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Grinding is what Zelrius needed to do. And the boy rather not do it himself. Appearing in the town plaza of Snowfrost town, fully equipped out in uniques and a new skill, in which he would keep secret to himself. As for not doing things alone, Zelrius brought along his Fellow Commandant, Ssendom. As such, the boy waited, his cloak flapping gently in the winter wind as the tempature continued to drop, even more so in the over-crowded winter-wonderland Floor that was the Fourth floor. So, the blonde boy waited, the Hydra skull covering his face, both as a fashion statement of his own liking and to keep his face warm from the aforementioned dropped tempatures.

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Ssendom stepped into the fourth floor again after just recently having defeated the Berserker far beyond the town in the midst of a blizzard. The battle was intense, and to which he thought he wouldn't have to return to the floor that aggravated him due to the sheer cold winds. He noticed the Blonde boy slightly down the way, so he made strides to stop right next to his fellow Commandant and Good Friend Zelrius, "What's good Zel, did you require my services today?" He asked the boy before shifting his shoulders while trying to get used to the different weight of Gram.

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"Aye, I do." The boy went through his inventory, and tossed the Hydra skull to Dom. This time, the cloak was wrapped around his neck and hung down his back, an unusual speculation for Zelrius. The boy grinned as two sheaths appeared, one on each hip. One was Black and dark red, resembling something that would be forged in the underworld. The other had a sheath matching that of the Absolved blade, with the exception that it was in pristine and clean condition. From it, the boy drew two sword that were the exact same model, with the exception that the one drawn from Black and Red sheath was an All Black curved blade with a Deep Maroon line running down the center. And the other was of the same make, With the Black on this blade being white instead, and the red line being golden. In each hand, Zelrius flipped two blades. "Not good enough with these yet to do anything fancy, hopefully we can remedy that." He grinned as he looked toward the on coming mobs. "You're up, kill them and get some Col."

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Ssendom grinned as Zelrius demonstrated that he had learned the Unique skill Dual Blades, the two weapons were vastly different from each other and looked as if they were made from Heaven and Hell respectfully. Ssendom chuckled as he reached behind his back to grab his new Greatsword, he ripped Gram out of it's scabbard and let it shine in the light of the snowy landscape. The blade had blood on it that was permanently stained in, and was over twice the size and mass than his original greatsword the Dusk Reaver, "You aren't the only one who received a new toy and skill recently." His voice deep and booming with excitement and thrill, "I am up for as much farming as necessary." He cackled.

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The boy's grin grew even wider. His thoughts drifted to just how terrifying these must look in the eyes of anyone who happened to walk by that moment. One was wielding two swords that seemed as though they could cut you a hundred times before you could even blink, and the other was wielding a God-Slaying Greatsword that would split you in two before you could say "Oops." "I'd grind myself, But I'd have to put away one of my new toys in order to do any AoE. So I'd rather not. I am fine with not grinding at all, though this would become a very boring quest if we just stood around and talked." 

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Ssendom laughed and nodded his head, "I agree, I am not in much the mood to have conversation. I have had far too many of those with people as of recent, honestly I just want to slay some mobs, collect some col and materials and be on our merry way." He joked as he finished talking, he grabbed two Massive Turkey Legs that would improve their ability to gain col. He tossed one of them to Zelrius along with Bloodrage Crystal with it, "Take those for the farming spree we're about to take. Also here is this before you dive in to combat." He brought out a steak kabob for both of them, after handing all three to Zelrius he consumed the exact same things he gave to them. He ate all of his food along with a chocolate bar for the extra chance to obtain col.

Changed Stats: 9 DMG -> 15 | Prosperity 12 -> 15 | LD 1 -> 3

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Zelrius nodded, taking the Crystal and immediately activaying it and wolfing down a turkey leg and the Steak Kabob. All the boy could think was Damn Dom makes some good ass food. He went through his inventory, deactivating the Hydra Skull and activating the other Pendant the boy owned, increasing his Prosperity any more. Drawing his blades of Lucifer the boy grinned. "Ready when you are." He said, gesturing slightly to the distance where mobs might be. Might was in his mind because it was rare that the thousands of players that infested the fourth floor like a disease left any thing behind at all. However, if they headed toward the areas intended for Higher Level grinding, the pair might just get lucky and find some monsters worth their time.

Prosperity 5 > 8 from Turkey leg > 11 from <<Azure Rose>> Pendant

Minimum-Maximum Damage > 17-15

+2 Accuracy and +2 Evasion from AC Pendant. (Thought being able to hit more would be more profitable. 


