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(Sp-F1) Facing reality (Completed)

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"How much further until we reach the main dungeon" Bishop called out to the others.

"We just got into this cave no more than five minutes, Bishop" Eurifacles  responded. "Would it kill you to have some patience? You are the only one out of the 6 of us that have complained this entire journey."

"You may want to correct yourself there, Eurif" Bishop responded snidely.

"Would you two try to keep cool heads. We just got here and who knows what the hell we are going to find here" Mariska retorted, obviously irritated. 

"Whats there to worry about. Have you seen our company" Regigous laughed. "We have a high ranking member of the Crimson Blades here, as well as the leader of Midnight Solace. Not to mention my brute strength. We've tackled things way worse than this." 

"We may have many accolades, but that doesn't mean we should get soft" Polaris chimed in. 

"I agree with Polaris" i said to the crowd. "We may have killed things worse than what we think are in this cave, but in reality, we need to keep our guard up."

'Yeah, whatever. The thing i'm concerned about is why Regi didn't mention my guild. The Iron Warhorse too spooky for you Regi?" Bishop said

"The thing you really should be concerned with is me putting you through a wall" Eurifacles called back to Bishop.  Murifacy chuckled

     I jolted up from my sleep in a hot sweat.

"I'm never going to be able to forget, am i" i said into nothingness. My companion, Khepri, must have sensed my unrest, because he began brushing against my arm. I looked out the window of my shop. It was the dead of night. I knew that sleep was now pointless. I got up out of my bed and put on my robes and grabbed my rapier. Khepri made his way up my arm. I walked out the door into the night...        

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Night was arguably my least favorite time of day. This was because it was so damn reminiscent of that hellish cave. I took a deep breath and ran through the Town of Beginnings into the fields. I could see no one in the streets. But, there was this feeling in the back of my mind. I felt as if i was being watched. Sure, I've been watched before. My old friend Koumori had mad a run in with a hooded man multiple times, but it didn't feel like that. This, entity, seemed to be watching me from all angles. I made it out of the town and into the plains of the first floor. I drew my rapier to combat what lie in the fields. I then spotted a group of boars. One was obviously bigger than the others. I charged towards these monsters. After what had just happened, i needed to kill something...

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ID: 38732

MD; 9

CD: 10

Abalasster 22/24 (Mit. and Healing add 2)

Big Boar 12/12

Boar 2 6/6

Boar 3 6/6

The biggest of the boars must have seen me coming at him, because he began sprinting at me to intercept. He made contact, but i was able to bring my rapier to block some of the impact. But i wasn't able to catch all of it. The boar knocked me back and i fell to the ground. I picked myself up and charged right back after the boar...

ID: 38733

BD: 8+1= 9; 9x2 =18 across all targets

I  ran at the boars. I struck my rapier into the boar on the furthest right. I then brought it into the giant boar and finally into the boar on the left. I did the same again, but this time from left o right. All of the boar's fell. I sheathed my rapier and walked further into the plains...  

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As I walked though the fields, I found a tree that I could rest against. It was enormous. I sat down and leaned against the behemoth.  I stared up into the night sky. It was one of the most breath taking sights. It felt as if I was back home, in the real world, sitting down against a tree, looking into the night sky. But, in the blink of an eye, everything changed, an I was thrust into what seemed like an alternate reality...

"It would appear as if this is it" Eurifracles said, knocking on the iron door that lay ahead of them

 "Thank the heavens" Bishop said, exhaling. He drew his sword and got ready for what lay behind the door. Polaris walked up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder

"My friend, you need to go slowly through this" Polaris began. "Who the hell knows what the hell is behind that door"

"Well, whatever it is, its nothing I can't handle" Regigous said with a smirk across his face as he drew his mace and shield.

Abalasster drew his rapier and got into his defensive position.

Mariska drew her long sword and walked to the front of the group. 

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Bishop. We have made it to our destination. But, this doesn't yet mean that we should get joyous. I want everyone in position. Regigous and I will take the front. Abalasster, Eurifacles and Bishop, you three are behind us. Polaris and Murifacy, you two flank the enemy. If enemies come directly out of this door, which I'm certain they will, we need to be ready". 

Bishop nudged Abalasster.

"Hey" he began. "Whats going on with you? Before this, you had this diplomatic kind of swagger. But now you seem to be more serious than Eurif.?"

"Something about this place offsets me..." Abalasster began

Before he could finish, the iron door opened...

