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Status Replies posted by Finnick

  1. First, Game of Thrones, then roleplays!

  2. First, Game of Thrones, then roleplays!

  3. First, Game of Thrones, then roleplays!

  4. Haven't had a perfect item in the last 23 crafts..........UGH! Azazel, the approxamite wait time on your sword is...1 Million years!

  5. dumb question, do posts in the OOC forum boost level in SAO?

  6. dumb question, do posts in the OOC forum boost level in SAO?

  7. Scary ghosts in dice roller!

  8. About to start a big long rp called "searching for SAO's Holy Grail"

  9. About to start a big long rp called "searching for SAO's Holy Grail"

  10. About to start a big long rp called "searching for SAO's Holy Grail"

  11. I just realized the block skill is the best skill in the game. With a full grandmaster, your opponent subtracts 5 from their battle dice.

  12. I just realized the block skill is the best skill in the game. With a full grandmaster, your opponent subtracts 5 from their battle dice.

  13. I know I am being boastful, but Mari just hit 17 damage in the boss fight. I think that is pretty damn amazing. And yet my guild is still gonna shrivell up and die, because Mari is a hard butt head

  14. I know I am being boastful, but Mari just hit 17 damage in the boss fight. I think that is pretty damn amazing. And yet my guild is still gonna shrivell up and die, because Mari is a hard butt head

  15. Happy birthday, X!

  16. Happy birthday, X!

  17. I think my next few skill points will go into Block skill.

  18. Anybody want to comee buy something or sell me materials in my shop? I am in need of materials and do not know how to RP non-combat gather smithing materials. I never really learned how to mine

  19. Anyone know if you can have armor, gauntlets, and a shield as your three equipped slots? Thinking of an interesting build

  20. I need materials..........

  21. Why every time that I check are Azazel and I at the same number of posts for the day? And tied for first in the top 20?

  22. Why every time that I check are Azazel and I at the same number of posts for the day? And tied for first in the top 20?

  23. Why every time that I check are Azazel and I at the same number of posts for the day? And tied for first in the top 20?

  24. Why every time that I check are Azazel and I at the same number of posts for the day? And tied for first in the top 20?

  25. Man Rusty, you've made three different completely "good night" statuses in the past hour. Just says something. XD Just Kidding

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