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Posts posted by Ethereal

  1. Felix realizes that a wounded animal is the most dangerous animal as the boar starts dribbling green saliva onto the ground. The animal seems to have regained its fighting spirit and looks ready to give this attack his all. Darkwood realises if the boar attacks first it has a much greater chance of winning.

    He lunges with his staff, aiming to whack the boar right in the sternum with the slightly pointed tip of the staff.

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The staff whips forwards before the boar can react and with such damage the boar flies into the air and bursts into shards.

    Boar Health - 2

    "Oh yeah! That's how it's done!" screams Felix in triumph.


    1-5 Nothing

    6-10 Boar bone

    11-15 Bottle of Boar's Saliva

    16-20 Bottle of Boar's Saliva & Boar's Tusk

    [19] ----^

    "SWEET" exclaims Felix. "Now I can start again after that catastrophe with the table.."


    19*5 = 95 Col

  2. The boar strikes first, leaning backwards slightly and powering itself towards Felix unrelentingly. It goes for his leg, neck outstretched and mouth open. Felix instinctively falls backwards, trying to get away, his arm moving in a round, striking movement.

    Boar HP: 3/4

    Darkwood HP: 3/4

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 crit


    Darkwood's hand meets the boar's face with immense strength, the boar rolls away under the force and Felix follows through, spinning once again into a kneeling position and straightens upright, leaning casually on his staff. "Still gonna go on little piggy?" he taunts.

    Boar HP - 2

  3. He springs up quickly, seeing the boar move side on as it is turning around. "I've got you now!" he tells it. "There's no way you're getting out of this, beast!". The staff moves down to crack the boar on the head.

    Boar HP: 4

    Darkwood HP: 3

    1-5 miss

    6-8 hit

    9-10 critical


    The staff connects and the boar spins off backwards.

    "Yes! I've got you now!" Felix exclaims. "Run while you have the chance!" The boar takes no heed and gets up, circling Darkwood menacingly, crimson eyes boring (get the pun? :D) into Felix's dark brown eyes with absolute hatred.

    Boar HP -1

  4. He spends the rest of his time trying to gather more components for a new concoction. He decides he will walk down to the Floor 1 fields and try to kill a few 'weak' enemies.

    He spots a wild boar about 20 feet away and gets into a ready stance, staff held out in front of him in an aggressive postition. The boar spots him and they face each other off. After a few seconds the boar charges him and Felix swings his staff in an intercepting arc.

    1-5 failiure

    6-8 hits

    9-10 critical


    Felix misjudges the speed of the boar and it goes careering into him. "Ah!" he exclaims and falls to the ground into a more defensive position, staff held slanting backward to block.

  5. After a long trek through Floor 2 and the rambling Town of Beginnings he got back to his Sensei's house. "My boy, you've returned!" exclaimed the old man. "Aye, Sensei. This was no small feat - gathering these materials and items" replied Felix. "Let's have a look at them then, boy" Felix quickly scrolled through his menu and deposited the items on the thick wooden desk in the living room of the house. "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!" the old man exclaimed, covering his nose frantically. "Umm.." Felix gingerly poked the mess that had formed on the table. "Alchemy? he replied.

    It turns out most of the materials Felix was carrying had combined on the table due to the alchemical residue left on the table, for this was the place Sensei created his own tinctures for sale. Shortly after the table was replaced by a new, oak table and Felix was outside, several items shorter than when he went inside. He kicked the ruined table beside him in frustration. "OH MY GOD AH AH AHHH AHH" Felix exclaimed, hopping about and falling over into the street. He scrambled to his feet and quickly strode away from the people staring at him, oblivious to the goop from the table stuck to his shoe.

  6. Felix slumped onto a nearby tree stump of Floor 2 and gazed at the nearest cow-thing. "Phew.. Well that took a while." He scrolled through his inventory - Wind Wasp Sting x 2, Cow Patty x 3, etc. He wondered how long it had taken him to gather all the required materials for the recommended Basic Health Potion. "This is not goin' to be an easy task, that's for sure." he sighed and looked at the blazing sun.

    Then he had an epiphany - he had seen all the shops and stores around town - "Why don't I just make a store and get people to trade me these items or just bring them to me for a potion?!" he literally jumped for joy before hitting his foot on the stump. "AH MY AH AH AH AHHHH" he shouted before wiggling his foot and realizing the stump was rotten and had not jarred his foot. He looked around, embarrassed, and quickly strode off away just to make sure.

