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Posts posted by Shark

  1. I was happy to see a player come find the guild hall just to join. What's up Life. I sure do remember you from the fight. I meant to come find you afterwards but I was called on an important issue. I loved you skills in the fight. I don't pay too much attention to Zelrius just because of some of his opinions and ways of acting on certain issues. I said as I relaxed a bit in my chair. I could tell life was out of his comfort zone a little and felt like he was making a fool of himself. I enjoyed that about people like him. They are the kind of people I am looking for. I bet you are feeling like you are making a fool of yourself here am I right? Well no matter, I enjoy that with people. The fact that they are willing to do something different without being forced to, pleases me and excites me. I told Life as I tried to ease him a bit. 


    If you are interested in joining the guild then take me n an adventure. You lead. I want to test your skills in the following areas: Leadership, Communication, Combat, Decision Making. Think you can do that? I said to him as I took out my clipboard that I use to judge and rate the new recruits. I am ready whenever you are. 

  2. I was finishing up my 8th floor patrol around the perimeter when all of a sudden, a familiar voice calls out my name from the surrounding trees. I look back to see someone darting straight for me. I could feel the presence of the player and I could tell that they were friendly and meant no harm. The player finally got close to me and I was stunned to find out who it was. ZAUIS! It's been forever! I've been pretty good. Just keeping an eye for anything unnatural and making sure everyone is safe. I said while I checked over my list to make sure I am still on time. I've got a bit before I have to return to patrol, let's sit down by that tree and catch up. I said as I made my way towards the trees.

  3. I was finished with my daily patrol so I ended up using the time I had to relax in my guild hall for a bit. At that moment, I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened the door to see a player standing at the entrance. Hello there friend. How can I be of assistance to ya? I said as I welcomed the player in to relax with me. He seemed like a nice guy and looks to be decently strong. Maybe he is here to join my guild. I sure hope so. I need to increase my numbers so I can keep this guild alive. I thought to myself. 

  4. Ryu just had some armor sent to him so he started to equip it. Looks pretty cool there buddy! Let's hope your fighting style looks as cool as your armor. I said as I joked around with him a bit. I Equipped my typical armor and weapons and readied myself for the fight. We soon met up with Celesmeh, Hey there Celes, glad you could join us. I figured that I haven't really seen you fighting in the field so I thought this would be a good idea to see for myself what you can do. I said as I checked the location for where this monster would be. I turned to Ryu and signaled to lead he way to where this boss is.

  5. I went along the path towards the boss with Ryu. Celes is on her way. I want to see what she can do in the field. Let's end this quickly and go get something to drink. I said as we continued to our destination. We walked a bit further and I caught a glimpse of a player waiting for someone. I assumed it was Celesmeh and I was happy to see that she actually came to take on this boss with us. I turned toward Ryu, Alright bud, you ready? I asked just because I could tell his anticipation to see what we gain from this thing.

  6. I saw the players that still had effort left, still continue to give it their all just to beat this boss. Alright guys, let's end this! It's time to move on. I said as I made my way towards the boss. I observed the current actions of the boss and planned my attack. 


    [iD: 9105, 2] 


    I activated my sprint skill and ran for the boss. I ran around the backside of the boss but didn't notice the few players that were resting back there. I tripped on a few legs and face planted a few yards from the boss. Come on guys! Attack and destroy this thing! I said as I tried to hype up the remaining players.


    Group 3: 
    Shark: 39/55 -2 HP Burn for 1/3 turns
    Primrose: 6/27 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Lessa: 15/34 -2 HP Burn for 1/3 turns
    Mari: 13/28 -2 HP Burn for 1/3 turns


    Molten Hydra: 18/75 

  7. I looked around at the status of the raid members. This battle was starting to look bad but we were almost done with the fight. We are close to beating the boss and moving on to the next floor. C'mon guys! we can beat this thing! Let's push ourselves here! I said as I tried to energize everyone. I saw an opening that the boss left so I made a break for it and went in. Cover me! I yelled as I turned my sword a bright blue and swung for the boss. 


