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[F2-PP] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> (Calrex)

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Shizuka was off once again on yet another quest. She was feeling rather down after having learnt that there were at least two supports that were better and higher levelled than her. Plus, the fact that she has just recently missed a boss fight due to a stupid little boar was more than enough to agitate her. Sadness had engulfed her as her good times in this game seemed to have just smashed into millions and millions of different pieces. She knew that it was selfish to think like this but she couldn't help. As an Azure Brigade member, she would have to be competitive because, at any point, she might be kicked out for being weak or useless. She needed someone to help her out with a quest and she really didn't want anyone from her guild as they might criticize her for missing probably the most important battle of her life to this point, and the best chance that she would have to obtain a unique item. Now the item would definitely go to the other healer. With a curse and a groan, she kicked at the grass underneath her feet as she walked along the second floor which she's been on for quite some time now. I want to finish off the quests on this floor. She thought, deciding to make that a short-term goal of hers. With a sigh, she thought that she would have to bother Calrex once more especially since there were absolutely no one else that she could really go to for this quest. Plus, she figured that the man would probably have some sort of skill that allows him to be better at punching rocks. 

Indeed, soon, Shizuka had arrived at the hut at probably the highest mountain on the second floor. She then went inside to where she believed the quest giver would be located. She went inside and accepted the quest in which soon, the quest giver would lead her to the rock and showed her that she would have to punch the rock to destroy it instead of using her sword to do so. With a sigh, she decided that she would PM Calrex but then, the quest giver decided to surprise her by painting whiskers on her face. "Wha-" She said in surprise before falling back a little having been sneaked up like that. Shizuka proceeds to glare at the quest giver to see that he gave it absolutely not thought. Argh.... She thought in annoyance as she stared at the rock that she would have to destroy in order to obtain the skill points and the extra skill that she would obtain. However, she did not need this skill... she was just here for the skill points. The skill would be a good bonus but not necessary. She then opened up her menu and opened up to her friend list where she soon sent out the PM to Calrex, requesting his help for the quest. She hoped that the man would come as it might be a long day if she did not have company and help with this quest. With another groan, she glared at the rock, annoyed that it even existed. Punching the rock might be good for me... It surely would release some of the anger that has stored up inside me the past few days. She thought before sitting down under the shade of a tree and crossing her legs, she stared blankly ahead of her to wait for Calrex to arrive so she would be able to strike the boulder first. I wanna get rid of this thing quickly. She decided.

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Calrex looked as he saw a message appear, seeing that it was Shizuka with yet another request for assistance in a quiet, this time <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>. He couldn't help but give a small laugh, "This is the third time in such a short period that I've already assisted her. Now even Greg is asking for my help. Nonetheless the quest undertaking would do me some good."

Swiping on his menu he walked over to the teleportation circle, appearing on the second floor as he turned on his tracker, allowing him to make his way over to his teammate's location. Giving a wave and a friendly smile he completed his trek over, "Hey Shizuka, I'm guessing you need my help this time with punching a rock?"

"Well...at least from what I've heard at least the rock doesn't punch back anymore. Geezes the time I took this on it turned into a golem and nearly killed me. If it weren't for the two potions I had from Baldur's shop I probably wouldn't be standing right now. Speaking of him I hope he's doing alright..."

Snapping out of his thoughts he gave a nod before noticing something off, "So...if you don't mind me asking, why do you have whiskers painted on your face?"

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Shizuka frowned. She hadn't anticipated that Calrex didn't know that the quest taker would be painted with whiskers to ensure that they would have to stay until the end of the rock breaking and not just ditch it in impatience. She knew full well that she would have to spend some time here, trying to break the rock. However, she hoped that she wouldn't have to spend too long to a point in which she would do something stupid in frustration. Shizuka sighed before looking at Calrex, "Well, the quest giver painted this on my face after I accepted the quest. I think it's because he wants to keep me going at the rock or else the whiskers would never disappear. Do you not know of this? Perhaps it's a new thing." Shizuka said before trailing off in a deep thought. She would never know what it was like to be in the past as she, herself, as wasted much time in despair and depression, something that she was not exactly proud of and she would prefer not to remember what the times were like. But here she was, feeling very down and low, using the quests as a way to please herself and to distract herself from her mistakes and weak points.

