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Posts posted by Shark

  1. It seemed that everyone was doing well in this fight. Mari was doing excessive amounts of damage to the guardians. I looked under my skills section and saw Charge. Alright. Let's see how this goes. I took the same approach as before since I managed to land a strike. I ran faster than before and activated my detection skill to get a rough estimate of where the guardian was. Got it! He's mine! I said to myself as I bolted for the monster. I jumped up in the air and swung at the guardian with all my might and felt my sword make a clean cut. Sweet! That must have hurt it. I looked at the health bar and saw that only 1 hp was remaining. Oh God  D**m it! Can someone finish that one? I said as I prepared for my next attack. Looks like my training has paid off. I chuckled.


    [iD:15814, 10] 

    Damage: 9


    Draconian Guardian
    *Guardians will revive once after 5 turns*

    Male Guardian 1
    /15 (+3 Dam mit + 2 Accuracy) Dead 
    Female Guardian 1  1/15 HP
    Male Guardian 2  15/15 HP
    Female Guardian 2  15/15 HP


    Yamata No Orochi
    Head 1 20/20 HP
    Head 2 20/20 HP
    head 3 20/20 HP
    Head 4 20/20 HP
    Head 5 20/20 HP

    Head 6 20/20 HP
    Head 7 20/20 HP
    Head 8 20/20 HP


    89/89 HP
    Crozeph 58/61 HP
    Shark 71/71 HP 
    Rebekah  67/67HP  

  2. I saw L get attacked and I reacted quickly as I sprinted over and took a swing at the hound to give L some space to recover.


    [iD: 15806,1 MD 10]


    I went to swing at the hound but the hound somehow managed to block my strike and nailed me and sent me flaying back to where I started. Tsk... That hurt. I said as I watched my health bar drop a bit. Luckily I was using my Holy Aegis which soaks up a bit of damage. I looked at L. It seemed I managed to distract the hound long enough for L to regain his mind a bit. Alright L... Do it! I yelled as he prepared for an attack on the hound that hit us.



    -Core hound 1: 15/30 

    -Core hound 2: 20/30

    -Shrouded figure: ???/???



    Life: 47/49 (5-3)

    Shark: 68/71 (5-2)

  3. Everyone was trying very hard and it was only the beginning of the fight. Man this is going to be tough and it's only the beginning. I thought to myself. At that moment, I activated my sprint skill and dashed around the arena as best I could until I had an opening on one of the guardians. I started running faster and faster until I felt it was the most opportune moment to strike.


    [iD: 15804, 9] -2 = 7= Success


    I jumped and placed my feet on the wall and threw myself towards the center of the arena. I could feel myself getting closer to a guardian, so I whipped my sword at it and felt it make a cut on the monster. Sweet! I got one! I said as I landed on the other side of the arena, next to the other members. I looked around and could sense that everyone wanted to take care of this... quickly. Alright everyone, Let's do this!!! I said as I tried to pump everyone up. 


    Damage: 5 


    Draconian Guardian

    Male Guardian /0/15 HP  DEAD  3 turns till revival.
    Female Guardian 1  10/15 HP
    Male Guardian 2  15/15 HP
    Female Guardian 2  15/15 HP


    Yamata No Orochi
    Head 1 20/20 HP
    Head 2 20/20 HP
    head 3 20/20 HP
    Head 4 20/20 HP
    Head 5 20/20 HP

    Head 6 20/20 HP
    Head 7 20/20 HP
    Head 8 20/20 HP


    89/89 HP
    Crozeph 61/61HP
    Shark 71/71 HP 
    Rebekah  67/67HP  

  4. I noticed that L was doing more damage to the hounds than I was so I decided that it was time for me to step up. Alright Life, let's finish off these hounds so we can figure out who/ what is the mysterious figure. I said as I charged at the hound.


    [iD: 15683]


    I missed the hound and jumped back away from the hound and tried to avoid its attack. The hound just barely scratched me and dealt a little bit of damage because of the blistering heat that was in effect. Grrr... You hounds are starting to piss me off. I said as I prepared for my next attack.



    -Core hound 1: 15/30 

    -Core hound 2: 20/30

    -Shrouded figure: ???/???



    Life: 49/49

    Shark: 70/71 

  5. I got back up on my feet as the hound came right at me like I was a free and open target. I ducked and the hound flew right over top of me and hit the wall. You're mine now! I yelled as I charged at the helpless hound. 


    ID: 15612


    The hound just moved to the side and managed to avoid my sword. I looked over at L who seemed concerned, I'm good. Just take care of that hound will ya?

  6. I just arrived at the boss room doors and saw that mostly everyone was already there. Alright... Let's take this thing down quickly. I have places to go and people to meet. I said with a slight chuckle. I looked through my inventory and selected my equipment. 


    • Armor: Holy Cuirass - Heals the wearer for 1 hp if they roll an 8, 9, 10 on the Battle Dice
    • Sword: Holy Sword - +2 Damage. When wielded an 8, 9, or 10 on the combat dice in battle will heal the wielder or 1 Hp
    • Shield: Holy Aegis - -2 damage when hit. When worn an 8, 9, or 10 on the combat dice will regenerate 1 Hp

    ​This was always the set I would run when I engaged in combat. I looked around at everyone, Does everyone feel well prepared? I have faith in everyone here. We will all make it back safe and sound with no casualties. I said as I tried to pump up everyone so we can have tons of positive energy going into this fight.


