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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Rebekah looked at her basket of strawberries. It was not going anywhere today. Therefore, she decided to follow Nicklaus over to his favourite plant, kale. She enjoyed planting and taking care of kale plants, since they can grow to very be very tall. All that is needed is just enough work taking care of the plants.

    Rebekah also knew that Nicklaus was almost at the fifth material mark which would signal it would be end of their day. She was starting to get hungry so it would be amazing if they could finish soon. Rebekah also got to work harvesting kale, after all, these would be amazing to have some fresh kale in her shop, either for some new recipes such as smoothies or kale chips. This was the plant that she was most interested in harvesting today, yet it was her brother who lead them to this field. She got to work pulling leaves off the stems of the kale, and inspecting each leaf to make sure they were still green and had not began to wilt and turn yellow. That would not be a good idea to collect.

    Snowball had flown off nearby to look for any monsters nearby. Luckily they were in a safe place where animals would want to avoid them at all costs.

    ID = 208675 | LD = 4 | CD = 3
    Foraging (R3) - 256/299 EXP (+3)

    3 mat total

  2. The moment that Snowball had stop fighting with my older brother was the exact moment he had found a fourth material. This means that he was finally nearing completion of this portion of the quest. Rebekah knew that she would have to up her game now, as it would be embarrassing to lose to someone who was not in the forager profession.

    In addition, she was the expert gardener in the family. She knew how to harvest fruits and vegetables in real life, but now she was having trouble replicating the same results in virtual reality. This was a surprise to the pair of them. Rebekah knew that something was happening today, she was usually a lot better at this but for some reason there was something making her struggle with finding what she was looking for.

    As Rebekah continued to get closer to filling up an entire basket of strawberries, she knew the end must be near. She was so close to earning a material in her inventory for her hard work of collect fruits in a basket. She knew she had been following the procedures carefully to collect a high quality harvest. She was focusing on quality over quantity. Hopefully this would work out well for Rebekah.

    ID = 208672 | LD = 6 | CD = 3
    Foraging (R3) - 253/299 EXP (+3)

    3 mat total

  3. When Nicklaus spoke those words, Snowball went ballistic once again. Sigh, why can't her owl and her older brother just get along for once? Rebekah was wondering if it was too much to ask. It was at that moment Snowball flew over to Nicklaus and started flying around to make it difficult for him to harvest strawberries. This was similar to what Snowball had done at the ocean last time which was trying to scare fish from being caught when Nicklaus was trying to learn how to fish.

    This time, Rebekah was not going to stop them. It would help her out in finding materials so she could beat her older brother. The second thing is this would allow them to work out their issues with each other. After all, they were both typical males. It would not be good for her just to settle this for the two of them because they just get back into another fight behind her back. Even though, now would not be the ideal time, at least this was not happening in battle. She could see Nicklaus willing to be a tank, which would allow her to get him to help her out on a lot of the upcoming quests that she knows will be too difficult to solo all by herself. Therefore, the two of them can work out their differences now.

    ID = 208670 | LD = 7 | CD = 1
    Foraging (R3) - 250/299 EXP (+3)

    3 mat total

  4. Rebekah watched as Nicklaus had finally tied up the score three materials each. She knew that the only way to win was to get more than five materials, which means she only need three more. As he asked that question, Rebekah took a second to respond, "As a chef, it is hard to create food with a hundred pounds of carrots. I love picking variety of materials, which is why I would want to harvest a bit from each field. That way, I am able to put different combinations together and experiment a lot more in my cooking." Rebekah explained.

    Since they both found something in this field, Rebekah walked over to the next field and started repeating the process. This time they were picking strawberry from the strawberry plant. This time, since the strawberries are above ground, Rebekah began to visual inspect each one before picking it. Unlike the carrots earlier, there was no need to harvest each one. There is no point picking an imperfect strawberry that may ruin the batch, and if it is not ripe enough, then it should not be harvested just yet.

    Hopefully, Nicklaus was learning something from her today. She took a strawberry that she collected and gave it to Snowball her owl as a treat. Snowball began to eat it.

    ID = 208668 | LD = 6 | CD = 4
    Foraging (R3) - 247/299 EXP (+3)

    3 mat total

  5. After watching Nicklaus struggle for a bit, Rebekah decided it was time for her to show him how it was done. After all, she was the gardening and farming expert. She knew what to do, especially after helping Nemo out the last time in Eden's Garden on the twenty second floor in this game. This time they were on a generic field on the first floor. "I will show you how to do this." Rebekah said.

