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Posts posted by Ruri

  1. "Indeed it has." She spoke as she hugged her friend. "I'm glad that I finally found you though..." She spoke quietly glad that she saw her childhood friend once more. As long as she was around him she felt braver and more open. So having him as well in this death game at least helped her out. Hoping that as the time goes on they'd become even better friends and be able to explore more of the Aincrad world.

  2. Seeing a male wonder around the scenery that looked somewhat like Elessar in a way, Ruri suddenly jumped out from the shrubbery she had been hiding in that practically covered the fourth floor. Hoping that she didn't startle him she giggled a bit, "S-Sorry about that.." She'd say in a giggly tone as she looked towards Klein. "I guess I ran into another friendly being perhaps?" She judged by his smile that she perhaps met another friendly being. Gladly welcoming the new one she stuck out the palm of her hand. "Hello there, I'm Ruri. I hope we become BEST friends!" She spoke with a glimmering smile.

  3. Seeing the message arrive back she smiled. Along with smiling she seemed to attract a few nearby males... Soon after a few seconds of talking the entrance of Haine was a threat and a swift slash of her katana's blade. "Haine-san!" She spoke cheerfully before running up to her sister and swiftly hugging her making sure to not make Haine fall to the ground after the glomp. "I've missed you and your amazing hyper self!" She giggled hoping that she may mold her into the old Haine she once had. Wanting to form Haine back into a better Haine. Not wanting her to change.

  4. Hearing him say her real name she blushed having been embarrassed that she had said all those sort of things in front of him, she felt that he was her hero-- someone she would always look up to. Having said it right in front of his face, blindly. made her a bit embarrassed having not noticed that it had been him. "Y-Yes... Eden.." She spoke softly as her ocean blue eyes found his golden ones. She was glad to have finally seen her friend once more.

    [OOC- sorry for the shortness! D:]

  5. The young bluenette decided to meet her onee-san once more hoping that she'd come right away as she sent him a message, a small quest. Which had read: "Onee-san! This is a official invitation to join me on an adventure, We're starting on the 1st floor and go all the way to the 9th floor. I hope to meet you at the center near a fountain. Hope to meet you more and more thoroughly explain our quest! See ya! -Ruri-Chan". The special member of her familiar which she had looked up to for a while seemed to be a bit more shyer and colder as to what some people she'd contacted had told her. She was just hoping to wipe away her colder emotions by defeating a few mobs, hope she gets rid of all the old and cold emotions what made her a worse person. She knew the successful and hyper old Haine she'd loved since when she was born. She had to only hope she was the medication to complete the disintegration of her colder emotions inside.

  6. "Close friend of mine." She'd heard him say before she looked back into his golden eyes, her heart beating as she was unable to speak. She could tell at this point that it had to be Eden. She thought if it wasn't she'd seem strange that she was accusing strangers of being her best friend. It was like bringing a present to a death cult. It would seem a little strange. Yet she felt that it really was. Her eyes brightening a bit as she spoke a few words in a more open feeling, "A--Are you.." She spoke unsure if she was really supposed to randomly say real life names yet she truly wanted to know if it was really him or not. "E---E----Ede--e--en?" She stammered softly hoping that she wasn't truly randomly walking up to someone and calling them her mother or father or something crazy like that.

  7. "Well he's courageous... Brave.. and, I-- look up to him somewhat... he.. helped me open up to the world.." She spoke shyly as she looked up at him and his silver hair, and golden eyes. He looked quite similar to Eden. Yet she couldn't quite find that it's him right away-- she had to wait until the time came to ask him. Directly. Currently he had a similar personality. Though she hadn't seen very much currently of him but as she stood up she looked up at the white puffy clouds and then back towards the ground-ish level. Buildings covering the streets and creating some sort of medieval looking town. "I wonder what it's like on the 8th floor..." She spoke in her head unknowingly of what steps where ahead of her at this point in time. There was a ton of things to reveille and uncover.

