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Posts posted by Natalia

  1. Big thing here!

    There are rules against spaming. And 1-lining in rp-zones

    If you see this, click the 'report' icon in the top right corner.

    I'm pretty sure by one-liners, he means two-liners.

    I sort of agree with what he had to say there; a minimum length requirement.

  2. Daily Crafting Attempt #1

    Today is going to be a good day.

    That was Setsuko's first thought as her eyes fluttered to life. Before even stepping off the couch in which she found herself occupied atop of, she gestured her menu open and removed the final two ingots from her inventory. Closing the menu, she swung her feet to the ground and stood up, immediately moving to the forge in the center of the room. She placed the ingots upon the anvil not too far, before clamping one of them with her tongs. From there, she put it within the fire. Regardless of the fact that she didn't really need to, she kept her eyes on the piece of metal. Your rapier is almost here, Rebekah.

    About a minute had passed before she figured the game's system had done all it needed with it. She moved it to the anvil carefully, avoiding the touch of the searing hot metal. Now for the tedious part. Setsuko swung her hammer through the air, slamming upon the metal again and again.

    CD: 11

    Item Quality: Rare

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

  3. "It's hard for me to sleep." Mitsuki replied to his earlier question. "Even if it's not too different from sleeping in the real world, the fact that you're sleeping in a virtual world just makes it seem so..." She paused for a moment, trying to decide how she wanted to word it. ...weird." The thought of sleeping in a bed in reality while sleeping in a bed in a game reminded her of a particular movie that she had seen the translation for; an older movie, but with a concept that she still enjoyed trying to fully wrap her head around.

    "What about you?" Her voice seemed a little held back, her timid nature setting in. "Can you sleep well?"

  4. Mitsuki simply shook her head at Toshiro's comment about feeling compelled to stay. "It's not that." She stated, her words actually beginning to feel a little less withdrawn, and a bit more confident. "It's that I do want to get to know you. You seem like a good guy, and I've got nothing better to do anyways." There was no doubting that Mitsuki was still a bit shy in the way she spoke, but she still nodded her head at her own comment.

    Upon being questioned about her skills, Mitsuki once again nodded her head with a smile. "Actually, it's funny that you mention it. I recently earned the <> skill. It's part of the reason I was able to beat those guys so easily." That same, light-hearted smile remained on her face the entire time, even as she carefully watched Toshiro, prepared to help if she needed to. "It's pretty powerful."

  5. For some strange reason, a smile occupied Setsuko's face as her eyes closed to a shut. "Perhaps it is terrible, but that doesn't change the fact that my father might have been entirely correct. He was a genius; the smartest man I've ever met, and was rarely wrong about anything. No matter how hard I try, I can't feel like he wasn't wrong about what he said that night, even if he was drunk." That was probably the most Setsuko had said in their current conversation at one time. Her voice remained calm, but there was a certain sadness that finally managed to weave its way into her words.

  6. "I've visited Arizona before." Setsuko replied to Fives' comment about the wall. "I'll handle it." She seemed relatively smug, but she wasn't too cold towards the man.

    Setsuko shook her head at Daeron's showy personality, a smirk on her face, before following closely behind him, eventually stopping at the burnt-appearing castle around thirty minutes away from where they had began. Well, this definitely isn't exactly the happiest place in the area. Her eyes looked it over a few times. If the castle itself looked menacing, she could only wonder what the monster within would look like. I guess I'm about to find out.

    Once again, Daeron led them, this time into the castle. A few twists and turns later, the party stopped in front of an orange and red suit of armor, matching the molten look of the castle, and most of the floor. Even as an empty suit of armor, Setsuko couldn't help but feel a frightened chill travel up her spine. That was about when Daeron called any of the recruits forth to light the armor. Looking around the group, they all seemed to be be ready. "I'll do it." Setsuko said, attempting to be a leader for the first time since she entered the death game.

    The teenager stepped forward towards the torch, drawing Frostbite, her rapier from its sheath while walking. Even in the endless heat of the ninth floor, she could see the other torches waver as a chill of icy wind was released from the blade; it was only for a brief second, however. With her left-hand, she lifted the torch from its rest and stepped towards the armor. When close enough, she touched the fire to its helmet. There was a moment of silence, until the helmet's eyes were filled with flames. The Flame Knight let a vicious grunt out before its hands reached for the blade by its side.

    Immediately, Setsuko leapt backwards. Her feet slid backwards a bit, due to the momentum, before she was reunited with the rest of the party. "So it begins.." She said; she could feel heart beginning to pound as if it was going to burst from her chest in anticipation. Unconsciously, she began to grit her teeth, though her mouth was still hiding them.


