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Posts posted by Ethereal

  1. Suddenly a tall man dressed in strange attire bursts from the trees, hair flying and robes billowing, staff held above him. "HEEEEELP!" he shouts as he scrambles through the field. A few moments pass and a giant spider, covered in eyes and black hair breaks from the treeline, sights the man, gives a piercing shriek and goes after him.

  2. Assistant-Class Alchemist [272/320] - 30 Mats


    Prices = Col prices available via PM.

    Good = 1 Mat for 2

    Uncommon =  1 Mats

    Rare = 2 Mats

    Perfect = 3 Mats



    The storefront is a large area, about 20 meters in every direction. There is a large, heavy, dark oak counter separating the storefront from the back. The entire interior has a darkened feel. The floor is made of simple pine wood. The storefront has a couple of leather couches but nothing much else other than a coffee table. Across the counter is the opposite. Apparatus of every type sprawls across the numerous desks behind the counter, even leading onto the counter itself. Chemicals and substances of all sort bubble in flasks of variable sizes and herbs hang from the ceiling.


    Display Items


    Item: "The Undying"

    Quality: Perfect

    Description: +40 Overhealth. A white philter that glows a dull cyan colour, swirling slowly in the bottle. Takes like blueberries.



    Item: "Juggernaut II"

    Quality: Rare

    Description: +36 MIT. A crimson red mixture, it appears to have small solids floating inside but somehow tastes like strawberries.



    Item: "Juggernaut I"

    Quality: Rare

    Description: +18 MIT. A crimson red mixture, it appears to have small solids floating inside but somehow tastes like strawberries.



    Name: Searing Blade I
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 49255
    Roll: 8+1=9
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +2 DMG
    Description: An amber/red colour like fire or lava, it tastes like victory. Whatever victory tastes like.



    Name: Iron Skin I
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 49254
    Roll: 8+1=9
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +18 MIT
    Description: A dull silvery potion that's quite viscous, tastes of white chocolate.



    Name: Le HP Potto
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 49253
    Roll: 5+1=6
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +10 HP (T1 HP Recovery)
    Description: A yellowish mixture of watery liquids, it smells like licorice. 



    Name: Woah, man.
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 49381
    Roll: 6+1=7
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancements: Makes the drinker feel extremely relaxed and blow smoke whenever they breathe. 
    Description: It looks like a bottle of smoke with green particles settling on the bottom.



    Name: Agoo Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 49384
    Roll: 5+1=6
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancements: Colours the drinkers' eyes bright pink for ten turns
    Description: A bright floral pink colour, with several small sparkles inside that look like glitter.


    \/ - [Tracking stuff]


    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [5-7] = Good item  
    [8-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)

    Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)

    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP


  3. "Now it ends and you are finished, fiend. That is all there is to say. You ahve fought well but you are only an AI and I am a human. This can only ever go one way ". The staff moved up in a smooth uppercut, aiming for the chin of the enemy.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The staff hits and carries the helpless boar into the air, where it shatters into pixels like a firework. Darkwood slumps to his kness in a sudden wave of fatigue as the adrenaline fades.


    1-5 nothing

    6-10 Boar's Tusk

    11-15 Iron gauntlets

    16-20 Steel rapier

    No loot is dropped and even if there was, Felix wouldn't have moved to get it, for he was already limping back to the Town, clutching the few ingredients he had won from his battles. 'I really do need some sort of companion" he decided. 'I'm going to the tavern once I've recovered to try and find one'. 'Ooh I'm level 3!' he added after a moment.


    95+100+(3*5)+(2*400) = 1010 Col

  4. Time seems to slow as the boar opens its mouth to finish him, while the staff and man spring upwards. Mouth open in a vicious roar, Darkwood strikes the boar in the stomach.

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The staff strikes home, swiping the boar away from the man. "You are a formidable opponent, beast. I will remember this battle for some time to come. However, now I grow tired of this playfulness." spoke Felix.

  5. Darkwood HP: 1/7

    Boar HP: 1/7

    Felix tries to walk towards the boar, which is almost recovered, but his legs give way and he falls. The boar begins moving towards him, the malice and intent to kill returning to its eyes. "You've fallen into my trap, foul creature. Soon your innards will be mine." spits Darkwood. With his remaining strength he surges upwards, his staff coming up.

  6. Darkwood HP: 1/7

    Boar HP: 2/7

    In a last-ditch effort Felix threw his staff at the boar like a javelin, who was blinking under the force of the recoil from the hit. The staff soared through the air towards the stunned beast.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The staff strikes the head of the boar and confuses it even more, as it had no idea where the blow came from. The staff bounces back and Darkwood catches it in his outstretched hand. The boar shivers but moves only slightly as Felix pushes himself to his feet with the staff.

    Boar HP - 1

  7. Felix took a large pace forwards to that the boar could not run and the staff was easily in range. The boar realized it had to fight and could evade no longer. It charged at Darkwood and Darkwood charged at it.

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The boar stepped into the swing and butted Felix in the chest, blowing him backwards with the force of the anger and pain it had suffered. Felix lay on the ground, nearly defeated yet still determined to best this creature.

