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[F01- PP] Slaying Monsters- with Friends! <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>>

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Log Entry Three

I kill some boars and some friends! I mean I made some friends... I still killed the boars though.


Cosi decided to stop waiting around the Blazing Typhoon- it looked like his order would take longer than expected- and headed back to the Town of Beginnings. He still hadn't fought any monsters and was itching to test his skills. Besides he needed a lot more experience, in game and literally, before he wanted to take on the higher floors. He also should try to get a friend to team up with...

While Cosi was mulling this thought over as he headed to the towns gate he was broken from his reverie. He turned, someone was calling his name. Cosi looked left then right and saw Lyle Tealeaf, the old blacksmith, waving at him. Surprised, Cosi headed over to the smith.

"Lad! Could you give me a hand with something?" Lyle said, "I need better materials for my crafting, specifically boar pup tusks."

"uhh.. Sure how many do I need to get?" Cosi responded.

"just three, Lad"

Cosi nodded and started to head out of the gate and into the wilds to kill some baby boars. 

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Hokori had just turned in her own package and was checking on her stats when she noticed someone else come and talk to the blacksmith. She realized that she might be able to do this quest with somebody, and decided to approach them. Once they were done talking with the smith, she made sure not to surprised them by being right there when they turned. Instead she walked up to them a little after than began to head out. "Hello, you wouldn't happen to be starting the quest here as well. I noticed that there will likely be combat and figured it might be a good idea to go at it with a partner." She was a little nervous talking with someone in this game for the first time. She was always nervous talking with others in a video game, but it was even weirder here. Here, she was not only the strange gamer girl, but it was also an attempt at emulating a real conversation. She did her best to hide her nerves, using all the public speaking skills she had learned while taking her general education courses those many years ago.


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When Cosi heard another person calling to him, he could only think- what other NPC needs a fetch quest done- then he turned and saw that it wasn't an NPC. No this was another player, the blonde, short girl from Blazing Typhoon to be specific.

Actually a little surprised to be talking with a real person, Cosi stumbled over his greeting, "H-hello there! And yes, I was just about to go monster hunting. Something about collecting boar tusks... But yes if you'd like to join me I'd love the company and could quite frankly use the help." 

Cosi began briskly walking towards the gate again, waiting for the girl to catch up, then stopped again and said, "I'm Cosi by the way. And you are?," Cosi offered out his hand, "I noticed you at the blacksmith shop, The Blazing Typhoon or something. You were ordering some equipment as well weren't you?" 

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Hokori was glad that the young man accepted her offer, though he seemed to be stumbling over his own words. She quickly followed him towards the exit. When he asked for her name, she shook his hand, "Katagawa, nice to meet you. I was getting some equipment, seems that the smith is having a little bit of difficulty with it at the moment though. No sense waiting around when there are things to be done." She realized that if the two of them were going to work on the quest together, they should be a party. She fiddled around in the menu, grumbling about how not intuitive it is, and eventually found the party invite. She sent one to Cosi, and waited for him to accept it. In the meantime, she made sure that she had all of her gear equipped and ready for use. She didn't expect the quest to be that difficult, but it was better to be safe than sorry.


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"Nice to meet you Kata-" The infernal menu popped up, interrupting him, and an ear-shattering notification went off in his head, "-gawa." He shook his head and looked to the menu which displayed a party invite from Katagawa. Well, there goes my immersion Cosi shrugged to himself and accepted the offer. He swiped the menu away and continued to walk and talk, " Yeah I noticed his orders seemed to be piling up as I left. Still I can't imagine he'll be behind to long with the the quality of his other wares he must be an extremely good smith." 

Cosi doubled checked his inventory and gear as they neared the gate, and found himself nearly twitching in anticipation: mob hunting, The best part of gaming. That rush of energy and thrill as you put everything into a few couple moments. Learning move sets, dissecting strengths and weaknesses, failing, learning from mistakes, and inevitably winning. Cosi clenched and unclenched his fists. A black thought gnawed at him- now with the added fear of permanent death- Cosi then mulled over it more. Just like real life. 