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The vision ended abruptly. It seemed to end just as fast as it started. I put my head into my hands. "What the absolute hell was that" I proclaimed into the open wilderness. I didn't care if anyone heard me. What I experienced wasn't just a vision, but a memory. It shared my similarities to the first one that I experienced this night. But, my time for trying to rationalize what had just happened ended rather abruptly. I looked up to see what appeared to be 3 grass warriors running at me. I jumped back up to my feet and unsheathed my rapier. I ran at the grass warriors, hoping that I could get the first strike...


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ID: 39032,3,4

MD: 4,6,4

Abalasster: 28/28

Warrior 14/14

Warrior 14/14

Warrior 14/14

The Three grass warrior came at me swiftly and it what seemed like perfect form. I had never seen anything like it on floor 1. All I had ever seen were boar and other trash mobs. They all attacked with coordinated swings. I blocked the strike of the first one with my rapier. I was able to to duck under the second one. The third one almost hit. I was just able to jump over it. My opponents and I had just traded positions on the battlefield. I got my rapier ready for a retaliatory strike...

ID: 39035

BD: 9+1= 10= 2 crits + 1 base damage + 1dmg+ bleed x2

Abalasster 28/28

Warriors 6/14 -2 for next 2 turns 

  Warrior 6/14 -2 for next 2 turns 

Warrior 6/14 -2 for next 2 turns 

I took my rapier and ran at the grassland warriors. I began by thrusting my rapier into the right most warrior. It took little effort. I then focused for the one in the middle, he put up more resistance, but I could tell that these warriors were ones who preferred to attack rather than defend. I was able to get both the center on and the left one with ease. I then repeated the process in reverse. I left them all reeling. I readied my rapier in the defensive position. One more basic attack would finish all of them...

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The Monsters recovered from their injured state. They formed back into the stance that they had made when they first confronted me. They then began to run at me...


MD: 7,9,7

CD: 10, 12

Damage: 10-3 from Mit= 7- 2 from healing= 5

Abalasster 23/28

Warrior 4/14 -2 next turn

Warrior 4/14 -2 next turn

Warrior 4/14 -2 next turn

As they ran at me I could basically see the determination in their expressions. I wasn't able to dodge any of their attacks like I had the first time. The first one ran by and hit me in the leg. This left me open for the next attack. As the thing ran by, I could see that it was aiming for my head. I took my rapier and knocked the blade so that it hit me in the chest. This knocked me down on my back. The last warrior hit my other leg. I swore as I lay on the ground. I stuck my rapier into the ground to hoist me upright. I took it out of the ground and began slowly towards the monsters...


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ID: 39136

BD: 8 + 1= 9

DMG: 3 x 2 = 5

Abalasster 23/28

Warriors: dead

I walked slowly towards the warriors, as they had left a severe pain in my legs. As i approached the first, I raised my rapier to strike. But, the warrior must have gotten cocky, because he attempted to strike me first. I dodged his attack and struck it down.

"One down" I said aloud. I raised my rapier to strike the next one. This monster and I traded hits with the sword, but it ended up slipping after an attack, and I thrust my blade into its abdomen. That only left one left. The last monster had no expression on its face. I expected as much from such a being. I stuck him, and staggered it back. I then thrust my rapier into its left knee. It collapsed to the ground. I then hacked off its head... 

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ID:39138, 42, 43

LD: 20+2, 6+2, 18+2

I walked over to the bodies of the monsters. I looked down at the enemies that I had just defeated. It had been a short but semi painful battle. I dropped to the ground. The wounds were just starting to set in. I began to prop myself up with my rapier. I looked around my surrounding to make sure that no other surprises happened. I looked down to see that Khepri was at my side. I had forgot all about him since the battle began. It was good to see him in one piece...

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  • 1 month later...

Khepri climbed back up onto my shoulder. I smiled. I had one friend left that had been with me through everything. While everyone else seemed to recede and fade he had always been with me. I fell to the ground with Fatigue. I knew that I wasn't wise to lay in a zone where I had the chance of getting killed, but I felt as if nothing would happen to me. I closed my eyes and began to drift away...

"Abalasster, Left flank" Mariska called out

Abalasster saw the skeleton warriors approaching and took them out with three quick strikes

"Kept the phalanx in tack" Mariska called back to the members behind her. 

