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Posts posted by BlackBell

  1. "You okay?"

    Blinking, and habitually rubbing her emerald green orbs, Hikari automatically assumed that the male player was speaking to someone else. Probably one of him friends or even a partner. Only, upon taking a quick glimpse around, she was surprised to find that no one else was in the immediate area.

    Which meant one thing; he had indeed talking to her.

    "Yeah, are you?" Hikari questioned flatly while taking a glance beside her. It was an older male player with short, spiky blaze red hair and a banana on. His eyes were what appeared to be amber. And he was on the taller side. In all honesty she had not meant to ask the player if he was okay. Really it was a ridiculous question. They were in a safe zone, so the answer should to be obvious. At least one would think that the answer was obvious.

  2. He reminded of one of those princes in the movies she use to watch.

    The ones that were gentle, always smiling and willing to help someone whenever they needed it. Of course, Hikari was the furthest thing from a princess. If anything she would probably be the servant to the family, or even just a towns person. This thought process caused her to smile inwardly. Realizing that he had been waiting for her to take her hand, Hikari quickly took it and helped herself down.

    "Thanks." She uttered while dusting off her still beginners clothes.

    Once that was done she too started to search the ground. Even going as far as to peek under giant plant leaves and in the shadows of trees. So far, no sign of them.

  3. "On it."

    And then without any hesitation Hikari once more rushed into battle with the enraged beast. Only,this time the beast had realized that Hikari was going to be the next one to attack. Right as she was about to stab it, the boar dodged to the right. There was nothing that could have been done. Frowning, more upset with herself than anyone, Hikari retreated back.


    Meta-boat: 68/80

    Soul: 6/11

    Rebekah: 15/15

    Jester: 5/7

    Hikari: 9/9

    Dylan: 5/15

    Yami: 15/15

    Gestein: 5/5

  4. Today started like any other day.

    Waking up, getting breakfast, basically the usually morning since getting stuck in this game.

    Only today, going outside after breakfast, Hikari was surprised to find that the air was strangely still. Normally a slight wind blew though the Beginning City at all times; keeping a cool, refreshing feeling in the air. Right at this moment though there wasn't even a slight breeze. Then without any warning that changed.

    A strong gust, more like a gale, blew threw the streets of the city. Hikari was forced to shield her face as the dust and dirt was harvested off the streets and thrown at players mercilessly. Abruptly, the wind died back down to a gentle breeze, and proceeded like it was a normal day.

    Off in the distance though, dark-gray ominous clouds started to make there way to the Starting City.

  5. Once on the ground, Hikari felt a little bit of disappointment well up in her chest. Although, that all ended when Claim started to scan the ground for the mushrooms that he had seen earlier. Figuring that she was be no use above his head, since mushroom tended to grow in dark, moist places, she figured that she would ask if she could be let down to help look. Plus, at such a smally height she could easily get to places that he could not.

    "If you let me down I can help look."

  6. Hikari's turn was after Jester's.

    Preparing herself Hikari drew her sword up up next to her cheek and then put one arm forward to help with balance. Not even seconds later and Jester called out the switch. Right as he was backing away Hikari rushed past him with sword up. Trusting the sword forward she watched as it pireced the flesh of the boar, and then ripped up. Once the attack was done Hikari fantically started back to where the others' were.


    Meta-Boar: 71/80 [1+2 for the 10]

    Soul: 11/11

    Rebekah: 15/15

    Jester: 7/7

    Hikari: 9/9

    Dylan: 9/15

    Yami: 15/15

    Gestien: 5/5

  7. Hikari waited.

    And waited.

    And waited.

    That was until the word 'switch' was yelled out by Yami. Dashing off past Yami, Hikari rushed right at the mini-boss. Bring the sword above her head, she then brought it down in the downward slash. There was a loud high-pitched squeal, letting Hikari know that her mark had hit. Dancing back, she held the sword ready for her next turn.

    Meta-Boar: 78/80

    Soul: 11/11

    Rebekah: 15/15

    Jester: 7/7

    Gestien: 5/5

    Hikari: 9/9

    Dylan: 9/15

    Yami: 15/15

    ((OCC: I am more than a little confused, so let me know if I did this wrong. *sweat*))

  8. Now that Hikari was sitting on his shoulders, she could see his map much more clearly than before. Indeed, they were heading to a place marker that read (food?). There were many other place markers that read the exact same thing. Quickly, she averted her gaze because it suddenly felt like she was reading someone diary.

    "Only some. There are some you are not allowed to pick, hopefully, these ones you can though."

    And if they were, then her job here wad done. She could return back to the town and make the Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms that she had been dying to try. In all honesty she couldn't wait until they arrived at that spot.

  9. It was not surprising that the person touching her shoulders was indeed Soul. Fortunately, she didn't have to shrug him off, because when Jester came around he stood in front of her; protecting her. Rolling her eyes and sighing Hikari let him do as he pleased. Right now Jester was not a threat. Sure, he talked big, but could he really take a life?

