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Posts posted by Natalia

  1. Although it was beneficial for the girl to manage to get both of the bees down to their critical health, Mitsuki had completely forgotten that most of the monsters in the game had some sort of subroutine change once they did; they became drastically more aggressive, and almost seemed to get buffs in their strength and speed. This little slip up caused her to find herself being blitzed by the bee that had just recovered from entering critical health, and she was knocked back as it headbutt her away, sending her tumbling a bit.


    Mitsuki: 3/7

    BD: 1

    DMG: 0 (Critical Failure)


    Bee #1: 1/4

    Bee #2: 1/4

  2. Turning her head towards the sound of a voice, Mitsuki found that the person she had glanced at earlier stood beside her. "Oh.." She said, caught off-guard by his sudden arrival. "..Hello." Her eyes lowered as to avoid eye contact with him. I didn't expect him to actually come over here. Her timid nature was making itself present, but she managed to gesture him towards the seat in front of her.

    "You can take a seat, if you'd like."

  3. With the first bee entering a critical condition with its health entering the red zone, Mitsuki took its recovering opportunity to strike at the second one. Her feet quickly began rushing towards the other creature, which charged at her as well. Not today, bastard! At full-speed, Mitsuki flipped her blade in her hand so it was in slashing position, and slashed diagonally across the creature. Her recklessness cost her to find a stinger just above her abdomen, but she had managed to get the second bee into its critical health, so it was worth it in her mind.


    Mitsuki: 4/7

    BD: 9

    DMG: 1 (Hit ) + 1 (Critical Hit) = 2


    Bee #1: 1/4

    Bee #2: 1/4

  4. Mitsuki's eyes shifted between the two bees; one from her ten-o-clock, the other from her two-o-clock. Both were approximately the same distance away. She continued waiting for them to get closer, her left-arm up as if to balance her strikes. Wait for it. She stared the two down. When one was close enough, she spun around the bee on the left, in the process, her right-arm extending and stabbing into its gut. By the time her attack was completed, both of the bees had passed her, and she was positioned in a manner that kept both of them in her sight.


    Mitsuki: 5/7

    BD: 8

    DMG: 1 (Hit) = 1


    Bee #1: 1/4

    Bee #2: 3/4

  5. Just as the girl had turned around to make sure the other flying creature hadn't come to close to her, she was struck in the chest by its massive stinger. "Damn it!" She cursed as she slid back on the ground. There was some good that came out of it, however, as it pushed both of the «Bees» into her line of sight. Let's try to keep it this way. Her grip further clenched around the hilt of her blade as she watched the two insects approach her once again.


    Mitsuki: 5/7

    BD: 1

    DMG: (Critical Fail)


    Bee: 2/4

    Bee: 3/4

  6. Mitsuki's risky action went punished, however. Her first target had long recovered by the time she struck the second, and in a mad dash of speed, it flew at her and managed to sting her in her shoulder. "Gah!" She cried as her left-hand placed pressure on the area, attempting to soothe the simulated pain. Keep a better eye on both of your targets and you'll prevail.


    Mitsuki: 6/7

    BD: 5

    DMG: 0 (Miss)


    Bee #1: 2/4

    Bee #2: 3/4

  7. After her attack, the bee furiously flapped its wings in an attempt to regain balance. The other bee, unhindered as of yet, flew towards her, its stinger pointed directly at Mitsuki's face. Oh, no you don't! She flipped the blade in her hand so the blade was passing her pinky in a stabbing grip. It was risky, but just as the stinger was about to puncture her face, she side-stepped away and stabbed the insect just above its enormous stinger, causing it to strangely buzz for a moment, as if it was simulating some sort of pain.


    Mitsuki: 7/7

    BD: 8

    DMG: 1 (Hit) = 1


    Bee #1: 2/4

    Bee #2: 3/4

  8. As she planned out her action, her right-hand found itself gripping the hilt of her blade, going as far as unsheathing it. Well, it's this or nothing. With her dagger drawn, she made a mad dash towards one of the bees. Immediately, they were alerted to her presence and made their way to her as well. About ten meters away from her first target, Mitsuki activated her «Acrobatics» skill and kicked off the ground with her right-foot. The system aided in this movement, and while she front-flipped forward, she sliced up the abdomen of the bee in a single swift slash.


