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[PP-F7] A Meal in the Mountains (Koumori&Kalesh)

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"This floor is super unappreciated..." He says to himself as he walked through the streets of the large fortress-like city. It was night now, so the green crystals above in the ceiling of the carved out mountain were shining, their light illuminating the city and giving it a beautiful glow all around! He spent some time appreciating the view of the glowing mass of shiny crystals and idly wondering to himself if he could climb up and take one. He'd have to try some time, just because it sounds like an awful idea! He'd put that off for another time though. He didn't feel like wasting a teleport crystal if he fell at the moment. In fact, he was starting to feel a bit hungry.

Giving his belly a rub he looks around curiously and soon locates a small tavern, sure they'd have some food for him to enjoy. He happily walked into the dimly lit building that had a glass ceiling, the glow of the crystals above filling the building with its natural light instead of lighting candles or torches or the like in the stone building. 'The NPC in this floor sure know how to make use of their environment.' he thought to himself as he moves to the bar and takes a seat on one of the stools next to another person who was sitting at the bar. Before taking note of the person beside him he raised his hand to the barkeeper and said "Hello! Could I get some scotch eggs, a goat leg, and some apple cider?" He smiled while awaiting his order to be taken and given to him. He loved meat but he had already made rules for the types he could eat. Thankfully this floor was somewhat accommodating in that regard!

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I had never been to the seventh floor so I made a spur of the moment decision to check it out. I went through the teleport gate on floor one and emerged inside a giant underground cavern. I was amazed by what I saw. Massive stone structures collected in a giant opening lit by beautiful green crystals. I looked up at the ceiling and saw the light sparkle between the many glowing rocks and providing the only source of light for the subterranean city. Although I heard this was the inside of a mountain so maybe that wasn't the right word. I ventured into the city and viewed all the things it had to offer. Eventually I made my way into a tavern that caught my eye. When I walked inside I saw the roof was entirely glass and the building was lit only by the crystals on the ceiling hundreds of feet above. The cool green glow gave and interesting look to the place. I walked up to the counter and sat on one of the stools before ordering tea for myself. I had only just started drinking it when someone sat down next to me. I turned my eyes to examine the player and say a male with long red hair. He also seemed to be higher level than me. I turned my attention back to my drink and kept sipping. 

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While waiting for his food he started to check his surroundings, smiling softly as he concluded the place wasn't very busy before he shrugged his shoulders and found his attention soon on the... person beside him. He spent a moment looking at them from the corner of his eye and peripheral vision before concluding he'd need a little help on this on. He holds out his hand to the other player and says "Hello, I'm Kalesh. How are you?" He strikes up some light conversation. Even if they didn't want to talk he would learn their gender he thought from their voice! That was the plan at least as he looked towards the other player with curiosity shining in his eyes. He didn't immediately react as his drink was put in front of him first while the rest of his food was cooked for him. He took this moment of introduction to look closer at the purple eyed player in front of him, giving them a once over to check their equipment would be his excuse.

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I could sense the guy next to me looking at me. He was examining me out of the corner of his eyes for quite some time. I wondered what he wanted. Finally he turned in his seat and introduced himself. I turned my head to look and saw him smiling with his hand outstretched. His name was Kalesh. He looked right at my eyes for a second before retreating his gaze elsewhere. What was wrong with him? Was there something on my face? Maybe I did something and I didn't notice. Either way, I didn't feel like shaking his hand but I wouldn't ignore him. "Hey" I said to him lightly as I took another sip. He continued to look at me after I said something so I decided I wanted to know what's up. "Can I help you?" I said in the same tone as before. 

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Kalesh took his hand back when it was refused, hearing their voice he came to a conclusion and said "Not particularily, I just thought I'd have a bit of a chat with someone while I waited and ate." He chuckles softly and looks to the side nervously from their reaction. "I can leave you alone if you want." He tried not to bother people who didn't want to be bothered, but this person did make him curious due to their features. From what he could gather they seemed to be male, but they had quite a number of cute features he could see on a lady. He figured 'hello' was a good starter compared to just opening up with what he was going to say next. "This is probably gonna sound a little weird, but you look pretty cute." He chuckles softly as he rubs the back of his neck. While waiting for a reaction he picks up his cup of cider and sips it, partially hiding his face as he drank.

