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Posts posted by 5iou5

  1. After reaching the Boulder Five looked around and noticed that there is a small crowd. Some vendors merchants. But all Of them are NPC's He then turned To face. The Boulder walking up to it slowly. He pulls out his sword to test that weapons don't work on it. He charges up the attack As His Sword starts To glow bright orange He does a horizontal Slash towards it. But right as His sword was about to make contact. It got repelled by the system A Sign then came up Indicating immortal object to weapons. "Darn it. I was hoping I could get this done quick I guess. I have to do It the hard way." He said In A irritated voice as he Put his sword back Into the scabbard He backed up And walked over to a tree that was nearby. "Let's see how Strong. I am in this game." As he rushed forward, punching the tree with all he Had the tree didn't break. It was uprooted and then shattered into thousands of polygons. "Okay, That didn't even hurt me I should be Able to break that Boulder, no problem." With a smirk on his face as he turned towards the Boulder. He noticed that it Had A HP That total at 15/15

  2. After getting his eyes to focus again Five goes on Reading the description of the quest, "Mysterious giant boulder blocking Cave entrance to One of Urbus Trade routes, Boulder, unable to be moved requesting help." Five walks around In circles for a few minutes pondering On what he should do Deciding that the only way to know if he should do it. Is to know How far away it is. He walks up to a young NPC girl With red hair And asked her for Directions to the cave mentioned in the quest. She then pointed West and said the cave is .5 km away. As Five started walking. In That Direction He quickly turned around and asked "Will I have to go around any mountains Or hills rivers and how far was it again." He asked as he was Scratching his head The NPC Girl Kindly reply to him "No mountains, no rivers, no hills open plain and .5 km" Five quickly turns east by mistake Likely a building kept Him from going In that direction After turning 180°He then starts running In the Boulders general direction, and within 2 minutes He Arrives at the Boulder

  3. Five has been Asleep under the tree for 3 hours As a crowd of NPC's start gathering around a quest board They start making a lot of Noise equal to a Riot. This is not What wakes up Five Though what does finally wake him up is A Bee landing on His chin He quickly jumped up and started to climb the tree Out of fear. There is not much that scares Him except For spiders, bees and wasps They scare him so bad that his heart rate increase to that of somebody Who just ran a marathon, After calming down. And checking that there are no more bees in the area. He Then goes over to the NPC's All of whom were making A lot of Commotion, as well as looking at the Quest Board He tries to go through the crowd, To see, What they're all looking at The crowd is so dense.That He Can't even get Through Because Of His curious nature He really wants to look at the board to see what's up. Five Decides the only way to get through is a running start He gets all the way back to the tree He was sleeping Under and starts running. right as he is about to go through the NPC's. They move out of the way and he face plants right into the board. After stumbling backwards And his face bright red from impact. He starts to read The quest that they were looking at called Boulder blocking the Path to town

  4. After getting himself lost on Floor 2 Fives finds himself in a small settlement known as Urbus. After looking around trying to figure out how to read the map and ultimately failing and getting a headache in the process Five comes to the conclusion that he will not be able to leave until another player comes by. That will help him so that he doesn't get lost again. After getting frustrated at the fact that he cannot understand the directions to the next town, or Floor. Five wonders through the town seeing what there was around and finds himself. Oddly enough back at the entrance to the town. After doing a giant circle. He decides to go sleep under a tree in the middle of the day. "there Is nothing better to do, but to sleep." He mumbled to himself as he fell asleep

  5. As Ham was telling me That the roar came from further in the cave . I started to check the map of the area and noticed that a new woollypig spawned outside " you're right. Let's not go deeper Into The cave It could be too dangerous. At least at our current level" as I started coming in to grips with what Kayaba said "If you died here, you will die in real life!" I started to stand up and notice that my HP was getting low I start walking towards Ham . I opened up my quest log and noticed that the number of mats. I needed from the woollypig was only 2 and the War Ram was only 1 "Hey Ham I think I misread the quest earlier I thought it said 5 woollypig skins, but apparently it's only 2. Same goes for the War Ram It said 3 But now It says 1 " I was Saying this But I was still thinking about the whole death game and what I need to start doing After I finish this quest. "I'm going to have to be distance from everybody cant afford to have something traumatic happen to me or somebody else I can allow anybody to get too close or if they do, and they die. I don't know what I would do. That's what I'll have to do" Without showing Ham my concerns I kept my confidence upbeat hyper attitude Put My sword on my shoulder And lead the way out

  6. I watched in amazement As Ham Hits and pins the Beast against the wall But not just that but he defeated it "Hey Ham were you holding out on the Last one" I said as I walked up to him Right after I said that We suddenly hear A group of Wollypigs roar With such power that some stalactites started to fall. I quickly jumped To where Ham was And knocked Him out of the way as is, there was a Stalactite About the fall On him after knocking him out of the way I use my sword to block the stalactite In the process losing another 1 HP "Are you okay Did you get hit?" I said While I Was trying to catch my breath I Also asked "Did you happen to hear which way The roar came from?"