    She got down and started harvesting carrots from the ground and placing them into her basket. She was doing this one at a time to ensure she always had a high quality harvest since she thinks harvest matters. As her basket began to fill up, she turned to Nicklaus, "That is how you do it. You can see that the ones I picked were done with due care and not in a rush. Therefore, the quality of my harvest is superior to those in your basket." Rebekah explained.

    It was at this time a rabbit came hopping by. Rebekah decided to be nice and give it a carrot, and continued on her way of harvesting. She had earned two materials for her quality harvest.

    ID = 208643 | LD = 20 | CD = 7
    Foraging (R3) - 244/299 EXP (+8)
    + 1 Mat + 1 Mat (CD)

    3 mat total

  6. That was true. Rebekah being an expert forager was having trouble trying to look for stuff from flowers. It was time she moved on to looking for something else. She decided to take Nicklaus to a nearby farmland where they could forage for materials from crops and the growing field. That would be a better location than here. "I will bring you to somewhere nearby. I know a place that is not too far, and it is known to have a lot more drops." Rebekah explained. She had hoped that not too many people raided the place recently, or else it will still be hard for them to look for materials.

    As Rebekah began leading the way, she decided to call her snowy owl to fly right next to her as they were going somewhere else. Her owl looked sad that she was leaving the forest to a wide open field where there is not as many trees to hang out in. It would be out in the open in the sun. That was the reason why Rebekah did not bring Nicklaus there as she wanted to avoid the heat and the sun that was there. They finally arrived at the farm where Rebekah took her older brother.

    ID = 208641 | LD = 2 | CD = 11
    Foraging (R3) - 236/299 EXP (+3)

    1 mat total

  7. "Okay, I will come by shortly after clearing out my entire inventory." Rebekah said. She had a lot of items that needed to be identified and they were taking up space. Rebekah desperately wanted to offload it and get it returned at a later date. She would, of course, be required to make a payment for the difference between the cost of the items to identify and the junk value of the consumables that she was not interested in. With that all sorted out, Rebekah knew that she would now have to get back to work on foraging. Both Nicklaus and Rebekah were at one each, but she wanted to show him the power of having this as a secondary profession as opposed to fishing.

    Rebekah walked up to the next set of plants and began to wait for it to appear on her screen. Maybe these herbs would be ripe enough to be considered a material. There was only one way to find out, and this was to reach out and grab it and see if what Cardinal decides in her inbox. Hopefully, this was going to be a lucky choice.

    ID = 208637 | LD = 10 | CD = 6
    Foraging (R3) - 233/299 EXP (+3)

  8. As Nicklaus explained his concept for his shop, Rebekah had an idea to tell her older brother. "Have you thought about the idea again to join a guild. There may be guild benefits for joining a guild since guilds may have bonuses that would allow you to improve at a quicker pace." Rebekah explained. "For example, I gain a small amount of experience and improved salvaging results as part of my guild benefits."

    This was something that Rebekah was trying to emphasize to Nicklaus. She had fallen behind one material to him, and even though this was not a race. Rebekah wanted to prove that she was the better forager. She needed to show off her skills to Nicklaus. It was at this point, the return of her owl, Snowball had flown back and landed on her shoulder. It told her that there was something ahead, perhaps a material that she should look out for.

    Rebekah did not know how helpful the hint was as Snowball immediately flew off once again, leaving her with just a general direction of where to go. "Have you identified anything items yet?" Rebekah asked. She wanted to be in the loop. She was saving up right now for item identifications and a property in Aincrad. Right now, she did not have enough and would had to choose between one or the other. She needed a way to earn more col in this game.

    D = 208470 | LD = 12 | CD = 4
    Foraging (R3) - 230/299 EXP (+5)
    + 1 mat

  9. It was at this time Rebekah had entered Nicklaus' shop on the twenty second floor of Aincrad for the first time. She was making her first trip to drop off a lot of supplies that she has no use for, or are required for storage at a later time. As soon as she arrived, she told Nicklaus, "The consumables can be junked, and for now keep everything else. I will pay to arrange for identification services later, but for now, there's nothing to do except to wait for the cash to pay for everything." She hoped her brother was paying attention to her detailed instructions.

