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[F3-PP]The odds and ends (Seul)

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Emblem looked up at the sun and felt the wind through his hair. He fixed his scarf around his neck then began to walk toward a hill top near the outside of the safe zone. He settled himself down on the hill and recapped what had happened throughout his deathgame. To think this all started with a hunting party. He thought of the first people he had met in the game. Cho and Golden. He began to wonder what had happened to the two. I haven't seen them in far too long. He then thought about his guild leader Hasai and how she had been like an older sister to him. He sat up and adjusted himself till he sat indian style and grabbed a leaf and began to fiddle with it in his hands. Although his young age the deathgame had changed him. 

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Seul had been wandering about on the third floor this time as he often did. He had enjoyed testing out his newfound power while in the field but every now and then it was nice to be able to take a break from fighting. The game did offer up much more than just combat after all. Had his life in the real world been this eventful maybe he would actually miss it. Life in Aincrad had taught him many things; how to be strong, what was worth protecting, how to deal with adversity. All of these and more would be of use to him once they all escaped. Well, if they all escaped. After all this time they had only just recently reached the thirteenth floor. It was a good pace, but could they actually beat the game? He couldn't say. Still, that didn't stop him from wondering as he approached one of his favored hills for a nap.

"Wha..." He mumbled while closing the distance between himself and the hill. There was somebody on it already. A person he had not yet met nonetheless. The nerve! It wasn't like he owned the spot or anything. It was just odd to see someone else in such a usually desolate location. He dropped on to his belly and crawled the rest of the way in an effort to investigate, though the black color of his coat contrasted greatly with the green grass, providing little stealth. 

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Emblem sighed the let out a loud whistle as his small ice dragon Aisu flew down and landed on his head letting out a shriek. Whoa! Easy girl! The small dragon calmed down then began to peck around in his hair. He began to observe the area around him watching the grass below him blow along with the wild flowers. He looked to right of him to see an odd black blot in the middle of the grass. He came to the conclusion that it was a small boar or something. Emblem decided he didn't have anything better to do and decided to go and kill it. He opened his inventory to hear the usual bells ring and equipped his sword and set it on his back. He got up and whistle once again to see his dragon fly up and perch itself on his shoulder. He pulled the blade from his scabbard and began to walk towards the blot i the grass.  

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Further inspection revealed that it was a boy who had claimed his spot. But now he was headed straight for him. Could he have been spotted?! Not a chance! This kid didn't look like a player killer and there was no orange cursor to prove otherwise, but still, he sought no reason to unnecessarily provoke someone. Especially outside of the safety of a town. "Don't come any closer!" He yelled while springing up and into an awkward karate pose. "I don't want to have to put the hurt on you! So I come in peace. Hi." His attention gradually moved to the dragon atop this player's shoulder before his eyes shifted back to his hood that was bulging slightly. "Whoa! Hey Legna, it's like a family reunion!" He punched the hood lightly and as a result a small, black dragon poked its head out past his neck to the front of his coat with a tired growl only seconds afterward.

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Emblem watched as the black blot began to stand up. What in the... He watched as he began to see the blot take the form of another player. Emblem examined the player he looked like a Pker to him. He listened to him as the player began to proclaim he had come in peace. Well this is rather strange. He went back to examining the player. The head of a black dragon poked out of the mans hood startling him. Emblem then felt the weight of Aisu drift of his shoulder and into the skies. Go ahead Aisu! He called out to his dragon. They had never come across another dragon in the game and hoed the two got along. Umm sorry for thinking you were a mob. He said to the black clothed man. He pulled the sword off of his back and tossed it aside. Maybe we could be friends? Emblem held out his hand for the other player to shake. The names Emblem.

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