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[PP - F1] <<Earning a Living>> Swiftly, to the Tailor!

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Isen stepped out into the morning sun, getting an early start on the day. As he moved through the beginner town, Isen looked left and right, trying to find a tailor that would teach him. After being rejected by three different craftsmen, he finally stumbled upon a middle-aged man who agreed to instruct him.

"Gather five materials and return here. I will show you how to craft basic items," was all the man said in a gruff voice, his back to Isen. The crafter did not ask for a name, nor did he provide one. He never stopped working as Isen walked out of the shop to the outskirts of the city to begin searching.

He pulled up the messaging system and sent a private message to Teion, informing her that he had begun the profession quest, and asking her to meet him outside of the West town gates.

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It didn't take long for the violet-haired girl to show up at their meeting place. She spotted Isen through the loose crowds and gave him a wave once she felt he had seen her. "Hey! Already set?" She asked with a wide smile. She hadn't made a whole lot of progress material farming on her own, so she hoped using the buddy system would serve her a bit better. She placed a hand on her hip and shifted her weight, looking out to the grassy fields past the large gates, curious to see if her new friend had already improved in the short time since they'd met.

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  • ID 37335
  • LD: 6 (No Loot)


Spotting Teion, Isen waved back. "Yep, just trying to figure out what the best way to farm would be." Moving outside the gates with her, the man continued, "I think I want to start by just searching for materials, not fighting." Sheepishly, Isen continued, "I'm not sure I'm ready to take on anything that would be worth fighting."

He began scouring the surrounding area, checking plants that he thought might be useful for crafting. Unfortunately, he was not exactly sure what he was looking for, and could not find anything. "Well, off to a fantastic start," he laughed, turning back to Teion and hoping she was having better luck than him.

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  • ID#: 37368
  • LD: 5 (no loot)

Teion chuckled lightly as she followed Isen out of the city. "Yeah, it's a lame trade-off, though. Fighting is harder with more loot, and gathering is easier with less loot." She shrugged lightly, kicking the dirt softly beneath her in a lame attempt to unearth something of use. "If you ever need to go farming, though, I'll gladly join you." She added on, folding her hand behind her head as she walked. "You burn through more and more materials as you level your profession. It's hard to keep up!" She gave a bitter half-smile.

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  • ID 37336
  • LD: 19 (+1 Material)

"Heh, I can imagine," Isen replied. "I saw how busy you were when I came in. Does it ever seem like too much? I can see how it might feel incredibly hectic trying to fill everyone's orders."

As he spoke, Isen had a realization; before sending him off, the tailor had pointed to a book on a shelf at the back of the shop and told Isen to take it. The manual detailed common ingredients that tailors found useful, complete with images! He pulled it up out of his inventory menu and flipped through, eyeing the area around him to try and match any of the images up. Kneeling down, he managed to find a plant that exactly matched one in the book and carefully collected it, adding it to his inventory. "Found one!"

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ID#: 37399

LD: 12 (no loot)

Teion let out a sigh as Isen spoke, mulling over his words. "I'd be lying if I said it was easy." She laughed lightly, scanning the ground beneath her feet for anything of interest. Coming up short, she shrugged, bringing herself back to the coversation. "Mm, it's nice though, making useful equipment for other players. A lot of them are actually really nice and understanding, too." Teion smiled, daydreaming about the customers she had visiting her shop recently.

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  • 37371
  • LD: 19 (+1 Material)


Isen continued to scan the area and reference the book, using the basic knowledge within to successfully find another plant that could be used in his chosen professions.

The man smiled at his find and turned back to Teion, nodding his understanding. "If only everyone had your conviction in helping others, we would be free of this place already," he mumbled sourly, memories flooding back. For a moment he froze, a cold hand grasping his heart and making it hard to breath. However, the feeling passed as quickly as it had come, as he was used to locking those painful memories out. Outwardly, only a slight frown showed on his face, and he hoped Teion had not been watching, as he was not ready to open up about that.

"I believe it's time to try fighting the boars again," he stated, giving a smirk to Teion. In an exaggerated dramatic voice, he continued, "I must win back my honor from these foul beasts!"

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  • ID#: 37493
  • LD: 6 (no loot) 

With a sigh, Teion determined she was destined to be unlucky while trying to gather materials. She glanced over at Isen as he spoke, frowning slightly at his words, but remaining silent. He seemed like a nice person, but she couldn't help wondering if there was someone in Aincrad he didn't get along with. With the way he spoke, at least, it sounded like he'd run into someone less friendly than her.

Her expression quickly changed to a smile as he spoke up again with gusto. She brought a hand up to cover a small chuckle at his words before raising her fist and giving the air above her head a firm punch. "Onward!" She exclaimed, with matching enthusiasm.

