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[PP-F4] Snow time like the present. (Rebekah)

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(Take's place at frostbite lake.)

Elul bent down, gathering snow in her hand, forming a ball of snow. Elul didn't have any plans for the day, she had given herself a day off from her store and had decided to practice her aim. Elul lifted the ball of snow up to her hand, it was almost a shame to throw the perfect circle, but after staring at it for a while she turned and spotted a nearby tree. Quickly mimicking a pitcher she threw the snowball overhand towards the tree. Needless to say it had only gone a meter before splatting on the ground. Elul sighed, bending over to make another ball, this one more rushed and not as perfect as the last one. Standing up and lobbing it this time, she missed the tree and watched as it sailed past.

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Rebekah was walking around the forest of frostbite lake, when all of a sudden a snowball flew past her. Luckily it did not hit her, but she stopped for a second and thought about shouting asking if anyone was there. However, she decided against that, and continued to proceed cautiously, it was such a beautiful day outside, and that it would be such a waste to spend it inside on a day like today. It was also surprising that almost nobody ever decides to visit this part of the fourth floor. The entire floor was beautiful, but apparently the majority of people rather not visit here because of the cold. As Rebekah continued walking, she noticed a girl who was playing with the snow, and she had snowballs around here. There was no intent at aiming at her, and she stood and stared for another second, but for now the girl did not notice her just yet. She froze and continue walking, attempting not to disturb the peace that the girl had with herself, but for some reason she felt that the girl knew that she was there.

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Elul's eyes quickly latched onto a girl who had been walking through the snow, her snowball seeming to have picked her as its destination. Elul let out a small "fudge" in alarm, imagining the anger pointed in her direction if it hit. Elul spoke for the stranger to "watch out", yet it proved to be unnecessary as she had missed and the player hadn't even heard her. Elul sighed, at least it missed, time to move on.

Yet Elul didn't move, as if something kept her in place. Elul turned to look back at the girl, finding she had noticed Elul. Elul did not want to walk towards her, but she felt the tinge of guilt keeping her from walking away. So she walked over, catching up and giving a slight bow.

"S-sorry for n-nearly hitting you."

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Rebekah continued to walk forwards, until she had heard footsteps behind her. It was hard to be quiet when walking in the snow, so she was not surprised when the girl did notice her walking by. As Rebekah turned around, there was the girl from before who had a bunch of snowballs with her. It had been a long time since she had run into someone outside the safe zone inside the towns, and she reassured the girl, "It's okay, besides it is not everyday that you run into someone out here." Rebekah could not help but notice that she was a bit shorter than she was, and had a beautiful brown hair. Maybe she would change her hairstyles one day, or colour, but the girl did not know if that was still possible. She continued, "My name is Rebekah, and its nice to meet you."

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