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Posts posted by Shark

  1. I sighed with relief knowing that Azure will not be joining the fight but I also felt a little displeased at the same time. We don't NEED those stuck up brats anyways... I mean sure it's nice to have the damage they deal but with better chemistry between groups, we wont have to worry about losing anyone to this boss. I said as I stood firm on my stance. Daeron then asked for a list of members that will be participating, Right, Mari, the Group leaders you pointed is a great start. We also need to know on he big we want our teams to be. Too big and things may take forever, but too small and we might suffer heavy damage. We should have a good mixture of tanks and damage dealers. I am building my way to that midway point so I can tank and deal some damage, I just need an alchemist close to me in case the fight gets hairy. I announced so we could start thinking of a general outline of how many people we will have in this fight.


    I began thinking of strategies that could be used, thinking of the Worst Case Scenario. If this room stays dark the entire time, then Mari, I would like you to appoint a different person for the alchemist in your group so you can keep tabs and visual on the boss. If you are also the healer of your group then you may loose focus and go to heal someone and in turn we would lose someone to the boss. I just want to prevent that as much as possible. I said as I tried to make as much sense as possible while still keeping a level head and looking at every angle that this fight can go.


    I then started looking at the Best Case Scenario. However, thinking positively here, if the boss room lights up then you can also be the healer since everyone will have visual of the boss. If that happens, then we will shit to our same attack pattern as the Hydra fight, only this time we will have a bigger safety margin for when peoples health gets too low. I said as I addressed the Hopeful side of the plan. Right now, I think it is important for us to get a good idea for the amount of people we will have in this fight. I addressed so everyone knew what was more important right now.

  2. Everything seemed very peaceful for the time being until Daeron walked in and a felt a quick tension spike. Bust be some repercussion from the last raid. I said to myself. I then looked at Mari and Daeron, Let's get this meeting underway shall we? We cant afford to waste any more time. I said as I looked around at the members that were present. Those without night vision may feel some sort of debuff but that can be changed with a little practice. I tend to practice with my eyes closed at times and get a feel for where the enemy is. Sometimes your eyes can be deceiving. I said as I gave an idea for my way of preparation training.


    Anywho... what do we know about the boss' stats and effects? I asked as a way to get this meeting started so I can formulate some kind of plan.I wanted to get a move on since we wasted a lot of time waiting to see who would show up. 

  3. I looked at Mari as she addressed my concerns. Upon looking through my Players guide, there isn't a room that stays dark through the entire boss fight. I said to Mari as I continued to look for a solution so we are prepared if the room does indeed stay dark. I looked through my friends list to see if anyone had night-vision. at that point, I noticed that I had more acquaintances rather than friends. I felt sort of alone at that point and closed my menu and didn't say another word until I had come up with a suitable plan of action 


    I looked around and noticed the current number of players present. True we can't wait forever. Let's assume that most people are running late and give them at least 20 mins. If they don't arrive by then, too bad and we start. I said as I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair. I wanted to think of the perfect plan of action that causes the least amount of casualties possible.

  4. I opened my guild roster menu and checked the status of my members. To answer your question Mari, none of my members have night vision but once this fight starts, the lights will turn on. There isn't a single room in Aincrad that doesn't turn on when you initiate the fight... Or so that is what I would like to believe. I told Mari as they mystery player gave us proof that he was invited. I opened up the invitation to see who was invited. As I glanced over the names I had an even stronger feeling that I knew who it was. When he said that he would take it on by himself if we didn't want him there, verified my feeling. I opened my menu and sent Ryujin a message, Don't worry, seems like you don't want to blow your identity. I got you. ;) I said in the message. I assumed that he would be much happier that I played along. 


    Shortly after, another player walked in. He introduced himself as Azide. Hello Azide, I am Shark, Leader of the Knights of Christ guild. Pleased to meet you. I said as I watched him take his seat and wait for the others to show up.

  5. We finally got to the hellish looking gate and right away I started feeling weird about this place. I looked to Life as we entered the gate. It does seem a bit quiet. Even if this place was affected by the Hydra battle, there should still be some remnants and some people here. I was eager to find out what happened but I had a feeling that something was going to happen to us. I've got a bad feeling abut this. Let's get going so we can figure this out. I said as we began our journey into what seemed like hell. Multiple thoughts were running through my head as we started walking, There should have been an NPC greeting us at the gate but there was none. There should still be NPC's in the dungeon that are part of the adventure. How is this affected by the Hydra battle? Theses thoughts were troubling me so I readied my weapons and prepared for the worst.