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  • 37478
  • BD: 5 (Miss)
  • MD: 2 (Miss)

Motivated by Teion's enthusiasm, Isen charged ahead, finding a regular sized boar and initiating combat. The combatants cautiously circled each other, waiting for an opening. Seeing the boar lose its footing for a moment, Isen drove in with his right arm, trying to rake his claws across its side. Unfortunately, he had not accounted for the boar slipping lower, and the swing went wide, missing.

The boar tried to counterattack, but its uneven footing caused it to flail around clumsily, not making contact with Isen. It got back on its feet and snorted a challenge at the man, rage building up.

  • Isen HP: 8/8
  • Boar HP: 4/4
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  • ID#: 37594
  • BD: 3 (Fail) (Heavy Momentum Active)
  • MD: 10 (Critical Success)
  • Teion's HP: 36/36 -> 35/36 (7 - 6 = 1 DMG)
  • Boar's HP: 8/8

Teion grinned, pulling out her axe. She was getting the itch to fight as well, and watching Isen approach a boar cause her to scan the area for nearby mobs. She saw a couple that were lower level, and then spotted a larger animal not far off. Her lips curled up into a smile as she set into a fighting stance and broke out into a run towards the monster. She couldn't let Isen have all the fun.

She approached the large boar, bringing her axe overhead and bringing it down hard. The beast apparently saw her initiate combat and quickly responded, deflecting the blade with a strong shove of its huge tusks, knocking her off balance. Its head swung around again, catching her in the side. "Tch." She was still a high level for the first floor's mobs, at least those close to the city. It didn't inflict much damage to her, but she still frowned in annoyance as she missed.

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  • 37479
  • BD: 8 (Hit)
  • MD: 3 (Miss)
  • Isen HP: 8/8
  • Boar HP: 2/4 (1+1+1=3 - 1 mit = 2 damage)

Isen regained his footing, wary of the boar's movements. When he saw another opening, he struck, this time connecting with his left claw to the boars side, leaving a series of nasty gashes. This had the added benefit of knocking the beast off balance, causing it to miss him. Smiling at the hit, he looked over to where Teion had engaged a much larger boar and became worried. After a moment, he remembered that she was much higher level than him, and this would be no challenge for her.

Hopping back and sparing a second to breath, Isen reengaged the boar, determined to finish it with his next blow.

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  • ID#: 37614
  • BD: 8 (Success) (Heavy Momentum Lost)
    • Ultimate Breaker Activated
  • MD: -Dead- Teion's HP: 36/36
    • EP: 9/9 -> 6/9
  • Boar's HP: 8/8 -> 0/8 ([4 + 2] x 3 - 2 MIT = 16 DMG)
  • LD: 8 (no loot)

Teion regained her balance and gripped the handle of her axe tightly. The blade glowed a bright blue and she swung the blade upwards in two fast motions, quickly coming down with a harder finishing strike. She sliced the boar up nicely, three red gashes glowing as the monster's HP dropped quickly to zero and it disappeared in a burst of light. With a large exhale, Teion's stance relaxed a bit. She frowned when no loot window appeared, but shrugged, figuring her luck on this floor was just bad.

She finished her fight in just enough time to watch Isen take a swipe at the boar he was fighting. He looked to be doing well, bringing the boar to half health as it hadn't put a scratch on him. She cheered him on in her head, watching patiently for his next attack.

Edited by Teion
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  • ID 37605
  • BD 6 (Hit)
  • LD 16 (+1 material and 20 col)
  • Isen HP: 8/8
  • Boar HP: 0/4 (1+1+1=3-1 MIT = 2 damage)

Isen readied himself for another strike and quickly lunged at the boar. Before it had time to react, he swiped across its about, landing three deep rends. The boar fell to the ground and vanished in puff of light.

A loot window popped up and awarded him with a material and a bit of col. Isen accepted the loot and cheered, finally able to score a kill without nearly dying. Turning to Teion he waved and called out, "Only two more materials!"

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  • ID#: 37968
  • BD: 6 (Success)
    • Whirlwind Activated
  • MD: -Dead-
  • Teion's HP: 36/36
    • EP: 7/9 -> 5/9
  • Boar's HP: 4/4 -> 0/4 (4 x 2 - 1 = 7 DMG)
  • LD: 4 (no loot)

As Isen finished his fight and emerged victorious, Teion smiled and headed back towards him. On the way, a stray boar stood in her path, so she shrugged lightly to herself, hoping for a material drop as she gripped her axe and the blade started glowing. She swung at the boar and hit directly, making quick work of it as its HP dropped to zero and the creature exploded into pixels. She waited a moment before cursing under her breath, receiving nothing for the kill. Farming wasn't going to be an easy task out here. She shrugged lightly as she continued over, figuring she would just have to make the trip to the higher levels and try her luck there.