    Darkwood HP - 2

  8. Darkwood HP: 3/7

    Boar HP: 2/7

    The boar reared back, blood dripping from a wound in its snout. It's eyes filled with a mix of pain and terror. Darkwood broke into a huge grin and and picked up the staff from nearby. "Let's finish this." he suggested. He stepped forwards and swung the staff in an arc, whipping it down to hit the foe.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The boar leaped back in fear, for it had tasted the pain of that deathly rod before and was determined not to feel it again. "Oh no you don't" exclaimed Darkwood.

  9. Darkwood thought that if he was to die then this boar had deserved to kill him. It had fought long and hard for its life, in spite of all odds. "What the hell am I thinking?" said Felix "You're no match for me..".

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Darkwood drew back his leg and viciously drove it into the boar's snout. A crack was heard and the boar screamed. 'Owch that much have hurt.' thought Felix.

    Boar HP - 1

  10. The poor creature has suffered enough, thought Darkwood. Time to wrap this up. The boar's strength was failing and Felix empathized at how humiliating this must be for the beast. He goes for a full-force punch with his right hand. This is sure to do some damage even though his physical strength was pretty poor.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    This was pitiful. His strength was failing because he was exhausting himself in holding onto the boar. A moment's lapse in strength saw the boar free from its captivity and the boar goes to gore the weakling in the chest.

  11. The boar struggles and kicks and pulls but now Darkwood wraps his legs around the boar, preventing any possibility he may be removed - he learnt from his last battle. Felix tightens his grip, takes off one of his hands and moves to punch the boar in the forehead.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    8-10 critical


    The blow bounces off and Darkwood once again curses his lack of strength. If it was up to him he'd be with a nice bow and would be picking them off from behind. He signs internally in dismay at how stupid that sounded. He returns his attention to the boar and decides that he should put the creature out of its misery.

  12. Darkwood HP: 3/7

    Boar HP: 3/7

    The boar is about to go for the kill when Darkwood flips himself over, leaving the staff behind and grasps the boar by the neck, holding it in place. "Touche, beast but you are no match for me!" exclaims Felix. The boar shrieks in complaint at the predicament it got itself into. It tries to pull away but Darkwood's grip is like iron.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Darkwood brings his knee up and strikes the beast in the stomach. The boar howls and tries with all its might to pull away, and Felix just holds on. "Oh no you don't!" he cackles in delight.

    Boar HP - 1

  13. Darkwood HP: 5/7

    Boar HP: 3/7

    Felix takes quick action as the boar turns, darting forwards and using the staff like a spear, goes to stab the boar in it's flank. The boar tries to turn in time but cannot pull face on before the blow is about to hit.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Felix had overextended himself and slips, falling face-first into the mud at the boar's feet. The boar headbutts him while he lays there.

    Darkwood HP - 2

  14. Darkwood HP: 5/7

    Boar HP: 3/7

    Felix is still on the floor, unmoving other than the muscle in his right cheek, which is on the verge of a smile. The boar goes for the charge and Felix remains unmoving.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The boar is moving too quickly for Darkwood to react in time and Felix only just manages to scrape getting hurt by rolling to the side. Felix rises as the boar stops itself to turn.

  15. Darkwood HP: 6/7

    Boar HP: 3/7

    Felix, seeing himself unarmed and on the floor with the boar staring him down, glaces around for a weapon. He spots his staff just beyond his reach. As he turns to retrieve it he hears the pounding of the boar behind him. He feels the cool wood against his hand, swoops up the staff, points it in the general direction of the noise and closes his eyes.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The staff misses its target unsurprisingly and the boar whacks Darkwood square in the chest. The force of the blow pushes Felix back slightly but Felix manages to keep a hold of his staff. He says "You were lucky that time, pig, I applaud you. We'll see how you do now I'm on guard!". The pig snorts in reply.

    Darkwood HP - 1

  16. Darkwood HP: 6/7

    Boar HP: 4/7

    Felix cries out and tries frantically to hang on, as the hit had angered the boar even more, the boar snorting and growing more and more distressed."Jeez, you boars don't half splurge out when things like this happen" Felix said to it. The boar realized that if it rolled over its 'rider' would be forced off.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The boar rolls over, forcing Darkwood off, but Felix quickly recovers and kicks the boar hard in the stomach. The boar cries out in pain and turns to face its tormentor.

    Boar HP - 1

  17. Darkwood HP: 6/7

    Boar HP: 5/7

    Darkwood spins and lands on the back of the boar, forcing it into the ground. The boar bucks and tries to throw Felix off. Felix struggles to hang on, drops his staff and goes to drive his elbow into the back of the boar's head.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Felix hangs on, but just. His elbow skims against the side of the boar as it comes down, doing some damage, but not loads. The boar is in a frenzy, for no animal likes to be ridden unless broken. It bucks and goes to roll over, to force Darkwood off.

