closer to their liberation. Despite being trapped against their will, the game wasn't all bad. Aside from a player killer every now and then, the general player population was friendly. The world itself was unforgiving at times, but also a beautiful craft in itself. There was always something to do or people to meet and that's what Seul enjoyed most about his experience. Fighting had also become much easier. Things were starting to fall into place, but even heroes needed to take breaks. The starting city was as busy as usual with players and NPCs walking around in every direction. The street lamps had lit only a few minutes before, but he figured with it being a safe zone and all there wouldn't be too much to worry about when walking around at night.

His hands were tucked into the pockets of his coat and he was thankful for buying it when he did as the cool night air swirled around him. The city definitely slowed down as the night went on but there were still places that would be open despite the time of day. Opportunities such as these to collect one's thoughts were scarce these days, but he quickly snapped out of it as he collided with a female player who was in his path.  "Oh, um. Sorry?"

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Another night in the Town of Beginnings. Vayrin was walking to an inn when she decided to flip open her menu. With a quick swish of her hand, the white guide appeared in front of her. It was almost time, In a couple more days she would have learned enough about the game to leave the safe zone and help clear the game. That was her intention. She flipped open her map to see how many were still in the Town of Beginnings. She sighed when the number seemed to be similar to when she last checked. She flipped through her menu again, her eyes reflecting it's glow in the dark street. She stopped though when she felt the impact of another to her side. "Huh?" She staggard a step back but managed to keep her balance. She noticed the player who had just bumped into her. He was taller than her, and had dark hair. He looked to be a couple years older as well, and a lot more experienced. "Oh, no it's fine." Vayrin replied. "Probably shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the street" She said to herself. 

Edited by Vayrin
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Seul peered down at the girl with a curious look before a flash of something swept across his eyes. It was time to put on his usual routine of being a complete weirdo despite the fact that there wouldn't be a huge crowd of onlookers to view his behavior. "About that... DON"T YOU KNOW THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED?! Nope it's settled. As a hero I can't allow defenseless maidens to roam the ghoul infested streets without protection!" He was on a single knee now and did manage to get a couple of heads to turn in their direction, though no one actually stopped to watch. Most people were probably too tired to care about the antics of a bored player and a girl who got caught up in them. Seeing that his charade wasn't yielding the results he wanted he got up and fumbled into his menu for a second before closing it. "I'm Seul by the way. In all seriousness, let's go do something. Please? I will pay you in eternal friendship of course."

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Vayrin watched the player as he yelled at her. A blank expression covering her face. Unlike most, this kind of behaviour didn't make her feel uncomfortable. She remained standing still as the other player went through is dramatic explanation, ignoring the other players who were gazing at the two of them. 

She stared down at him as he got on one knee. The same silent expression masking her face. Not really sure where he was going with this, she silently shook her head, temporarily ignoring him. She looked back up when he got back on his feet. 

"That was some rather strange behaviour. Definitely not something you'd see normally" After his last comment, she'd assume he was just someone trying to flirt with her. But he had either too many drinks. (Assuming Aincrad's ale could have the same effect on one's mind as well in the real world) Or he had just gone insane since SAO launched.  "Listen buddy, it's kinda late. I think you should probably get some rest." 

Edited by Vayrin
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"Eh...?" She had a minor point but he quickly dismissed it as he had already came from his place of dwelling for a walk. Night time was perfect for prowling, though he did seem to have a talent for accidentally running into girls on the streets at this time. He placed his palms up defensively in attempt to retract his earlier actions. Though she didn't look strong, there was no way of telling what kind of people this girl had connections with. The less people that had a bad impression of him, the less likely he was to get stabbed the moment he left town. "I'm perfectly fine! I was just being weird is all; don't mind me, hahaha... Ha?"

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"Right...." Vayrin said, not sounding completely convinced. Earlier she had begun contemplating that he was mentally unstable or something. Yet he acknowledged the fact that he had been acting strange. From that point, she had no idea what his intentions were. 

"Well then, apologise for standing in your way..." She continued. Vayrin then swished in her hand in the air to open her menu once again, as she walked towards the side of the street. Hoping to avoid her previous mistake.

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