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Everything posted by Lilik

  1. As the walls closed, Players simply shifted closer together. Lilik supposed it was a bit like the instinct to step away when someone joined you in an elevator. There was no rule stating it had to be done, but it simply felt like the most natural, comfortable response. It wasn't until the smaller space became evident, and the situation more dire, that unease finally rippled through her companions. Lilik herself experienced the first flicker of uncertainty, but she refused to feed the flame. Panicking won't help, she told herself firmly. Panicking was for the weak. I'm not weak. The pink ha
  2. Lilik spun a slow circle, taking in the small space. Though the expression she wore wasn't exactly disgust, it did flirt with disapproval. "This is it?" she muttered to herself. "We go from this huge chamber with some ancient death trap to some guy's private study?" Hands planted on her slim hips, Lilik's gaze came to rest on the grand desk situated beneath the stained glass windows. That would be the obvious place to stash important information, right? Including how to get to the top of the tower, or what awaited them there? It was certainly worth looking into. Long strides carried her t
  3. Akin to a lost sock in a dryer, Lilik tumbled ass over tea kettle. Even before she splatted on the ground, her amber eyes were already firing manically. She spluttered as she found her feet. Her mouth filled with her all-time favorite phrase. "What the fu-" With a gasp, the lanky woman stumbled to the side, arms pinwheeling comically. She tripped over her own feet as the world shifted, and without any obvious handholds, Lilik was yeeted into the abyss. Amid the free-fall, her final thought was "I can't believe I'm going to die this way." Yet as she splatted for a second time, she too
  4. "Why though?" Lilik muttered to herself as she jogged along the hallway, sneakers squeaking comically on the marble. Why in the world were Players bothering with the NPCs? Rallying the rebels, interrogating the guards - what was the point even? None of it made any difference, unless one of them somehow held a fast-pass to the top of the tower. And she wasn't about to waste her time trying to see if that was true. Instead, the purple-haired woman opted for the old-fashioned way up - the stairs. Dodging the handful of guards proved quite easy, as they appeared preoccupied with the peasants
  5. Somewhere, Lilik had heard that jumping the moment a falling elevator hit the ground would save you from dying. Whether that actually held any truth or not, the woman thought of it as she stared down at the rapidly approaching lawn. Her hand tightened around the rope she held, the rough fibers slick in her sweaty palm. So if she jumped the moment the vessel crashed down, or maybe swung out on the rope, she should avoid any impact. Yeah, she could do that. Swing a little arch through the air, like the pirates did in the movies. Suddenly feeling far more sure of herself, Lilik gave the rope a ha
  6. Lilik kept a single hand on the wall as she traversed the lower decks, the other hand holding yet another gem. The sudden burst of speed from the crystals had knocked her off balance, and she'd be damned if she went ass over tea kettle again. So as she dragged her fingertips across the cold surface, she climbed her way back up the stairs, and into the middle of a Jersey Shore outtake. A cutesy blonde shoved a black-haired woman with wild eyes, sending her stumbling into the Player who shadowed her. The cry of "tyrant" burst through the space like a gunshot. "Uh, is this part of the event
  7. Crystal thingies? If Lilik had been a dog, her ears would have perked up at the sound. All thought of the maybe-rum-maybe-pickles-filled barrels forgotten, the long woman's gaze scanned the deck of the ship, curious as to where the cry had come from. The voice had appeared muffled, and when she didn't see the speaker right away, Lilik picked her way toward a descending staircase. Her rubber soles of her tennis shoes squeaked faintly as she picked her way deeper into the belly of the ship. After a few moments of venturing downward, the woman realized she had no idea which floor - story? de
  8. The NPC's death held a bizarre macabre that Lilik hadn't encountered in Aincrad. Most enemies simply exploded into fragments, their bodies occasionally crisscrossed with crimson gashes. Watching the Knight's body convulse, foamy spit oozing from his slack lips, Lilik could find only disgust. Not because of the gruesome sight, or the violent deed she had just witnessed, but simply because of the wasted time and effort. She might have felt something for the dying man if he were real, but pausing to observe a line of code's final moments felt wholly unnecessary. As it was, they had wasted preciou
  9. "Do I look like a Ladonian guard or something?" As she spoke, Lilik motioned to her appearance - black leggings and a light jacket. "What about this makes you think royalty?" Still, the burly NPC blocked her path, his hairy hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Nobody goes in," he informed her in a voice like an ax cracking wood. "That's how this is going to go." Something about the way the man spoke really chewed Lilik's ass. As her golden eyes sparked, she drilled a finger into the man's hard chest. "Oh-ho no way," she scoffed, "you do not tell me how 'this is going to go.'" Thi
  10. Ⓛⓘⓛⓘⓚ Lilik Level: 6 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 120/120 EN: 30/30 Stats: Damage: 8 Equipped Gear: Weapon: Vanity Whip Armor: Vanity Armor Skills: Whip R5 "Hey, watch it!" Lilik's pretty face curled into a snarl as an NPC shoulder-checked her. Were it a Player, she likely would have thrown a
  11. Current Level: 6 Current SP: 13 Link to SP Tracking: [link] Notes: I am a baby Lessa alt and have no things.
  12. Lilik


    NAME Lily Genesee AGE 24 >> 27 GENDER Female HEIGHT 6'0 ORIGIN Texas >> Tokyo LILIK Lilik is a bit of a mixed bag. While she can be incredibly loyal to those she feels she owes a debt to, she is not one to deliberately forge lasting bonds. She is stubborn, easily frustrated, and prone to bouts of anger. Having fended for herself for most of her life, she doesn't always play well with others. With that being said, she isn't above asking fo
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