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Posts posted by BlackBell

  1. It was true that what the creator of SAO--whatever his name was--had done was horrendous. From what she understood about the situation was that the creator of this game wanted to be the God of a world, and since he couldn't be on in the real world, he decided to make his own. Which has now lead to the death game of Sword Art Online.

    "Hikaru," She established, while bowing slightly, "and it's a pleasure to meet you..."

    Something told Hikaru that this women would become a prevalent presence in her life here in the game. Not that she minded. There were times were being a solo player got monotonous.

    And lonely, but she would never admit to that.

  2. It had been a long night of constant jogging with very few rest breaks.

    By the time the sun was rising over the horizon, Hikaru had made it to the beginnings of the forested region of SAO's first floor. Breathing heavy the girl plopped down under one of the nearby trees and just laid there, completely exasperated and out of stamina.

    Still from her position of laying under the tree the young girl pulled up her menu screen and selected various types of food for her breakfast. Some of that food included sandwiches, fruits, veggies and milk. Bringing herself to a sitting position Hikaru set out the meal in a neat fashion, and then began eating.

    Once finished with her meal, Hikaru felt the beginnings of tiredness seep into her bones. Right out in the open, on the ground and by herself, was possibly the worst place to fall asleep. Taking a quick glance around she found herself looking up into the dense, coverings of the leaves on the trees.


  3. Keeping her sword at her side Hikaru followed Klein though the streets of the city. Observing her surrounding carefully the young girl began to think about the best course of action during this event. There was no telling how many people were participating. After all, not everyone standing on the street was paired up with someone. And then there was also the people who were paired up but not in the event. The probabilities were endless.

    But the best place to start would probably be where the storm was hovering over, which was a majority of land outside of the city walls.

    "Hey Klein," Hikaru stated while speeding up in order to keep up with his longer strides, "Why don't we head for the grassland and forest area? That's where it appears that the storm is heaviest."

    Even as she spoke other duos where heading out of the gates and into the open areas of the game; getting soaked in the process.

  4. The girl-who's name was Mayonaka-was absolutely correct.

    Just because a player didn't appear to be dangerous didn't mean that they weren't.

    Twirling a stray hair around her finger Hikaru studied the girl once more. No, she didn't appear to be dangerous, but how was she to really know. After all Mayonaka and her had just met. Just because someone's name wasn't orange didn't mean that they weren't player killers. Only, the girl didn't feel like she was dangerous and Hikaru always trusted her instincts.

    "That would be because it is not something you normally here a player say," Hikaru stated softly, "Most of the things that come out of people's mouths in this game is concern for their friends and themselves, not stranger who is just passing by. But you don't know those players that are descending into madness, yet you help them anyway. That's what makes it interesting."

  5. So that means fight.

    Pivoting so that she was now facing the direction of the noise, Hikaru let her eyes take in their surroundings in order to get a better idea of where whatever made that noise was. Suddenly, there was a shift over in leaves a few feet away from the duo. Narrowing her eyes at the spot Hikaru tightened her grip on the sword in preparation for what was about to come.

    Out from the foliage of the forest walked a...deer.

    Without meaning to the young girl let out a breath of relief and then righted herself. Just at that noise alone the deer's head shot up, spotted them and then took off into the depths of the forest.

    "I can't believe it." Hikaru whispered softly.

  6. Whatever the noise had been, it didn't get any closer.

    Taking the assumption that whatever had made the noise didn't notice her; Hikaru started to slowly back up. In took several minutes of careful stepping, but eventually she made it a safe distance away. Righting herself she then took off in a light jog toward a more lengthily route to the forest.

    By the time she had made it about halfway there the sun had begun to go down. Night's in SAO were more dangerous than the days in SAO. Especially when traveling in the middle of the grasslands. Yes, she may have been tired, but making to the forest was safer than staying in the middle of an open field.

    Sighing, Hikaru took a deep breath and then started once more at a light jog. If she kept this up then she could maybe make it to the forest by the next morning.

