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Posts posted by 5iou5

  1. As I notice Zelrius Strike The goblin once again paralyzing it I decide to charge At it going for its arm that's holding the sword, I backup To where a small boulder is and I use it to kickoff Making my run Both more efficient and faster. "Watch out guys and don't blink you'll miss it." I yelled as I sped towards the goblin holding my sword Straight in front of me When I hit the goblin. I hope that my sword Would cut the arm off unfortunately some of its armor prevented that from happening. All I did was loosen its grip on its weapon. "Dang it I was hoping To cut It's arm off Oh well" I said after jumping backwards removing my sword from its arm.

    Daeron: 39/39 [Hate]

    Zelrius: 59/59 [Hate]

    5iou5: 13/13 [Hate]

    <>: 10/50

    Damage Dealt: 2 (sword of beginning +1 DMG)

    Damage Mitigation: 0

    Damage Received: 0

  2. Crafting attempt #3 of the day.

    After having a miserable epic fail. I decide to try and make the customers desired start. I grab some more mats And begin working This time Sewing,stretching And Tightening the Weaves after 2 hours of getting it into its rough shape. This system takes over and snaps it into its final state. I quickly examine it again. This item is only of good quality It is black that there is nothing special about it."I may try to salvage this if the customer doesn't want it."

    I successfully created a good scarf

    XP earned: 2

    Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-6=bad Item

    7-9=Good Item

    10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 2: 13/40

    -1 mats

  3. Crafting attempt #2 of the day.

    As I begin working with some more materials I start my usual routine of Heating,cooling, hydrating, and drying the material As I reached the point To start forming. I accidentally Rip the material destroying it Epic Fail

    I filled Miserably trying to create a bracer

    XP earned: 1

    Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-6=bad Item

    7-9=Good Item

    10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 2: 11/40

    -1 mats

  4. "Alright, let me see what I can do." I said as I entered my work room.

    Crafting attempt #1 of the day.

    The quickly grab Some Mats And start going to work As I start hydrating, Heating, molding, stretching, drying after several hours of working with the Leather to make the requested black Leather cloak The system takes over And finishes putting it into its final shape I picked the jacket up and start examining it It's quality is good It's got okay durability,It is a black cloak but there is nothing special about it. "If the customer doesn't want it I may Try to salvage this later." I said to myself, scratch my head

    Successfully created a good quality cloak.

    XP earned: 2

    Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-6=bad Item

    7-9=Good Item

    10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 2: 10/40

    -1 mats

  5. I unfold my arms and respond "well, you don't need any special Materials are you Wanting Them to have any special properties?" As I stretch my arms up in the air. "But in the end, You don't need any special materials standard materials will work." I Go into my workroom and Grab The chest plate. That I just finished And I start cleaning it "What quality are you Wanting them perfect What abilities would you like?"

  6. As I watch the player places wallet on the display table. He tells me."Ill pay in advance if you want." I quickly push His wallet back towards him. "Sorry, I really don't need any col right now If You Have some material. I will take that as payment" I said as I walked back behind the Display table . "This is the way I run My shop, You pay for materials I use to get the quality item you want. Plus 1 To 4 materials for the Payment" opening the door to the material room to show Him how Much I have. "If I don't do it that way. I don't Gain materials If that happens I don't make items No items, No store" Closing the door And Walking back to the counter with my arms crossed "So what is it that you're needing made?" As I leaned over the tableWith my arms crossed

    the way I take payments is you pay for The materials I go through to finally get the requested item + The payment which is usually 1 – 4 materials
  7. As I walked up to the paralyzed goblin. "You're paralyzed now aren't You you can't move You don't mind if I try new Move do you?" I said With a smirk on my face as I put My sword almost Touching its back. "Top Slice" I yelled as I pivoted on 1 foot spinning A full 360 degrees Knowing that the beast cannot dodge my sword As it went through its chest

    Daeron: 39/39 [Hate]

    Zelrius: 59/59 [Hate]

    5iou5: 13/13 [Hate]

    <>: 27/50

    Damage Dealt: 2 (sword of beginning +1 DMG)

    Damage Mitigation: 0

    Damage Received: 0

  8. "Well actually I saw your interest in my guild" Five Started scratching his head, trying to remember and then watched as Raidou enter the floor teleport "You coming? lets go put you through the ringer and test you out. See if your made of the same stuff Anima members are." He said right before he teleported "Ah wait for me" Five Yelled As he quickly ran back into His Store grabbing the bracer from his display table then turns Around and runs out of the store straight towards the teleport. "Floor 2" He yelled as he ran into the teleport on the other side of the teleporter His initial inertia stayed with him carrying him forward and face planting Him straight into a tree. "Okay, that hurt" he said with his nose squished against the tree After getting back onto his feet and wiping Off the dirt that there Might've been On his face he then looked up at the tree that gave a notification."Immortal Objects" I wasn't even trying to damage the tree As He Sighed Then Taking The bracer. That he took out of his display table And straps it Onto His arm "please remind me again what were doing Raidou?"