    Rebekah Transfers to Nicklaus for Identifying and Junking


    Chasing Deers in the Forest

    • T4 Uncommon Consumable (203267, 203465)
    • T4 Rare Consumable (203266, 203269, 203332)
    • T4 Perfect Consumables (203322-1, 203322-2)
    • T4 Rare Trinket (203333, 203464, 203468)
    • T4 Rare Armour/Shield (203266, 203269, 203332)
    • T4 Perfect Armor/Shield (203322)
    • T4 Rare Weapon (203465)

    Hunting for Rare Materials

    • T4 Uncommon Consumable (204002, 204679, 204795)
    • T4 Rare Consumable (204006)
    • T4 Perfect Consumable (204246-1, 204246-2)
    • T4 Rare Trinket (204278, 204299, 204475)
    • T4 Perfect Trinket (204474)
    • T4 Perfect Armour/Shield (204246, 204279)
    • T4 Rare Weapon (204006, 204679, 204795)
    • T4 Perfect Weapon (204279-1, 204279-2)

    Gardening Part 1

    • T4 Uncommon Consumable (206258, 206391, 206589)
    • T4 Rare Consumable (205683, 206390, 206590)
    • T4 Perfect Consumables (205681-1, 205681-2)
    • T4 Rare Trinket (205581, 205582, 205682, 205691, 206256, 206279, 206389, 206592)
    • T4 Perfect Armour/Shield (205681-1, 205681-2)
    • T4 Rare Weapon (205683, 206258, 206390, 206391, 206590)
    • T4 Perfect Weapon (205580-1, 205580-2, 205580-3, 206257-1, 206257-2, 206257-3, 206477, 206591)

    Saving Rig

    • T4 Uncommon Consumable (208001)
    • T4 Perfect Consumables (207978-1, 207978-2)
    • T4 Rare Trinket (207977, 208002)
    • T4 Perfect Trinket (207979, 207991)
    • T4 Rare Armor/Shield (208005)
    • T4 Perfect Armor/Shield (207978, 208000)
    • T4 Rare Weapon (208001)
    • T4 Perfect Weapon (207991, 208000)

    Rebekah's Cafe (Salvage)

    • T3 Uncommon Consumable (207549)


  10. Rebekah had watched her older brother easily collect a material which was now going to be placed into his inventory. He was now twenty percent finish of this portion of the quest. She knew that she did not want to fall behind Nicklaus as well, so she would have to aim to collect up to five materials herself in the same time to show that she was not weak at gathering. It would take some time, but she knew that she should trust her own skills.

    Rebekah also knew that it was a lot easier gathering with another person in Aincrad, which was the reason why she had showed up today with Nicklaus. This was to ensure that the gathering can be done effectively. Rebekah saw that there were no animals around watching their every move. Therefore, she decided to move forward to head towards the next set of plants hoping for one of them to be a material.

    "How have you enjoyed your last few weeks?" Rebekah inquired. She also noticed that his shop was now open, and wanted to check with Nicklaus, "Can I send you items for you to identify when you have the time and money?" Rebekah asked.

    Those were very important question she wanted to know as she was starting to collect a lot of stuff that she had no use for at this exact moment. Maybe Nicklaus would have the answer to her questions.

    ID = 208424 | LD = 7 | CD = 1
    Foraging (R3) - 225/299 EXP (+3)

  11. "Since you an appraiser, you can learn to identify the weapons that players will bring to you to discard or roll. I suppose you could get quite lucky with this since another person's junk could be your gold." Rebekah responded.

    She lead Nicklaus out of the city since the alchemist's shop was not too far away from the gates of the town of beginning. Instead of going to the famous plains, Rebekah decided they head towards the forest instead. Here, there was an abundance of wildlife, and Snowball was in his element. He enjoy flying around in the forest and he set off to do that immediately. She would worry about her owl later. Snowball would know where to find them.

    "I guess this is where we can start. Do you want me to show you how to do this?" Rebekah asked Nicklaus. He did not respond, so Rebekah got to work immediately on foraging. She was going to take advantage of this time bonding with her older brother by also getting some important work done. She needed to stock up on some more materials, and this seems to be perfect time to do so. As long she was not making any harder for Nicklaus to search for materials. After all, she is foraging for them not searching. There is a distinct difference that for most do not understand.

    Rebekah began walking up to the nearest plant and examining it. This could possibly be it, a potential source of materials.

    ID = 208390 | LD = 9 | CD = 7
    Foraging (R3) - 222/299 EXP (+3)

  12. Rebekah had seen this play out before her eyes before given that she had taken the quest recently. They would have to go from the mayor to the alchemist before setting foot out of the town to collect materials. There was nothing she could do to speed up this process. This was vital information that was very knowledgeable for someone new such as Nicklaus. However, for an experience player such as herself, this was something that she would request to skip if necessary.

    Since the game was in real life, there was no way for her to press skip unlike a lot of other games to skip the cut scenes. So, she just had to stand on the side and listen for the moment is right. At least her owl was with her so she could get play with Snowball while waiting. It did not take them long for them to finish speaking with Dorian, so Rebekah was doing what she does best for today. Being a guide.

    As they made their way towards the alchemist's shop on the other side of town, Rebekah was trying to survey as much of the street food and the stalls that had popped up since this morning. It had been a while since she had last tried some street food, so she wondered if it would be worth it to buy something. However, she was still busy from her brunch.