  7. When the party screen popped up in front of her there was no hesitation in tapping the accept button. As soon as Hikaru did a gigantic rumbling sounded in the distance. That rumbling was soon followed by the white, hot flash of lightening splitting the clouds. Rain, the size of small bullets, started to fall from the sky in torrents. The wind was whipping across the plains creating a strange hallow wail. It was almost like the storm had sped up. What was once a distance away was almost right on top of them.

    "I don't know, but it better be good." Hikaru stated flatly turning a piercing gaze toward the grasslands.

    Because I really hate thunderstorms.

    Focusing back on her partner, whose name looked to be Klein, Hikaru noticed that he had drawn his sword. Following his example she too pulled out her left handed sword and kept it at her side. Remembering the message, which said that once the storm started that no one else could join, she also assumed that it meant the start of the event.

    "You ready Klein?"

  8. Next thing Hikaru knew a rock was flying right at her face.

    Closing her eyes out of pure reaction, she waited to feel the impact and her hit points go down. Only, the impact never came. Instead there was some strange bouncing noise and then complete, utter silence. The forest was never silent at home unless there was a predator nearby. Then Claim said something about being close to the save point.

    "If were close, can we run and try to make it?" Hikaru questioned just barely above a whisper. Just in case, a hand had been placed on the sword at her hip. This time, she would fight. With the two of them, and most of her HP back, then they should be able to take the monster.

  9. This women was interesting.

    Especially when saying that she was not nice, when in fact she was probably once of the nicer people that Hikaru had met. Few other players would reach out to those who had lost there minds to insanity. Mainly for the fact that self-preservation was a first. Players who go insane are liable to become player killers rather easily than those who weren't, even if it wasn't on purpose. Yet this girl was stepping in to help them, not kill them like most players.

    "I am not so sure about that last statement," Hikaru stated evenly while taking interest in a player nearby, "but the rest of it makes sense."

  10. "Not sure, but we're going to find out."

    Taking a breath in though her noise and out though her mouth she pressed her finger against the screen indicating for the system to open the message. In mere second words filled her display, reading;

    "Greetings Players! We would like to introduce you to the Event "The Omen of the Gods." In exactly two minutes SAO will endure it's first thunderstorm! During this storm there will be be a special monster somewhere on floor one. The players who find this monster will retrieve special items! That right, I said players! In order to contend in the Event you must pair with a player nearby, after all once the Thunderstorm starts you can no longer join in the Event.

    You now have one minute."

    "It's an event to get special items. We now have one minute in order to join. Party with me?" Hikaru question, while turning to face him. She knew this was last minute; and normally she would never do something like this, but if the items that were won in this event could even help, then it was worth trying.

  11. By the time she was ready to leave the town it was Midday.

    Exiting the walls of the beginner city, Hikaru started walking in the direction that the forested region of Floor 1 was located. In order to get there one had to travel though the grassland region; where it was possible to run into an abundance of monsters. Wolves, boars, and even beetles. Ever since getting past level one Hikaru had been finding that defeating the monsters on level one considerably less harder.

    But even before getting into the forest Hikaru knew that she it was going to be challenging. Never before had she fought in a domain with so many obstacles. It would be easy to trip or run into one of those enormous trees that decorated the forest floor.

    As the sun began to set, there was a rustling behind her. Crouching down within the grass, she grabbed her sword in perpetration as to what might come.

    Investigate: Odd number

    Run: Even number

  12. "You're making sense."

    Throughout the conversation Hikaru had been intently watching, and listening, to what the girl was saying. Now that her findings were put like that it was easier to understand what she was talking about. Hikaru had witnessed exactly what the girl was saying within the city walls. Even watched as she herself went though the stages that the women had so accurately explained. All which lead her to his moment here and now.

    "What do you do with this information?" Hikaru questioned, staring into the other girl eyes curiously.

  13. Hikaru could feel Claim turn around, but he neither said anything or did anything.

    In conclusion, the noise that she had heard behind them was probably nothing. In fact she was still willing to believe that she was still more than a little spooked about the run in with the wolf before. Having another person around helped for the most part though. Letting herself relax Hikaru spun back around just in time to hear Claim say they were almost there.