    [iD: 8027, 2] 


    I gave a slight exhale and the boss heard me and swung to make me loose my concentration. I missed my attack and landed on the other side. Go! You can take him! I yelled for the next person to attack. 


    Group 3: 
    Shark: 43/55 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Primrose: 10/27 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Lessa: 19/34 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Mari: 9/28 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns


    Molten Hydra: 28/75

  8. I was on my typical patrol route when all of a sudden I received a message from Daeron about some reunion with the more well known players, or legends if you will. I figured that it might be a good idea to go and meet up with the players. I looked through the list of invitees and saw that Zero was on the list, I figured that I should show up with him and make things a little bit more interesting. I sent him a message asking him to attend with me. 


    A few hours later, I made my way, with Zero, to the place of the reunion. This must be the place. Let's go Zero. I said to him as I opened the door to the tavern. Hey peeps. How's it hanging! Haven't seen you all in ages! I said as I made my way to grab a drink.

  9. I thought about who to invite for the extra help. It came through my mind that I had yet to see Celes in a dire situation so I will send her a message to see if she would like to join. I sent Celes a message with the exact coordinates on where to meet us and to be prepared to be put to the test. 


    I looked at Ryu as I closed my menu. I sent Celesmeh a message cuz I want to see how she does in this situation. I said as I kept walking towards our destination. Driving a car is fun but also stressful because of how many idiots are on the road. In comparison to what I said, don't text and drive  because you need to watch where you're going. The same thing applies here but walking instead. I chuckled as I looked back at what happened. 

  10. I was walking and thinking while Ryu told me the boss' HP. That's... a good amount... I said as I paused a bit. Maybe we should invite another player from my guild for additional help? I said as I looked over my menu. I was thinking about either Zero or Celes since those are my two choices for co-leader. I turned to Ryu. I have two players that would be a good fit. I want you to pick either Zero or Celesmeh. Both of which are the top players in my guild... besides me anyway. I chuckled as I watched Ryu walk right into a tree. I fell backwards on the ground and started laughing really hard. It's like driving... keep your eyes on the road and not the phone, or in this case the map. I told him as I checked my equipment.


    I turned to my guild page and looked for who was closer at this time. It appeared that both players were about the same distance away from our current location.

  11. Sweet! Is your hair straight or curly or what? Mine is straight, except for on the sides and back, which slowly curl the longer it gets.

    Mine is straight unless I come out of the pool... then idk what it is. I wear a hat the majority of the time. I'll get a recent picture up at some point but there is one from last year on the first couple pages of this topic I believe.

  12. We sat and talked for a bit and before I knew it, we were taking off for our adventure. I started thinking about my guild, So how much health does this thing have anyways? I asked Ryu as I looked over my guild member list. As we continued walking I took out some snacks from my inventory and ate along the way.


    I couldn't help but continue to think on why Ryu threw the ring into the fountain. No one knows what happened to May, not even Heathcliff knows what happened. I am curious on what happened to May. I asked myself.

  13. *** The Day Before ***


    I was on my regular patrol, finishing up the 9th floor when I got a message from my long lost pal who I haven't heard from for quite some time. Hmm... guess it's time to meet up and go on some crazy adventure. I said to myself as I made my way to the closest restaurant and got a drink. It was a long do for me so I figured I could use a couple before I went back to my inn. 


    *** Today ***


    I woke up and put on my usual attire that represents my guild and grabbed a bite to eat before meeting up with Ryu. I then made my way to the teleporter and went to the main town of the 8th floor. I searched around for Ryu until I found him, zoned out and looking at all the players that walked by. I had an idea what he was thinking but did not want to make any assumptions. I then walked up behind him as I heard him mutter some words. Half of my suspicions were correct but I didn't catch all of it so I cleared my throat loud enough so he heard it. He turned around and asked if I heard any of that. Hey there pal. I only heard about half but had my suspicions before I came up behind you. You are one sly guy.... you know that? I said as I went up next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. So what's new bud. Feels like it's been ages since I saw you last. I said as we walked over and sat on a bench.

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