    -- EDIT: Was too caught up in telling the story I forgot about the combat system :oops: don't worry I remember later on.

  7. Stats

    Level: 35 29

    Health: 595

    Energy: 58

    SP: 121 91

    Next Level: X SP


    Username: EtherealHawk
    Real name: Felix Gallimore
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'4"

    About: History/personality


    Patient - Felix finds it easy to listen to others talk and explain.

    Determined - Felix is always ready to keep pushing on even when others falter which is to be expected from a man who solos dragons.
    Loyal - Once you are a friend you are a friend for life.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
    Complex - Early on in his life in Aincrad Felix and a group of companions encountered an event boss, a powerful dragon levels and levels above them. Many of his friends perished and he barely escaped with his life. Since then, he has fought dragons and wyverns wherever they have spawned to avenge the fallen.

    Disturbed - Having being fighting for as long as he has, seeing his friends fall in battle and loved ones descend into the depths of despair and disappear from it Felix is damaged in a way few things can fix.

    Multiple Personalities - When Felix dons his armor, made from the bones and scales of the giant serpents that have fallen before him he transitions. The kind-hearted and sage-like alchemist slips away to give way to the Fireheart, conqueror of the scales and ex-Crimson Inqusition commander of the West.

    Profession: Alchemist

    Familiar: White raven called Argent, pre-rework of the quest so non-combat

    Skills - 5 remaining

    Thread Splitting

    "The Traveller" at 29 = +1

    "Forest of Wavering Mist" at 21 = +1

    "Mass Training Event" at 21, 48 = +2

    "Calming the Soul" at 28 = +1

    "Meet and Greet" at 21, 41, 61 = +3

    "What did I see? And why?" at 21, 41, 61 = +3

    "Being Dovahkiin" at 21 = +1

    "The Daily Grind" at 21 = +1

    "Thirsty Hungry Inn" at 21 = +1

    "Seeking the Beast of the Mountain" at 26 = +1

    "Calming the Soul" at 21, 41, 61, 83 = +4

    "Forever You and Me" at 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 121, 141, 161, 181, 201 = +10

    "Birthday Party" at 21, 41, 61 = +3

    "Hello There!" at 21, 41, 61, 81, 101 = +5

    KoTB Social at 21, 41 = +2
    Overall: +32 for 20 post splitting

    Need to check from Hungry Thirsty Inn


    Total SP = 22(91 +32=123, 123  - 69 = 22)

    Starter points(5SP) + An escapist’s Worst Nightmare (1SP) + The evil food poisoner(1SP) + F8 Raid(10SP) + The Valkyrie(1SP + 200 Col)+ Meeting a sibling(1SP + 200Col) + Elf Slaughter(NOT COMPLETED) + Gathering Materials(1SP + 134Col) + Chance for new Beginnings(1SP + 67 Col)+ Twinfire Phoenix(3SP)+ Mass training Event(1SP) + Combat training(1SP + 134 Col) + Caving (1SP + 134 Col) + The Traveler(2SP + 134 Col) + Mini Boss Tower(1SP + 134 Col) + Feeding the Enemy(2SP + 400 Col) + Breaking the Unbreakable(2SP + 800 Col) + A wanderer’S returns(1SP + 100 Col) + gathering mats(1SP + 20 Mats) + Being Dovahkin(1SP + 400 Col) + Meet&Greet – 1SP + Beware of PKers(1SP + 100 Col) + A new Adventure(1SP + 100 Col) + Volcanic Glass(1SP) + Forest of Wavering Mist(1SP + 134 Col) + The Daily Grind(1SP + 134 Col) + Thristy? Hungry? Inn(1SP) + Seeking the Beast on the Mountain(1SP + 400 Col) + Calming the Soul(3SP+ 1SP + 1200 Col + Meditation) + Earning a Living(2SP + 400 Col + 14 Mats + Alchemist) + Forever you and me(1SP + 100 Col) + Birthday Party (1SP + 400 Col) + Hello there (1SP + 500 Col) + Search for the Hoya (3SP + 400 Col) + Secret Medicine of the Forest (1SP + 400 Col) + Material hunting is a bore (1SP + 100 Col) + I'm new (1SP + 100 Col) + First steps in the grassland (1SP + 100 Col) + Long live the Dovahkiin (1SP + 200 Col) + Where the grass grows greener (1SP + 50 Col) + Going hard (1SP + 134 Col) + Miss Identified (1SP + 40 Col) + Training Session (1SP + y Col) + Time to Level Up (1SP + 1SP Compensation) + Hi there! (1SP) + Loney Loner (1SP + 200 Col) + Learning the Ropes (1SP + 100 Col) + Tired of Playing Nice (1SP) + What did I see (1SP + 200 Col) + Prey (1SP) + Thinking of leaving (1SP) + To Begin Again (1SP) + KoTB Social (1SP) + Tagas (5SP) + Death Game (1SP)Planning, Plotting, and Possibly Even Scheming (1SP)


