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Posts posted by Katharine

  1. "Yeah, sure. Lets go."

    We paced ourselves and started walking back home.

    Most of the time it was silent, though not a awkward silence, we fought a few boars and hornets along the way.

    I tried to start a conversation in the process.

    "Hey, have you heard that today there will be a full moon?"

  2. I stared at the ground when that question was asked.

    "I, when we were told that we were trapped in this game, had...gave up. I stayed at the Inn not to far from here for a few weeks... I don't know why I did though, I had a person waiting for me, hoping that I would wake up and return back to the real world. Yet, I just..."

    I tensed up, having so much emotion in me for a few days, I not could help that I had a few tears streaming down my face.

    "I'm so weak..."

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