    "Really?" She asked, more out of disbelief than anything else. Peeking around Claim's leg she found that there was an upward incline that they were about to head up. So they were just up there? Fighting the urge to run ahead of him to investigate for herself, Hikaru let herself fall back more than a couple steps.

  14. And once more it was Hikaru's turn.

    With Jester bouncing right back into the line-up it gave the boar a chance to view who was next, which happened to be here. Locking a determined emerald orbs with fiery red ones, Hikaru pulled her sword back and started straight at the meta-boar. It kicked it rear feet, and then charged at her.

    Hikaru had tried to swing the blade more towards the boar's feet, but something different happened. It seemed like the boar was predicting her move because at the spot where they should have collided only Hikaru was there. More than a couple feet away the boar had stopped.

    Pursing her lips, the young warrior put her sward up, prepared to hold position until someone came to relieve her.


    Meta-boar: 61/80

    Soul: 8/15

    Rebekah: 15/15

    Or'ell: 11/11

    Jester: 5/7

    Hikari: 9/9

    Yami: 15/15

    Gestein: 5/5

    Claim: 15/15

  15. "Hello,"The male NPC greeted upon Hikaru opening the shop door, "And welcome to the Book Store. Let me know if you need any help at all!"

    Just simply nodding toward the NPC she made her way though the shelves of the shop. Having only been her once or twice since getting suck in this game, it took her awhile to find the book that she had been looking for. It was one titled "Monsters of Sword Art" and it gave players info on some of the monster located on different floors. Selecting the book she took it to the NPC and proceeded to check in out.

    As soon as she exited the shop she opened the book and begin to read. Dodging in and out of people while scanning though the pages, she suddenly found herself stopping on page 152. There was a picture of a animal about the size of a cat. It appeared much like a owl and griffin mixed together with brown and white coloring. The name was an "OwlGriff." They were support creatures that lived in the forests of level one.

    Snapping the book shut Hikaru made several stops before heading out toward the wooded part of the level.

  16. Folding her arms across her chest Hikaru thought what it might be like to be in a guild. Generally, it was not really her cup of tea, having to rely on others to help you during quests and things like that. She had never even thought that a guild would want someone like her. But the question was that if someone asked her, what would she say?

    Now was not the time to think about that.

    "Learn how people react to the game?" Hikaru asked, tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner. "I am not sure I quite understand."

  17. Kneeling and searching behind a nearby tree Hikaru suddenly heard a noise in front of her.

    Automatically she thought that Claim had run to the Crazed Wolf from before. Wheeling around, hand on sword, the young girl found that Claim had actually tripped in some mud. Placing a hand over her mouth to cover the slight upward tilt of her mouth Hikaru. It was funny to see someone who was so graceful in the trees trip and fall on the groud. Perhaps that was her crude humor kicking in.

    -Several Minutes Later-

    It felt like they had been walking for ages. It didn't help that the same lush scenery surrounded them no matter where they when. Claim had stopped, but Hikaru had not noticed, which caused her to run smack dab into him.

    "Sorry." She instantly replied.

    The sound of something snapping sounded behind her right when she stopped. It wasn't her. She was sure of it. Tensing, she placed a hand on the sword and then instinctively turned in the direction of the noise. She tried to listen, but with poor listening skill she could not hear anything.

  18. Noticing the girl's eyes dart over Hikaru's followed just in time to see a boy get hit in the stomach. Inwardly wincing at what probably didn't hurt she too turned her eyes back to the girl.

    So she's been watching me.

    It was strange that someone who had been out in the fields noticed her from all the way out here. People who had passed her several times a day still had not seemed to even remotely sense her presence. It was amazing really. At that moment Hikaru had decided to dub this girl 'The Watcher,' at least until her real name was found out.

    "Thanks," Hikaru murmured softly while averting her gaze, more than slightly embarrassed at the comment. "Do you learn a lot while sitting out here and watching?" She questioned while running a quick glance though all the people that had gathered here today. Some were good, others' not so much.

  19. If what the Gypsy had said was indeed true then that meant that Hikaru had quite the decision to make.

    What is best to pick a monster that had healing abilities, or one that fought by your side? What about a monster that was smaller as compared to bigger? Maybe even on that leveled up with you, if that was even possible.