He grinned. Guess SAO was pretty realistic. He exhaled, gripped his sword hilt, and strode out the gates. He could get used to this.

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Hokori strolled out into the fields next to Cosi, letting her eyes search for some boar pups. Though she didn't know whether or not she would be getting the tusks she needed that quickly, it would be best to find a large group and take them out as quickly as possible. It didn't take long until she had spotted a pack of them moving around, nibbling on the grass. Though she felt some pity for them, she knew that they were a programmed means to an end. She made sure to focus where she would strike before going in with a sweeping attack. Energized by the sword art system, Hokori made one sweep with her large sword followed up with one coming back towards them. As the particle effect cleared from her view, she noticed that there was only one boar left as a rewards screen popped up. It seemed she had already gotten her three tusks. Though she considered just leaving Cosi behind, she decided against it in hopes she could make a friend in this cruel world. "Guess these guys aren't as tough as I thought. Better safe than sorry though."


Sword art used: Blast [x2 AoE]

ID: #104151 - BD: 5 + 1 (using concentration) = 6 - Hit
ID: #104152 - BD: 7 - Hit
ID: #104153 - BD: 7 - Hit
ID: #104153 - BD: 1 - Critical Miss

5 base * 2 sword art = 10 damage per hit
2 base + 3 hits * 2 = 8 energy cost

[H: 1/1/1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 2/10 - THN: 9 (Concentration CD: 5 turns)
[H: 0/0/0/0] @Cosi - HP: ??/?? - ENG: ??/??

Boar Pup A - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)
Boar Pup B - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)
Boar Pup C - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)

Boar Pup D - HP: 5/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)

Looting the killed boar pups:
ID: #104155 - LD: 15 - Success
ID: #104156 - LD: 11 - Success
ID: #104157 - LD: 17 - Success

3 Boar Pup Tusks gathered (3/3 objective complete)


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Cosi watched as the girl pulled out, frankly, a massive zweihander, and then with two strikes killed three of the four boars Katagawa had spotted. Pausing only to softly whistle and remark to himself that two handed swords were awesome, Cosi sprung into action. The boars may be weak but he wanted to give them no chance to respond and make an attack of their own. "My turn."  He sprinted towards the final boar pup, switched his grip, and executed a mordhau against the last boar standing. Smashing his cross guard into the boar's head again, then again, and once more, Cosi felt a thrill of excitement- and a twinge of pity- from the fight that was now over so quickly. He sheathed his sword and turned to Katagawa as the final boar pup dematerialized as a cloud of code behind him. "lets go find some more."  Cosi said grinning.


Combat- Sword art used: Snake bite

Roll ID: 104158- BD: 9- minor crit

2 base +1 crit * 3 sword art = 9 damage

3 energy cost

[H: 1] @Cosi Hp: 100/100- ENG: 7/10

[H: 0@KatagawaHP: 100/100 - ENG: 2/10

Boar Pup D - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)

Looting the killed boar pup:

ID: 104159- LD: 6- Failure


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Katagawa felt the drain as soon as the sword art had finished. The game couldn't make her actual body tired, but it did a good job of emulating that. "Let's wait a little, feeling a little tired here." She propped her sword into the ground, leaning on it for a bit more support. She noticed her energy bar was quite low, and guessed that was why she felt so tired. She noticed a small, babbling brook and went over to get some water from it. "As little as these things seem to help, it seems it isn't hard to get some sort of placebo effect going." She felt a little bit better, and noticed her energy go up a bit. Maybe she would let Cosi go do some fighting while she regenerated a bit. She already had her three tusks, so may as well let him get some work in. "You go ahead and find some boars to fight, I'll catch up with you once I'm ready."