  6. I was finishing my daily patrol of the lower floors to make sure everything is a-ok. I then received a message from Mari stating the boss room has been found and that there is a meeting on the 9th floor. Alright... Looks like we can start this fight a little bit earlier than the last. I finished up my 6th floor patrol and made my way to the teleporter. I activated the teleporter and went to the 9th floor. Once I reached the 9th floor, I made my way out of town and towards the location of the meeting. 


    I kept walking until I came upon the tavern the meeting was to be held at. I opened the door and walked in. I was wearing my typical Blue jacket with white stripes and the Guild logo on the back as well as dark blue pants with  a white stripe and the guild logo on the left hand pocket. I went towards the bar and grabbed a coffee for the meeting so I could stay awake. I then made my way to the second floor. I opened the door and saw a good size table. Alright guys... It's ok... we can start now/ I have arrived. I then looked around to see only two players. Mari and a figure wearing a lot of armor. I had a feeling I knew who it was but the name wouldn't come to the front of my mind at the time because I had so much I was thinking about already. Hey there Mari. Good to see ya. I said as I took my seat and began drinking my coffee.

  7. I followed L as we went to the 9th floor. He described the place to me and I knew exactly where we were going. Welp... This will be fun. I said to Life as we began our journey. I equipped my armor and weapons.Now let's see what we come across here. I said as I ventured of the teleport pad. I looked over at Life, Well... Lead the way friend. We began our journey to the hellish place. I scoured the paths and prepared for the worst.

  8. I was snooping around when Zauis tapped my shoulder as he dashed by. I made a break for it and followed him. I heard it too. We need to hurry. I said to Zauis as we made our way towards the scream. I looked over my map of the floor so I had a rough estimate of where the scream may have came from. I saw 5 dots on the map. Careful Zauis... This may be difficult. We may be in for it. I said as we came closer to where the scream from.

  9. I kept thinking to myself while Zauis listed off the girls he had been with. I have only been with one girl really. That was Oske. I never got bored with her. She was an interesting individual. I enjoyed the time I spent with her. I don't know why it ended. It just did. She probably had different feelings in this world than I did. I said as I tried to forget about all that before I brake down. I was able to gather myself so that didn't happen. Zauis just stared at me as though he could see through me but he couldn't. Sounds like an up and down time that you had. I never get bored with a girl. I stay with them because I chose to be with them so everyday they show me something unique that I hadn't known about them before. I said as I looked back at Zauis. 


    We continued walking til we came upon an out-camp. I looked around for some players. I saw a smoking fire as though something had stopped the players and made them scatter or took them hostage. I looked over at Zauis to see what he was doing and what he was thinking. This is a good way to see what he is capable of. Let's see how he acts in the field. I thought to myself as I watched Zauis.

  10. I smiled ad frowned throughout his talk about his love life. He said he was the one who should be held responsible for what happened. I enjoyed the fact that he could tell me as it is and not try to hide anything. I could tell that the kid has changed for the better. Who were the relationships and how did they end. You need to open up to me if you see me as your best friend. I told Zauis as I continued to follow him. I was interested in what happened with all those girls. I didn't really know much about what happened because he never really talked to me about them during the relationship. 

  11. I followed Zauis as he thanked me for the apple. â€‹I'm glad you know what not to do. I said to him as we began our adventure. I wonder what we will come across today.Will it be helping someone or will it be a mob or boss fight? I had these thoughts running through my mind while I took on the adventure with Zauis. So what happened before you went MIA? I dont remember much about the people you dated and relations you had. Please tell me about them. I said to Zauis while checking over my guild roster.

  12. I was happy to know that Zauis wanted back in the guild.Well we better hit the road and you have to lead the adventure and you need to take the redemption quest. I cannot allow you in the guild as a marked Player Killer. I said while I got up and equipped my gear. I tried to think about the person in my guild that he is close with. The names that come to my mind have been MIA for a while now. I waited for Zauis to lead the adventure. You pick the adventure and lead it to show me what you are capable of. I told him as I took out a couple apples and tossed one to Zauis.

  13. I smiled and laughed when Zauis joked around with me. I had a fiance for a bit then some things happened and that was broken up. I said as I tried to forget about what happened with Oske. Though I did have a good time, the fact that we broke up before the wedding disappointed me. So now I'm back looking for a nice lady. I said with a smile on my face. 


    I then thought about his comment about the guild. So what's this about the guild? I asked Zauis.

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