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Posts posted by Katharine

  1. 'He gets easily embarrassed when he is thanking someone huh...its surprisingly cute, for someone like him.' I giggled bit at my thought.

    I smiled as I received the red flower, I held it in my hand when we started walking again.

    I then noticed a black dragon walking towards me, surprising me.

    'I found a dragon?'

    I noticed the dragon was not that big, the dragon itself was sniffing me, and I took out my berries and fed it, making it my familiar.

  2. I smiled in reply, and said "Just leave some for me to kill, I want experience too you know?"

    Both of us walked along the forest, I enjoying the sight of the different flowers and animals, Zauis, not so much. I could feel his growing irritation at all the vines and branches around him.

  3. I gave Zauis a stoic face, before simply walking away and ignoring him.

    "I'm gonna find a black dragon now, black dragons are usually found in these types of forests, so it should be slightly easier then finding one in other places." I nonchalantly spoke.

  4. Arriving at the 4th floor, I felt a nice soft breeze flow through me. Charcoal gave out a soft yawn, making me giggle a bit.

    'It feels nice...'

    I quickly went to a Inn and ordered my room, and grabbed a quick bite. After that, I went to the grass field to start grinding as I was under leveled. I wanted to help out those front runners, but of course, my level's were much lower then average, so I had to level up before I was ready.

  5. I gripped my rapier even tightly, and back away a few steps when he started to talk to me.

    'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...' I freaked out inside.

    I quickly noticed a crunch sound, causing my heart to nearly leap out of my chest.

    'Please don't be a pker, please don't be a pker, please don't be a pker...' I prayed.

    I turned around, and noticed a player who was staring at the ground, as if he did something wrong.

    Was he the one who made that sound?'

    I look at his mark, and noticed it was green.

    'Thank god...' I sighed in relief, but it was short-lived as I realized there was a red player infront of me.

  6. I giggled a bit, and started to walk to the forest not to far from us.

    When we reached there, I could see different mobs surrounding us, and after just a few steps of walking, I found some blackberries.

    "They sure are easy to find, if only black dragons were that easy to find..." I sighed.

  7. I saw two players teaming up, for a dungeon.

    'Wait...a dungeon?'

    I have never been to a dungeon before, nor even seen it, but thought that the experience would be nice.

    So I shyly walked towards to those two.

    "Hey, excuse me, I overheard you guys talking about a dungeon. Can I join you guys? I have never been to a dungeon before, so I think it would be better if I teamed up with some players..." I hesitantly spoke, eyes avoiding contact while playing with my hands.

  8. 'Is that a red player?'

    I squinted my eyes and noticed it was orange, the player was a male, much taller then her.

    I could feel my fear growing as I kept staring at him, causing me to shiver a bit. I looked alot calmer then I did inside.

    He turned around, noticed me, I gripped my handle more tightly out of fear.

    'What should I do?', I freaked out inside.

  9. "Yeah, it sure was." I said, as I skimmed through the menu.

    After I said that, I had a tingling feeling down my spine, as it was warning me about something. I wanted to tell Shade about it, but a message popped up infront of me.

    'From Ashley'

    'Ashley huh..'

    I pressed the accept button, and read Ashley's message.

    'Hey, Katharine. I have finished the outfit you ordered, so you can come pick up your outfit now.'

    I quickly pressed the reply message and wrote,

    'Kay, I'll be there at around 8.30pm, in around 2 hours time, sound good?'

    I pressed the send message, and then started to look through the menu again.

  10. "Oh! Yeah, I wanted a familiar, a black dragon to be specific."

    "Black dragons are known to be extremely fast and strong. It also has a surprisingly high defensive and is one of the most powerful dragons in Sword Art Online. However, the chances of one finding it is extremely low, as its one of the rarer dragons, the chances of one taming it is even lower. But if one manages to tame it, it will take a form of a small child-like dragon outside of combat." I explained to Zauis.

    "Its favourite food is surprisingly easy to find as it is Blackberries." Adding on.

  11. I quickly ran towards where Zauis was, and panted.

    "Sorry, I had to catch up on some things, my apologizes."

    I wore my usual attire of a black coat with with trimmings, navy skirt with black lines going across, a white shirt and black stockings paired up with grey boots.

    My rapier was also attached on waist, towards the left.

    "So why did you call me here?" I curiously asked him.

  12. After a good nights sleep, I decided to go to this dungeon that I found a few days ago, after strolling around the 2nd floor.

    I quickly put on my Black coat and walked out of the Inn, to go find the dungeon again.

    The black coat I had on was a custom made one, made by my good friend, and extremely skilled tailor, Ashley. It could increase one's hiding skill and strength while giving a good amount of defense, with bonus points for it looking very stylish.

    Hanging beside me, was my Rapier, Hornet's Sting. It was a rare drop from a boss, and is a well created rapier, it had much better quality than the beginner one. Its good enough, that it could evenly be competed against highly skilled blacksmith made rapiers.

    Passing along the long stretches of grasses were wolves, boars and hornets. I fought some along the way, but did not fight much.

    When I finally reached to the dungeon, I could see a small figure at the entrance.

    I squinted my eyes, trying to make out what it was.

    'Is that a player?'

    I walked nearer to the dungeon entrance, and tightly gripped my rapier's handle, in case if its a PKer or a mob.

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