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Posts posted by 5iou5

  1. As I'm in the back Trying to figure out What I needed To do because I'm running out of Mats I then begin to hear Someone walk into the display room and then yell my name "yeah, what's up" I asked as I walked in, then noticing that it would zel "was going on" as I looked down at the material "Are you needing something crafted" I would ask Putting my hands down on the table

  2. As 5 tries to leave his tailor shop to head to the town of Beginning he gets lost On the way there. After several hours of travel when it should only take 30 minutes to finally arrives this time being you're out how to get supplies us besides stick with one of the main roads to try to get to the center of the town of beginning by making a good direction. Call he manages to get to the center Plaza, he then notices zel and Lucian Hanging out in the shade. "Hey guys, sorry if I'm late" 5 Would yell as he ran up to them "What is the on The the agenda" Asking because he wanted to make sure he remembered correctly

  3. After realizing kicks were not really a good idea against a giant boulder 5 decide on using punches Instead, limping over to the Boulder 5 would try To punch it, but as he does so his hip pop back out once more as he Buries his punch Into the ground instead of hitting the Boulder. It hit the ground Heard enough that his whole arm went into The ground ripping his arm out, he took a few steps back to pop his hip back in

    Roll 1-5 = Fail

    Roll 6-8 = 1 damage

    Roll 9-10 = 2 damage

    5iou5 HP: 10/11

    Boulder HP: 12/15

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 0

    Damage negated: 0

  4. After 5 had rested, he quickly got back up and walked over to the Boulder placing his hand once again over the mysterious indention that he was Still unaware On how it happened 5 would then prepare for his next attack. As he would then wind up his leg to come in for a roundhouse kick asses leg made contact. There is a slight crackle sound as 5 hit dislocated for a second with his good leg. He quickly stumbled backwards popping his hip back in as he had also Took a point of damage

    Roll 1-5 = Fail

    Roll 6-8 = 1 damage

    Roll 9-10 = 2 damage

    5iou5 HP: 9/11

    Boulder HP: 12/15

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 1

    Damage negated: 0

  5. As 5 was unaware of what just happened. He looked at the Boulder. He saw it lost 2 more HP. "Whoa what happened Did I hit the rock. I can't remember." As he noticed his hand had some dust coming off of it. Then looking up at the Boulder and seeing a small indention, where some cracks were radiating from 5. Took a few steps backwards to try to figure out what just happened . Even after analyzing what just happened. He cannot figure out what happened Then walking back up to the Boulder. He would put his hand that were the indention is "My next punch will be focused right here." He said as he kept his hand on the Indention, Still concerned on what happened. He decides to sit down for a few moments to rest.

    Roll 1-5 = Fail

    Roll 6-8 = 1 damage

    Roll 9-10 = 2 damage

    5iou5 HP: 10/11

    Boulder HP: 12/15

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 0

    Damage negated: 0

  6. As 5 is getting angry at all of his failures to break the Boulder. His eyes start to flash orange As size walks up to the Boulder But this time he is acting a little differently as if you look at his eyes. You see, there are very faint orange as he is not to respond to anything and is surroundings, except for his target. Walking up to the Boulder. He would then take his right hand all the way. Behind him, and punch was enough force that's any surrounding puddles would ripple after hitting the Boulder so hard he quickly snaps back into his normal self, as that was a glimpse of his fight symptom. Unlike fight or flight. He only has fight

    Roll 1-5 = Fail

    Roll 6-8 = 1 damage

    Roll 9-10 = 2 damage

    5iou5 HP: 10/11

    Boulder HP: 12/15

    Damage dealt: 2

    Damage received: 0

    Damage negated: 0

  7. After analyzing the Boulder 5 decides to try a move that he did before but this time a little different , as he would charge at the Boulder Right before Hitting it, he would pivot on 1 foot spinning himself 360° to try to make his punch have more power Unfortunately, he would start spinning a little too late, as his shoulder slammed into the Boulder, knocking him over He decides to keep working at destroying the Boulder as his anger is building as well as this is plenty of a refresher to his martial arts in the real world