    5iou5 7/9

    Ham 6/7

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 1

  7. The woollypig suddenly barrels around the corner. Coming straight towards Me I noticed that this beast is slightly weaker. It's HP bar only reads 4 hIt point Which Reinsured me On holding my ground "Ham Get ready" Right As the beast Was about To hit me I quickly Side Step to the Left And like The last beast my sword goes straight through It's side I quickly rolled out of the way so Ham Would be able to get in a shot "Ham Do it now" I yelled

    [1-5] Miss -0

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    5iou5 8/9

    Ham 6/7

    woollypig 2/4

    Damage dealt: 2

    damage received:0

    DMG: = 1+1 DMG

  8. "You're right , I should go get those materials might bring back some extra so you can keep working" I turn around And Start heading towards the door "What would be the best metal for A one-handed curved blade" I started thinking Out loud what I want the blade to be Made of. Then it hits me "isn't there a special plants That have thorns made of metal . I cannot remember what floor. It Is On Though" i cross my arms for second to think "Would you be able To make a sword out of those?" I said as I turned around remembering to get my sword

  9. As I walk into the Phoenix nest blacksmith shop . I raise my hand and greet Elessar "Hey. How are you doing" as I approach the countertop. Placing my Sword down on top "I know that you gave me this sword, but I prefer one-handed curved blades could you rework this into a one-handed Curved Blade It's not that I'm not grateful for the sword. It Has Helped me out a lot It is just a little too different for me" As I Start scratching the back of my head "Or do I need to bring new materials. If I want a new sword Or col"

  10. As we enter the cave, a cold breeze blows in from behind, even though were walking into a cave It is Oddly bright as I looked around I noticed That Some stalactites and stalagmites are glowing A very calm blue, as we Venture further Into The cave, we Head around a bend When suddenly We hear, a woollypig roar as if on cue, all the Stalagmites and stalactite turn a very eerie red as the Cave Started to Shake "Ham Get behind that stalagmite!" I yelled, knowing that he Would be able to get behind The beast from that position I quickly Got into my batting position That I used to finish the last Beast I got ready for This beast To finally come around the corner.

  11. "No worries, you would've been fine." As I look around I noticed every time we were attacking. We slid. I commented that to Ham "I Think the reason We were having a tough time with that beast Is because of the snow you probably didn't notice it, but when you struck it on the head. You slid backwards a little" After taking a moment to look around, A little more. I suddenly remembered I need five Woolleypig skins We only got one "Ham We need to fight at least four more of those things" I sit down to think of the best way to take on those beasts. It dawns on me close quarters, it only attacks using a charge "let's go inside the cave. We stand a chance of fighting Them in close quarters." I said as I walked to the cave entrance "will At any rate, Your Decision. We could also go after the War Ram" I said As I look over my shoulder at Ham

  12. As I noticed Ham attempt to finish the Beast off To my amazement He did no damage after striking it directly on the head. The beast out of surprise jump backwards 20 feet And landed in front of the cave. It came from . It then turns towards me because I am only wielding a sword instead of attempting to charge Ham Who has the mid–range weapon as it charges me. I Hold my sword like I am about to Hit a baseball My sword starts Glowing Orange once again "I'm going for a home run!" As the beast charges me. I sidestepped to the left and my sword cleaves the Beast down the middle After it passed me It disintegrate into its pixels And vanishes I then received 1 Woollypig skin

    [1-5] Miss -0

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    5iou5 8/9

    Ham 6/7

    woollypig 0/6

    DMG: = 1+1 DMG

  13. As I am walking down the main street. I noticed smoke. I start heading towards where I see smoke coming from and realize its A blacksmith shop Named The iron knight forge, I Walked in curiously and looked around. I muttered to myself "it's kind of small" As I walk further in. I look around And saw that there were two people talking "hello Are you the owner? I said As I walked up to The counter Looking at The guy next to me

  14. After my blow Grazed the side of the woollypig's Skin. I quickly turned around and watched as Ham charged the beast unbelievably, the beast somehow Avoided Ham's attack Out of shock. I took a couple steps back Then I quickly notice I was up against the mountainside Unfortunately for the beast . It lost its bearings when it dodged. I Decide to use the rock face to give myself a Boost towards the beast I raise my sword above my head As I Am about to launch I tell Ham to get way "you might want to move I am going Be moving too fast for me to avoid you!" As I Lunge Foreword I managed to get a clean hit on its back legs. Unfortunately, it's Fur was very thick In that Area so my attack only Grazed it Once again I quickly turned to make sure I didn't Accidentally hIt Ham.