  8. She looked over to the silver haired male by the username of <>. A shy smile crossed her face like the shy person she is at first she pretended to be invisible. As that didn't work her ocean blue eyes looked up too his golden ones. "H-Hi... my name is R-Ruri.." She'd speak softly before bushing and putting her hood over her head not wanting to be noticed at all. Though when a golden trinket shimmered in the sunlight she stared in awe and remembered the key. "Is it... No-- it couldn't be Eden.." She spoke in her head not knowing if she should go ahead and ask him if he was and announce her friends Real life name, or just stay as they are right now. Awkward. Though somehow she felt this was him. She could put him to the test to really find out if this was the real Eden however. She stood up, pulling her hood back down. "Sorry about my shyness." She spoke softly before extending her hand for a handshake. "You remind me of a certain childhood friend-- I'm sorry." She apologised.

  9. The shy female with a blue theme to her sat in the field of dandelions. Out of boredom she opened her inventory, scrolling down it to her surprise was a small key. One that she had said would unlock her friends necklace. Though she was pretty sure they would never meet again she remembered her little 5 year old self giving the necklace to Eden. A small smile on the girls face as she managed to give the necklace to her friend. She would always remember the moments she used to spend at school, and meeting friends. Though it was a death game she couldn't get her mind off of the subject 'the real world'. She had only just made it to level 15. Being proud of her journey, she had much to strive for. Her goal had been to beat the game. She only hoped to make it to her final destination and along the way meet multiple people and create Allies.

    Finally getting out from her sitting spot in the field she looks to her left seeing the Village as she walks towards it. Sitting down on a fountain ledge. As she opened her inventory and clicked it, as it materialized into her hands. touching the rounded key-like material she remembered her childhood once more. "Why did I have to be such a fool.." She spoke to herself before looking up at the sky feeling a bit more emotional then normal. She would never forget the times she had spent with Eden, and when she moved to japan she could never see her friend again. It would be hard to find him again. But she only hoped she was remembered as well. And my chance, she would always attempt to believe that someday they'd meet again. She could only hope they would.

  10. "Yeah.. I'm warm enough." She spoke softly before activating her <> skill. Feeling the warmth of her hand as she began to walk along the snowy path. Though after some time she fell asleep, being lifted onto Hikari's arms and being held there. The small wolf pup being put on the back of Shiranui. Hearing Hikari's voice in her dream she managed to say, "I'll try-- Hikari-chan.." As she went back to being a bit drowsy hoping she wouldn't slow down Hikari much by her weight. Not wanting to be bothersome to her friend. Yet she wanted to continue the adventure, she felt as though she wasn't up for it. A tired soul. Someone who felt that they could sleep for a million years.

  11. Being asleep and thinking about random things like giant potato birds or fish humans, being awaken by the shaking as her hair was all messed up by then as she put her cozy blue jacket around her shoulders she sat up. "Aye... But.. I'm tired.." She spoke in a sleepy voice hoping that she wouldn't fall asleep again any time soon. Though she had been to the 4th floor thousands of times while sleeping she seemed to forget the way to the nearest town. Not sure where they really where anymore she turned. "Where... are we..." She asked seeing multiple piles of snow around them and some sort of blizzard whipping up as snowflakes and multiple high winds.

  12. She nodded to what Hikari said, "I could wholeheartedly agree..." She spoke as she looked over to Hikari. She wasn't sure what to do yet she somewhat wanted to go to sleep. "Do you think it's safe-- to sleep out here under the stars like this? Out of the safe zone and all..?" She asked a bit sleepy from the playing once they met in game. Though she hadn't met anyone so unemotional as this before. Some had been grumpy, some sad, and some even as cheerful as herself. but this one-- seemed different somehow. Someone who shown almost no emotion to her was a bit strange. But she seemed friendly anyway. So 'why not?' she'd always quote in her head as she saw a new person and greeted them or just hugged them randomly. She was mainly glad that she'd accomplished one of her main goals today. That was greeting Hikari. Someone she'd never known until now. and now she was glad that she met the unusual girl herself, Hikari.

  13. banner15-630x150.jpg

    Seeing the majestic wolf suddenly 'change mode' she stared in awe at the beautiful creature as her jaw dropped. "Whoa...." She spoke as she continued to stare in awe before she felt the familiar soft fur move on her legs. Deciding to sit next to Hikari, she flashed a smile over to her as the small wolf pup sat near her. "I hope so far you don't much care of my 'over cheerfulness' as some people call it.." She spoke before turning her head to face Hikari a light blush on her cheeks as she hoped she hadn't embarrassed herself, which she completely DID. The beautiful night painted the sky along with make little white dots in the distance that looked like small stars from the place they were. She smiled as she feel back now laying on the snow and looking at the night sky twinkle.