Katagawa: ENG: 3/10 (+1 regen; 2 more non-combat posts to hit full)

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Cosi watched as his companion leaned on her greatsword for second then headed down to one of those burbling brooks to take a drink. He nodded his head , "Sure thing. Whenever you're ready" He waited as she drank from the stream- I wonder how the virtual water tastes- and scoured the horizon for more of the baby boars to hunt. He still needed all three of his boar tusks while it looked like Katagawa had gotten all of hers in one swing, well two actually. Cosi shrugged to himself. He was still looking for potential groups of boar pups when Katagawa mentioned that he could go on ahead and fight while she regenerated her energy. "You sure?" Cosi asked and when she nodded he shrugged, "Alright i won't go too far- not that you'll need help- but I may some assistance." He laughed weakly mostly to himself, and headed off. He spotted a group of three boar pups not to far away, pointed to them with his sword, and walked off. "I'll be over there, killing little baby pigs" 

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Katagawa did what she could to rest up. She knew it was just the game imposing some restrictions on her, but they seemed so real. She gave a laugh at Cosi's statement that he might need help. If he did, she would jump into the fray. For now, she thought it would be better to wait till that little bar went back up to full. It seemed she would be able to take out boars much faster this way. She couldn't tell for certain, as she didn't know if she could keep uhp with the sword swings. The game was truly terrible at defining the costs for things, only showing what happens when you drain. For how much it was trying to toe the line between a game and a new world, just the fact that there was a UI meant that her immersion was gone. It would be much better to just show the costs of things and let her optimize it to the best of her ability.

He could just be trying to keep us here longer than, hiding information we could use to trivialize the game.


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Cosi walked up to the group of three boar pups. They were simply grazing on.. well the grass, minding their own business but Cosi needed their tusks. He loosed his sword from his sheath and brought it up into a guard position. " Hi there" he said then swung his weapon at the nearest baby pig.

And completely whiffed the strike. The boar pups were actually quite nimble and the one that Cosi attacked easily sidestepped the blade. Cosi cursed and looked up to see all three of the pups looking at him menacingly- well as menacingly as baby boars could - then they charged Cosi. Thankfully the boars were relatively easy to doge. Cosi side stepped one, then redirected a second with his sword. The third one went unnoticed and rammed into Cosi's back. A soft whine went off in his head and Cosi saw his health bar blink down one tick. Cosi turned around, stared down the offending boar, then punched it with a mailed fist. The boar pup went flying and dematerialized halfway through its flight, turning into red code.  



ID# 104313- BD: 1- miss

[H: 0/0/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 2/10 - THN: 9 (Concentration CD: 5 turns)
[H: 0/0/0] @Cosi - HP: 99/100 - ENG: 7/10

LD# 104314- MD: 4- miss

LD# 104315- MD: 4- miss

LD# 104316- MD: 7- hit

3 damage- 17 mit= 1 min 

Boar Pup A - HP: 5/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)
Boar Pup B - HP: 5/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)
Boar Pup C - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)

Looting Boar Pup C- 

ID# 104317- LD: 14- success

one boar tusk found (1/3)


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Katagwa noticed Cosi go and begin to fight some boars. She had a thought in the back of her mind that wished she had some popcorn to watch this. She instead settled to just clapping a little bit as one of the boars dissipated. She couldn't tell from her distance if he got a tusk or not, but it did seem that they weren't much of a match for him. Hefting her blade, Hokori placed it over her shoulders. Though it wasn't the most comfortable position to keep the sword, it was something to take the weight off her arm. She approached the combat slowly, making sure her energy bar would hit full before she engaged. Cosi seemed to be handling it fine, so there was no need to rush into the fight. And there would be more boars if need be, so no sense to want to take a kill.


