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[F9-PP] They fear us, 'cause we're the law! <Bandit Camp> (Macradon, Jomei)[Completed]

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"Sure, I'll take a look" he would say as Jomei offered him. Jomei would keep what he got from the bandits and Macradon would collect what ever was in the chests. There were 4 chests in total located in the camps. First one had nothing, second one was empty as well and the third was empty as well. "How ..." he thought while sighing deeply as it seemed like he didn't get anything from this quest other than the exp from slaying the bandits, then he remembered the fourth chest. He rushed over to it and opened it up, it had something it in. 350 Col, it wasn't much, but it was something! Macradon would take the Col and greet Jomei farewell as their paths would part ways. "It was nice meeting you! I hope we see each other again some time!" he would say as he walked towards the warp plaza away from the camp.


ID: 41229
LD: 14

350 Col from quest.

Quest Completed:

+2 sp
+ 350 Col

+2 sp
+ 1050 Col
+ 4 mats

Edited by Macradon
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