    [1-5] Miss -0

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    5iou5 8/9

    Ham 6/7

    woollypig 2/6

    DMG: = 1+1 DMG

    Damage dealt: 2

    damage received:0

  15. After jumping back to Where Ham Is I Took a glance at his HP and I noticed he took 1 Damage After realizing that are formation Was too tight. I quickly jumped 10 feet to his left. Luckily for me, the snow was then as well "are formation was too tight. We need to stay a little bit away from each other" I shouted to Ham after doing so, the woollypig started to charge at me again. My sword Was ready This time I lowered my sword to My right Prepared for the attack. My sword started the glow orange. I took off toward the woollypig and managed to cut it. Unfortunately I released my attack A little too soon

    [1-5] Miss -0

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    5iou5 8/9

    Ham 6/7

    woollypig 4/6

    DMG: = 1+1 DMG

    Damage dealt: 2

    damage received: 0

  16. As I bring up The map. I noticed that the quest Marks the best location To fine the two mobs Both less than an hour away "okay for the woollypig , we need to head north – east For the War Ram We need to head east They're both 2 Kilometer away" As we head out Of The village. A breeze picks up as the thunderstorm dissipates as were walking I keep focus of the task at hand. 35 minutes later We Are starting to reach our destination "Hey The map says right here" As we look around. We noticed the only thing here is a mountain. I bring up the beta tester guide and it states The woollypig Is actually located on small Mountains,As A Sigh of frustration Escapes me now, knowing that even though the map Only said it's 2 km away When it is really 3 1/2 km away "sorry ham . The map only said 2 km, but apparently it's 3 1/2 from The village well Do you Feel like scaling a mountain?"As we start to climb and are greeted with the first bit of snow and the flat area of rock with a cave leading into the mountain. Suddenly a woollypig comes charging out of it Lucky for us, it was making a lot of noise as it ran out It's stand 12 feet tall And it's covered with fur I quickly Draw my sword And I yelled to Ham "Are you okay did you get hit" before He could reply It charge at Me again. This time, It clipse me Only Doing 1 damage I Quickly jump back To where Ham is "Dang, that thing is fast for It's size"

    [1-5] Miss -0

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    5iou5 8/9

    Ham 7/7

    woollypig 6/6

    Damage dealt: 0

    damage received:1

  17. As I walked back over to the NPC acknowledge what Ham said "A party one second. I need To Check something" I start looking through the menu for what I need to do to get the job As I'm looking through it says I need to collect 5 Woollypig skins and 3 War Ram skins After I read that I Turned around And started walking towards the door . I then Agreed to Join his party "Yeah , I'll join your party. I need to get 5 woollypig skins and 3 War Ram skins You up for that Ham" I said, as I'm walking out the door into the rain I Then tell Ham "The skins I need to collect Will allow Me to become a tailor Which in turn will allow me to make leather armor"

  18. As I stand inside the rundown tailor shop pondering if I should take the job offer As The weather starts to change into a thunderstorm I Hear some Of the wooden planks start creaking, followed by a guys voice "Yo, what's up?" As I look over my shoulder I notice another player With spiky black hair "Oh, not much Think about taking this job" as I turned around I proceeded To introduced myself "Hi my name is 5iou5 , but everybody calls me Fives." As I extend my hand. I asked him what his name is "so, What is your name"

  19. When I finally Arrived I am greeted By fresh air, sunny day, friendly NPC villagers, and some other players that had the same idea. as I walked through the village, I noticed a blacksmith shop and 2 players learning how to Smith, next door to the blacksmith is a tailor shop.It Had some broken Wood on the steps, as well as on the outer wall of the building It had definitely seen better days as I walk in I am greeted By an NPC, I look around and noticed that there is No other player learning how to tailor I checked the town log to see if you can even learn how to tailor I noticed that There is 4 job openings, and 1 of them is the tailor before I clicked, take job I decided to look around The village a little more

  20. It has been a couple of hours now Since Akihiko Kayaba made his announcement, And with that the joyful city started to turn into a riot with sadness confusion hysteria and anger at the wheel. The only people that are Not Rioting are The NPC's and myself. I don't take Kayaba's news as something to be afraid of. I take What he said As a challenge Even though Everybody else Is scared. I decide to take A look around and get myself organized. I decide to leave the town of beginning And to Get away from all of the chaos. So I start heading towards the closest Settlement Horunka Village,

  21. Hmm.. from my analysis, it has a purple and red colour, so dealing with darkness and blood, as well as blue, that also could translate to darkness of shadows, as the gold pummel, well what I could say it this. ShadÅburaddo, meaning Shadow Blood. As for the ability, a bleed effect would work as it should have at least this.

    Weapon name: ShadÅburaddo

    Weapon type: Katana

    Description: [At your descretion]

    Quality: [Perfect is most adequat]

    Enchanments: +1 to damage. Causes bleed on a natural critical (9,10), that causes 2 points of damagae and lasts for 2 turns.

    That might work, but this might not, you should ask Saix about it, he could help you out in the enchanment qualifications.

    Thank you for your feedback. I do like the name and I do like your analysis of my blade

  22. As we approach the Bush Kokuyo tells me he has no potions with a calm voice. I tell him "I don't have any either" we Are just 5 feet away from the Bush, when suddenly a wolf jumps out and attacks kokuyo . I quickly jumped back, I noticed that he managed to block the Wolf's attack And he jumps back to Me I then tell kokuyo "I think we found Your stronger monsters.You Were wanting" I then run forward And swing my sword straight down towards The Wolf I managed to hit the Wolf With a clean swipe right Down the Neck . I quickly jumped back and look back at kokuyo to see if he can finish it

    [1-5] Miss -0

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    5iou5 - 5/5

    Kokuyo - 13/13

    Wolf 3/7

    DMG: = 1 + 3 DMG

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