ENG back to full, Concentration CD: 3

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Cosi engaged the last two boars- as cute as they were- switching to a mordau grip. Cosi stalked towards the first boar pup and without hesitation- okay there was some- smashed the cross guard into its snout. Then into the side of its head and then one more blow to the top of its skull to finish it off. The baby boar dissipated into red code and particles will hardly a whimper.  Cosi heard a faint noise behind him. He turned around and saw katagawa clapping as she watched Cosi fought. "You're welcome to help" he said throwing up his arms, just as the third boar crashed into Cosi's back and sent him stumbling off. He managed to not fall over and in annoyance turned and booted the final boar pup away with his metal clad foot. He must have done a lot more damage with that kick cause the baby pig merely fell over and turned into lines of code. And with a ping his inventory opened showing that Cosi had gotten the remaining two boar tusks.


Combat- Snake Bite 

ID# 104322- BD: 8- hit

2 base * 3 sword art= 6 damage

[H: 0/0/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 2/10 - THN: 9 (Concentration CD: 5 turns)
[H: 0/0/0] @Cosi - HP: 98/100 - ENG: 5/10

Boar Pup B attack-

ID# 104322- MD: 10- crit 

3 base+ 2 maj crit= 5 damage- 17 mit= 1 min

Boar Pup A - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)
Boar Pup B - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)
Boar Pup C - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)

Looting Boar Pup

ID# 104324- LD: 12- success

ID# 104326- LD: 12- success

two boar pup tusks (3/3)


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Watching Cosi take out the remaining boar pups. Hokori began to look for more boars. Even though he had gotten all of his tusks, there was no point in stopping the killing spree. "Nice job Cosi. How about we take out a couple more boars before heading back." Without waiting for him to answer, she looked around and found herself a couple of boars. "I'll take on one, you take on the other, sound good?" She went down towards the hill and grabbed the attention of one of the boars. She quickly hefted her sword and let the sword art activate. She let out a large thrust and pierced through the boar. It let out a squeal and prepared to charge at her. Hopefully Cosi would start taking on the other boar. She might be able to take them both, but it would be better if she could get some help.


Roll ID: #104330

BD: 7 - Hit (5 base * 2 sword art = 10 damage)

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 8/10 (-2 sword art) (Concentration CD: 2 turns)
[H: 0/0] @Cosi - HP: 98/100 - ENG: 5/10

Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
Boar B - HP: 50/50 - DMG: 15


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As Katagawa strided over to two full sized boars and nearly ran one through with an impressive sword art and a flash of blue light, Cosi really had no choice but to follow her and engage the other boar. He rushed the boar, hoping a quick attack would give it no time to retaliate, and shifted his grip. Cosi still had a couple sword arts left in him. 

Cosi smashed the pommel of his sword into the boar’s head and rewarded with a squeal of pain. Cosi repeated the attack twice more trying to push back the beast with his flurry of blows. The monster’s head was now marked with pockets of revealed code and it didn’t look happy about it. As the beast began warding Cosi away with its swinging tusks and grunting with rage, Cosi took retreating step and readied himself to evad the coming charge. The bigger one’s didn’t seem to be much harder. 


Combat- Snake Bite

ID# 104337- BD: 7- hit

2 base * 3 sword art = 6 damage

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 8/10 (-2 sword art) (Concentration CD: 2 turns)
[H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 98/100 - ENG: 3/10

 Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
Boar 2 - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


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Once Cosi entered the fray of the fight, a slight weight lifted off of the shoulders of Hokori. Maybe it was just her blade resting on the ground now though. The boar was getting angry at her now, and scuffed its feet along the ground. Preparing for the incoming point blank charge, Hokori lifted her blade up off the ground and onto a shoulder. She was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to return a strike and avoid the hit at the same time, so she decided it would be best to avoid the damage for now. As the boar charged, Hokori gave a quick sidestep to get out of the way of the attack. As tough as these things seemed, they weren't the brightest of creatures. She kept her focus on the boar on her, though knew that Cosi may be having some issues with taking on his own boar. She knew he couldn't hit quite as hard, but hoped he could hold his own.