  14. 1. Haine was originally named Naoko Tsukiyomi. Long story behind ittt....

    2. She was around 14, until blablabla I thought it was unrealistic.

    3. She was originally an OC created from an anime called Shugo Chara.

    4. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSttUGSKMfmzMdcHc1mBscqmNFBC9qJCQxqk2pjNJF49Iq5ThPK If it weren't for this inspiration picture... she would have had purple hair.

    5. She is part Lelouch/Taiga/Yuno Gasai. I KNOW...

    6. She has an unhealthy obsession for horror related topics and scissors. She carried them everywhere when she was 12 until her mom did something about it.

    7. She absolutely HATES the dark. With a burning passion @_@

    8. Ruri is her pride and joy ;w; *glomps Ruri*

    • • Fact 5 - Ruri actually looks up to her big sister Miyako Ai Yudai *Glomps Haine-san back*

      • Fact 6 - Ruri's Middle name is actually quite similar to Miyako's middle name. (It's Aya)

  15. Oooh, sounds fun!

    • • Fact 1 - Ruri's eye color was originally going to be golden, sort of like Haine's, though once again due to lack of face claims I changed it to a blue color.

      • Fact 2 - I came up with the cheerful character you all know as Ruri while looking at the pictures on Haine's journal actually.

      • Fact 3 - I originally thought of making Ruri's username "Safaia" instead of Ruri although I later thought of the username Ruri while drawing a quick sketch of the character.

      • Fact 4 - As I hope you realized Ruri, Haine, and Keith weren't always planned out to be siblings. Soon after Dirgun's death however Keith had asked me to become a Yudai, upon saying yes Ruri gained the last name of "Yudai".

  16. She had been following her big brother keith for a while hoping that she'd not be caught doing such a thing, but followed him towards his destination. "I'm gonna get cha!" She giggled before running at her brothers speed, eventually catching up to him as she got to the cave. "I got here before you!" She bragged even if she did come in last place she wanted to believe that she hadn't. She was just simply glad to see her brother once more. "The more the merrier!" she'd always believe.

  17. While I was browsing around the Internet to find a face claim for another character I want to play, I had a thought: a dedicated face claim page for SAORPG. Most of the other forum roleplay sites I've been part of have had such a feature, as to prevent dozens of Light Yagamis or Ls running around. Not only that, a dedicated page would also allow users to see what faces have already been used by other players so they can avoid writing a character with a certain face in mind, only to realize that they're the fourth user to use the face.

    I'm sure that if this idea makes it past the initial stage, there will be deciding on what the rules for this system will be. Here are just a few of my ideas:

    • 1. Characters made before the system was implemented will automatically be given their claim. If there are multiple uses of the face claim, either the most active, or the first to use it will be given it.
      2. On the FC page, you may reserve a face up to a week or two while you're writing your character's journal. After that, the face is opened to the general public.
      3. After three months of inactivity, a character's FC will be no longer be protected, and users will be allowed to reserve/claim it once more.
      4. Claiming the faces of canon characters is both unnecessary as the name and face are already linked.
      5. Upon the death of a character, their FC is relinquished and opened up to the general public.
      6. To apply for a FC, simply post a link to your character's journal and the face you're claiming.
      7. Not all characters need a face claim, but without it, the appearance of the character must be described with at least a paragraph of detail.

    Obviously, rules can be added as necessary, but that's just the basic outline of them. As for who will run the dedicated face claim page, the staff could run it, as they do the journals. Although I'm not a member of the staff, I'd be happy to run it as well.

    Just some food for thought.

    Though some people may not agree with this, me and Haine had been attempting to give everyone a face claim on the website. Attempting to make it better, with face claims for different accounts. Though it may not have passed on to everyone else I've added a face claim part to my journal, and so has Haine. It would be fairly easy to update the page's face claims. I would help you upon attempting to update it every-so often.