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The guy took his hand back and explained what he wanted. He said he just wanted to talk but I didn't buy it. He was up to something I could feel it. He had some other reason for speaking to me. Kalesh laughed awkwardly and looked off to the side after he apologized and returned to his drink. He seemed to think about something for a little bit before he picked up his cup. He looked straight into it as he lifted it up and called me cute. If I were in a cartoon my jaw would've dropped to the floor. I didn't let it show on my face but that's what I was envisioning in my head. What I really did was momentarily freeze as I put down my own cup. He thought I was a girl too. I should've seen that coming it's been happening so much after all. And for some reason the frequency seemed to be increasing. Was there something different about me? There must've been because this time it didn't annoy me. My head must've still been confused from that potion that actually did turn me into a chick. However I still had to decide: tell the guy the truth or play on. I really wanted to finally correct someone after playing the part for so long but I couldn't. That joker side of me couldn't resist the opportunity to mess with someone so thoroughly. I turned my head towards the guy and looked towards the floor. I spoke to him shyly. "What? You really think so?" I didn't change my voice too much because it would be too obvious but there was more gentleness in it. I was sorry to think that I had mastered it by that point. What I was thinking long before was true: I really could switch it on and off. I just wondered how this guy would react to this new information. Maybe I made the wrong choice and the whole game would end up thinking I was a girl. 

(Koumori would've absolutely corrected you but it's way more fun for me to do this so sorry Koumori you get to be the butt of my jokes)

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Kalesh smiled at the bashful reaction. That was good to him, that meant that the player didn't feel insulted on the surface at least. He set down his cup and looked back to Koumori as they acted all shy. He did notice their voice had shifted slightly. It was more feminine sounding, so he entertained the thought maybe they just had something caught in their throat. It did give him a sense of conflict but he powered through. "Mhm, I do! You would look even cuter with some accessories in your hair or maybe some earrings?" He shrugged his shoulders, expressing his honest opinions without fear or worry. The truth was the truth and he prided himself in not telling lies. He did however keep his eyes on eye level as he said "You'd probably look good in a skirt too. Then again, this is a mountain floor so I do not blame you in the slightest. Pants is the right choice for sure." He chuckles, imagining many shivering female players insisting they wear their dresses and cute armors at the price of not being able to explore 90% of the floor due to climbing being needed in many areas. "Huh, never thought about it until now, but piercings wouldn't hurt... Heck, they'd probably just stick on." He touches his ear, clearly deep in thought and debate about the prospect of piercings.

(Ohhh nothing would change if y'did!)

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He smiled at me and my reaction. What I had said worked. Or maybe it didn't. What was I even trying to do? He kept going and said I'd look good with hair accessories or earings. I instinctively looked upward and brought my right hand up to touch my hair. "Accessories...earings..." Not even Manta or Sousuke had said something like that to me. The guy was seriously complementing me. Either that or he could see through me and was going through the most sadistic torture routine I had even seen. He shrugged his shoulders and took another sip as I sat there confused and feeling my hair. No self respecting dude would be caught dead with a hair clip, earings sure but not that. Still, I'd play bashful with him again. "I don't know. I've never really thought about it. That stuff probably doesn't really suit me." I took another sip of my drink too to try and get rid of the awkward air that was left. He then looked back to me again and made a suggestion that I had heard many times: I should wear a skirt. However he went on and explained for me why it would be stupid to wear one on that floor. I turned my whole body to face him and put my hands on my knees. I looked a little closer to his face as I spoke this time. "A skirt? Hey, why are you saying all these things to me? You just met me." It looks like I'd be adapting the bashful approach with this guy. Much different than I acted around Manta and Sousuke when I did this. 