    Not only that, but they had to work as a team in order to beat the boss.

    Which meant that they would have to work as a team and trust each other, for now at least. When a large shadow crossed over her Hikari focused up to find the largest player here, Gestein. It was weird, but she all of the sudden felt a little calmer than before. There was just something about this man that put her a ease, which was a rare thing.

  10. "Wait, what did you just-"

    Not another word got to leave her mouth because suddenly Claim was jumping from tree to tree like a monkey at home in the jungle. To say the least, it was terrifying at first, but after the first few trees Hikari started to actually have fun. Even smiled slightly. She did her best not to hang on head too hard as to hurt him. If she was, she hoped that he would tell her so she could adjust her grip.


  11. A smirk was not the reaction Hikari had expected. Neither was the action of him rubbing her head in an affectionate manner. Feeling heat rush to her cheek at the display she kept her gaze down and away from lingering eyes. Once he had finished she made an attempt to fix the messed up parts of her hair.

    "But that-"

    Another voice cut in before the sentence could finish. It was a male, whose name was Daeron, to announce that he too was joining in the fun. Then beside her a voice sounded, this one female. Quickly switching targets Hikari found herself staring at Rebekah, the other female in the group.

    "Most likely not. I'm Hikari."

    Once more Daeron spoke up, adding that he wished to know people's levels and that the would not help them if in a jam. That was harsh, even Hikari would help someone if they needed it. Then, something changed and he added the fact that he had killed two people. Waiting to see the other's reactions she didn't let a word past her lips.

  12. Quickly running though all the scenarios where she could get down, Hikari decided that none of them were safe enough. Of course, there was another option, but that one was tossed aside without another thought. Suddenly, the branch began to shake slightly. Turning toward the source she found Claim standing.

    He explained a plan that would work perfectly.

    Biting her lip, Hikari finally sighed and took the man's hand. It was good plan. And in all technicality she didn't ask, he just offered. It was smart to take the offer, right?

  13. The sudden presence near her ear caused Hikari to stiffen. Only when she realized that it was Soul did she semi-relax. He had asked her if she wanted him to keep Jester away from her. Although no, she was not fond of Jester, there had yet to reason to worry about him attacking players. Although, the action was sweet. Not that she would ever let on to that.

    "Shouldn't you be taking care of yourself?" She murmured right back, keeping her gaze forward.

    Yes, it might have been rude, but he needed to be more concerned about his safety over hers. If she were to die, no one in the real world would miss her, and this was probably not the case for Soul. Therefore, he needed to be doing everything to survive and not worry about her.

  14. "Thanks."

    It was hard to contain the fact that when he complemented her food it made her happy. Which only meant one thing; she was getting comfortable around him, and not ten minutes had not even passed. But with such a warm personality it was hard not get comfortable, which meant she had to leave. Now.

    "Look, thanks again for saving me," Hikari stated as she began to carefully uncurl her, "But I should really be going."

    By now the sun in SAO's sky was beginning to go down, which only gave her a little more than an hour to find this mushroom. And there was a lot of forest to cover in an hour. The only thing was this was a huge tree, and there were only so many branches on the way down. Plus, her health had just gotten back up to half way. So the question was, how was she going to get down without risking the health that had just built up.

  15. While listening Hikari had taken the first bite of her sandwich and nearly smiled. Nearly. But she manage to regain her composer and listen to what Claim was telling her. Sounds like this time she had been lucky, after all if he had not been here she would still be running for her life though the forest.

    Much to happiness, Claim took the sandwich. Even if Hikari was not a people person their was always some slight satifation when some took, and liked, the food you made. This was very much the case when she was younger. Myrna--her nanny--and her would often cook meals together and then take them to the homeless shelter down the road. Hikari had never seen happier people in her life.

    "Me?" She questioned, "Oh. I was looking for a mushroom that supposedly grows somewhere on this floor. No luck in finding it yet though."

    By now her health was halfway up, meaning that it was about time to start her search once more.

  16. "Thank you." Hikari murmurs quietly, maybe even to the point where he didn't hear her say it. Either way, it was nice of him to acknowledge the fact that she was brave, but the services part was a little unnecessary. Although, she wasn't going to say anything about that. Her nanny taught her it would be rude to dismiss such kind words.

    Without another thought her foucs turned once more back to Ethereal. Once he explained that they were going after a mini-boss Hikari became curious. What kind of boss was it? What level? Sooner, rather than later, her questions would be answered.

    "Sounds good."

  17. With more hesitation on her part than there should of been, Hikari grabbed Claim's hand and then allowed herself to settle so that she was more conformable on the branch. This was done by tucking her legs up under her chin and crossing her ankles. Once that was done she wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her curled up knees.