    Mitsuki: 7/7

    BD: 9

    DMG: 1 (Hit) + 1 (Critical) = 2


    Bee #1: 2/4

    Bee #2: 4/4

  9. Mitsuki watched as the man seemed to stop giving a damn about a word she said. Instead, he opted to drop his head onto the table and talk to himself, with the occasional glance at her. Seriously? The teenage girl shook her head, further annoyed at the actions of this man. You're really not the type of person to listen, are you?

    Instead of dealing with the man any further, she slid out of her chair and began stepping away. Something, however, was stopping her from completely leaving, at least not until she turned around and looked at the man again. "If you don't accept people, you'll just be alone." She said, shaking her head once more at the man's apparent apathy. With that said, she began to make her way towards the door of the tavern, no longer compelled to learn more about the strange man that had sat before her; at least not with his current attitude.

  10. Setsuko nodded her head at Rebekah's response; it was the common response in Sword Art Online. Most people chose to level alone until they were invited into a party, in which case then they'd begin to slowly turn away from the life of a solo player. She wouldn't call herself a solo player, though. More often than not, she was with somebody, whether it was desired or not. Setsuko just refused to travel with the vast majority of people.

    "Someone close to me died." Setsuko changed the topic, probably to Rebekah's joy. "I think about him every day."

  11. Along an active path Mitsuki walked. Her head was lowered as she walked, and her dark blue hair rested just above her closed eyes. A year's worth of experience being blind allowed her to get an accurate estimation as to where the people around her were simply by the sound of their footsteps, which, in turn, aided in avoiding accidental collisions with other players and NPCs. She continued weaving her way through the crowd with relative ease, her lips gently curving an amused smile. Guess I'm still just as good at being blind as I am in the real world.

    Mitsuki's eyes immediately flashed open upon hearing the sound of shouting nearby. Her head immediately turned in the direction of the noise, emitting only a short distance behind her. Pausing for a moment, she watched as another player had what appeared to be two branches used as crutches snatched from him, as he appeared to be struggling to stand. Why the hell are the bullying this guy? Regardless of their motives, Mitsuki wouldn't stand for it; especially because it appeared the victim wasn't capable of fighting back.

    In an onset of fury, Mitsuki found herself sprinting towards the two, her right fist drawn back. "Stop it!" Before the player closest to him could even turn his head to see her, her fist came flying forward, hitting him directly in the chest and sending him falling back. While her target was lying on the ground, caught off-guard, she quickly looked over his friend. He was clad in the basic gear; he was probably one of those players who refused to leave the first floor out of fear, and the one lying on the ground was probably no different.

    Her hand found its way to the hilt of her dagger, which it tightly gripped. "Take it easy!" The player still standing said, clearly frightened by the intensity of her attack. "We'll go, we'll go!" He said as he pulled his friend up from the ground and took off with him. Mitsuki was almost certain she heard them curse her as they fled from the scene.

    Mitsuki's eyes shut as she attempted to slow her breathing. Its pace had skyrocketed from the slight rush of adrenaline that had began pumping into her virtual veins after the attack. "Stereotypical bullies." She muttered to herself. "Act tough until you put them in their place." Remembering the reason she had blitzed them to begin with, Mitsuki turned to find the player they had been harassing. Her left-hand raised, scratching the back of her head.

    "Umm.. Hiya." Mitsuki awkwardly said, unsure of how he would react to her. "Are you okay?"

  12. With her jogging pace, it took Mitsuki about half the time she had estimated to arrive at the mountain trail. However, there were a few weaker creatures guarding the way. Two rather large «Bees» patrolled the slope she needed to climb. Oh, what the hell. She scanned her surroundings. The space between her was relatively clear; it would be a challenge to avoid getting flanked by one while distracted by the other. Her eyes moved followed the path a little longer. There was a ledge she might be able to reach using her «Acrobatics» skill, but she wasn't entirely sure it was within reach. What to do, oh, what to do?

  13. Passing through the eastern gate, Mitsuki found herself on the trail she needed to be on. For a moment, she paused and followed it with her eyes. As the map had revealed, it led to a mountain which had to be about three-thousand meters away from her; she estimated it would take her about twenty minutes to reach it if she simply walked. Further along the path, it eventually winded around the mountain, which was where she imagined the descent would begin, and at the end of that descent, the entrance to the dungeon would be. I wonder how long it took for the front-liners to find this place.

