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Posts posted by claim

  1. He was a little neves that the animal that were here before had just moved off he slids down the hill with sword in hand as he thought to him self hopefully it wasn't a spawn pot for most of the areas mods. He looks around as he brushs off most of the dirt from his pants. He didn't see any mods but then again his search was allmost nonexistent. He lookd up at were Hikaru then back at the cove as started to walk to the small pond.hopefully the mushrooms would be around there still.

  2. As they would get to the top of he hill as he stuck his sword in the ground to help him keep his blance on the other side it was a cove of with a small a small pound in the middle the the thick canopy made this small spot see like it was night time even in the middle of the day. The last time he was here it seemed over populated with animals and mods as fare as the eye could see now there was nothing around. He scratched the back of his head as he said quitly to him self " Where did all the animals go? There was so many mods here last time it was as if they had all gone.." He looked back at Hikaru with a slight smile on his face.

  3. He looks at the boar and get a annoyed look on his face the boar was acting as if we werent here. He heard lannister call out.As he grips the hilt of his sword as he runs at the boar yelling " You want to ignore us will you! " He would swing at the beast head his sword cutting into its fleash with no problem. He jumps back as he a smal smile appears on his face.

    BD=9 [ skill 1+ 2= 3 Damage]

    [Lannister]- 15/15

    [Claim]- 15/15


  4. (ya thats cool)

    He brushed his silver hair out of his face as he looked at the boar and thought to him self this should be easy enough. He griped the hilt of this long sword and ran at it. He swings sword at the beast head. As if the beast knew where sword was going to hit it had taken a few steps back to avoid the blade. His sword hit nothing but air, He looked a little confused as he took a few steps back.

    BD=5 [ 0 Damage]




  5. he looked at and nodded " I would gladely give you the mats if i had any. I'd have to stop by you shop some times." He looked out to the mods as they were here to lvl up hopfully they could get some mats and other thing. The queen bee was a big bite but hopefully they could gain a few lvl before they faced it.

  6. Leans back on the wall that surrounded the beginning city.He crosses his arm and legs as his gem green eyes scanned the fields see the boar and other mods walking along as they did ever day. He knew that he could just sit back and wait for the others to beat the game but were was the fun in that he had gowned tired of not really getting alot done and thought it would be a good time to start doing more than looking for spots to lay back and kill time. He opened his hub and sent out a few messages to were to meet up at out side the wall.

  7. Mayonaka was right that Or'ell was waiting on them at the restaurant he looked back a echo and shrugged abit as he made his way to the restaurant. He walked in and look around kinda feeling a bit out of place. He would see Or'ell walking around a table as if he had made setting arrangement for every body. He slowly made his way to the table and sits down. maybe he had picked the right spot.

  8. As she tugged on his pants leg he looked down at her and see her smile and nodded back. He knew that mostly that people had there pride and was hard for them to put it aside every time he talked to people it was a little hard to open up to them but that was why he was so comfortable in the city it was easeir to be away from them and kill monsters or a peacefully spots were no one was around. He contined to walk to the incline and thought to him self as if walking for ever wasnt enough there was the damn hill but there being so many tree and vegetation it seemed like a mountain.

  9. Feelling dumb for getting worked up over a deer he put down his guard and sigh of relief. He tapped Hikaru on the shoulder and walked along to the the wave point. Kinda of glade that they didn't have to fight now. He knew it was coming soon. "I don't mind walking but doing this by yourself would have to suck. I'm glade i ran in to you."

  10. He finally gets the town as he brushes most off a good three or four inches of snow off his shoulders and head. He talked to him self " ok maybe i shouldn't have let Or'ell and Neloe run pass me." A smile would come across his face as he looked at them thinking it was fun. He forced his attention on Echo " You did pull a lot of damage on that thing." He knew that echo had to be high level, just wasn't sure how high.

  11. The snowball would hit him in the face as he looked at them and smiles a bit he would see the massive army of snowball that as a few hit him he would walk to the door and think to him self bla snow balls. this floor was wierd but he looked back at the other two and would nod " thanks for bring me " he walked back to town.

  12. He looked at Neloe and sighed a bit." Unfortunately this is just a three to a party quest and the min boss well be fighting is an over sized queen bee" He looked over at Or"ell as he grabbed a cheeseburger and sit down " Thany you from what i have heard it has 30 hp and so fare it has just been the one bee. She seem's to travel alone with no guardians. Now as fare as week spot's. a lot of player have gone for the wings and destroy them before that go in for the kill." He'd take another bite out of the burger as it was so good. It has been a long time since he had a burger " Right know l have one skill point to get my damage up to one or battle healing up to one. If any of y'all have a plain i'm all ears."

  13. After feeling how hard this thing can it he shrug it off and smirk as the grip on his sword tightened. He ran up to the beast and again as he ran by he would strike at it heels again. His sword would just barely hit the beast in the heel. He would jump back and thought to him self I have to pull more damage than this.

    Claim [12/15 HP]

    Echo [41/41 HP]

    Mayonaka [21/21 HP]

    Neloe [15/15 HP]

    Or'ell [11/11 HP]

    Fire Spirit [14/40 HP]

    BD 7 [2= 1+1 Damage]

  14. He would open his hub as he looked over some quest as he looked throw them he would scratch his head and let out a sigh" Man some of these look a little hard. I don't really have the best of gear. " As he looked down at his sword and clothing it was the same ones he had started out with. He came across the "Long live the Queen" As he read the description this might work he would accept the quest. Now a team that was the really question he had made a few friends but wasn't sure who to bring. It did say low levels welcome but most of the player he knew were high levels and could easy solo this. He walked over to a bench and sit down hands behind his head looked up at the beautiful. He sent out the message to a few players hoping they would come.

  15. He looked down at the heels and tilted his head a bit see that it was a much small target to hit. He ran at the spirit again as he would fall to his knees and slide a cross the beast, he swing his sword and the heel of the monster. As his sword hit he let out a sigh of relief that he had hit the thing.

    (( not sure if i do double or what? ))

    Damage 2

    Claim [15/15 HP]

    Echo [41/41 HP]

    Mayonaka [21/21 HP]

    Neloe [15/15 HP]

    Or'ell [11/11 HP]

    Fire Spirit [32/40 HP]

  16. after seeing every one run he would would follow in a see the fire spirit. Seeing a few player miss he grip the hilt of his sword and unsheathed it as he thought to him self i have to get a hit in. He rushed the spirt and with his right hand swing at it. He would cut throw the spirits chest as he did some damge to it.

    Claim [15/15 HP]

    Echo [41/41 HP]

    Mayonaka [21/21 HP]

    Neloe [15/15 HP]

    Or'ell [11/11 HP]

    Fire Spirit [33/40 HP]

  17. He would look back at to where the safe spot was at" we might make it but its fare and if what ever is following us is this close it might get a few hit in before we make it" He would look back at her as the grip on his sword would tighten a bit more. He knew that her heal was good enough to travil but wasnt sure if it was good enough to fight.

  18. He was on floor one next to the gate when he had go a message from Or'ell h he would open and read. " O..Ok? " he was a little Hesitation not really wanting to go to the higher floors till he had some better gear. He let out a small sigh as he warped to the 4 floor this was his first time being on the ice floor. The chill didnt really bug him. But still put on his jacket as he made his way to were the group was going to meet up.

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