As the 5 warriors fought against the ever growing enemy, Polaris and Murifacy flanked the enemy to start a battle on two fronts

"Spears!" Regigous shouted

A storm of spears came at the 5 warriors

"Splits" Bishop exclaimed

Most of the warriors were able to avoid the spears, except for one

"I'm hit" Regigous exclaimed in pain, with a spear lodged in his knee

Polaris and Murifacy got behind the enemy and began to unleash havoc

"Abalasster, stay with Regigous and make sure he doesn't get hurt anymore, the rest of you guys, on me" Mariska proclaimed, charging the enemy

Within the next few minutes, the army had been defeated, but the group had suffered a serious casualty

"This thing isn't coming out" Abalasster told the group

"It has to" Murifacy said with panic in her voice

"If we take it out, his leg is as good as gone" Abalasster said gravely

The group stood around Regigous in silence. He was the tank of the group. If the monsters of the cave could already shut down the one who is supposed to be immovable, then what else wa in store in the deeper regions of the cave...    


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  • 1 year later...

"What the hell are we supposed to do now" Bishop exclaimed

"We aren't leaving him" Mariska said forcefully

"We may have no other option Mariska"  Eurifracles said

"No Eurif, we aren't leaving him and that is final!" Mariska said as she got into Eurifracles's  face

"Well then what do you suppose we do with him then? Carry him? Alright fine! Abalasster you get his feet, i'll get his upper body. If worse comes to worst we'll use him as a f*cking battering ram!" Eurifracles spat back at Mariska. 

"Eurif" I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You need to calm down, this isn't helping anyone" I was at this time that Regigous placed his hand on Mariska's leg, trying to get her attention

"Mariska" he said faintly "Mariska...you all are going to have to go without me. It'll be okay. I understand. I'm just putting the group in danger"

"No Regi" Mariska began, near the point of sobbing. "We can find a way to save you, I know we can. Just please hold in there"

"Mariska..." Regi spoke, even fainter this time. "Let me go, And stop crying, you got to look good in front of the others" He finished his statement with a smile. Mariska knelt down next to him on the brink of tears. Polaris and Murifacy Bishop, I and Eurifracles stood together, pondering what our next move should be.

"Are you sure you want to leave Regi" Bishop asked

"Positive" Eurif remarked. "We can't afford to be diverting resources to carry him throughout. It will just result in more peopled killed"

I sighed at this. I knew Eurif was right. If we carried him then more of us would die. And who's to say that Regi will even be alive much longer. 

"Then what's our next move" I asked

"Mariska isn't in a position to lead right now, so I'm taking over" Eurif dictated. He then began moving towards the way that the army of skeleton warriors had ambushed them. He then turned back and looked to the rest of the group. 

"Come on, lets get moving" he said. Bishop was the first to start moving, followed by Murifacy and Polaris. I however, went over to Mariska to comfort her.

"Mariska," I began. Its going to be okay. We'll get through this. But if we don't move then all of us will die here" Regi then joined in

"You both need to go. Don't worry about me. Just keep treading forwards" I helped Mariska get up and move towards the same way that the rest of the group had moved...

I abruptly awoke from my sleep on the grass and looked around at my surroundings. I was alone and it was daytime now. I got up slowly from the ground, and as I did, my head ached severely. I then realized it had been a rather long time since I had eaten. I opened my inventory and pulled out some bread and water, and had my first meal in at least 3 days...

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The bread, in retrospect,  wasn't the most satisfying thing in the world. However, in the moment, it was one of the most divine things that I have ever had. It felt so good to eat again. It had been far too long since he had taken a bit of anything. I finished up the bread quite swiftly. Once finished, I picked myself up off the ground and looked out over the horizon. The Sun was in peak position and the day was young. I don't recall why I did this, but I just ran. I ran as far as my legs could take me. I was aware that there were certain dangers around me but at this point I just was carefree. I wasn't thinking whether a monster would leap out and attack me or whether or not some vile thing would pounce from out of nowhere. No, the only thing I was thinking about was running. And it was blissful. I ran so far and for so long. What only felt like a minutes run ended up being an hour. And when I finished, I was a good distance away from the town of beginnings. I eventually grew tired of running and sat down on the ground. I took a deep breath and settled in. I looked off in the distance and saw a Grassland Warrior in the distance, standing guard near a cave. I put my hand on my sword, Transcendence. Soon, I would be taking the battle to him...   