    Roll 1-5 = Fail

    Roll 6-8 = 1 damage

    Roll 9-10 = 2 damage

    5iou5 HP: 10/11

    Boulder HP: 14/15

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 0

    Damage negated: 0

  8. After dusting himself off 5 decides to try once more with the Kick As he Walks up to the Boulder. He raises his leg almost completely vertical as his intention is to drop kick it As he brings his leg down believing that he's going to make a dropkick some dust flies into his eyes, making his kick only graze the Boulder The dust didn't blind him for say It more or less made him quickly look towards the direction the wind is blowing to keep the dust from going into his eyes As he takes his eyes off the Boulder His dropkick hit the ground with enough force that it digs into the ground 1 foot Deep He then pulling his foot out of the ground Then takes a few steps back to assess the situation. "Dang it . I almost had it that time. If it wasn't for the dust cloud" He said to try to justify his miss, but as he thought about it, he realized that was a terrible excuse

    Roll 1-5 = Fail

    Roll 6-8 = 1 damage

    Roll 9-10 = 2 damage

    5iou5 HP: 10/11

    Boulder HP: 914/15

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 0

    Damage negated: 0

  9. 5 knowing that the wasp and spider were coming back after him He immediately started jumping backwards, managing to avoid the spider by just a hair and the wasp missed by a mile. They quickly ran around, A tree, switching his sword to his opposite hand As he came round the tree.Grabbing onto a tree with his hand. He just quit to come around you later to surprise the 2 Creature of the comes around. He cuts the abdomen of The wasp And then quickly retreating to get some more distant between him and them

    5iou5: 11/17 +1 Life steel

    Wave: 1

    Wasp1: 7/10

    Spider: 20/20

    Wasp2: 0/10

    Damage dealt: 3 Sword rank 1 + 2 damage On sword

    Damage received: 0

    Damage Mitigated: 0

    Health recovered: 1

  10. As it was restricted 5 by Mrs. Isaac, but he forgot about the spider as it jumped and grabbed onto his arm. He quickly turned Smacking It against Tree knocking it off. Unfortunately, not doing any damage to it 5 would then run as fast as he can, using the most of His Sprint to get to the other side the arenaRealizing how much health is lost. He decides to Rest himself Until they come for him

    5iou5: 10/17

    Wave: 1

    Wasp1: 10/10

    Spider: 20/20

    Wasp2: 0/10

    Damage dealt: 0 Sword rank 1 + 2 damage On sword

    Damage received: 0

    Damage Mitigated: 0

    Health recovered: 0

  11. As I am lost trying to find a alchemist shop. I Finally ran into A alchemist shop named Tenebris Alchimia As I enter I notice The nice wood floor I proceed to the counter. "Excuse me, I have some herbs and I need some potions anybody here" I asked setting down the herbs on to the counter

  12. As 5 is Taking a nap, he suddenly hearers. Somebody yell "what now" It startles him so much so that he grabs his sword and rushes outside thinking that there is a fight. "What the hack is going on out here." As he walks into the middle of the path he looks both ways Trying to Figure out Which way the yell Came from. He then notice another player looking around. "Are you the one that yelled" Pointing his sword at him

  13. As 5 gets a invite from zelrius to Race in the field on floor 1 5 Looks down in despair as he knows he's going to be late He opened his interface to the map"Let me see if I can use this feature. To track him." As he pushes the track friend, Botton and heads out after 4 hours Of looking, he finally ends up in the middle of the fields as he looked around, he suddenly sees zelrius Standing in the middle of field. "Sorry I'm late, you know, I'm terrible with directions." As he ran towards zelrius "Please remind me why I looked for you for 4 hours. Get lost 5 times and ended up in the middle of the field. What are we do again"Bending over to catch his breath