    Setsuko: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    Oske: 29/29

    Daeron: 45/45


    Flame Knight: 150/150

  7. Mitsuki nodded at what Yami had to say; any task would eventually grow boring. She couldn't think of a single task that didn't grow old with repetition, but she most certainly could think of all she had grown bored with over a bit of time. Fighting just wasn't one of those tasks, yet. Being able to see and use martial arts again was just about all Mitsuki needed to remain content as of right now, especially given the circumstances of her real life.

    "I'm doing well, thank you." She replied, friendly as she had been since he had first arrived. "A little sleepy, maybe, but nothing I can't deal with."

  8. Mitsiku's nearly white eyes watched as Toshiro began making his way towards the city; she couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for him. At the speed he was moving, he wasn't getting anywhere quickly, especially since he appeared to be heading towards the city. She looked down at the ground. I should help him, but I don't want him to just see it as an act of pity. I wouldn't want somebody to help me out of pity. For a moment, she simply stood there staring at the ground, conflicted. Her heart was a bit torn on the matter, but eventually, she found herself jogging to catch up to him.

    He hadn't gotten very far, but she stopped at his side when she caught up. "Listen, I know you'll probably just take this is an act of pity, but.." She paused for a moment, contemplating how she'd put it across. "Do you want me to help you? Or at the very least walk with you to where you're going? Not because I feel bad for you, but because I.. I want to get to know you better." Even if her voice gave hints that she did feel bad for him, there was also a certain honesty in the last words she spoke before leaving the decision to him.

  9. Mayonaka had done quite a bit of damage to the second boar they had attacked, but while she had been doing that, the third boar charged Setsuko. Not this time. As it made a full dash towards her, ready to trample right over her after piercing her flesh with its tusks, Setsuko leapt into the air. She shifted her grip on the blade so it was pointing down. Her left-hand joined her right on the hilt. The boar, which stood beneath her, was unprepared for Setsuko to stab into its skull with an aerial drop, and was caught by her attack.

    Squeals of pain left the pig as Setsuko withdrew her blade and kicked off its skull, landing a few meters away from it. Almost dead.


    Setsuko: 13/15

    Mayonaka: 25/25

    BD: 5 (BD) + 2 (Swift Vambraces) = 7 (Hit)

    DMG: 1 (Hit) + 2 (OHR: R1) + 2 (Frostbite) = 4


    Boar #1: 0/5 (DEAD)

    Boar #2: 2/5

    Boar #3: 1/5

  10. Setsuko was unsure of how to respond to Rebekah's question. You're not wrong, but you're also not completely right. Once again, there was a moment of silence as Setsuko pondered her response. Her fingers had began to tap the rocky surface she sat upon once again, revealing a bit of discomfort; peering into her past wasn't a task she did daily. Setsuko constantly did her best to avoid that sort of thought, but now she found herself immersed in it.

    "Depends on how you look at it." Setsuko finally broke the silence. "He could have been referring to the fact that if I hadn't been born, he might have been fine. That sure doesn't help my emotions, though."

  11. [OOC ~ Just to clarify, did Dylan actually state that he was leaving? ]

    Having purchased a single health potion, Setsuko rushed from the store back to the teleport gate. It hasn't been too long, has it? Regardless, her feet swiftly moved, and she had traveled from the general store back to the portal in a matter of minutes. By the time she arrived, Daeron had already left. Immediately, she stood on the gate and shouted: "Teleport: Igneous!" Her body disappeared from that floor and appeared at her desired location only seconds after the words had left her mouth.

    Upon her materialization on the ninth floor, a gust of heated wind struck her. Holy crap, Zelrius was right. It's like a damn furnace on this floor. Preferring the icy coldness of the fourth floor, Setsuko found herself completely and totally uncomfortable. However, she did her best to ignore the heat and looked around until she found Daeron. She approached him without a word and leaned against a nearby wall while waiting for the others.

  12. There was a glow, and then an uncommon item rested upon the anvil in front of her. She picked up the rapier by its hilt, her finger gently tapping upon the tip of the blade. It felt pretty damn sharp, but it didn't appear unique enough to be anything truly powerful. Well, I guess this is it for the day. She hung the rapier up upon the wall.

    Item Name: Sharpened Rapier

    Item Type: One-Handed Rapier

    Item Effect: +1DMG

    Description: This rapier isn't that different from others, but its tip is a lot sharper than most.

  13. Daily Crafting Attempt #4

    For her last attempt of the day, Setsuko attempted to craft a rapier. Alright, Rebekah. I'm trying for you again. Every strike was filled with Setsuko's passion to prove herself a worthy blacksmith. I won't let you down, even if this rapier doesn't turn out well.

    CD: 9

    Item Quality: Uncommon

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

  14. Daily Crafting Attempt #3

    Even after her previous fail, Setsuko managed to keep her hopes up as she followed the process of forging once again. I'll craft a dagger, I guess. Hammer struck the already warmed metal. Sword Art Online took away most of the precision in blacksmithing, but she continued hammering slowly away at it, hoping to get something decent.