(Haha good. Btw sorry for the delay)

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Kalesh shrugged his shoulders and chuckled when the other player said they weren't sure it would suit them. The fact alone they considered it before answer made Kalesh happy, it was never a bad thing for someone to think on your words instead of instantly refusing. "Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you don't think they look good, then don't wear them." He takes another sip of his cider. "I think you'd look good with some though." He smiles as his food was finally placed in front of him. The first thing he did was pick up one of the eggs cooked into breaded sausage meat, taking a nice big bite of the scotch eggs. "Mm~" He was a man of simple tastes, meat and eggs mixed into a dish was a lovely thing for him. Putting half of the eggy food down he smiles and looks over to the unnamed player again "Why? Hm..." He spent a moment in thought, arms crossed before he nodded to himself and said "I am overly nosy in other people's business and blatantly honest about my opinions and feel no desire to conceal them." He smiles happily after his little confession as he adds "Speaking of, I don't know your name." He grinned "I'll never know if you are telling the truth unless you partied up with me or became a frieeeeeend" He chuckles, all but inviting them to lie if it made them comfier.

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Kalesh laughed when I said I didn't know. For some reason he found my response amusing. When he stopped himself he told me that beauty was in the eye of the beholder, but he thought so. I really wasn't sure how to take that. As a guy I was insulted but he didn't know that. At least I didn't think he did. "Thanks, I think." We're both distracted when his food is brought to the table and our conversation was interrupted as he began to eat, which gave me time to think about things. Why was I doing this? I must've had some psychological reason making me do this that any normal person didn't have. I made a promise to myself that I'd find out what that was. He was interrupted from his feasting when I asked why he was saying all that stuff. I wanted to know what he actually thought about me but he gave me some crap about saying what was on his mind. To me that was dodging the question. Then he broke into a smile and asked me for my name. I didn't know why he added that second part. Whatever the reason, I thought it best to give him my name before he came up with something stupid. "It's Kou." Crap I'd gotten used to being called that. It was just a nickname so it wasn't a bad name, but it still wasn't my name. "Uh, Koumori." I looked at him that time and picked up my cup to take another sip. "You sure are a forward guy."

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He nodded in understanding when Koumori introduced themselves, as far as he was going to dig, honestly! "Well, nice to meet you, Koumori." He couldn't help but grin and say "Yup. I don't really do the whole 'deceit' thing. I'd rather be straight and honest. I'll just be me, and if you don't like me, then at least it'll be established early." He lost his smile a bit and sipped his drink. "I thiiiink I'd rather be disliked initially than open up to someone later and then they decide they don't like me based on something new." He shrugged his shoulders absentmindedly. "Hm. Oh, if you want a clearer reason for 'why' if I was not being obvious enough, it's called flirting." He smirked and gave Kou a wink. "Flirting is just a fun thing to do." He watched Kou curiously, checking their reaction to these points. It might have been a bit silly to say out loud but he considered their in game names to be more 'real' than their actual names... as long as they didn't do silly stuff like name themselves Sirpwnsalot. Your parents pick a name, it doesn't define you, but this gave people a chance to choose what their names were~! At least for the foreseeable future, then they'd have to use their legally bound name again.

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He greeted me again and continued explaining what he was saying about himself earlier. "Yeah, I guess I can understand that." His smile disappeared for a bit when he said he didn't want to lose friends down the road. The way he changed his attitude when he said it made me feel like that exact thing had happened to him. I wanted to know but I wasn't about to ask. I wasn't in a position to pry. His straightness was short lived as a smile crept across his face. I could tell instantly he was about to be fully honest. He winked at me when he said he had been flirting with me. I would say I was surprised but I wasn't, I had a feeling. He didn't seem to be a pathological liar so that statement threw sadistic prank out the window. I closed my eyes and smiled as I took another sip of my tea and finished it off. "Well maybe you shouldn't start off by telling the person things that would make the look better. Dontcha think?" I wasn't going to play it either way. I didn't want to actually flirt with him, for obvious reasons, and I didn't want to come clean because I could still see an opportunity to make it worse for him. Plus something told me he wouldn't believe me anyway. 

