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Posts posted by Zerva

  1. Zerva blinked when the lady who called herself Cinika ran towards him, and then into him! He was tough enough not to get the air knocked out of him but it was still a surprise! "Oh, hello to you as well, Cinika!" He chuckled softly, happy to see such energy and bright looking eyes from someone in this game, it had turned too many people's eyes dark and sad. "My name is Zerva, I'm a stealth-type player." He says proudly, enjoying his role quite a bit. With the introductions done he asks "Would you like some help fighting and getting stronger? I don't mind just chatting of course!" He looks down at her curiously, waiting for her response patiently.

  2. Zerva had felt like exploring the first floor for the first time in a while. He had spent most of his time on the higher floors, risking himself a bit more, in exchange for faster progress and meeting more powerful people. It was exhilarating, but sometimes you just had to sit back and relax while you explore, which is what brought him back down here! His eyes looked around for any newer players, sure he could offer them some support if they wanted. It was as good a way as any to spend his time, giving the young a foundation so they can become the strong!

  3. uhh... Hi... Zerva? *Blushes* We could Rp if you... like.

    I apologize for the late reply, but I would be happy to RP with you! Would you like me to create the RP? Feel free to just PM me your answer if you prefer and we can begin!

  4. Then I would expect you are a fan of Reki Kawahara's other work, Accel World. Which was written before Sword Art Online was.

    Oh yes, you assume correct. While the designs took me some time to get used to, originally making me hate the MC with a fiery passion, he came to grow on me as he developed as a character. The robot battles and the time difference being played out in clever ways was always a pro as well.

  5. Having only one other item to attempt and no reason not to attempt it, he takes out his emerald ring and repeats the process for the third time in a row, the green gem the obvious item he hoped to regain from this attempt. With the option selected the game started its brief uncrafting process. When it ended, the item shattered away, leaving him with nothing save the previous regained material. He figured something was better than nothing and he would make do with the silver!

  6. With the necklace sadly being a failure, he gets to work on the next item in the list, the silver bracelet he had tried to create. Just like the last time he goes through the correct options until the salvage option appeared. Selecting it he crosses his fingers this time in the hopes he would at least get the silver back! A moment later a silver ingot replaced the bad item in his inventory, giving him a smile and faith in the next one!

    Roll = 10

    Item salvaged!

    Silver Ingot(x1)

  7. Feeling like he may as well get it done and over with he begins the process of breaking down his bad quality items, starting with his Sapphire Necklace which was the first of the group. He goes through the menus and sees if the system decided to flip the coin in his favor. In the case of his necklace, the salvaging was a failure, causing the item to shatter apart into oblivion.

    Roll = 5

    Item lost

  8. Welcome aboard! I may not be as well versed as a lot of the people here or as long a member, but hopefully we run into eachother in an RP! Always a great thing to see new faces!

  9. Zerva saw them both fail, so he was not too badly upset by his own. With his dagger ready he aims to strike at the Goblin once again, hopefully with better results and much more damage to be had! With the goblin not dodging or evading very well this turn, his dagger scores a painful blow on the first goblin and making it yell at him in some gibberish language.

    Zerva 17/17

    Ruri 45/45

    Goblin1 7/10

    Goblin2 10/10

    ((No wonder you missed, there are no golems to be seen xD!))

  10. Zerva nodded in approval and said "Seven goblins, well, six now, and then a mini boss? Sounds like a plan!" He grips his dagger and sprints forward towards a goblin, dagger held and at the ready for the moment he came into range! The goblin's AI had other plans though, as it suddenly turned and started to walk aimlessly until Zerva slashes, making it turn around and make a little war cry at him, a second goblin coming from behind a stone pillar as if spawned by the cry.

    Zerva 17/17

    Ruri 45/45

    Goblin1 10/10

    Goblin2 10/10

  11. Zerva smiled to her and with a nod said "Good job, that's one down." He looked into the caves where more goblins were likely waiting. "Any preference on how many we should slay?" He takes a second to appreciate his dagger, looking the black blade over which was shaped like a small tanto. It most certainly was not a sword by any definition because of the short blade. "I am thinking a minimum of five. That sounds like a normal RPG amount." He gets ready to attack their second one regardless!