ID: 38429
Battle Dice: 4

Shizuka raised up her fist, prepared to strike the rock first. However, she managed to miss the target and well, she did not know how she had managed to miss a rock that was still standing at a cave entrance. She had swung her fist to the right side of the boulder and the end result was nothing even close to making contact. Shizuka felt like cursing, but she knew that that would be disobeying her parents. Even here, she liked to respect the wishes of her parents. "Wasn't warmed up." Shizuka mumbled in excuse.

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ID: 38430
Battle Dice: 5 (Accuracy +3) = 8

"Huh, actually yeah I think that's something new, or maybe I just got some odd version of the quest. When I did it I actually ended up traveling high into the mountain area and found a strange hollowed out top area on a peak. Inside was a stone similar to this one, but when I struck it the rock turned into an actual golem that fought back. I actually was really close to dying in that battle, but it seems this one is much more tame."

Turning to face the rock Calrex gave a calming breath as he clenched his hands into fists. His <<Martial Arts>> skill triggered as his right fist glowed with a yellow hue. Thrusting forward his punch slammed into the rock with more force than usual due to his Journeyman rank in the skill. Stepping back he gave a nod, "Alright, give it another go. One thing's for sure, this rock is certainly much harder than that golem was, but at least it doesn't hit you back."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 46/50 (4 DMG)

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ID: 38433
Battle Dice: 10

"I don't see how it would be harder to kill than a golem that almost killed you," Shizuka said in a dull, plain voice. Perhaps her tone could be interpreted as a tone of annoyance, or maybe just plain boredom. No matter how Calrex interpreted it, it would make no difference. She was still who she was. Without another word, she raised up her fist and with a cocky, determined smirk, she charged forward with a full ambition to hit the rock. It was just a standing thing, surely it wouldn't be a very hard target. Soon, not only had she been able to inflict a critical hit on it, she was also able to deal quite a bit of damage on it. With a pleased smile, she walked back before giving Calrex a shrug. A shrug that says she didn't really care. A cocky shrug. A careless shrug. However, this would take such a long time. She complained in her heart with annoyance and impatience. I'm already becoming tired? She thought in surprise.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 43/50 (3 DMG)

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ID: 38439
Battle Dice: 7 (Accuracy +3) = 10

"Well, harder to kill in that this rock seems to have more health than the golem did, heh. If it had this much health when I fought it's possible I might not have survived."

Calrex gave a nod as Shizuka took her turn striking the rock, making note of the cocky smile she threw at him while she walked by, "Huh, I guess the boastful pride iconic of some Brigade members is rubbing off on her, heh. Well she'd better be careful, most of the people I've seen throw that kind of a smirk usually had the levels, gear, and skills to back it up. She's certainly getting there, but it will be some time still."

Giving a calming breath the bluenette approached the boulder once again as he lowered himself into his <<Martial Arts>> stance. As his fist lit alight with the yellow aura once again he shot it forward, slamming it into the boulder once again as more of its health was knocked away, "In any case, go for it."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 39/50 (4 DMG)

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ID: 38440
Battle Dice: 6

Shizuka sighed, "It would probably be better for the this rock to be a golem as someone like you could probably one shot it if you had accessibility to your sword. Oh well, I guess we're just going to have to slowly grind the health of this still rock down." Shizuka said with a careless shrug. Indeed, even though she looked like she was physically concentrated and focused on this quest, she was not. She was the complete opposite. Indeed, her mind is somewhere far away in the space. Somewhere where it might never be found again. The sad events that had happened to her was well, very, very disappointing and she would rather not have that disappointment in her. Luckily, the events were not as tragic as for her to barge down crying like she had when the game started. Shizuka glared at the rock blankly before raising her small, tiny fist and charging forward. As she gained distance, she swung with her pale fist to deal a weak little one damage to the sturdy wall that was blocking the cave.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 38/50 (1 DMG)

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ID: 38469
Battle Dice: 9 (Accuracy +3) = 12 (+1 Damage)

"Heh, I wish. There's been two times I've encountered that weapon lock effect, once against the golem, and the second time when I went down into the depths of the tenth floor. I ended up having to punch a dragon to death. Luckily enough my armor held out and I managed to pull it off."