"Nice!" She smiled, lifting her axe up and resting the handle against her shoulder. "My luck's pretty rotten today, but I'm still up for some more combat, if you want." She gave a small wave of her hand, allowing him to take the lead.

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  • 37835
  • BD: 7
  • MD: 10
  • Isen HP: 3/8 (3+2=5 damage)
  • Boar HP: 2/4 (1+1+1=3-1=2 damage)

Isen rushed towards another boar, eager to get more materials to begin actually crafting. In his haste, he managed to startle the boar and score a decent strike, leaving the boar fairly wounded. Unfortunately, he also left himself wide open for a counterattack, and the boar took full advantage, goring him with its tusks. Dropping to one knee, he took shallow breaths, the pain from the symmetrical wounds causing his vision to blur. Suddenly, his first encounter with Teion came flooding back and he froze up, terrified that he might actually die this time.

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  • ID#: 38038
  • BD: 2 (Fail) (Heavy Momentum Activated)
  • Teion's HP: 36/36 (0 Hate)
  • Isen's HP: 3/8 (1 Hate)
  • Boar's HP: 2/4

Teion watched eagerly as Isen rushed off, engaging another boar in hopes for more loot. She rocked back and forth on her heels, observing as he landed a solid hit and dropped the boar's HP to half. She froze, startled as the boar managed a critical hit against him, bringing him to the red zone in one strike. Her expression quickly turned grim, pushing her axe off of her shoulder and bringing it to her waist. She ran up to the creature and attempted a strike, bringing her weapon across her body and coming just short of striking the mob. A small growl escaped her as she pulled her weapon back and tried to ready another attack, hoping the boar had used up all of its luck for now.

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  • ID #38000
  • BD: 3 (Miss)
  • MD: 1 (Miss)
  • Isen HP: 3/8 (1 hate)
  • Boar HP: 2/4
  • Teion HP 36/36 (0 hate)

Isen shakily got back up to his feet, and assumed a defensive stance. He nodded to Teion and silently thanked her for helping, but cringed as she missed her swing. 'If I am to die here, I will go down fighting,' he thought, readying himself. He attempted to swipe at the boar, but the last blow still had him winded, and without enough force behind the attack, it stopped just short of the beast. Thankfully, the boar lost its footing while charging back at him and slipped, also missing. With an audible sigh of relief, he steadied himself, getting his breathing back under control.

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  • ID#: 38116
  • BD: 7 (Success)
  • Teion's HP: 36/36
  • Isen's HP: 3/8
  • Boar's HP: 2/4 -> 0/4 (4 - 1 = 3 DMG)
  • LD: 4 (no loot)

Teion prepared for another attack as Isen and the boar missed each other. She lifted her axe up and approached the boar again, swinging down and this time landing a clean hit. She finished the creature off, its HP dropping to zero, and it exploded into light as a result. She set the heavy blade of her axe to the ground, resting a hand on the handle's edge as she wiped her forehead with the back of her other hand. She let out a small sigh, giving Isen a weak smile. "Got it!" She gave a nervous laugh. "Sorry things got a bit close there..." She added sheepishly.

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  • ID #38001
  • BD: 10 (Crit +2 damage)
  • LD: 12 (+1 material and 20 col)
  • Isen HP: 3/8
  • Boar HP: 0/4 (1+1+1+2=5-1 mit=4 damage)

Isen sighed as the boar in front of him disappeared, killed by his friend. "Thank you," he muttered, not meaning to appear rude, but too angry with himself to notice. He sulked for a moment, ruminating on how weak he was. His self loathing kept building up until he was almost rage-blind, and he charged off after the nearest target he could, another boar a few meters away.  He ran headlong at the creature, putting all of his momentum behind a brutal swing, slicing the beast from tusk to ribs. The boar instantly exploded in a cloud of light and dissipated. Isen, in the state he was in, barely noticed the loot window pop up and accepted before he dropped to his knees, exhausted.


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  • ID#: 38123
  • LD: 7 (no loot)

Teion shifted her weight, expecting Isen to stop and let the health regeneration kick in before they moved on. She was taken aback when he did just the opposite, charging forward to another boar. She stood, stunned for a moment, and was about to call out to him. Before any words could leave her, however, Isen had made quick work of a boar, slicing it cleanly and taking it out in one hit. She stood lamely, one hand still resting on the handle of her axe. After a few quiet moments, Teion hoisted the weapon up and jogged over to Isen, sitting down nearby as he finally stopped to catch his breath. "That was amazing!" She said with a bright smile, praising her new friend.

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