  12. Sighing in disappointment he decides to use his final piece of material. There was no point in letting it rot and wait, so instead he takes his emerald, the last of his starting supplies, and begins the process of making it something someone would want to wear. When all was said and done, the revealed item was of equal quality to the previous, leaving him a bit grumped but he figured he could break it down with the rest of his bad items.

    Roll: 5 = Bad Item

    Name: Emerald Ring

    1 EXP

    2 of 2 daily crafts

  13. With a new day and TWO new crafting attempts he decided not to allow them to go to waste! With a piece of silver he had obtained while questing he starts working on something that would hopefully make up for past failures!... No promises though. As he hammered the metal it took the appearance of a simple silver bracelet, hardly of much use so he places it over with the rest of his inventory...

    Roll: 5 = Bad Item

    Name: Silver Bracelet

    1 EXP

    1 of 2 daily crafts

  14. With a smirk on his lips, which were sealed tight for fear of divine retribution from Ruri, he sees her running into the wall, shaking his head a bit and refocusing on the goblin. It had been doing rather poorly with him on the other hand, just one blow away from death! It was then the goblin managed to give him the slip, dodging out of the way off his dagger and leaving him fumbling out off surprise of the creature's nimble and fast movements despite its build!

    Zerva 17/17

    Ruri 45/45

    Goblin 3/10

  15. Zerva chuckled softly as he sees Ruri accidentally miss, his dagger being held tightly as he stares towards the goblin who was now very much aware of them both, swinging its stone axe wildly, clearly without any combat training of any sort. Zerva was easily able to block and defend it's wild swings this time, landing his own counter attack which sliced deeply into the goblin, giving it more than a little damage in his eyes.

    Zerva 17/17

    Ruri 45/45

    Goblin 3/10

    ((My assumption is that the crit still only tacks on the +1 damage of my base attack, and doesn't go with my weapon's damage buffs... Someone correct me if I am wrong. No, seriously, I want someone to. 6 damage a crit would be awesome.))

  16. Seeing that Ruri was not going to be making the first move, he did. He moves to stand behind one of the goblins, dagger drawn and at the ready as he prepares to gives the humanoid monster a rude surprise. Using the element of surprise to his advantage the dagger cuts along the goblin's icy flesh, making it scream in simulated surprise while Zerva, now revealed to all, back-peddles away before it could turn around to strike him back

    Zerva 17/17

    Ruri 45/45

    Goblin 7/10

    ((If you want to make it so other goblins are attracted to the fight you can, I have no issue.))

  17. Zerva smiled as they moved through the damp and dark cave, his night vision making sure he didn't trip on anything. I the distance there was a small fire though, torches being lit by the local monsters it seemed. Deeper into the cave he could make out the form of Snow Goblins, short and ugly creatures. They had bleached looking skin, likely so they could move through the snow with more stealth, and crude weapons formed of stone. Since they were in a party together, Ruri could still make out where Zerva was despite his hiding, without using a searching or detection skill.

  18. Zerva, seeing the cave, enters into a combat stance, his dagger held with a backhanded grip as his hiding skill triggers, making him harder to detect visually. For the moment he still left footprints in the snow, but once in the cave he figured he should be fine. "Great, let's see if we can kill whatever is inside." He smirks, moving forward while mindful not to do anything that would deactivate the skill early.

  19. Zerva gasped in surprise as the snowballs hit him, making him smirk as it seemed he to return the favor, or at least try. Once securely behind another tree he starts grabbing up snow! He compacts a big ball of the snow, a cannonball more than a baseball, and steps out to heave it, watching as the snowball went high, just over the boulder, and hearing it hit something, or rather someone, before the ground! He laughs happily at the snow warfare that was going on!

  20. Zerva smiled ever so slightly while waiting for his existence to be accepted, soon he gave up though and turned on his heel, stepping out of the shop while only slightly singed, figuring maybe another alchemist would be interested in his request, and that the owner of this shop must have been busy with other orders or such.

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