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[PP-F1] A noob's first adventure (Manta)COMPLETE

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Evac was taken aback by this. He thought isnt it customary for the man to pay? But obviously she had intended to pay from the start of it. "Are you sure Manta? Cause I mean I dont have to eat." He did not really think it was okay for her to pay, Evac sighed, he obviously couldnt do anything about it though. He thought to himself: I guess I dont know as much about the culture here as I gave myself credit for. He did watch people almost every day, and stay in the shadows, listening to peoples conversations and interactions, but hey(!) maybe he missed alot. He had this buffer, a kind of buffer that limited him to the real world. Being as hard to explain as it is, he thought only in terms of what he can and cant do in the real world. Manta had removed that buffer when they were talking about skills. Whether he liked or not, it was gone, and now he was not limiting himself!

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(Posted with the wrong account, sorry, just ignore it)

Manta let out a friendly laugh. Of course you had to eat, it was one of those necessary things. Of course, she understood what he meant. She had plenty of col, and she wasnt about to let him go hungry. "Of course im sure. Its really no problem, plus, food is relatively cheap." At lest, it wasnt overly expensive at the places she went to, and with Ssendoms latest order from her shop she had plenty of col. She motioned to him to follow her and started to walk in the direction of the cafe.

Edited by Ebony
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