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Posts posted by claim

  1. (( sorry it took so long had to help my dad unload some plastic))

    He would hear the word switch and grind as it was his turn to try and hit the boar. He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and rushed it. Not look at his hit gage, He swings a little early only putting a minor scratch on it leg he jumped back and looked at the others "switch!" He looked back at the beast and thought to him self i land a better hit next time

    Meta-Boar: 59/80

    DMG - BD: 6 = 1DMG

    Soul: 8/15

    Rebekah: 15/15

    Or'ell: 11/11

    Jester: 5/7

    Dylan: 5/15

    Hikari: 9/9

    Yami: 15/15

    Gestein: 5/5

    Claim: 15/15

  2. He did notice that she had pit a little distance between them. In the back of his mind he would think about the noise that she heard and the forest noise, He tightened the grip he had on the hilt of his sword as he played back the sounds of the forest it kinda bothered him a bit. He would kick up a stone and with his sword, sending the rock flying by Hikarus face and curved to the right of them bounced of a few tree. He noticed that the forest was quit. " I was hoping that we could save the battling for the way back. Seeing as they made it this fare with only one wolf." Knowing that they were fare from a real save spot.

  3. (( if its ok I join in))

    He would walk through the forest and see the people that he meet in the inn all attacking what looked like to be a field boss he out his hand behind his head as the thought of joining them crossed his mind and after a few seconds. a light sigh and a shrug " Why not seem better that not doing anything" he grabbed his straight sword and make his way to the group.

    Meta-boar: 68/80

    Soul: 6/11

    Rebekah: 15/15


    Jester: 5/7

    Hikari: 9/9

    Yami: 15/15

    Gestein: 5/5

    Claim: 15/15

  4. He stumble a bit as she ran in to him. " its ok" he saw that she seem a little tens and had her hand around her sword he looked around and took a few steeps to the side so that he had a clear view to see what had gotten her worked up. Not really seeng anything but it was harder to see mobs on the forest floor with out him being up high in the trees he would shrug it off as it being the forest noise. He turned his head and looked a head and saw what looked the ground started to elevate and smiled a bit " hey were almost there."

  5. He would take a few steps back as she was doing a few contortion moves. It has all was left him in aw that people could do that. He'd see the spots that she was mostly saying in as he would do another have twist followed by a series of flips and doubles flips around her not getting to close to hit her but close enough to aw the group of people that had gathered.

  6. A slight cold breeze cut throw the throw the forest as they walked to him it would feel good. He stepped in a patch of mud and loses his balance for a few seconds till he stuck his sword in the ground to regain his footing. " Most people I guess stick to the beaten path and are lucky enough to find them or plow through enough monsters till it drops." He let out a sigh and would continue walking trying to keep an eye out for some mushrooms. It had seemed they have been walking forever as he stopped open up his map as he hovered over the date as he thought to him self he was being greedy over his map data he would copy it and send it over to her.

  7. He checked his map again and look around at the closest one and would see a few more he'd zoom out just a little and see a massive clump. he zoom in on the spot and if it wasn't the zoom messing with him as he zoomed up on it he had realized were that was it was more of a pain to get to not that is was hard just so much forest to cut throw. " yeah" He'd tap and wave point it on his map before he closed it and walked over to her and though I'd like to check there than the other spots that they would pass along the way.

  8. He walked around a bit more as he scratched his head as he thought to him self i know there were around here some where hope they don't just disappear. He would have a confused look on his face as he pulled out his sword to move the bigger plaints out of the way put not finding them. He let out a small sigh. " You think there on a timer maybe ?"

  9. They slowly came to a stop on a branch as he looked around his for a bit not seeing any mods but he really did have a good eye for mobs. So that that he could catch his breath. He opened up his map again and saw that it was around here" I saw some mushrooms around here I don't know if there the ones you looking for. But I didn't know if you could eat them."

  10. He would think to him self a he didn't travel much on this floor but he did go to every spot on the map. But had found spots that were to him peaceful and most players did go to. Maybe he had over looked the mushrooms being there he look off to the left to were they were sitting as he finished his sandwich. " That was really good" he slightly turn his head to her and smiled

  11. "I was out here just passing the time the city just seemed to active today and most mod if your move a little to fast or don't engage with them they leave you be. There are a few that wont stop till you get to a city or the red named players. they don't stop till you do. " He looked at her as she held out the sandwich " Well thank you" He'd smile before taking a few bites and asking " What about you?"

  12. He would knee down slowly as trying not to move the branch they were on to much seeing that she was having a little trouble balance. He stretched one had behind the lower he got till he could grab it and the other in front of him as he would sit down He would hold out his hand as to offer to help her sit down as he cross his legs. " hey anytime... well as long as im around " he let out a sight of relief see her health go up.

  13. He would stop miming and look at the ground and wave his arm from side to side. He took a lager step swing his right foot as it skimmed across the ground. Just as it looked like he was going to fall backward he pushed of the ground with his other leg, Crossing his arms ad legs once they left the ground doing a have twists flip . As he came out of the flip it looked as if he didn't get enough lift to do any else. He put is hand out to the ground his left foot hit the ground as his right leg would swing on by as this time he would do a double twist with easy but the way he hit the ground on two feet killed the momentum that he had build up.

  14. He wouldn't see the wolf as he looked around but then again he was lucky enough to see the play move across the forest he would let the player go but still keep is his hands close to the players waist so if they would loose balance he could easy get to them he would smile a bit as he would look at there health to see if it had gone up as he ask" well I heard that performers can deter mods way from them but I haven't really tried it till now? I always run back to the city but then again I wasn't that far from it to began with when trying to level. " He'd smile to the person. " Where are my manners my names claim nice to meet you."

  15. A slight chill would move down his spine as he would see the players look down at something. He lightly turn his head to the direction of what the player was looking at, and see the wolf. He let out a small sigh as it looked different than most of the wolfs he seen in the area a thought would rush through his head. He had done it yet be he know that it could be done. He had other players doing it when the were in a jam. He looked at the other players heath and that it was dangerously low not know if it was just that they had in countered to many mods or that they were a low level.

    He would take a deep breath of air before letting out a deathly howl hopefully buying them some time so that the other play could heal up before heading back out.

  16. He lend back again a tree he had is hands locked together behind his head as he looked throw the thick forest and seem to zone out like he always did. A breeze had cut through the heavy forest area and would flow though his silver hair and clothes. He knew that most players would stay on the paths that were cut through out the forest making it a perfect spot for him to get some peace and quit. That and there were just so many people in the city nowadays, which was good just made him seem out of place.

    The sound of braking branches and foot steps broke is trance as he looked around out of the corner of his gem green eyes he saw a player running as if there life was on the line. He kick him self off the tree and made a mad dash to where the player was heading. Not seeing the wolf he would grade the player up in his arms and jump up a nearby tree to a safe spot from most of the mods that spawned in. " uhmm Hey there" He said in a nerves voice.

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