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Posts posted by BlackBell

  1. One second Hikari had been sprinting, and then the next something warm and muscular wrapped around her waist and hoisted up to one of the nearby trees. Within a minute the uncertainty of what had had her vanished when a, "Uhmm, Hey there," sounded from above her head.

    Shaking her head and blinking in surprise the girl craned her neck upwards to find an older man holding her firmly, yet gently, around the waist. Gem green eyes met emerald colored orbs. "Who are-," before even being about to finish the sentence the sound of low rumble sounded from below the tree they had landed on. Biting her lip, Hikari mustered all the courage she had and gazed down.

    It was the wolf.

    Before, she had barely gotten a good view of it, but now it was right in plain sight. It's fur was dark gray almost black color. Mostly it's coat was matted, but there was some spots that just didn't have fur although.It's mouth was open as drool slowly dripped around. and finally it's eye. A pure red. With it's nose to the ground the Crazed Wolf continuous took deep breaths.

    It doesn't know we're here.

  2. Branches flew by, hitting against uncovered skin as Hikari continued her frantic dash though the unmarked part of the forest. Behind her the noise of snapping twigs, growls and heavy breathing urged her on further and further in the unfamiliar territory of floor 2.

    Why was she here you may ask?

    The answer is simple. Mushrooms. An ingredient that grew only in the wilds of floor two of SAO. And also the main feature of her recipe. Unfortunately for Hikari, almost right as she stepped off the trail, a Crazed Wolf had seemingly came out of nowhere and attacked her. Which has now caused her current predicament of scampering though the forest. That wasn't the worst part though. For one, she didn't have a crystal. And two, her health was already half way down from the first time it attacked her. Which only left one option, running.

  3. Pursing her pale lips in frustration, Hikari took another breath before readying her beginner sword once more. It was a stare down. Neither one moved as they both sized up each other in an attempt to find a weak point. Hikari was the first one to find it. Or to guess at it at least.

    This time, Hikari was the first to charge. Since the distance between them was much shorter than before, she was there in no time; swinging the blade more toward the legs and knees of the wild animal. It made a loud squealing noise making her believe that perhaps some damage had been done. And much to astonishment, and happiness, it had.

    Smirking slightly to herself she pushed off her foot, spinning back around, and then went back toward the beast.

    BlueMoon/Hikari (5/5) vs. Boar (2/3)

    Hit -1

  4. Edited

    Almost immediately Hikari felt the boar's attention shift from it's tasty grass to her. It's beady, crimson eyes glowed ominously as it shifted it's weight forward, enabling it's back legs to kick up dust from the ground as it pawed. Narrowing her eyes at the creature the girl shifted so that one foot was in front of the other. Mirroring the boar she too shifted all of her weight to the front of her body, leaving her back foot weightless. Bring the one handed sword up so that the tip was at eye level the young girl waited for the boar to make it's move.

    And then It did.

    Something suddenly took control of her body. Without so much as a second thought Hikari started charging the boar. Bringing the sword up, and then back down in an arc she felt the hit connect as they met in the middle. Or, at least she thought that the attack had. Upon going a couple more steps, and then swiftly refocusing her weight, Hikari turned to find that the boar was still alive and well. Blowing air out of her nose in a fusterated noise, she repositioned herself once more and readied the attack.

    BlueMoon/Hikari (5/5) vs. Boat (3/3)

  5. Swallowing the bile that had built up in her throat, Hikari continued out further and further from her city. But this time was different. Normally, when exiting the walls, she became more frantic and nervous the smaller the city became. This time however, her confidence began to sky rocket. Or to be more exact, her determination. Pretty soon after hers hands had stopped shaking and the dizzy feeling had passed.

    It was only then that she felt the stare on her person.

    Ignoring the fact that someone in the field was watching her Hikari found the nearest free boar and went toward it. What now? Going back and forth between the boar and the sword in her left hand she let out a sigh. Okay, let's try this. Without thinking too hard Hikari rushed at the boar in hopes of figuring something out. If it didn't work,well then, at least she had it's attention. Right?

  6. Wow! Everyone is so friendly! It is a pleasure to meet everyone! *bows*

    And I will definitely be sending out some pm's. Since school is going to start soon I don't want to over load myself too much. But I'll probably create and OP (?) at some point. :D

  7. I've never really been good at this part...so...here I go...

    My friends call my Jojo, and I am kind of new to this RP thing. Sure, I have written a few creative stories here and there, but never done so with other people; so finding this website was a very thrilling thing for me. Hopefully I can meet everyone and have some magnificent journeys! Other than that, I do have a job and am a full time college student so I will try to be on when I can.

    If you have any questions, or want to RP at some point, just ask! :D

  8. It had been over three days since the launch of SAO. And over those three days Hikari had refused to the leave the confines of the safe and comfortable walls of Beginner City. After all, as only a level one and with no prior knowledge of gaming, venturing past those barriers would mean certain death for the young girl. Even if that was the case, Hikari was beginning to get restless. Within those three days Hikari had seen the number of player deaths rise almost exponentially.

    And that was what brought her to the edge of the city; standing still as a statue, gazing at the open grassland surrounding the city. In the distance she could see players battling low level creatures with practiced ease. Other players, much more confident ones, passed her both ways without so much as a glance.

    Thought process moving a mile a minute Hikari continued to stand there for several seconds before taking a hesitant step past the barrier. Gripping the beginners sword that hung on her right hip tightly with her left hand Hikari, as nonchalantly as possible, strolled out into the grasslands.

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