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Posts posted by Katharine

  1. 'Of course he would defeat it.' I thought to myself, as eyebrow twitched slightly.

    I turned around and walked infront of Zauis, the town could be seen, so we were almost there.

    "Good job. You're as strong as your brother." I complimented him.

    'Even if it makes his ego bigger...you have to give it to him, he's damn strong. Obviously stronger than me.' Thinking that, I gave a bitter sweet smile that only Charcoal can see, making him slightly worried.

    I gave Charcoal a soft smile as a reassurance, but he obviously was not falling for that.

    "I still say your brother has the better attitude though.", nonchalantly saying that, hiding my soft smile.

  2. Right after he said that, I could see a brown blur running towards us, I soon realized it was a grizzly bear, twice Zauis levels.

    "Zauis, run!" I quickly sheathed my rapier, picked up Charcoal. I ran knowing that we would not stand a chance against it, even with his black flames or my speed and accuracy.

    I made a 360 degree turn, and my sprint skill activated causing me to run fast ahead with in moments.

  3. I looked a bit surprised at what he just said.

    "Sure, I wouldn't mind."

    As I took another step, I could feel a tingling feeling down my spine. Charcoal noticed it too, and looked a bit worried. I turned around, no mobs behind us. However, I was not going take that chance. I placed Charcoal on the ground, and

    unsheathed my rapier. I then pulled Zauis's coat, grabbing his attention.

    "Zauis, take out your sword, I have a bad feeling about something..."

  4. I giggled softly and smiled, "Yeah, I'm surprised I even found one so soon, shall we head back?" I asked Zauis.

    He nodded in reply and we both started walking, with my new familiar wrapped around with my hands, placed close to my chest.

    "Your name from now on will be Charcoal~" I spoke to the dragon, giggling a little more when he yawned.


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