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Kalesh nodded in consideration of Kou's advice, soon saying to the other player "True, but that's why the first thing I said was that you are cute already." He looked to Koumori curiously to see how they reacted to that before going on to add "I only suggested things that could make you cuter after~!" He smiled as he picked up his goat leg and took a bite out of it, clearly being the fingerfood type of eater as he enjoyed his meal. Putting the bone back down he goes on to point out "Ah, I am sorry if it sounded like I was criticizing, I wasn't, I am just very 'how could I make this EVEN BETTER' about things. You are good as you are already." He shrugged his shoulders as he let that sit. Koumori was already a cutie in Kalesh's books as he was at this exact moment. "Mm! Should probably mention. Literal usage of the word flirt. It's just play, I have a girlfriend already... I don't need a boyfriend just yet." He winked to Koumori, revealing that he knew all along that Koumori was male and said this things despite it!

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"Right" I said plainly. I didn't particularly care to listen to his explanation. Why would I want to know why he thought I was cute? Gag me with a spoon. He took a pause to take a massive bite out of his goat, clearly not afraid to dig into food whenever he wanted. When he was ready to continue he apologized and said he wanted to make me even better. Yeesh it was a wonder if this guy picked up any girls like this. I truly felt sorry for them. "Well thanks for the advice, I guess." Then he gave me a smile that sent a chill down my spine. I knew something bad was coming. I was right, he winked at me after revealing he knew I was a boy all along. He really was toying with me. I knew I had been doing the same thing but that made me angry than I could've imagined. I stood up from my stool and grabbed the guy by the collar with both hands. I got right up and his face and said through gritted teeth "You bastard." 

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Kalesh barely contained a gasp while leaning back with wide surprised eyes. He hadn't particularly expected such... frustration. Kalesh raises his hands with his palms pointing forward in a show of a lack of hostility "Whoa whoa whoa~!" He says while trying to urge Kou down "I come in peace, diplomacy,  I'm not teasing you or something, I was serious!" He stared with wide eyes, wondering if he had to make his orientation clear or if Kou would get the hint. "I'm sorry if you are... uhm... self conscious, I meant no offense!" Kalesh was aware he was overly playful a lot of the times but he didn't do the whole veiled insult stuff, if he thinks something bad about you he's saying it straight and to your face! "Was just some harmless flirting, if you don't swing this way, I get it, peace." He said while hoping that his food would not be casualties of war.

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Kalesh raised his hands in surrender as I held my grip on his shirt. I could see the surprise in his face at my reaction, clearly he hadn't been expecting it. He claimed diplomacy and told me he wasn't trying to insult me. "Like hell" I gritted at him instantly. How could he not have been insulting me? He still seemed apologetic though when continued about me being self conscious. I lighted shoved him back as I let go and sat down in my chair. I turned back to the counter and planed to ignore him. But then he said something else. I turned back to him in surprise. If I don't swing that way...so that was it. He wasn't insulting me he actually was flirting with me. Did that mean he batted for both teams? Well that still didn't make me less angry. "I was okay with it because I thought you thought I was a girl! What kinda person goes up to a guy and tells them they should wear eatings and a skirt?! And in case you haven't figured it out, no I don't swing that way." I couldn't believe the way that things had turned out. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine something like this would happen. Maybe if I haven't been going through all this girl stuff recently I would've known what was going on. But still thinking about what he said to me gave me the chills. Was that what everyone thought about me? Would I need to start wearing a sign for people to know I was a boy and most certainly not a cross dresser?