    Claim made a very good first impression. For one he had rescued her and helped her sit on the branch. And then second was that he didn't leave her. Some players will rescue you, and then either leave you, or ask for Col. Claim had done neither.

    "What were you doing out here anyway?" Hikari questioned while accessing her menu and selecting the two ham and cheese sandwiches she had made earlier that day. Taking one, she then held out the other one to Claim in hopes that he would take it as a thank you gift.

  18. Walking in the back of the group in silence Hikari listened to them chat. Upon arriving to a spot in the field they all stopped and huddled together. Ethereal was the first to speak, asking them to introduce themselves and the weapon they use. Unconsciously Hikari gripped the single-bladed sword on her right hip.

    In no particular order they went. There was Rebekha with the rapier, then Soul with the katana, Jester and his twin blades and then finally Gestien with his one-handed war hammer. This group was very varied with their weapons selection, which was always a good thing when it came to a multiple member party.

    "I'm Hikari," She stated steadily, "And I use a single bladed sword."

  19. "Do as you please."

    Inwardly though, Hikari was more confused than anything. Most of these complete strangers had been more concerned about her well-being than her own father, who had never shown an ounce of compassion toward her since being brought into the world by her mother. From where she was standing Hikari let her gaze linger on each person, finally ending with the male standing next to her.

    What a strange group of people.

    Especially Jester. Hikari was going to do everything in her power to say away from that guy. He was just downright insane and it wouldn't be long until he resorted to PKing to fulfill his blood-lust

  20. I owe him.

    The phrase just kept repeating itself over and over again her head as she stared at the male before her. Claim. The man would had saved her life in the wilds of floor two. Balancing herself on the branch of the tree as best she could Hikari exhaled silently before choosing her word choice.

    "A pleasure. I'm Hikari," She offered quietly while turning her gaze back on the forest floor. "Thank you for saving me. I'm not sure what would have happened if you had not come along." Even while saying that their was the voice in the back of her mind that had said two words; certain death.

    Above her head the HP bar started to rise in color. Slowly but surely her HP was returning. Meaning very soon she would be out of the red and be able to continue on her search.

  21. Raising an eyebrow Hikari turned her gaze to another male that was planning on participating.

    "I said that I'll join."

    After all, if this was just a training event, then what all could go wrong. Not only that but it was a good chance to get some experience in the present of others' who knew what they were doing. Not that she would ever directly ask for help, but sometimes watching and learning can be just as effective.

  22. For a second Hikari just stared at the male player, whose name read as Dylan0517, glancing back down at the col again. In all reality, she needed it, but instinct demanded that she give it back. Before being able to do so the man from the army started talking again. Taking her place back on the wall Hikari was pleasently surprized to find that he was holding a training sessoion.

    Why not?

    Striding over, she stood in with the few people who had already started to join. Two people that really stood out were Dylan, who she decided to take up residents next to, and the other was creepy male who was laughing to himself. Every fiber of her being was telling her to stay away from that man. "I'll join."

  23. The sound of a deep breath was taken before a hollow, eerie sound filled the entire area.

    Is he crazy!?

    Slowly, as if trying to process the information within the howl, the wolf lifted it's head and then tilted it. If any more possible it's lips curled back even more before it to let out a long, screeching howl that sounded less wolf and more like a blood-curling scream before sprinting off into the bush and then disappearing altogether.

    For several tense seconds Hikari waited to see if the Crazed Wolf would come bounding back in the clearing, and then stare at them huddle up in a tree. When nothing in the bushes moved there was the only semi-safe assumption that it was actually gone. And she had them man to thank.

    "What...just happened?," She asked herself out loud more than the man holding her.

  24. "Well, I'm only ten," Hikari murmured as he moved around the male who ran into her. Getting to the counter she pulled out the correct amount of money and then headed on her way toward the city gate.

    Upon arriving there is a crowd of people gathered around the city gate all waiting anxiously. Confused Hikari hangs back just to see what is going to happen. Suddenly, trumpet's blare and the army comes through. What she notices automatically is the man shouting the armies 'message' about escaping.

    Leaning back against the wall Hikari waits to see what is going to happen and how many people plan on joining.

  25. Up above the tavern was the rooms of the Inn. Currently, one of those rooms was being occupied by a younger women, who was laying unmoving in bed, but perfectly awake. Every now and then she would heave a deep breath, hold it and then release it. There are many nights where this exact process was done over and over in hopes of getting some sleep.

    Today though, the crowd at the travern downstairs was unusually quiet. It must be daytime. With the curtains closed it was hard to tell what time of day it was or how long she had been laying here. Right as her eyes even started to close a message popped up in her inbox.

    "A message to those who wish to begin their fight for the liberation of Aincrad! Come to the gate of the city at midday tomorrow. Be there. "

    Well, if sleep wasn't going to come then she might as well go see what this message was about. Getting up, changing, Hikari then headed down stairs to pay for the room and go to the gate of the city.

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