Stepping forward Calrex took his turn again at the rock. This time he imitated the movement for the <<Aggressive Twins>> Sword Art as he shot both hands forward in a double barrel strike, sending his glowing yellow fists into the rock. By this point the piece of stone started to show some cracks as he gave a nod, "Alright, we've making good progress."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 33/50 (4+1 DMG)

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ID: 38473
Battle Dice: 5

Shizuka's eyes lit up when she saw that the rock had indeed been cracked by Calrex's powerful attack. However, that moment of concentration ended and hence, it was her turn to strike the rock. Of course, punching a rock was different here than in real life... Here, it was painless but it shouldn't be. There is no pain in this game and Shizuka guessed that that was a good thing. With a sigh, she raised up her fist with little energy and ran at the boulder before striking and barely missing the target. Even though it was about two centimeters away, it was still two centimeters away and hence she would have to wait until her next attack in order to deal damage to the gigantic, tough rock. "Argh.... Your turn....." Shizuka said, hinting a tone of frustration.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 33/50

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ID: 38485
Battle Dice: 7 (Accuracy +3) = 10

Calrex gave a nod as he stepped up once again, giving a calming breath before assuming his fighting stance. Clenching his hand into a fist once again the <<Martial Arts>> glow appeared once again before he shot it into the rock. The crack that had formed seemed to grow a little bit bigger as the bluenette stepped back, "We should be close to halfway there."

"Yeah, much easier than fighting a golem. I guess the only thing you're really fighting against here is boredom, because punching a rock certainly isn't the most interesting of endeavours."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 29/50 (4 DMG)

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ID: 38516
Battle Dice: 5

Shizuka smirked as Calrex examined that they were almost half way done.  "Indeed. The health points are just above half... I think we can be finished with this boring quest soon." Shizuka said, "Honestly, I had thought that the quest would take longer than it did.... Well, I guess I can thank you and your martial arts skill for that. However, for now, I must continue with the rock hitting." Shizuka said. She had a feeling that she was going to miss as she had missed last time... It was a strange feeling, one that was unlikely to happen but you know that it would. She charged at the still target... A simple rock. A rock that should've been easy to hit. However, it was as if history had repeated itself and hence, as she swung her fist, she had missed the target just barely, but it was still missing. Shizuka grunted in frustration before coming back to where she had started running to wait for her next attempt.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 29/50

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ID: 38519
Battle Dice: 10 (Accuracy +3) = 13 (+2 Damage)

Calrex gave a nod as he watched Shizuka rush forward once again, watching as her fist flew clear of the mark, although it was only a few inches off. Observing her posture and such he went through his knowledge of real life martial arts as he tried to discern what might be causing her to miss, "Hey Shizuka, since this isn't a moving target, try not charging in to attack and strike from a stationary position. I think your body might still be getting accustomed to the movement, so in a way it's still calibrating to the game."

Walking over to the rock he stood inches away from it, squaring his stance as he gave a calming breath, centering his stance as he bent his knees. Sliding his left foot back his right hand moved up towards his head before fully extending, middle finger millimeters away from the stone. Clenching his fist the <<Martial Arts>> skill activated once again as it began lit up into a bright yellow aura.

Sliding his left foot forward Calrex drove his fist into the stone as he saw another decent chunk of health vanish from it, taking it below half. "It's a lot easier to hit when you don't have a lot of changing variables and moving parts."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 23/50 (6 DMG)

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ID: 38535
Battle Dice: 9

Shizuka listened to Calrex and decided that what he said had made sense. With a smile, she decided to give it another go with Calrex's advice. "Alright. Let's see if this works!" Shizuka said, very optimistic that she would be able to land a punch on the gigantic boulder. She walked slowly to the rock and surely she would be able to strike the rock now! She was literally standing in front of a moving target... If she was to miss this, she would have to work on some of that combat skills. With a deep breath, she raised her fist and made sure not to move even a muscle. Soon, she sent her fist towards the boulder with fierceness and intensity. Soon, she was able to strike the rock, sending its health down with a rather drastic power. Wow... That worked! She thought, not expecting herself to have dealt damage to the rock.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 21/50 (-2)

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ID: 38538
Battle Dice: 8 (Accuracy +3) = 11

Calrex gave an approving nod as he saw Shizuka take her time, assuming a stationary stance before striking the rock with more damage than before, "Nice work. Keep that up and your body should be used to the calibration in SAO. I had that trouble when I was first starting out as well, as my strikes were flying inches off of where I thought they would be."

