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(PP-F2) Grinding Quests <<Let There Be Light>> (Manta) COMPLETE!

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<<Let There Be Light>>

This quest takes place on Floor 2
This quest is repeatable for Col only

This RP will not count in the benchmark


You have been approached by a worried NPC Mother. She is erratic, and asks you to help find her missing child. She tells you that her child was playing in one of the caverns on the second floor with their friend, but they were attacked my monsters, their friend got away but they are still missing. As you approach the cave you realize that it's pitch black inside and that it has affected your mission with vision disabilities.


-Rp must be at least 1 full page long (21 or more posts)
-Due to the cave's darkness and there being no light, any players that chose to enter the cave receive a -1 debuff on all dice rolls unless they have <<Night Vision>>.
You must fight two <<Giant Bats>> 
-You must find the lost child

Giant Bat Information:

<Giant Bat> is a Field mob and has the following statistics:
Giant Bat: 50 HP
Damage per Attack: 12


  1. 1 Skill Point On Completion.
  2. A Col Value of your Loot Dice multiplied by 25


Solo Mid level player or a group of low level players is advised
Recommended level: 5

Edited by Ebony
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Ebony tossed her latest peice of equipment up in the air before catching it, the blackened diamond glimmering in the sunlight. She caught it in her hand again before smacking it onto the shoulder guard of her armor. It stuck there, it's effects activating. She had most definitely chosen the right profession. She pulled the diamond off absentmindedly. Her and Manta were about to go on yet another quest, and Manta probably needed the loot boost more than her. Ebony was in a race, with that Shizuka girl. There was no time for breaks, Ebony had to prove herself. So where was Manta?

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Manta rushed off of the podium that made up the teleporter and sprinted for the gate to the city. She was already late, and she couldn't afford a leisurely stroll. She had gotten a bit caught up hunting for materials for her shop. It wasn't going great, just as Tristan had said. She needed to get a person with a lot of AOE attacks to do the hunting for her. It just took too long on her own, hence why she was late for Ebony's quest. Manta had never been on this one, but was pretty sure it would be easy, just like all of the other ones had been.

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Ebony looked up to see Manta sprinting towards her. She was definitely fast, but whether it was from natural skill, or in game skills, Ebony couldn't be sure. "Let's get going Manta! We dont have much time!" She shouted, starting to sprint out of the city and towards the cave the quest was located before remembering that she was supposed to give MAnta the diamond. Sh turned around momentarily, running backwards while throwing the diamond at Manta before turning around and running off ahead.

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Manta was much faster than EBony, and had almost gotten to her when she turned and started to run with herself. Ebony appeared to be in a rush for some reason. It must be that pink haired girl, Shizuka. Manta knew how competitive Ebony could be, so that probably explained why she was doing all of this. Ebony turned around for a second and tossed something to her, and Manta just barely caught it. It was a black diamond, likely a piece of equipment. Manta pressed it against her breastplate and it sank in, anchoring itself. Manta gave up her evasion enhancement in return for the enhancement from the diamond. She doubted she would need evasion for this quest anyway.

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Ebony hoped that Manta had managed to catch the piece of equipment, and when she glanced behind her she was relieved to see that it was embedded in Manta's armor. She turned back around as they approached the cave, Manta on her heels. They were supposed to find a little girl or something that must have gotten lost in the cave. Ebony hadn't really been paying much attention to the NPC mother.

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Manta slowed down as they approached, coming to a stop next to Ebony. She had never been on this quest and truthfully had no idea what they were supposed to do. She tapped the new diamond on her armor and spoke up to ask both questions on her mind. "What does this diamond do? And what exactly is the purpose of this quest? As in what we have to do." She asked, unsheathing her sword and staring into the cave. She could barely see anything inside and it was making her a bit uneasy.

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Ebony left her dagger in its sheath, turning to Manta. "It's pretty simple. From what I recall, were supposed to find an NPC girl who got lost and guide her out of the cave. I'm not sure what the rewards are, but like all quests were sure to get skill points from this one." She remarked before heading into the cave, Manta hopefully behind her. It was a low level quest, so hopefully they wouldn't run across any ultra powerful mobs.

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Manta nodded and followed along behind Ebony. It seemed a simple enough quest, but Manta felt exposed without her evasion equipment, and Ebony had a good amount of mitigation, so Manta was going to let her go first. She stumbled around in the dark for a while before her eyes started to adjust. It was still extremely hard to see very far in front of her, but it was still enough to be able to walk without too much tripping, and likely enough to allow her to fight without too much trouble.

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Ebony led Manta into the cave, tentatively placing her foot in front of her each step until her eyesight adjust, fearing that the floor was going to drop out in front of her.Once her eyesight adjust she was able to walk a bit more comfortably though. After a couple of minutes of aimless wandering she heard the flap of enormous wings and held her armored arm up in front of her, just as a giant bat flew into her. She unsheathed her dagger as it clawed at her with its feet and landed a good, solid hit on it's chest. She was apparently going to be the tank this time, even though she didn't have that howl ability like Tristan did.

 ID# 38490 results:

 Battle: 5 (+2-1)=6 Hit

 Craft: 5

 Loot: 15

 MOB: 8 Hit (12 DMG-14= 1 DMG)

Ebony: 63/64 (-1) EN: 15/16 Hate: 1

Manta: 84/84 Hate: 0

Giant Bat: 48/50 (-2)

Turn order: Bat>Ebony> Manta

Edited by Ebony
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Manta saw the giant bat moments before it attacked Ebony. It didn't look to be doing any damage to Ebony though, thankfully. On closer inspection of Ebony's health bar, it had decreased, but only the tiniest fraction. She must have been working on her mitigation really hard. Manta took a swing at the bat, but it disengaged and flapped out of range before diving back at Ebony again and clawing at her armored arm.