    Survival: (Extra Skill)

    No Ranks


    Effect: Increases the health you regenerate per post to 6 when out of combat. Survival also gives immunity to damage dealing environment effects.

    Quest: The Traveller


    Heavy Armor :

    4 Ranks


    Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Armor Equipment.



    ►Ghostly Guides: (Event Extra Skill)

    No Ranks


    Effect: Spectral apparitions may appear and reveal secrets. No one else can see them, unless they too have this ability or are haunted. Gain a permanent +1 to LD rolls.

    Event: <Toil and Trouble>.

    Link for those who are sceptical about Ghostly Guides


    Concentration: (Extra Skill)

    No Ranks


    Effect: Gain +1 to the BD result for a single action.

    Quest: <The Gemini>



    Meditation: (Extra Skill)

    0 Ranks

    Post Action


    Recover X Energy on natural CD rolls of 10+ (X=Rank Level)

    Description: Recover small amounts of energy in battle. The amount recovered is X. Not affected by Combat craft enhancement.

    Quest: Calming the Soul

    (I am not sure I still have this skill after the rework of the quest, I will not use it anyway. If someone could confirm that'd be great.)

    Weapon skills:

    Two-Handed Straight Sword:

    4 Ranks


    The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed type long swords. (Example: Claymore, Broadsword)


    Martial Arts: (Extra Skill)

    0 Ranks


    The effectiveness with which a player can use unarmed combat. Unlocked after completion of the quest

    Quest: <Breaking the Unbreakable.>


    12 unspent SP


    Expert Heavy armour Mod
    Athletics: You can endure more and hit harder. +1 Damage and +5 Health (9 SP)



    » <<Fang of the Serpents>>: +6 DMG


    » <<Two Handed Sword of the Fallen>>: +1 ACC, +2 DMG


    » <<Blackwing Plate>>: +54 MIT


    » <<Crimson Palisade>>: +28 Thorns, +1 Recovery


    » <<Talons of the Firebreathers>>: +3 ACC


    » <<Banner of Command>>:  3 Charges, empowers you and three other players in a party with +1 Damage for 1 battle. To refill 1 charge costs 5,000 col."

    » <<Carapace of the Wyverns>>: +2 Heavy Momentum

    » <<Serrated Draconic Claws>>: +2ACC

    » <<Merlin's Labcoat>>+1 Crafting Dice

    » <<Draconic Cleaver>>: +2 Bleed

    » <<Dragon Bone Curiass>+1 MIT

    » <<Monster Call Grenade(x4)>>: +1 Monster Call

    » <<Potion of Fallen Strength>>:  Increases your Damage by +3 but reduces your Mitigation by 9 for a Thread.

    » Strike Team Cloak

    » Draconic Helm


    Grandfathered items I ain't gonna bother reevaluate

    » <<Plate of Dragon>>: +Paralyse

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


    --- COMPLETE




    Story so far

    First things first, Ethereal and his beginners party ventured out from the safezone one day to a hidden cave with high level mobs. Unbeknownst to them, dragons descended from all angles, killing indiscriminately. Most died horribly, in fire and pain, but Ethereal and several others survived - splitting up and leaving each other as to keep the remorse behind them. 

    Ethereal was fighting and levelling virtually out of the gate as soon as everyone became trapped. Assisted by Grim, a strong and kind friend, he gained a lot of experience and knowledge of how to survive in the death game. Along the way he met many good companions and friends, Ruri, Dirgun, Ragnar, Mayonaka, Vandal, Keith to name a few. Everything was good with the world.