  14. As 5 Hears Lucian state That his sister was killed by a gamer And then says that SAO is his prison 5 Immediately stops walking. "You idiot. You think your sister would want you Punishing yourself for something you couldn't help" Walking up to Lucian and giving him a nice hard Headbutt to knock some sense into him "Don't punish yourself Instead, think on how you're going to get out of this game" 5 Has never had anybody he knew die in front of him. So you really can't understand the pain Lucian is probably going through As 5's siblings and parents didn't join SAO But they Became more integrated into their phones, Tablets, and computers "Nobody in My RL Came to SAO. It's only me from my family. What I do know is you need to focus on beating this game." Walking back up to Lucian, "if I hear you say one more thing about it's your fault I will give you Another headbutt and it will be harder than that last one." 5 Would then proceed over To a Nearby boulder unsheathing hIs sword Letting out a Yell of anger Then cutting the top of The Boulder, Almost clean off He did so to get rid of some of his anger

  15. crafting attempt #4 of the day

    After finally managing to create something I decide to make a cloak again, I grab the material I begin work sewing, stretching, and forming the material As I do so right before the system But the item Into its final shape The material suddenly disintegrate into thousands of polygons. "I thought my bad luck ended" Resuming headbutting the wall

    XP earned: 1

    Rank 3: 40 total EXP and 4 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 3: 56/80

    -1 material

  16. crafting attempt #3 of the day

    After banging my head against the wall for about an hour at grad another piece of material and begin work again. This time a pair of Boots Before I start, I checked the materials durability. They seemed okay. So begin work sewing, stretching, And forming the material into desired shapes before the system would then snap It into the final shape I then gently picked up the boots and checked them for their durability as I picked them up, I noticed that there are extremely light. I then look at the durability and it's fairly good.

    I successfully created a

    Item:Cloud boots


    Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

    Description:A pair of boots so light, they actually increase your speed +2 evasion

    XP earned: 5

    Rank 3: 40 total EXP and 4 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 3: 55/80

    -1 material

  17. crafting attempt #2 of the day

    After filling my 1st attempt a try once again grabbing. The material and beginning the process Of crafting this time trying to make a cloak. I grabbed material and begin sewing, Stretching, but suddenly in the middle of crafting it shatters into thousands of polygons, once again, I didn't start playing in my head against the wall in frustration. "Will I not be able to make anything" I yelled

    XP earned: 1

    Rank 3: 40 total EXP and 4 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 3: 50/80

    -1 material

  18. crafting attempt #1 of the day

    as I'm still disappointed in my attempts yesterday At crafting. I decide that today's a day so I'll try once again to craft a duster, I got the material to begin work sewing, stretching and forming the material into the basic shape of a duster, the system would then take it try to finalize it as it does so, I see a glimpse of a duster, but it's in shatters Into Thousands of polygons. "Is my bad luck still with me." Hang my head in despair. once again

    XP earned: 1

    Rank 3: 40 total EXP and 4 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

    Crafting Rank 3: 49/80

    -1 material

  19. Grateful,At the fact that he was able to take down one of the wasp He now knew he had to deal with the spider and the other wasp He would now target The other wasp To try to take it out He would now sprints away from the wasp As to try to trick it. He would then turned back towards it to rush it. As he swung his sword. He noticed that it stinger was up blocking his strike the sword hitting the stinger made a loud Cling Quickly jumped back and used his Sprint running backwards as to keep his eyes on his enemy He dashes to the right to get behind cover to rethink his strategy

    5iou5: 12/17 +1 Life steel

    Wave: 1

    Wasp1: 10/10

    Spider: 20/20

    Wasp2: 0/10

    Damage dealt: 0 Sword rank 1 + 2 damage On sword

    Damage received: 0

    Damage Mitigated: 0

    Health recovered: 0

  20. As 5 sees Raidou Put his fingers to his lips, gesturing to be quiet As 5 Is Paying attention to Raidou's instruction. He steps around the adolescent Wolf and makes his way towards one of the adults as he accidentally Seeing an opening 5 gestures back to Raidou Swinging his hand down like karate chop Towards one of the adult wolves, den pointing with his middle finger and index finger to his eyes and towards the other wolves Signaling Raidou to cover Him . 5 then got close enough so that he could swing his word straight down to the Wolf's Neck Unfortunately, a rock prevented the blade from going completely through Reading it with only 2 HP 5 Then quickly jumping back As to not get attacked immediately from all sides