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Walking forward ahead of Zelrius, he looked at the mobs that were walking their way and noticed they were yeti's laying down in the snow. As they stood up two health bars appeared over their head, "If you were ever wondering why there were some mobs left alone after all the trips to slay the Avalanche field boss, I think it's because they're elite mobs in the field." Ssendom laughed as he slowly withdrew Gram from it's Scabbard as he got ready to strike the three yeti's down who began to do a battle cry. From the distance even more powerful cries were sounded off, "And looks like they have big brothers, you got them?" He asked his teammate. He cleaved through the yeti's with six powerful angular strikes and annihilated them before they could move, just in time to see 4 Larger yeti's walking toward him and Zelrius, "Your turn."

ID: 37548
BD: 3 + 3 = 6
LD: 13 + 3 = 16 (2160 col per Yeti kill = 8,640 col and 4 Materials

Ssendom 174/174 HP | 12/36 Energy -24 Calamity Disaster

Yeti DEAD/144 HP | 36 MIT | 50 DMG -144(180)
Yeti DEAD/144 HP | 36 MIT | 50 DMG -144(180)
Yeti DEAD/144 HP | 36 MIT | 50 DMG -144(180)
Yeti DEAD/144 HP | 36 MIT | 50 DMG -144(180)


Ssendom's Earnings - 8,640 | 4
Zelrius's Earnings - 0 | 0


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Using Legion Destroyer, Zelrius quickly destroyed the next oncoming Yeti's. It was terrifying how strong the pair standing on the Fourth floor was. "I don't know, does it look like I got them to you?" He said, humor clouding his voice. Zelrius stared at the "Congratulations" Window that appeared after they died and had to blink several times to make sure the Col gain was real. This is going to be extremely easy. He whispered in his own mind rather than say aloud. He looked up again to see more Yeti's coming from their cries. "I've got some spare energy. You want to take a step back and get more energy while I handle these ones as well?" Zelrius asked, unsure of his Comrade's Energy amount. 

ID 37547 BD 5+2 Acc = 7 Hit. LD 8+3 = 11, Col.

7+4 fallen damage = 11, +6 Consumable Buffs = 17+5 Charge = 22 = 242 Damage

Zelrius 172/172, 22/43 Energy.

Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG
Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG
Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG
Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG


4 Materials. 7,744 Col gained

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A few smaller yeti's appeared that were smaller than the first set of yeti's that Ssendom annihilated at first, enraged at the two Commandants who were seemingly Legendary in strength at this point rushed forward to try and slay the two masters of their weapons. As they got close He cleaved through them with his Fight Blade sword art, "Now that is the most amount of energy I can personally expunge, but I hope you got some more in the tank as I see another group of bigbrother yeti's coming." He pointed out to Zelrius.

ID: 37549
BD: 6 + 3 = Hit
LD: 20 + 3 = 23 (1440 col per Yeti kill = 5,760 col and 8 Materials

Ssendom 174/174 HP | 0/36 Energy -12 Fight blade

Yeti youngerbrother 72 HP |  MIT 18
Yeti youngerbrother 72 HP |  MIT 18
Yeti youngerbrother 72 HP |  MIT 18
Yeti youngerbrother 72 HP |  MIT 18


Ssendom's Earnings - 14,400 | 12
Zelrius's Earnings - 7,744 | 4

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The yeti's swung at him, and quite honestly, Zelrius was extremely disappointed by their speed. Or lack there of more like. Each one rose a hand way far up and brought it down in the most predictable and slowest pattern Zelrius had seen in the game since boars. At least Boars can get kills. He insulted the yeti's with this comment in this head, knowing that saying out loud would be a waste of time as they wouldn't understand him anyhow. He quickly obliterated him with Legion Destoryer.

Zelrius 172/172, 1/43

ID : 37552 BD 7. LD 12 15+5 Charge = 20*11 = 220


ID: 37551 MD 1 Miss, Sorry Friendos

ID 37552 MD 3, Miss, Sorry Friendos 

ID: 37550 MD 1 Miss, Sorry friendos

Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG
Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG
Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG
Yeti BigBrother 176 | 44 Mit | 80 DMG


4 Materials. 7,744 Col gained

Ssendom's Earnings - 8,640 | 4
Zelrius's Earnings - 15,488 | 8

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Now completely drained of energy Ssendom sat down on the ground to let his energy regenerate, he looked over at Zelrius, "How much have you accumulated with your two sets of kills?" He asked his fellow Commandant whom he knew had many levels on himself so he could defeat larger sized mobs more often than Dom could. But it didn't matter, he had caught up to the front lines all together and was able to keep up with someone as Legendary as the strongest damage dealer in all of Aincrad Zelrius. While he awaited the Golden Haired boy's answer he sifted through his earnings to see how much he had come across thus far.

Ssendom's Earnings - 14,400 | 12
Zelrius's Earnings - 15,488 | 8 

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