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I gripped my rapier and began to make my way over towards the Grassland Warrior. After a short wait, I decided that I just couldn't wait any longer and that I felt the urge to kill something. Morbid it sounds, but it was just a way to quell stress. As I approached closer and closer to the monster, it's appearance grew stranger and stranger. When I was slightly afar, I thought the creature was just some odd humanoid cloaked in green armor. However, the closer I got I realized that the thing wasn't a humanoid at att. The creature was composed entirely of grass. All the way from the head of the beast to it's feet, the Grassland Warrior was fully composed of grass. Even it's weapons, being a curved sword and a shield, were composed entirely of grass. It's eyes though, were blood red. However, that wasn't the strangest part of the beast. It's entire body, every grass fiber, seemed to ebb and flow in a downwards motion, like every part of this creature was moving. I was severely offset by this. However, I couldn't let something as peculiar as this offset me

"Here we go" I said to myself as I drew my rapier. I knew that as this point it was too late now to retreat. I leveled the blade in my hand and readied myself for combat. I stared straight forward at the creature and it stared back at me. It's expression was cold. The thing didn't seem like it wanted to fight me, however, knowing that I intended to fight it, I assumed it felt as if it had no choice but to go into defensive mode. It raised it's shield just so that the bottom half of it's face was covered. But, I feel this for certain, it left it's eyes exposed to glare right back at me...

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MD: 2-1(eva)=1 (attack failed)

Abalasster 200/200

Grassland Warrior: 100/100

    I stood firm as the Grassland Warrior made the first move. I watched as it spirited forward, it's Curved Sword ready to strike at me. Once it was in closing distance, I rolled towards my left, just as the Warrior struck the position that I had just been located at.. I smirked at this.

"Thank God I rolled" I said in my head. I leveled rapier and got ready for the beasts next strike. And sure enough, right after it's first swing with the Curved Sword, it swung another. I bought my rapier up to catch the Grassland Warrior's blade. I watched as the two blades collided. And I was stunned. The grass blade seemed to be just as strong as my steel blade. The two of us, the Warrior and I, engaged in a battle of who would crack first, having our swords both forcing against each other. I was the first to break away, but not because I was overpowered. I back stepped just at the Grassland Warrior applied more force behind his blade. This mistake of his, left it wide open for attack... 

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ID: 84217

BD: 5+1 (Acc)= 6

Energy 16/20 

Abalasster 200/200

Grassland Warrior 84/100 (Dmg= 4x4 for weapon art=16) and Stun

I gripped my rapier and got ready to strike. There is a short moment when one strikes their enemy. When one stares down an enemy that knows that they will become victim to the onslaught that the attack was about to inflict on them. During this moment the world seems to stop, or slow down at the very least. Every feature of the enemy is highlighted and their features become more refined. A real sense of adrenaline builds in at this moment. And the next moment is when the adrenaline kicks in. I thrusted my Rapier straight into the Grassland Warrior's kneecap. I struck quickly and swiftly removed my blade from the enemy. I then struck at the monster's arm joint, striking hard and fast. This strike, unexpected even by me, disarmed the Warrior, making it drop it's shield. I then stuck at the Monster's hip, assuring that the beast would have a rough recovery. The beast then fell to it's knee, the one that I hadn't struck. So, I took my rapier and stuck one last blow into that kneecap of the monster, sending it collapsing to the floor. I readied my Rapier once more, just in case the Warrior wouldn't recover in time...

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(Mob skipped due to stun)

ID; 84259

BD: 5+1(Precision)=6

Energy: 13/20

Abalasster 200/200

Grassland Warrior 68/100 (4x4 for weapon art=16) and another stun

I stood there with my rapier ready to counterstrike the mob. I put myself into a defensive mode, not wanting to get too cocky. However, as I stood there, I realized the Warrior didn't move off the ground for moments. So, I slowly made my way back in to strike again. However, as I got ever closer, I saw that the Warrior was beginning to recover. I couldn't have this happening. I still had a large window of attack that was closing fast. So, I took the chance while it was still on the table. I thrust my rapier quickly into the Warrior's chest aiming for the lower spine, knocking it back to the ground. I then took my rapier and quickly thrusted the rapier into the wrist of the Beast that was holding his Curved sword. I didn't want the beast to get up abruptly to strike me, so striking his arm with the weapon seemed like the smartest idea. I then thrusted my blade through the monster's right shoulder, just in the anticipation that the monster may use this arm later to attack him. I then finally thrusted my blade through the beast's neck. I made eye contact with the Warrior, who stared back at me with resentment.

(Mob skipped due to stun)

ID: 84261

BD; 3+1=4 (Fail)

Energy: 14/20

Abalasster 200/200

Grassland Warrior 68/100

I took my rapier out of the monster and began to back off. I hoped that my attack had incapacitated the creature long enough so that I could take a breath for a minute. However, it wasn't long before I watched the creature slowly drudge back up and grab the Curved Sword, all the while looking at me with pure hatred...