    Raidou: 29/29 +3 Dmg, +4 Dmg Miti, +2 Acc, +2 LS 8-10

    Fives: 17/17 +3 Dmg, +1 Acc, +1 Eva +1 LS 8–10

    Wolf 1: 2/6

    Wolf Pup: 4/4

    Wolf 2: 6/6

    Wolf Pup: 4/4

    Adolescent Wolf: 5/5

    Damage dealt: 4

    Damage Received: 0

    Damage Mitigated: 0

    Health Regained: 0

  21. As 5 hears that they're going to be tested On floor 9, he couldn't help but say, "You're not expecting us to beat anything. Very fast up there are you I don't know about the rest of y'all, But I am not that height of the level." As he pointed up to Is health bar that indicated his level As well. He then pointed out "The other thing is I also don't have all Perfect equipment This is the best I Could Do the only thing I have that's perfect is this sword" 5 quickly Stop talking as he Heard Daeron mention that Him and kiluia would step in If. The fight got To dangerous "all right, I retract my Second statement Well, no pun intended, but you're lyrically giving us A baptism by fire" He then began to remember that he recently got some herbs that he needs take to the alchemists to get some potions made He accessed his inventory to make sure that They were still there. "Before We head out. I would like to try to get some potions made" He said as he closed his inventory. He then started having off to see if he could find a alchemist without getting lost before getting too far. He turned around. "If I'm not back before you leave. I'll try to head to the center of town.If You Look for me You might find me there."

  22. As 5 Hears Lucian say that everything is going get harder from here on out, 5 take his new sword and stares at it for a few seconds. Seeing how It's aquamarine color flashes As He turns It He then replies, "I know. And with this sword. It won't be that hard anymore." Slashing his sword in a horizontal Direction And then sheathing It 5 starts to lead the way. But quickly stops. "You probably should be the way." Turning around extending His hand flat out in a general direction "Well, you really didn't answer my question. I asked But what is your business is your business,"

  23. As the 2 wasp Miss their strikes against 5 Focused on the 2 wasp's He forget about the spider as it Drives its mandibles into his arm. He quickly knocks it Off of him. He then uses his Sprint to get some distance as he quickly turns around, sliding backwards. Using his momentum he would head straight for the Waspy he hit before striking horizontally cut it in half as it exploded into thousands of polygons 5 Would then run to the closest tree To regain his Breath as his sword Healed him a little

    5iou5: 13/17 +1 Life steel

    Wave: 1

    Wasp1: 10/10

    Spider: 20/20

    Wasp2: 0/10

    Damage dealt: 6 Sword rank 1 + 2 damage On sword

    Damage received: 0

    Damage Mitigated: 0

    Health recovered: 1

  24. After one of the mosques impaled 5 through the stomach. He stumbled backwards, they regained his stance and prepared his sword as his eyes make a faint flash of orange 5 tries to charge the Wasp that Stabbed him, As he starts to bring his sword to bear the wasp Stinger blocks It knocking 5 backwards. I quickly used is Sprint and got away to regain his thoughts and strategy.

    5iou5: 14/17

    Wave: 1

    Wasp1: 10/10

    Spider: 20/20

    Wasp2: 6/10

    Damage dealt: 0

    Damage received: 0

    Damage Mitigated: 0

  25. After getting stung in the arm 5 quickly ran afraid of the The fact he mighty Go into Anaphylactic shock quickly remembering that he Ways in a Game And he doesn't have to worry about going into Anaplastic shock He quickly turns around And targeting the wasp that missed him . He quickly use the best of his speed to charge it using <> To Quickly closing the distance and getting behind the wasp2 slicing towards It's Abdomen getting a clean hit equally As fast he runs again To make some distant between him and insects

    5iou5: 17/17 Life steel +1

    Wave: 1

    Wasp1: 10/10

    Spider: 20/20

    Wasp2: 6/10

    Damage dealt: 4

    Damage Received: 0

    Damaged Mitigated: 0

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