 ID# 38506 results:

Battle: 4 (+2-1)=5 MIss

Craft: 3

Loot: 14

MOB: 9 (13-14=1 DMG) To Ebony

Ebony: 62/64 (-1) EN: 15/16 Hate: 1

Manta: 84/84 EN: 19/21(-2) Hate: 0

Giant Bat: 48/50

Edited by Manta Gaul
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It looked like Manta was having a hard time hitting the bat in the darkness. That was fine, Ebony could take the hits. The bat swooped in again, doing the same amount of damage as before. Ebony took a swing at the bat, but missed this time, her blow going wide. She could do this all day, although if Manta couldn't manage to hit the bat she really would be there all day.

 ID# 38508 results:

 Battle: 3 Miss

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 7

Ebony: 62/64 EN: 14/16 (-2+1) Hate: 1

Manta: 84/84 EN: 19/21 Hate: 0

Giant Bat: 48/50

Edited 4 minutes ago by 

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Ebony was still doing a remarkable job of fending off the bat, and while the enemies attention was on Ebony, Manta raised her sword and activated her sword skill, <<Crucifixion>>, charging in and stabbing the bat six times in the side, causing it to burst into blue and green crystals. She looked over at Ebony's health bar, glad to see that she was virtually uninjured before motioning forwards. "Let's keep moving. The sooner we find the girl the sooner we can leave and the less of those bats we'll meet." She stated.

ID# 38509 results:

Battle: 8 (+2-1)=9 Hit 8x6=48

Craft: 5

Loot: 5 +1 Mat

Ebony: 62/64 EN: 14/16

Manta: 84/84 EN: 14/21 (-6+1)

Giant Bat: 0/50 (-48) DEADED

+1 Mat

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Ebony smiled over at Manta. Although her friend hadn't mentioned anything about her tanking, she could tell that she was impressed when Manta glanced over at her health bar. "All right. Lets keep moving." She said back to Manta, sheathing her dagger and moving forward. She had only taken a few steps before another bat swooped down. Ebony swung at the bat, but missed, and stepped to the side out of the way, dodging the bat.

 ID# 38512 results:

 Battle: 4(+2-1)=5 Miss

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 17

 MOB: 3 Miss

Ebony: 62/64 EN: 13/16 (-2+1)

Manta: 84/84 EN: 19/21

Giant Bat: 50/50

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Manta moved in, her sword glowing red as she unleashed another four stabs with her blade, shearing into the bat as it attempted to attack Ebony again. It was dead before it got halfway there, falling to the ground and bursting into blue and green crystals. She cocked her head to the side and gave Ebony a wide smile. She knew she had overdone it, but she just couldn't help it. 

ID# 38558 results:

Battle: 10 Crit Hit: 10 DMG x8=80 DMG

Craft: 12

Loot: 2

Ebony: 62/64 EN: 13/16 (-2+1)

Manta: 84/84 EN: 7/21 (-8+1)

Giant Bat: -30/50 (-80) ULTRA DEADED

Edited by Manta Gaul
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(Adding another bat to make sure we reach 21 posts without difficulty)

Ebony smiled back at Manta, glad that that was finally over, just as she heard a scream coming from further into the cave. She ran forwards, hoping that Manta would follow, her dagger unsheathed. She entered a larger cavern, where a little girl was cowering in a corner, one of the giant bats preparing to swoop in. Ebony sprinted forwards, activating <<Side Bite>>, and sending two stabs into the bats side and drawing it's attention to her.


 ID# 38565 results:

 Battle: 8 (-1) (4 DMG)

 Craft: 1

 Loot: 19

 MOB: 5 Miss

Ebony: 62/64 EN: 12/16 (-2+1)

Manta: 84/84 EN: 7/21

Giant Bat: 46/50 (-4)

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Manta sprinted after Ebony, her sword drawn. They reached the cavern, and Ebony immediately attacked, knocking the bat away from the NPC child. Manta was only a few steps behind, activating <<Shooting Star>>, and taking down the bat with a single hit. She sheathed her sword and smiled at the girl. She hoped she wouldn't be scared of them, which was why she had sheathed her sword in the first place.

Battle: 6 (+2-1)= Hit 8x7=56

Craft: 8

Loot: 3

MOB: 10 Dead

Ebony: 62/64 EN: 12/16

Manta: 84/84 EN: 1/21 (-7+1)

Giant Bat: -10/50 (-56) DEADED

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Ebony followed suite, sheathing her weapon. She went a bit further and unequipped her armor as well though, slowly stepping towards the girl and giving her a gentle hug. The girl stopped crying and hugged back. "I want my mom." She said between deep breaths. Ebony picked the girl up and put her on her shoulders before starting to walk out of the cave. Manta would keep them safe if anyone or anything attacked them.

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Manta went ahead of the two, unsheathing her sword again and watching for any mobs that might attack them. Thankfully there weren't any, as Manta was almost completely out of energy and didn't want to waste time taking one of those bats out with only basic attacks. That would take forever. They made it out of the cave safely, and started the journey back to the town.

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Ebony continued carrying the girl on her shoulders, who had progressed from crying to laughing and tugging on her hair. Ebony didn't mind though. At least the girl wasn't crying anymore. They finally made it back to the town and located the distraught NPC mother, handing the child over to her. The mother thanked them happily and mentioned something about a reward. Ebony's ears perked up.

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