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[PP-F4] An Interest in Rogues (Seul's Guild Application)

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Emerath sat in his shop by the fire. He had been corresponding with a player who was interested in joining his guild, and had unfortunately been rather busy as of late and had been unable to find the time to schedule a meeting. But, now was the time, as he sent off the message to Seul saying, 'Hello Seul, and thank you for your interest in the Dapper Rogues! I'd like to have you come to my shop on the fourth floor. I have sent you a map of the location for reference, so that we may meet and chat, and discuss what your role in our guild would be. I look forward to the visit!' Emerath had prepared tea for his visitor, which he hoped he would find pleasant. But just in case, there was also a pitcher of water in case the preference was not that of tea. He then prepared his own cup of tea, placing his cream and sugar in it, before making his way back over to the small sitting area by the fire where the shop was warmest, as he watched expectantly for the door to open.

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Upon receiving the message, Seul began the trek up to the fourth floor and specifically too the Emerath's shop. Though it took a little longer than he would have liked as the map only slightly alleviated his poor sense of direction. After wandering about Snowfrost Town for a time, he stumbled across the building in question and flung the door open before rolling inside to soak up any warmth he could find. "How can anyone live on this floor?!" He exclaimed before closing the door and dragging his still half-shivering body over to the sitting area. Slumping into the closest chair, he turned his attention to Emerath and offered up a smile accompanied by a hardy wave. "Thanks for getting back to me about my application. I made a beeline here as soon as I got your message."

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Emerath had been sipping his tea when the door was slammed open and Seul practically flopped into his storefront. He nearly dropped his tea in surprise, but managed to salvage it and calm himself enough to place the teacup down and greet his guest. "Ah, Seul, I presume? It is nice to get the chance to meet you." He smiled and stood so that he could give a bow to Seul, saying, "My name is Eru, though in game I am known as Emerath. I am Spymaster and leader of the Dapper Rogues, as you already know. But I feel it best to ensure that we get these pleasantries out of the way." And with that, Emerath sat back down and waved a hand over the tea set between them as they sat in front of the fire, "You are welcome to some tea, though there is also water if tea is not your preference. Thank you again for joining me, and your interest in my guild. Please, tell me a bit about yourself as you get situated, or you are welcome to ask any questions you may have and I shall answer as best I can."

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