  9. Attempting to salvage good quality Cloak#1

    After preparing to take apart the cloak I start running into problems. This seems I sewed were too good as I attempt to Pull it Apart, it starts to rip After an hour of careful separating I ripped it too much to be salvage I failed."I Have failed at Salvaging yet again 'Sigh' "

    Dice roll of: 1 – 6 failed.

    Dice roll of: 7 – 12 success

    Failed to recover material

  10. Crafting attempt #3 of the day.

    After successfully creating 2 Rare Items. I decide to try To create A Hooded cloak. Once again, I reach over and grab some more mats I start weaving, Sewing, stretching, Hydrating, drying, heating, And dying. Finally, after 2 hours of getting it into its rough shape. The system finally snaps It into its final shape White cloak with long sleeves. Nothing Real special about it, though

    Successfully created a

    Item: A white cloak


    Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

    Description: A white cloak that does not look like there is much to it But it is practical +1 evasion

    XP earned: 2

    Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-6=bad Item

    7-9=Good Item

    10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 2: 8/40

    -1 mats

  11. Crafting attempt #2 Of the day.

    After successfully crafting a pair of Boots. I decide to try crafting a hard leather chest Plate . I set the pair of boots to The side To give them a polished. Later I quickly reach over and grab another Mat and start stretching, heating, cooling, hydrating, drying, and shaping the leather until the system finally snaps The item into its final shape. Once again I take the leather chest plate And start examining it pretty high durability, And it is Sturdy . The color of it is similar to the Boots An almost black color With very faint Stripes of blue Is also Admitting a slight energy around it

    I have successfully Created a

    Item:Chest plate


    Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

    Description:Chest plate That is as hard as steel, but made from leather It's black in color with faint blue stripes +2 damage mitigation

    XP earned: 5

    Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-6=bad Item

    7-9=Good Item

    10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 2: 6/40

    -1 Mats

  12. crafting attempt #1 of the day

    As I wake up one morning I looked down at my feet I noticed that my starting boots are getting a little worn. But they don't need to be replaced just yet Which gave me an idea I should try crafting some boots. I quickly walked into my workroom Grabbing some Mats And I begin working I Begin polling, stretching, heating, cooling, hydrating rolling hammering after 3 hours of forming it. This system takes over and Snaps it into its final shape I quickly grabbed the boots and examine them The Durability is pretty good And they have a almost black appearance With faint blue stripes I can feel something strange coming from them

    I have successfully created a

    item type: Boots

    item name:BC(Buyers choice)

    Quality: Rare

    Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

    Description:A pair of boots that have a almost black color to them with very faint streaks of blue. The boots Admit a tiny bit of energy out Of the souls +2 Evasion

    XP earned: 5

    Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-6=bad Item

    7-9=Good Item

    10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 2: 1/40

    -1 Mats

  13. As five watches Raidou remove the sword from the ceiling with ease he is not very surprised, considering that the last time they fought together. Raidou was holding a 750 pound sword with one hand, so removing the sword from the ceiling it seemed like child's play to him. "You are calling me the tough guy you're holding my sword by the blade Tough guy" Five said as he reached out and grabbed the swords grip taking it and swing it backwards into its sheath. "So what brings you to my small tailor shop" He said as he walked around the display. "It has been a while since I saw you last still have that heavy sword Of Yours"As five continues walking towards entrance and start stretching his back from sleeping on the floor. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, sleeping on the floor hurts" He mumbled to himself

  14. "Aaahhh Who, what's, when, where, why," Five Yelled as he jumped up, drawing his sword and putting the sword to the person who scared him Throat After he got his eyes to focus He noticed that it was his old friend Raidou "oh Hey, it's you how have you been Raidou" As he pulls his sword away from his old friends throat quickly Attempting to put the sword back into its sheath with style. He throws it up in the air to have it land into its sheath on his back But his luck is not that good as The sword gets stuck in the ceiling "Dang it, not again. One second." He reaches up to pull the sword Out of the ceiling But he struggles to pull it out. "ARRRRGGG".He finally asks Raidou "Can you help me with this." He says with a Ashamed and frustrated Tone as this is his 20th time getting it stuck

  15. Salvaging attempt: #1

    I Attempt to Salvage the Greave It takes 1 hour For me to start pulling the item apart into its basic material as I do so I started getting the Hiccups accidentally pulling it apart too fast destroying it. "Dang it, there Goes more mats." I said, in despair

    Crafting dice roll: 1 – 6 Fail at recovery

    Crafting dice roll: 7 – 12 succeed, recover, + one material.