    HP: 71/71

  7. I was so focused on taking out the hound that was after me, that I never actually looked over at the mysterious figure. Don't worry about him, I doubt that person will do anything until this fight is over. I said as I made a hard swing at the beast. I missed the first one and using the agility that I had, I ran circles around the hound until I saw a clear opening. The hound looked very confused at my tactic so I assumed that it was working, or so I thought. 


    [iD: 15432, 4] 


    I put so much thought into confusing the hound that I didn't pay attention to where I was going. I ran so fast as I looked at the hound that I didn't notice a crack in the floor. I tripped on the crack and flew into the wall by the location of where we fell. Ah, tststststststs... that hurts. I said as I got back up on my feet. Someones gotta have the bad luck... apparently that someone is me. 



    -Core hound 1: 20/30 

    -Core hound 2: 20/30

    -Shrouded figure: ???/???



    Life: 49/49

    Shark: 70/71

  8. I jumped towards the hounds and swung my sword like a mad man as I got them to back off a bit so we had more ground to work with. Alright Life, let's end this thing quickly. I said as I turned my sword a deep blue and struck the hound. I made a few laps around the hounds as i tried to confuse the heck out of them. The hound I was dealing with fell for it but the other one didn't seem to buy it. Alright L... Take 'em out! I said as I tried to pump him up and deal more damage.


    ID: 14321, 7



    -Core hound 1: 20/30 

    -Core hound 2: 25/30

    -Shrouded figure: ???/???



    Life: 49/49

    Shark: 71/71 

  9. Life said that the wall he used to stand up on was slimy and he didn't want to know what it was. I've got a bad feeling about this. I said as I readied myself for battle. We then see fire light up around us as a mystery figure and two mutts appear in front of us. Alright, let's do this L! Ill take whichever one you don't. I told him as he went in and dealt some damage to one of the monsters. I then jumped into the air and lit my sword a dark blue and swung to deal some serious damage to one of the mutts. 


    I made a clean slice through the monster and took a good chunk of health out. Alright! This is more like it. Let's quickly beat these things so we can figure out that mystery figure. I said as I got pretty hyped up.


    ID: 12815, 7

    Damage dealt: 5



    -Core hound 1: 25/30 

    -Core hound 2: 25/30

    -Shrouded figure: ???/???



    Life: 49/49

    Shark: 71/71 

  10. I listened to the others at the meeting throw out some good points and ideas. I agreed with them and could see what drove them to think what they were thinking. Upon reviewing these groups, I can't disagree more. I feel that these groups can deal a good amount of damage as well as keep us safer while still taking down this boss in a timely manner. I said as I sat back in my chair and relaxed as final comments were made.

  11. I looked over the groups countless times to see if any changes need to be met. So far I like these groups. I do think that Rebekah should get some kind of equipment that deals more damage. With 3 of us in my group, We could prove to be very useful. I would go up and try to gain agrro from the boss after I attempt to deal damage. The boss will then be focused on me which leaves openings for others to attack. I said as I gave a rough explanation for the plan I had in mind. Training before the fight needs to be blindfolded training just so players can work more on their senses and have a feel for where the boss is if we cant see him. Besides that, I have no objections to the current groups. I said as another thought popped into my mind.It may help if from time to time, Ryujin and Daeron would roam around and deal heavy damage with some other group, that would help us take down the guardians quicker and it may keep or HP safer. I told the group just so I could get something in their minds in regards to time and the amount of players.

  12. Hello there Players and fans of SAO,
    Recently I have been in discussion with some peeps regarding the SAO 2D game and BYOND was brought up. It is a more complicated development than Eclipse but it has more features that all you guys and gals are looking for. Sadly it still doesn't run on Mac's but their development team is currently working towards a online web browser client so Mac's will be able to play this game in time.
    I am currently looking for a dedicated team to help me get this project going so all SAO-RPG players and fans can enjoy themselves even more. This game needs to be coded for use. It currently runs the DM Language. If you have knowledge of coding C++ or another language, then I ask that you apply for the development team. 
    We are also looking for people that are interested in helping with graphics. Icons, items, Main screen picture, etc... If you know how to deal with that stuff, then I ask that you apply for the Graphics team. (BTW the site administration staff is still looking for people to join the graphics team)
    There is no hard requirements to play the game except for a Linux or Windows Operating system. 
    I wish to have enough for the following teams:
    • Development Team (will be split into separate sub teams)
    • Graphics Team
    • Moderators
    If you are interested in joining the Game staff, Please PM me with answers to these questions:
    • What team are you applying for?
    • Why do you want to join the game staff?
    • Do you have any prior coding experience? If so what language(s)?
    • Are you interested in staying with development and seeing this through to the end of development?
    Thanks and I await your application,
  13. We kept walking until we came upon a stairwell. Life yelled at me that the last one down was a rotten boar. I did not want to be last because i couldn't stand the smell. I gathered my strength and made a huge leap for the bottom. As soon as I hit the last few stairs, I slipped on a banana peel and flew into what seemed like a pile of hay. I'm fine, just can't see a darn thing in this darkness. Thankfully with some of the training I have been doing, I can get a sense for where the enemies are. I said as I stood up and closed my eyes to try and get a sense for if the area was safe or not. So far I couldn't feel a thing. Night vision would be really useful right about now. I said as I tried to feel around for a path that leads somewhere, using my sword as a detection stick like a blind person. I was wondering what Life was doing to try and solve this situation. Maybe we could find a light somewhere. Any ideas? I asked so I could get a sense for what is running through his mind

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