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ID: 84388

MD: 7-1 (1 Eva)=6 

Abalasster 190/200

Grassland Warrior: 67/100 (-1 for thorns)

As the monster got up of the ground, it looked straight at me. There was a moment  where it seemed like everything around me stopped. There was no wind, no other outside noises, just silence as the Grassland Warrior stared directly at me. I clutched my rapier, waiting for what would come next. However, I could've never predicted what was to come. The Warrior broke into an insanely fast paced sprint towards me and swung curve sword across my chest, knocking me backwards. The strike stung, however it wasn't anything too terrible. I have had worse. Thankfully, the thorns affect on my armor occurred, staggering the beast. I had recovered by this point, and my time to strike was now


BD: 9+1 (acc)= 10

Energy 10/20

Abalasster 195/200 (Battle healing +5)

Grassland Warrior 43/100 (4+2)4)) plus bleed for 2 turns (-1 each turn) and stun applied

I quickly struck my rapier into the chest of the warrior. I then roundhouse kicked the creature to get my blade out without having to  pull it out. The Warrior hit the ground with a thud. Before it even had the chance to get up I slammed my foot down swiftly on the warrior's chest. I thrusted my blade twice into the armpit , making it release it's sword once again. I then took my foot off oft the creature and placed it on his sword. I slide the weapon away from the user, hopefully disarming the godforsaken thing. However, when I did this, it attempted to rise up again. I stopped it though, by placing my foot on the things neck and forcing it back to the ground. I then took leveled my rapier, thrusting it directly into the monster's throat. All the while I did this however, the creature just looked at me with malice. It's expression didn't change. It didn't scream or let out any expression of pain. It just stared at me with cold, emotionless eyes...


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BD: 4+1= 5 (fail)

Abalasster 200/200 (Battle heal +5)

Energy: 9/20

Grassland Warrior: 42/100 (-1 for bleed)

No matter how much punishment I put out, the warrior kept taking it. I drew my sword out of the throat to strike again. However, before I could, the monster grabbed my leg and pulled me down to the ground. It then jumped back up to it's feet like it was nothing. It then grabbed it's shield and raised it above it's head, ready to strike

ID: 84391

MD: 2-1(Eva)= 1

Abalasster 200/200

Grassland Warrior: 41/100 (-1 for bleed)

The Warrior slammed the shield down, aiming to hit me. However, I rolled off to the left before the shield was able to make contact with me. I then jumped up to my feet and got ready to dodge the incoming strikes. It swung once more at me, in a right to left motion, however, I back stepped just in time to dodge the attack. It then wound my rapier up for another strike against the monster...

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ID: 84392

BD: 4+1= 5 (fail)

Abalasster 200/200

Energy: 8/20

Grassland Warrior 41/100

I quickly brought my rapier and thrusted it towards the warrior, hoping that I'd be able to catch the creature off guard. However, it was more prepared than I expected. It brought the shield that it was wielding and blocked my attack. It recoiled back as it did so, but kept the block firm. Then, when my strike had been fully absorbed, it used it's force to counterattack me with the shield, staggering me and sending me back, off my guard

ID: 84393

MD: 4-1= 3

Abalasster 200/200

Grassland Warrior 41/100

The warrior then attempted to full on strike me with it's shield. I swiftly dodged it by rolling under it's attack and getting behind the monster. I had now weaved my way into the perfect position. I readied my rapier, for now I had the upper hand...


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ID: 84394

BD: 6+1=7

Abalasster 200/200

Energy: 5/20

Grassland warrior 25/100 (4*4) stun

I quickly plunged my rapier through the back of the monster. The monster writhed when this happened. I must have hit a soft spot. I then put my foot on the monsters back and kicked as hard as I could, sending the thing to the floor. I then hopped on top of the creature and thrust my blade into the damn things eyes. At this point I was attacking any point that I could on the beast, just to finish off the damn thing


BD: 10+1=11 

Abalasster: 200/200

Energy 0/20

Grassland Warrior 1/100 (6*4) and adds bleed

The creature remained stunned on the ground from the last attack. So, I decided to take advantage of the situation. I raised my rapier and put several thrusts into the beast in various locations. I hit it's arms, it's chest and I finally thrusted my rapier into it's head. By now I was heavily breathing, hoping that the monster would be finished by now, but it was barely holding on by a sliver of health...


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