    Ignoring that thought, she entered a quick jog along the path.

  14. Mitsuki couldn't help but find herself annoyed by the man's apparent lack of sympathy, empathy, and responsibility. "Regardless of how rude the other man may have been, you could have at least reacted maturely." How this man couldn't understand a concept as simple as dignity ate away at Mitsuki, but, moreso, made her question what made him react in such a cruel manner and act as if it was deserved. Such primitive ideals.

    Only moments after her thought did the man speak up once again, this time pointing out her clear interest in him, though he seemed to make it more than it actually was. "Of course I'm interested in you." Mitsuki said, refraining from blowing up on this man. "Look in a mirror; you're dressed in a completely bizarre manner. Obviously I'm interested as to why you'd choose to travel around like that. It looks uncomfortable." Her face continued to be pointed away from him as she spoke. Don't get the wrong idea.

  15. Upon finishing her swift inspection of the quest, Mitsuki closed the information window and replaced it with her map. As the boss of the floor had already been defeated, the dungeon's location was marked by a white skull with a red 'X' cutting through it, signifying its defeat. So, I just have to follow this path east of the town, hike up until I reach this point, and then follow the slope down. This shouldn't be too much of a challenge. She took a mental photograph of the map before closing it. Her body turned towards the eastern exit and she began making her way towards the seemingly unbreakable rock.

  16. Mitsuki couldn't help but shake her head at his both apathetic and ignorant response. When her head was still again, she couldn't help but glance at his beautifully colored sapphire eye that rested its gaze seemingly upon her own eyes, strangely colored eyes. Are you fascinated? That was the question she felt like asking, but shook her head once more before remembering the current situation at hand.

    She leaned back in her seat, looking away from the man, her timid-nature beginning to take over after her sudden outburst. Her arms crossed, along with her legs, and her bangs drooped just slightly above her eyelids. "Being in a safe zone doesn't give you the right to just attack people." She shyly said, while her crossed legs back and forth. "Even in town, you should still treat people with respect."

  17. After stepping down from the steps leading up to the teleport gate, Mitsuki stopped for a moment and gestured her menu open. Alright, let's double check the objective. She tapped 'Quests' on her menu, and tapped '«Breaking the Unbreakable»,' which happened to be the sole quest on the list following. A relatively large screen popped up in front of her, and her eyes carefully read over every detail given.

  18. Whoever this man was, he wasn't exactly the friendliest, or so Mitsuki noted as he kicked a man several feet away. Instinctively, Mitsuki hopped to her feet and ran to the man who had been shoved aside. "Are you okay?" She asked by force of habit. They were in a safe zone. All the victim would be able to feel was the pain and force of any attacks dealt to him. His health wouldn't even slightly drop as long as they were in the town.

    Mitsuki's head raised; she watched the attacker step into a tavern not too far in front of her without a care in the world. What the hell is your problem? Despite the man's revealed hostility, Mitsuki's curiosity got the best of her, and she followed him into the pub, slamming the door open as she entered. She scanned the area to find the attacker sitting in a corner, booth, which promptly approached and sat opposite him.

    "What happened?" Mitsuki asked the man, her words not matching the clear frustration occupying her face. "Why resort to such hostility?"

  19. "Teleport: Urbus."

    Those were the last words Mitsuki had uttered before finding herself glowing and dissipating from the teleport gate in Starting City. Her body tingled everywhere as she traveled through an endless white space for a couple of seconds, before materializing through Urbus' town portal. Her vision was filled with a rocky, mountainous area that the town was built around. There were occasional patches of grass, giving the area a bit of color, but they were few and far between. Not exactly the nicest place to vacation. Regardless, she was still grateful that she could see it at all.

  20. Within one of Starting City's many inns, Mitsuki found herself sipping on a steaming hot liquid that could only be described as Sword Art Online's version of green tea. She sat with her legs crossed, and her sleeves rolled up, not wanting to feel too warm within the building. Her lips slightly puckered as she blew upon the drink, cooling it down before taking another sip. Somehow, this tea almost tastes better than that of the real world's. It's certainly a lot easier to drink, now that I can see. Mitsuki was still adjusting to the joys of vision, though she knew that if the game ever came to an end, adjusting to blindness would be as challenging as ever before.