    CD: 6

    Item Quality: Good

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

  15. As with almost every attempt after crafting something worth noting, <> was the result of her current build. She shook her head in disappointment. Oh well, I've got two more crafting attempts to go for the day. I'm not rank one anymore, so this isn't too big of a deal. She did her best to calm herself with her thoughts.

  16. Daily Crafting Attempt #2

    With confidence from her first attempt, Setsuko set the second metal in the forge. Keep going. When it was ready, she pulled it out and precisely struck the metal, this time hoping to form a curved sword of some sort.

    CD: 3

    Item Quality: Fail

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

  17. When Setsuko was done, a pair of metal boots stood before her. They shimmered in the light of her forge's fire, and, upon picking them up, they actually felt pretty light. Well, that's a good first creation of the day.

    Item Name: Mobility Boots

    Item Type: Armor (Boots)

    Item Effect: +1 EVA

    Description: Whoever is wearing the boots feels as if they can move slightly faster, allowing them to dodge attacks in an easier manner than before.

  18. Daily Crafting Attempt #1

    It was the middle of the night, but Setsuko couldn't sleep, so instead, she sat at her forge. Four of her materials had already been withdrawn from her inventory, as she had recently made it to rank three of her profession, which added another daily crafting attempt. Currently, she had one of them within the forge, which she promptly moved to the anvil. First attempt of the day, let's make this rock. The clashing of metals rang throughout the building.

    CD: 9

    Item Quality: Uncommon

    1=Epic fail


    4-5=bad Item

    6-8=Good Item

    9-10=Uncommon Item

    11=Rare Item

    12= Perfect Item

  19. "I'm Mitsuki." She said with a kind-hearted smile and head bow. Even in Sword Art, she was on the timid side. When people approached her, however, it was much easier to talk to people; she was good at carrying on conversations, just not starting them. "How are you?" She asked.

  20. In front of the rock, Mitsuko stood. Determination was present on her face. She entered the karate stance of her choice: her left-foot pointed ahead of her, her right-foot pointed right of her. Alright, let's do this. A smirk grew on her face as she twisted her right-foot forward towards the rock. In the midst of that movement, her right arm extended towards the rock, her palm moving towards it at lightning speed. Less than a second had passed before her hand struck the boulder. Well, is anything good to happen?

    Nothing ended up happening. Mitsuki repeated the attack only to find similar results. What..? Again and again she repeated the movement, but the palm-strike wasn't working. What am I doing wrong? That was when what the NPC said was made sense to her. "Always remain calm." Her eyes widened as she realized what was required to destroy the rock, or at least what she theorized would destroy it.

    Mitsuki shut her eyes, and began to slow her breathing. As her breathing slowed, her heart rate followed in its slowing. Her body moved into the stance she had chosen earlier, but didn't yet attack. Slowly she inhaled; slowly she exhaled. Eventually, her breaths were almost half a minute apart. When she felt her heart rate drop to what she imagined to be just slightly above what it would be during sleep, she attacked in a swift burst of speed.

    Her eyes opened at the sound of the rock bursting like a creature: into thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of glimmering pixels. She had done it. A quest window popped up in front of her, reading: "«Breaking the Unbreakable» COMPLETED! One skill point rewarded! Extra skill: «Martial Arts» rewarded!" She had finally done it, after almost an entire day's worth of work.

  21. "There are many more lessons to be taught, young one." The old man said, continuing to talk as if his dialogue mattered. "However, this is the only lesson you'll need to know in order to destroy the rock within your path. Now go, apprentice. Destroy it using a single palm-strike." Mitsuki couldn't help but feel as if this was single-handedly the silliest quest in the game. Is this really all I need to destroy the rock? Despite her disbelief, she left the dojo and returned to the rock.

  22. "You have learned your first lesson in martial arts: always remain calm; always let logic dictate your actions." Truth be told, Mitsuki didn't believe that any of his dialogue truly mattered. She figured that as long as she followed the guidelines, she would eventually be rewarded with the skill, and from that point on, her emotional state wouldn't matter. She remained standing face-to-face with the old man, whose outfit had changed from that of a raggedy appearance to a stereotypical karate gi, with a black belt around his waist.

  23. Calm down.

    Mitsuki found herself sitting on the ground, her legs crossed, and her hands held together in front of her. Naturally, her eyes shut. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Minutes passed by, but eventually her heart rate returned to its normal rhythm. She maintained this calm for a few more minutes before she could see the lights return through her closed eyes. Upon opening them, she saw the man standing before her once again, his arms crossed as he stood straight. Doing her best to maintain a constant heart rate, she stood up to face him.

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