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  1. Wow. SAO-RPG has become a battleground. I have had several unpleasant experiences with old staff such as Saix, and that old bunch, but I have never had any unpleasant experiences with any of the current staff. Although I know what they did was wrong, finding a system that would be fair for everyone is rather hard and time consuming. Sometimes, without even thinking about it, our brain does a bit of work for the staff member. The brain is automatically wired to do something that provides the person with a reward. Everything in life that you do, comes with a reward, or one that you would wish wound come out as the outcome. Think about it. You may help someone just to get the pleasure of a thank you. You may bully some underclassman just to get the feeling your ontop. You train for a race so you can win. So, although it could have been intentional, there is a good chance it was just how it turned out. I'm not fighting for either side here. I honestly just want SAO to be a fun place for it's members to have fun in a relaxed environment. 


    I will always love SAO for what it is meant to be. What it was. What it is today. What it will become. I do not blame anybody for anything (Well, besides Saix for being an a**). Everyone on this site is awesome. I just hope tensions can die down soon....

    1. Opal


      This was epic. I really hope we can all settle on things and come to common ground as well. But its gonna be a rocky road for all of us. In the mean time, enjoy RPing and as you say; having fun. If you have any questions or feel something should be added to the site to make it more appealing; drop me a line! I am here to listen to all suggestions and will pass them on to the other Player reps. :)

    2. Ace9


      Thanks Opal :) I'm starting a new character soon. Still trying to give him some finishing touches before I create him though.

    3. orhalimi


      @Ace9 I like your thinking, but most of the comments was about the ignorance that players received after they pointed it out, and not about it as been created "bad" in the first place..

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