ID: #104385 - BD: 2 - miss

ID: #104386 - MD: 4 - miss

ID: #104387 - MD: 1 - critical miss

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 7/10 (+1 regen; -2 miss) (Concentration CD: 1 turn)
[H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 98/100 - ENG: 3/10

 Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
Boar 2 - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


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As soon as Cosi finished his sword art, the boar reared and tried to gore him so right quick he jumped away and attacked back throwing an unterhau at the beast. 

Cosi was too quick- or the boar was too fast- and his attack missed by several feet. The boar kept charging but slowly came to a stop and turned back around to face Cosi. Cosi grinned weakly. Katagawa seemed to be handling her boar quite easily- her sword made mincemeat of the monsters. Or should I say pork chops, Cosi thought to himself. He gave a half chuckle, then noticed the boar preparing for a real charge. Cosi started then tried to find cover: there was none. So he readied himself to dodge out of the boar’s path of approach.  Hopefully he wouldn’t need Katagawa’s help but it was reassuring having her with him. It’s always nice to have back up. 



ID# 104388- BD: 1- miss

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 7/10 (+1 regen; -2 miss) (Concentration CD: 1 turn)
[H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 98/100 - ENG: 2/10

 Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
Boar 2 - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


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Hokori turned to look behind her, making sure that Cosi was doing fine fighting the boar. He seemed to be doing okay, but she didn't want to stay separated longer than they needed to in this fight. Especially right now, as she was stuck being between the two boars. If one of them turned towards her, than she would be sandwiched between the two of them. Though she could probably fend them off for a bit, she would need help to stay alive. As she was lost in thoughts, she barely noticed that her boar was charging again. Letting it go past her once more, Hokori held out her sword in preparation to take it on.

I need to start hitting it, otherwise one of our fights is going to go on longer than we can let it to. It would reflect badly on us if either one went down today, and have quite the embarrassing epitaph on the monument of life.


ID# 104392 - BD: 4- miss

ID: #104393 - MD: 4 - miss

ID: #104394 - MD: 10 - major crit (17 damage - 17 MIT = 1 damage)

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 6/10 (+1 regen; -2 miss)
[H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 2/10

Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
Boar B - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


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Cosi was prepared to dodge out of the boar's way, then it actually charged at him and he kinda forgot to do that. The thing was monstrous- there was probably bigger stuff on later floors- and when charging towards you with tusks gleaming wicked sharp it was quite frankly terrifying. The boar plowed into cosi sending him flying. he didn't take any damage thanks to his armor but the hit definitely knocked the wind out of him. 

Cosi flew a fair ways and landed with a crash but thankfully Cosi was tough- at least he liked to think he was- and stood right back up. He could think of nothing better to do so he charged the boar. He rushed it sword held ready for a murder stroke but before he could get to the now stopped boar, Cosi tripped and fell on his face. As his sword art's turquoise light fizzled out all he could think was I'm so dead and just when I made a new friend too  


Combat- Snake Bite

ID# 104398- BD: 2- miss

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 6/10
[H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
Boar B - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


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Hokori turned, hearing the banging of armor onto the ground. She saw the Cosi was knocked to the ground, though not that damaged. Thankfully, the game was kind enough to show her teammates health bars. Knowing that he should know she knew his health, Hokori didn't bother so much about asking if he was okay. She just gave an affirmative nod towards him as she went for her own attack. She brought her sword down from her shoulder, letting gravity carry it into the boar's hide. Even though it was preparing to charge, there was little it could do as it was brought to the ground by the sword. Thanking the effectiveness of the attack, Hokori lifted her sword once more and towards her shoulder. She could feel the drain the game was trying to put on her, and hoped that she would still be able to swing this by the end of the fight.


ID# 104401 - BD: 5 + 1 - hit (concentration used; 10 damage)

ID: #104402 - MD: 5 - miss

ID: #104402 - MD: 5 - miss

[H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 5/10 (+1 regen; -2 sword art)
[H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

Boar A - HP: 30/50 - DMG: 15
Boar B - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


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