    Then Maverick came. A high level Player Killer that ambushed helpless people when they least expected it. Grim faced the monster, being struck down in a few minutes. Ethereal and several others arrived on the scene and tried to help Grim flee despite his wounds. He succumbed to them, disappearing into fading pixels even as he stood once more to fight - leaving Yureka a widow.

    After this tragedy, several of Ethereal's close friends felt the loss of their mentor and companion heavily. Dirgun, having his best friend die, committed suicide, leaving Ruri devastated. Following a few more tragic losses, Ethereal took his first leave of absence, moving high into the mountains to a hidden base and fighting all the monsters he could find to try and get over the loss.

    Eventually, he came back down to a broken Ruri. Together they grew and got over their losses, becoming close enough that on her birthday he was going to declare his love for her. Suddenly, she snapped and decided she couldn't take any more of this game and left without a word to some place unknown. Ethereal tried to bury his loss, joining the Crimson Inquisition and becoming Raoul of the West - the third in command. For a long time, he fought and grew in power, helping those around him best he could.

    Suddenly, following a dispute with the upper command of the Inquisition he was left guildless. Having had enough of being a commander of the largest guild there was at the time, he became a humble low-ranking member of Square One. A guild entirely dedicated to helping new players was a welcome and relaxing change. Several months passed and he grew tired of the comings and goings of players that he would never see again. Once more, he retreated to his mountain base away from civilisation, secretly battling his scaly foes.

    One day, a wanderer on a horse collapsed on Floor Nine. Assisted by a passing player named Nixon he managed to recover, there and then Ethereal decided that he would rejoin the front lines having had his faith in people restored. As soon as people realised he had returned, Ethereal was snapped up by the Crimson Blades Elite Strike Force of the Knights of Blood, to fight with them on the front lines.

    Retiring from the Knights, he wanders and remembers, those he met growing stronger as he grows wiser. Now wizened, he returns to the land of the living.

    The story goes on~~




    Ruri - My God, how long has it been..? I hope she's resting in peace. I will be with you soon my darling.

    Rue - Long gone, my sis. I hope she's okay.

  8. After trading for some basic alchemical tomes and recipes around the Town of Beginnings, Felix began compiling them into one Alchemical Grimoire - a journal of ideas, recipes and results of experiments.

    Felix began the laborious task of walking around Floors 1 to 4, waving his staff at monsters that came close and shouting (running and screaming if they insisted) while trying to find ingredients listed in the Grimoire for experimentation.

    After the fourth attempt at trying to obtain Sand Shrew Venom on Floor 3 he sighed to himself "Man, I need to get myself some friends who CAN fight..."

  9. "Sir, may I be so bold to ask that you take me as your apprentice?" Felix requested. After an awful lot of persuasion and gold the NPC finally accepted Felix. "Here boy, you sleep here" he pointed to a sack of hay at the side of the living room. "Hey, I'll be bitten to death on that thing!" Felix exclaimed. "Live with it boy."

    The following days that passed Felix grew more understanding at what plants and items had what effect in SAO, where to find and harvest them. He realized many of the plants he had walked past in the fields had amazing properties. This led him to wonder at all those who must have died with life-giving creatures and plants just beside them, all too oblivious to their saviors that could have helped them. Felix realized that by growing his knowledge, educating the oblivious and selling HP boosts he could help stop people dying.

    Driven by this wish set off to obtain more knowledge of the nature of HP and how it can be manipulated. Always helping where he can and gathering more and more potent and rare ingredients to experiment with.

  10. As Felix walked the streets of the town of beginnings he felt curious about what he would possibly do with his time, he had tried combat but equipped with only a wooden stick he had got nowhere. "Man, this is a huge place! And it's only the First Floor!" he exclaimed. He strolled down the road, sweeping his eyes for anything out of the blue. "My boy, look 'e here!" an NPC called, intrigued Felix walked over.

    "See anything to your liking?" he questioned. Felix, being an avid lover of MMORPG's was quite puzzled at the array of vials and jars before him. I didn't think SAO had magic?! "Hey, I know I probably sound rude, but what are these?" he inquired. "My, my, these are potions and poisons!" "Can you tell me more?" "These are used to restore HP, increase damage and a million other things." Felix - always a curious lad - was instantly drawn to the idea of alchemy.

    It seems I've found what I'm looking for he thought.

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