    While she continued drinking her tea, Mitsuki's pale-lavender eyes traveled across the room, taking note of everyone within. There were a few couples flirting back and forth with each other. On the opposite side of the building, another player seemed to be doing exactly what she was doing. You're a curious one. Like me. She looked forward once again at the other end of her booth, the cushioned seat in front of her empty. Perhaps I should invite him over? She simply shrugged. First impressions weren't exactly her strong suite.

  21. Upon a bench on the fourth floor, near the frozen over fountain, sat the pale lavender-eyed Mitsuki. Dressed in the long-sleeved basic cloth armor, the teenage girl managed to stay somewhat warm, though the cold was slowly overtaking her with every second that passed. Upon her left-hip, a dagger's sheath rested, the hilt pointing forward with her for quick and easy access. It wouldn't be too long before it was removed, however, or so she hoped.

    A day or so ago, she had taken the quest <>. Finishing that quest would grant her the <> skill. As someone who had taken martial arts in the real world, the thought of using it in SAO was highly appealing, so appealing, in fact, that she hadn't distributed her skill points into daggers; she was going to save them for the skill she desired, oh, so much. And that's when my career as a ninja begins. She chuckled at her own joking thought.

    Mitsuki had only been sitting for about half an hour when her eye caught glimpse of a bizarrely dressed figure of what she could only assume to be a guy. Clad with an eye-patch, chains, and all sorts of different pieces of armor/clothing, for whatever reason, he lacked a shirt. She wasn't the only one watching him. Every eye around the fountain had shifted towards this strange man, and he simply stared right back, eventually giving her a dirty look as well. Upon their eye contact, she turned her head away, awkwarded out. Didn't mean for that to happen.

    Eventually, the man was sitting around like the rest of them. Mitsuki would occasionally sneak a glance, hoping to avoid meeting his eyes once again. There was just something bizarre about the man; not even just his outfit, but the way he carried himself was enticing. He was a mystery. Why are you like this?

  22. Making her way through the overly crowded streets of Starting City was Mitsuki, who was on her way to begin her first quest: <>. She gently used her arms to push her way through the flood of people, attempting to find her way to the Artisan Vendor NPC, who, from what she had heard from other people, was also the person to go to for training. C'mon, where is this guy? Her dark blue hair whipped around with her as she turned her head towards the sound of someone shouting: "Getch'ur jewelcraftin' supplies o'er here!" Well, that answers my question.

    It didn't take her long to reach the man, who was behind his own little vendor stand. "Hiya," Mitsuki said with a smile, though she wasn't entirely sure as to why: NPCs didn't react any differently to respect. "I'd like to become an Artisan."

    "A'ight, lass! If ye want to lurn the wayz of an art'san, find meh about five <> for meh own purp'ses, den I'll teach ya!" He spoke in a thick accent, though Mitsuki hadn't the slightest idea what sort of accent it was supposed to be. "You'll find da boar in the fieldz outside!" Now having the information she came for, she thankfully nodded and made her way off towards the gates of the city, her extremely light-lavender eyes wandering as she walked.

    Mitsuki was still attempting to adjust to the fact that she was able to see again, despite having played prior games on her nerve gear before. I suppose being trapped in a game where my disability is nonexistent isn't too bad. She thought, trying to make the best of the situation.

  23. It's my third time visiting this thread, this time for Mitsuki, who's journal is located righttttt here: La Journal of Mistuki

    For those of you who've roleplayed with Setsuko, you'll be glad to know that Mitsuki isn't nearly as big of a pain in the ass (unless you enjoyed Setsuko being a complete and total jerk). I'll roleplay with anyone and everyone who'd like, so shoot me a PM or reply to this thread if you're interested!

  24. Once again, Rebekah caused Setsuko to smile with a chuckle. This one was different, though, it was as if Setsuko was almost mocking her for asking the question. "I'm not exactly the most friendly of people." Was her first response. Rebekah had managed to avoid provoking Setsuko, but not everyone could accomplish such a feat. "Most avoid me, some approach me, few stay with me."[ That number had sky-rocketed to a whopping four over the past few weeks, but in a game with ten-thousand players, it was still miniscule.

    Setsuko paused for a moment, calming herself down by focusing on the gentle sound of the flowing water and its eventual crash at the bottom of the pool. Why am I telling you all of this? Perhaps she was just being a good blacksmith, and not wanting to push Rebekah and her order away. "So yes, I mostly travel alone."

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