    Sighing, and slouching slightly, she ran though the monsters that were in the current area. Boar. No. Wolf. No. Weasel. No. It had to be something unique, something that not every one had seen. Or heard of. And the best place to find information like that was within the bindings of a book.

    "Well," Hikaru murmured to herself while hopping off the bench, "To the bookstore."

  20. ((OCC: Just wanted to let you know that I am changing her name to Hikaru.))

    The women who was casually hanging in a tree started talking to her. Shielding her sword Hikaru started over to the tree where the women was.

    "Yes, it was." Hikaru stated while now standing a couple feet away from the seemingly carefree girl. "How could you tell?"

    It was a legitimate question. If this women had been watching and able to tell that the most recent battle was her first, then it meant that she had some experience fighting out in these fields. Not only that but her plan was actually quick brilliant; sitting in a tree surrounded by tons of players one could learn a lot. Especially about a player.

  21. ((OCC: Just wanted to let you know that I am changing her name to Hikaru.))

    For just a second Hikaru was distracted by the juggling objects in the man's arms. Watching them go round and round she could feel herself start to daze out and focus on the moving objects. It was his question that brought her back to the reality of Sword Art Online.

    "That cloud," Hikaru stated flatly while turning a pricing gaze toward the massive marshmallow, "do you know what that-"

    Before even getting to finished the sentence her message box made a small 'ping', letting her know that mail had just been received. She wasn't the only one either. People all over the square appeared just a confused as they too received some type of message as well. Narrowing her eyes suspicion Hikaru opened the message to find it titled, "The Omen of the Gods."

  22. ((OCC: Just wanted to let you know that I am changing her name to Hikaru.))

    Letting him lead the way though the dense forest Hikaru was sure to watch her step as they went along. With branches sticking out of the ground, and rocked embedded in the soil floor it would have been easy to trip and fall. Not only that but as they went along she started to check any place she could think of. Under leaves, in the roots between trees, everywhere.

    "How did you find all these anyway?" Hikaru questioned while picking up a nearby elephant leaf; only to find nothing but dirt and a small bug.

  23. With nothing in particular to do on this beautiful, sunny day Hikari wandered though the streets in hopes of find some sort of entertainment. After several minutes of passing shop after shop and finding nothing she decided to sit down on a nearby bench.

    That was when something interesting happened.

    An NPC who wore a white mid-drift top, a ruby red flowing skirt and head piece sat down next to her. Her hair was black as midnight and the women had eyes warmer than a mid-summer morning. At first the young girl had no idea what was going on. Normal NPC's didn't do this. But then the women spoke.

    "Young one," She started in a velvety smooth voice,"You look lonely. May I suggest a beast companion? If you feed a beast of any kind a random food you can tame then. And I do mean any beast."

    And then with that said the women--whose NPC name read Gypsy--walked off into the crowd and disappeared.

  24. Charging it at full speed Hikari raised her sword and then thrust it forward.

    Once impaled inside the beast, then forced her arm to go up, tearing though the flesh of the boar in an instant. Then suddenly, the beast in front of her exploded into shiny, blue fragments that floated upwards before disappearing completely. A screen then appeared in front of her showing the amount of experience that had been earned as well as any rewards from the kill, not that there were any. It was her first kill ever, and it wouldn't be her last. Smirking ever so slightly, Hikari then turned around so that she was facing the tree only to find that upside down girl still staring intently at her.


    BlueMoon/Hikari (5/5) vs. Boar (0/3)

    Boar Critical Hit -2

  25. "They could be, but the book didn't mention it..."

    Claim had brought of a good point though.

    Pursing her lips and rubbing the back of her head Hikari thought back to the book on vegetables that she had been reading only a day ago. There had been no mention of these mushrooms being on a timer. Could it be possible that the book just didn't give that kind of information? Perhaps. Or maybe someone else had found these ones already? There were too many possibilities to even think about.

    Double checking under some more nearby leaves Hikari was disappointed when they weren't here either. They had to be in this forest somewhere. That was what the book had specifically said.

    "Do you know if is there anywhere else we can search?"

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