Walking up to the rock he gave a calming breath before his elbow lit alight with the yellow glow of his skill once again. Stepping forward he drove the striking point into the rock as another chunk of health vanished from it, "If you decide to go with this skill I'd suggest getting it to at least journeyman rank if you want to have a good damage dealing skill. I know you're going for support, but having the most powerful Sword Art for the one-handed straight sword doesn't hurt."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 17/50 (-4)

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ID: 38572
Battle Dice: 5

Shizuka smiled as the man decided that he would give her a bit of tip regarding how to deal more damage. However, she didn't have the skill points to invest in the weapon skills as currently, she was in deep need to level up her first aid in order to improve her healing efficiency. Shizuka sighed before preparing yet another strike on the boulder, hoping that they could end this quest soon. However, things were not according to plan because as she charged forward, she managed to slip on the wet grass and as a result, she had face-planted right onto the green grass, thus ending her turn. "Argh... What is with my luck today?" She complained to no one in particular before walking back and dusting herself off. Also, she made sure that her face had not been injured as a result of that. 

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 17/50 

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ID: 38573
Battle Dice: 5 (Accuracy +3) = 8

"Heh, don't worry about it too badly. If you really want to up your hit frequency you can always invest in accuracy boosting gear and items, but that's something for a later time. I actually didn't really start looking at enhanced gear until I obtained most of my skills."

Stepping forward Calrex gave a calming breath as he reactivated his <<Martial Arts>> skill, striking the rock once again as he gave a calming breath, "Alright, it's at about half health now. Shouldn't be much longer until we're done with this quest."

After completing his attack the bluenette stepped back, giving Shizuka another shot at it.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 13/50 

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ID: 38607
Battle Dice: 3

Shizuka smiled when Calrex explained how it made it easier to hit stuff when she invested in some accuracy, but he was right that she was not prioritizing any of her combat skills. In fact, she will probably never be investing any skill points into the combat skill sets. However, she did indeed take note that accuracy was important in case she would need to know that at a different time. "Alrighty then," Shizuka said as she prepared to charge at the rock and strike when the time is right. "Let's finish up this quest." Were her words when she walked up to the rock and tried to punch it only to miss it once more. With a sigh, she walked back, allowing Calrex to hit and bring them closer to the breaking of the unbreakable.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 13/50 

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ID: 38651
Battle Dice: 7 (Accuracy +3) = 10

Calrex gave a nod as Shizuka stepped forward, throwing another missed strike before walking back. He stepped forward as he gave a calming breath, lowering his stance as he brought his fist back, the limb lighting up with his skill's yellow glowing aura. Firing it forward like a cannon his punch slammed into the rock once again as he saw it drop below half health, the large crack the two had made in it reaching almost the edges of the boulder.

"Alright, just a couple more hits and we should be done here."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 9/50 (4 DMG)

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ID: 38669
Battle Dice: 4

Shizuka sighed before deciding that she would attempt once more to at least land some sort of contact on the mob. However, things were just not looking good for her. With a confidence, she had thought that she was able to make contact but nooo.... The game decided that she was to miss and of course, no matter how unfair and frustrating the game can be, there is nothing the players can do to change it. With a sigh of disappointment, she walked back to the starting location, hoping that she would be able to finish the boulder in due time after Calrex hits it in his next attack.

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 9/50

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ID: 38736
Battle Dice: 4 (Accuracy +3) = 7

"You're doing fine Shizuka, keep going at it. If you can, try and keep track how much your attacks are off from where you were expecting them to be. Sometimes you can detect a pattern and take that into account."

Stepping forward he gave a calming breath, the yellow aura reappearing as he took a single quick step forward, unleashing yet another spinning elbow blow into the rock. As it cracked further the rock was inches away from splitting as the bluenette gave a nod, "We're just about done."

HP List:
Shizuka: 52/52

Large Rock: 5/50 (4 DMG)

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