    -1 Mats

  16. Crafting attempt #2 of the day.

    I decide to try again At making Greaves After 3 hours of stretching, heating, cooling and hydrating the material is finally with the help of the system, It finally forms leather Greaves As I examine the item I notice The quality is only good I wonder if I can salvage this

    XP earned: 2

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    Crafting Rank 1: 16/20

  17. Crafting attempt #1 Of the day.

    As I start My First project of the day I try something different. I decide I'm Going to Try to make Leather Greaves , this being my first time trying to make Greaves , everything looks like it going well. After 3 hours of molding the Leather into The desired shape, and then having the system snap it into its final form. I hold the Greaves Looking at them I decide to try them on Strapping them to my leg after I finished strapping them on as soon as I moved they explode into thousands of blue polygons. I'm disappointed. "Better luck next time"

    -1 Mat

    XP earned: 1

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    Crafting Rank 1: 14/20

  18. "All right, That sounds good " I started to think about the front lines And how I want to join them, but right now I am just to Weak. "Thanks for the business" Waving as I head back towards my store As I enter my store. I quickly grabbed the bracer and put it back into the Display table and then go back into my work room. "I think I should make some fire Resistant equipment for the frontliners"I start looking Through my materials.

  19. I quickly run up to the player that threatened to cut Me Down, headbutting him hard enough to make him stumble backwards, but not enough to take any HP. "You have a problem with me. If so, Say it."I yelled when suddenly the goblin Started Letting out a deafening roar. I quickly looked towards the goblin taken my eyes off the player that just Threatened me. "Before killing each other Let's kill that thing first." I said angry as I've ever been Steering the beast down But keeping my Peripheral vision on the Player I Headbutted I quickly Lowered my Sword to my side preparing my attack as my sword starts glowing bright orange, once again This time, my anger clouded my judgment on my attack hitting the goblins Armor instead of the previous weak points. "Dang it, Need to get my head in the game" As My sword bounces off the armor making me stumbled backwards

  20. "Thank you and for being my first customer I will only take 4" Grabbing the top 4 materials "Wow, that Did Turn Out good And it looks like it fits you perfectly Is there anything else I can help you with?" I quickly walked back to my workroom and grab the bracer I had just made putting it into the display case. "After I created that beauty of a Cloak I managed to make this" Grabbing the Bracer Out of the display And Showing it to the customer."By the way, what is your name."

    Received 4 material

  21. As I'm Doing final touches on the bracer, I have created. I hear somebody ask if There item Has been created I stand up and head towards the display "oh, Hey it's you My First customer, Yes, let me get your item cloak Right let's see ah, here it is one cloak quality perfect +2 ACC and +1 DMG Miti , how would you like to pay materials or col" Taking the cloak Out of the workroom and laying flat on the counter

    Item sold

    Item: Cloak of the abyss

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop: Dragons Claw Needles

    Description:A cloak so black that if you stare at it, you would think that you're looking into an abyss The cloak can hide any item under it, as if storing them +2 ACC +1 damage miti

  22. After turning around I noticed The goblin charging At me Fortunately for me, it's somehow over estimated its swords Length Not even hitting Me But Giving me a slight breeze from the force of the sword swing. "Thanks for the breeze It was getting a little humid here." I said, preparing my sword for another attack. As I Was getting ready For my next attack I see that one of the mysterious players tries to go in for An attack, but Hits the Armor instead Doing no damage as I take My sword Stance My sword starts glowing bright orange I Start charging towards the goblin once more right as I got within Sword distance. I quickly pivoted on 1 foot Getting behind it and hitting the goblin in the back managing to hit him between The armor once more. "You guys still think That I am useless?" With a Faint smile on my face as I Jumped back with the other 2. " Let me give you a piece of advice Don't underestimate me"

    Daeron: 39/39 [Hate]

    Zelrius: 59/59 [Hate]

    5iou5: 13/13 [Hate]

    <>: 46/50

    Damage Dealt: 2 (sword of beginning +1 DMG)

    Damage Mitigation: 0

    Damage Received: 0

  23. crafting attempt #2 of the day

    After crafting my bracer decide to start working again. This time,On A Chest piece I Start work again Going for a high quality item After 3 hours of stretching and forming leather in the desired shape The system again snaps into its final form I go to pick it up and it explodes into Thousands polygons A failure.

    XP earned: 1

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    Crafting rank 1: 13/20

    -1 Mat

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