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[[PP-F2]] It's Like Watching Paint Dry... <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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Hikoru sighed and looked at the board. There was no one avaliable for help on this quest. No people to hire, no friends were avaliable, nothing. He sighed and finally gave in, putting a post on a cry for help for this Quest. He knew he couldn't do this alone, because it would take him days to break this. He was hoping someone would come and help him, or he would be here all day.

"Lets hope its someone who already has the Martial Arts skill, or someone who can do some decent damage..." He muttered to himself as he walked along the beaten path in the town. He looked, around, hoping to see an inn in where he could meet, but he couldn't find one and he sighed as he sat down on a nearby bench by the fountain, sighing and closing his eyes, hoping the headache he was having about this would pass

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Manta was checking up on the player request board when a new request popped up about one of the most annoying quests she had ever done. It looked like someone needed some help with Breaking the Unbreakable. She couldn't leave someone to do that alone, but she also didn't want to have to do it again. Luckily she already had the skill, and her new gauntlet should help give her an edge. She walked to the starting cities teleport and headed to the second floor. The request hadn't noted a location to meet, so she assumed that they would be somewhere around the teleport. "Anyone here ask for help with Breaking the Unbreakable?" She called out.

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Takao's head tilted as his gaze rested on the board. Lately it was a negligible part of his wandering, something he rarely paid any mind to, but one of the requests had caught his eye. A player was seeking help with the "Breaking the Unbreakable" quest. His eyes shifted to the familiar by his side while he took a quick drink. "Whadaya think? Should we give 'em a hand? We were headed in that direction anyway." The scaled monster resting across his shoulders shrugged slightly and returned to its lazed state, prompting Takao to shrug and head off in the direction. He vaguely recalled his own excursion on the second floor regarding that particular quest, and he hadn't had much trouble with it himself, though he had done it considerably later on in his questing career at the same time. He didn't spend much time reading the quest and, despite their apparent intention to meet in the town, Takao headed on out in the direction of the mountain that they would undoubtedly head to at some point.

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Hikoru hears someone call out for someone that was looking for a player that needed help on their Breaking the Unbreakable Quest "How lucky" He thought "That player is getting help for the exact same Quest that he was doi- Then he inwardly sighed and face-palmed himself. He was the only player who had asked for help on the Breaking the Unbreakable Quest. He got up and ran over to what seemed to be a girl player. He tapped her shoulder lightly and bowed

"Names Hikoru." He said "I hear your looking for me. I need help for that Quest." He said. He looked at the mountain, looking at its misty form. He sighed and turned back to her "Well, there's no time to waste then is there? I have an old man that's waiting for me to punch a rock" He said with a chuckle. He started to walk towards the mountain quietly, making sure to go at a slow walking pace instead of running like he usually did

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Manta turned around to face Hikoru. "Yes. I'm Manta. I've done the quest before, so I have the skill. I also have athletics and a gauntlet that might help with my damage." She said, listing off the things that would help her. Her gauntlet didn't give her unarmed damage, but if she missed a punch she would do extra damage on her next hit. She started to follow Hikoru, wondering why he was going so slowly. Normally she would run to her locations, as her sprint let her run extremely fast, and athletics gave her the endurance to do that for a good amount of time.

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The chittering and whining of his familiar came off as unintelligible nonsense to most, but for Takao, his understanding of what the monster was saying was clear as day. The brown-haired teen rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly. "Awh, c'mon. It's always fun to meet new people. Plus it can't hurt to help 'em out." He said in response, garnering an annoyed huff from the digital reptile. Both of them knew that the small monster didn't have much of a say in where they were going, mostly because he was much too lazy to hop off Takao's shoulders and make his way back on his lonesome. A short bout of walking later had lead him up the mountainside and to the familiar quest zone, though upon arriving he didn't see any other players around. "Huh... Maybe we beat 'em here?"

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Upon arriving to the foot of the mountain, he saw a young man standing by a mountain. He didn't know why he was standing there, but it wouldn't hurt for him to find out. As he finally made his way all the way there, he stood to the young man and smiled

"Hi, i'm Hikoru. You here for the Quest too? I have a friend here" He said, motioning to his new friend Manta "And she's helping me out. I don't know if anyone else saw my cry for help,  but I'm just about to take it down." He said with a laugh, and with that, he took the request off the board, making sure to not call about 10 players to help him punch a rock.

Edited by Hikoru
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They finally arrived at the mountain to see another player standing there. They looked to be a high level player, which would hopefully make this take a lot less time. She looked over at Hikoru as he spoke. He literally said Idk. Who did that? She wasn't going to judge him though. Maybe he just spent a lot of time messaging. She looked back to the other player, recognizing him. He was the one who had led the last boss raid. She doubted he would recognize her though. She wasn't at the meeting for that boss fight, and she hadn't even gotten a hit in during the actual fight. "I'm Manta. Nice to meet you." She said, holding out a hand to Takao.

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