  18. Seeing Ethereal stand up and announce something like that made her a bit confused, even though she was confused she walked towards him. Moving beside him she nodded to the idea of avenging Grim's death. "I will follow you..." She spoke towards Ethereal hoping to avenge Grim's death fairly well. And hoping the mavericks will be fairly easy to hit and kill. Though she hadn't talked to Grim in that long, she meant something to her somehow. But she never really correctly known the reason. Yet she hoped to avenge her friend along with Ethereal. Even if Mayonaka or Ryujin wouldn't help, she would do the best she could to help avenge her friends.

    [OOC- @Ethereal: No one liners!]

  19. She saw the sudden appearance of the familiar she gasped. "Whoa..." She spoke before feeling the warmth of the familiar's tongue against her face. Giggling at the familiar she patted down the fur, the soft strokes of her hand against the familiar's soft fur. "Shiranui-- can I call you Shino?" She asked the familiar with her <> Skill even if she wasn't that good at it she managed to make the message through to him. A smile on her face as she looked at the soft familiar which had been making a majestic appearance from the snow. Seeing her dark furred wolf pup running towards her from the distance she gasped once more. Seeing the dark furred wolf pup trot towards her she grinned knowing who it was. "Kanyyaa!" She cheerfully spoke before hugging her newly arrived familiar. Her soft glimmering fur rubbing against Ruri as she looked at it. The moon coming up above them. Even if it was sunset when the two had met the moon had appeared fairly quickly. As the Familiar jumped up, Ruri had chased the small dark grey figure. "I'm gonna get youuu!" She spoke before circling the two while chasing Kanya.

  20. "I'm a bit tired of fighting.." She spoke before seeing Hikari land on the ground and start to wave her limbs around. Smiling at the figure, she did the same as she landed on the ground she started to flail around her limbs before rolling around in the snow. A snowflake landing on her nose before she rolled over and god completely covered in snow. Giggling a bit as her short blue hair was now a snow-white color. As she stood up, looking like some sort of yeti as the standing cold statue flopped onto the ground once more. Her energetic self rolling around once again not really wanting to win the snow angel competition anymore.

  21. Being pushed away she was thinking that she was a little overwhelming to the poor shy female. Slowly breaking the hug she grinned up at her. "There are multiple of a variety of things to do in floor 4... Make snow angels, create miniature snowmen or even watch the snowflakes and chase after them." She smiled before putting her hand out and a snowflake landed it perfectly-timed. As it melted in her hand. Looking down at it she smiled upon the snamm melting snow flake. She'd never forget the previous times she had in the fourth floor. Dancing and smiling at the small snowflakes that would flutter around her. She never had days like this in the real world. In the real world she would only be told to never go outside in the cold. As she never really got to feel or touch the snowflakes. She could only hope one day she would find out what the soft cold fluttering figures would feel like. Wet? Cold? Soft? She never really knew until she came into Aincrad, even if it was only virtual. It would be something she wouldn't forget. Even in a virtual world.

  22. "That also reminds me Keith.." She spoke as she turned to face him not really wanting to see <> crying when she was around him. She'd turn sadder if she were to look at him like this. "I saw a rally of players attacking a player of the name of <>." She reported wondering how Keith would take it exactly. But at least glad that she saw it.

  23. She sees Ether suddenly get a change of expression. Walking over to him instead of circling Keith now. "E--Ether..?" She asked him in a soft tone hoping that she'd help him out of the situation a little as time went on. Unsure how or what made him do such a thing but hoping he'd return back to normal soon. Although she could only hope that he would get out of his sudden state of depression soon.

  24. Seeing Kei-chan with a group of familiar faces made her grin. Slowly walking over to him she attempted to jump him with a hug. Hugging her big brother made her laugh a little. "Keiiiii!" She squeaked with a bright expression as she was glad to see her brother yet again. Though the bluenette group containing of Keith, Ruri and Haine she didn't get to see her two siblings very often. Keith more often then Haine even. Yet she actually left her guild which was a surprize to her and most likely something Keith would talk about soon. She smiled up at him jumping up and down. "Kei-Channn!" She chanted again before running in a circle around the figure.

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