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Kalesh raised a brow and said "Whoa, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say you should wear anything, I said I thought you might look good with earrings and such, because I think you would." He shrugged his shoulders and crossed his arms now that he had been released, barely noticing the shove as the grabbing was far more offensive to him. "Okay, I will not suggest such things to you again, message confirmed, you aren't into it." He rolled his eyes and looked to the side "You make it sound like I should know what you are into beforehand." He shrugged his shoulders and took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves. "Okay, look, I get it, societal programming all that stuff, girl clothes are girl clothes, boys can't be cute or like cute things like puppies or the color pink. Doesn't mean someone is insulting you if they are interested in you. Would you be this pissed if a kinky girl approached you and said you were cute?" He sighed softly and put his hand into his face "It would have been more insulting I think if I did think you were a girl. At least I'm not confusing who or what you are." He takes another deep breath and shakes his head before saying "Alright, we got off on the wrong foot... I wasn't saying anything about you or trying to imply anything, I am sorry for offending you... I'll pay for a meal as a peace offering? No strings, just trying to make up." He wasn't exactly smiling but he wasn't pissed looking either, trying to look genuine if nothing else.

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"Heh, I'm not going to argue the semantics of what that meant." I scoffed at him as he tried to act like there was a difference that would somehow change the implication of what he said or meant. You could probably see a comical vein pop in my forehead when he rolled his eyes and suggested that he was right to assume I'd be into that. "No, but I think you'd be right in saying most men would not take kindly to that." He went on to try and explain something along the lines of society making unfair gender distinctions. They exist for a reason dude. "No I wouldn't. I would be offended if she followed that up by saying I'd look better in women's clothing. That's different." He put his hand to his face as he went on still, this time saying that thinking I was a girl would be more insulting. He'd normally be right about that at least. "Yeah well with the week I've been having that doesn't faze me anymore..." I said as I took my turn sighing and rolling my eyes. Finally he adjusted his attitude and suggest that he make it up to me by paying for a meal. Fine whatever I'll take free food. But I still needed to keep my eyes peeled. I still couldn't tell this guys intentions. "Fine but if you try to kiss me I'll stab you." That was more joke than threat. I obviously wouldn't stab him but I felt the need to throw something in. I wasn't myself if I couldn't mess around a bit. I looked over at him and saw the somewhat fake smile he was giving me. He must've been annoyed. What could he possibly be annoyed about? I was the one that was freaked out. 

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He nodded softly and said "Fair enough, though most I think would simply stare at me like I'm crazy and say 'Nah.' before sending me on my way." He smiled when Koumori accepted the offer of free food and said "Well, then order yourself something." He shrugged his shoulders and turned to his meal, taking another bite of his scotch eggs before saying "Mm... Deal, because if I did you wouldn't be the only one doing stabbing. I just got my girlfriend a perfect quality spear, that would not end well for me." He chuckled softly to himself as he subtly points out his lack of singleness and that his words were flirts and nothing more. He wasn't going to try and convince Koumori to let himself be whisked away into the night, that was never on the table. "So, casual non-personal conversation then... Hm... What foods you like?" He looks to Koumori as he sips his drink. "It's pretty awesome that weight and diet and health aren't a dietary concern here. That's something."

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I picked up the menu and looked it over in a quick glance. I called over the tender and ordered a pork udon and indicated the guy next to me would be paying. I smiled when he mentioned his girlfriend again. "Oh right I didn't catch that the first time." Sarcasm was a blessing and a curse. "Hey maybe she and I could take turns. You know like a tag team thing?" I offered lightheartedly. I couldn't tell why he was going around flirting while also pointing out that he was taken. What could possibly be behind that? If I had a girlfriend I wouldn't be going around making idol compliments to other girls. You're not really suppose to notice other people when you're seeing someone, or at least not supposed to admit it. After some silence and my food arrived he shifted the conversation to move. Smooth. "I like Japanese food pretty much. Sometimes I try other stuff." I took a bite/sip/slurp of my meal as the awkward silence crept in. I put down my chopsticks and turned to Kalresh. "Alright we're not gonna get anywhere talking about food. Idle conversation doesn't exactly encourage investment."

Edited by Koumori
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