    Boar HP - 1

  18. Darkwood HP: 6/7

    Boar HP: 7/7

    The boar stops and Felix rolls away, rising to his feet. "Let's try that again, shall we?" he says. The boar seems to agree by raking the ground and charges once more. Felix tenses his legs in preparation to jump and put the end of the staff to the ground.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Darkwood jumps and uses the staff as a pole to boost his jump height. The boar stops where he was, confused at where he went, and Darkwood falls, silhouetted against the blazing sun like a spirit. Darkwood strikes the boar in the centre of the back, causing huge damage.

    Boar HP - 2

  19. After a quick rest and a drink at a nearby tavern, Felix sets out for the plains again, reading the possible alchemic drops he could acquire from the boars. There was a surprising amount. Once Felix reached the sprawling plains of Floor 1 he looked around for a stronger boar to attack. He glanced at his staff and thought 'I can probably go a bit longer with this thing'. He threw a rock at a nearby Lv.2 Boar, larger than the others, causing it to turn in his direction. "Hey pigface! Yeah you! Come at me! he hollered. The boar charged at him head-on and Darkwood put his staff over his shoulder like a baseball bat and sighted the boar's side.

    Darkwood HP: 7/7

    Boar HP: 7/7

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Felix swings but isn't strong enough to cause any damage to the boar. It bounces off and the boar smacks into him. "Oof" he gasps as the breath is forced out of him.

    Darkwood HP - 1

  20. Darkwood HP: 3/7

    Boar HP: 2/4

    Now Darkwood was enraged like the boar he decided to call Patrick, due to a similar incident that happened in the real world. "That bloody hurt!" Felix shouts "You're going down Patrick.". Felix lifts his foot to kick the boar with all his strength. The boar gives a glare of pure loathing and powers forwards in a haze of bloodlust.

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    (You knew this was coming) Darkwood screams the cliche'd line at the top of his lungs - "THIS IS SPARTAAAA". The boot drives the boar into the ground in its charge and it bursts into pixels giving one last howl of resentment before vanishing.

    Boar HP - 2


    1-5 nothing

    6-10 Hair of Boar

    11-15 Piece of metal

    16-20 Boar Saliva



    10*5 = 100 Col

    Darkwood falls to the ground, panting heavily. "Dayum, that was intense. Another reason I should have a companion" he whispers between breaths.

  21. Darkwood HP: 5/7

    Boar HP: 2/4

    It is a well known fact that a pig is very fond of the integrity of its bottom, like many creatures and did not at all like the event that had just occurred. The enraged boar bared its teeth, turned around and went for the left shoulder of Darkwood. Felix took a couple of steps back to give the boar some space as now it was really mad. Felix took up a pretty pathetic stance because he felt sorry for the boar, even if he knew he shouldn't.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The poor stance gave the enraged boar a clear shot at the shoulder. It's teeth connect perfectly and deal heavy damage to Felix in its anger. Darkwood cries out in agony as it hurt much more than he thought it would.

    Darkwood HP - 2 (I feel sorry for the boar.)

  22. Darkwood HP: 5/7

    Boar HP: 3/4

    Without losing momentum Darkwood dives at the boar, bringing his staff down over his head to crack the boar on the backside. The boar senses movement behind him and lifts his hind legs to kick the foolish man.

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The tip of the staff only just scrapes the back of the boar but does damage nonetheless. The boar sends out a terrible shrill that caused some players to actually think some sort of event was occurring. "Forgive me, creature, that was pretty harsh." apologized Felix.

    Boar HP - 1

  23. Darkwood HP: 5/7

    Boar HP: 4/4

    As Felix once again curses the fact that he had the misfortune to have been given a bloody piece of wood as his weapon. He scrambles to his feet, shaking his head to clear the stars. The boar seizes the chance to quickly end the crazy's life and jumps towards his exposed chest.

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    Felix sees the boar's legs tensing just in time to spin left. As the boar flies past him Darkwood's foot connects and delivers a blow to the boar.

    Boar HP - 1

  24. "Hey! I leveled up! Oh yeah these boars have no chance now." he realised with joy.

    Darkwood HP = (2*2)+3 = 7

    Felix then spots another Lv.1 boar to fight. "Here's another boar. How about that." said Darkwood. He ran over to said boar and confronts it head on. He confidently swings the staff overhead and brings it down on the bewildered boar.

    1-5 fail

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The weight of the staff suddenly shifts in Felix's hands, causing him to slip and fall over, spinning. He comes down head over heels onto the tusks of the stationary boar.

    Darkwood HP - 2

    The boar is actually so confused that this crazy man in strange robes has forced himself onto it's tusks that the guy wants to die.

  25. Felix has a quick kip on the ground away from danger and looks through what he got as loot. He compares it to his Grimoire. "Boar's Saliva.. I guess that is a emulsifying agent for diluting potions or mixing ingredients. This is a lot like those Chemistry classes I used to do...." Darkwood trails off, lost in thought.

    A bird lands nearby and he snaps out of it. "Now, what have we here? A Boar's Tusk? OK this is... A catalyst for healing! Great! I can grind this up for my first health potion!"

    A few minutes later and HP recovered Darkwood sets out for another boar hunt. "This time I'm expecting big things. From the looks of what I just got there's a lot of good loot around. The thing is not many people would know what to do with it and end up discarding the stuff.. What a waste." he sighs.

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