    Nicklaus had asked another question, so it was time for Rebekah to respond. "I would not worry about weapons and armour. The people who crafted my items, are still around but they have closed off their shops a long time ago. I think you should focus on leveling. Currently, tier 4 items can last a very long time. So, I do not think it is worth it to go out of the way for some weaker items since you will spend double the col especially if you can get away with using weaker items until you reach level 31." It was good advice that she would give anyone. "Besides, a lot of quests give out free stuff that can be useful. We can do that next if you want. This quest rewards gives out potions but no real items." Rebekah explained.

  13. As they sat down and waited for their food, Nicklaus had a question for Rebekah. Rebekah wanted to find the correct words to answer the question. "The fastest way to get stronger is to go on quests. A lot of quests will offer you rare items to use or skills to learn in addition to the experience gained on these quests. An alternative method to earn experience quickly is to participate in massive events that a lot of players from the whole game." Rebekah said.

    As she finished her sentence, the food had arrived very quickly. She looked at her delicious eggs benedict. It was perfect with the hollandaise sauce. It was at this moment she took a bit and it was made to perfection. She could see Nicklaus encourage her to try some of his breakfast, so she decided to move her fork to try a bite. His breakfast was very tasty but she could not pick out something special about his food.

    As he asked his follow up question, Rebekah explained, "While I am a chef, I do not run a restaurant. Instead I try to run a specialty shop where I make desserts, meals and snacks for players to take on their adventure. These consumables would often give players a boost to their stats for a set duration of time. As a chef, I am always learning and processing new flavours. I would like to visit a lot of restaurants and try to recreate the taste at home for personal tasting. While I can cook and I am good at it, I do not want to cook daily meals. I am fine with serving guests food at a party."

    It was at this time that both of them had finished eating, and Rebekah went to pay the bill. It was not expensive as she was going to collect her own materials as well. She knew that one material was worth a lot more col than a single breakfast for two. As long as she had found one material she would be profitable for the day. As they exited the restaurant, Rebekah lead Nicklaus to where Dorian could be found.

  14. Shop Post: [Link]
    Transaction Date: 04-06-2022
    Cost of Transaction: - 6 Materials
    Crafter's Profession: Chef
    Crafter's Rank: 7

    T4 Meals:

    3 Uncommon: 208245, 208250, 208252

    4 Rare: 208248-1, 208248-2, 208248-3, 208249

    1 Perfect: 208247

    Item Fusion:

    2 Uncommon --> 1 Rare:

    • 208245, 208250 --> 208253

    4 Rare --> 2 Perfect:

    • 208248-1, 208248-2 --> 208254
    • 208248-3, 208249 --> 208255

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Uncommon
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 1
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208252

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 2
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208253

    Item Name: California Roll
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: MIT x 3
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208247, 208254, 208255

  15. It was at this time Rebekah also started the tedious process of preparing the rice of her sushi. The rice preparation is one of the most important thing in the creation of sushi. It was told that chefs spend years just washing the rice and mastering the skill of cooking the rice before moving on to the harder tasks and more important positions as a sushi chef. Therefore, Rebekah knew she needed to wash the rice just enough and add enough vinegar and to perfect the cooking time. There is no rice cooker in Aincrad, so everything would have to be done by scratch.

    Date: 04-06-2022
    Rank 7: 1,195/1,279 (+53) EXP
    Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
    Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
    Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

    Roll ID CD LD Result # EXP Type
    1 208245 6+1 4 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal
    2 208246 1+1 2 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
    3 208247 11+1 3 Perfect 1 8+3 Meal
    4 208248 10+1 18 Rare 1+2 5+3 Meal
    5 208249 8+1 8 Rare 1 5+3 Meal
    6 208250 6+1 1 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal
    7 208251 1+1 12 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
    8 208252 6+1 12 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal

    Shop Post: [Link]
    Transaction Date: 04-06-2022
    Cost of Transaction: - 6 Materials
    Crafter's Profession: Chef
    Crafter's Rank: 7

    T4 Meals:

    3 Uncommon: 208245, 208250, 208252

    4 Rare: 208248-1, 208248-2, 208248-3, 208249

    1 Perfect: 208247

    Item Fusion:

    2 Uncommon --> 1 Rare:

    • 208245, 208250 --> 208253

    4 Rare --> 2 Perfect:

    • 208248-1, 208248-2 --> 208254
    • 208248-3, 208249 --> 208255

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Uncommon
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 1
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208252

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 2
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208253

    Item Name: California Roll
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: MIT x 3
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208247, 208254, 208255


  16. Her brother was the inpatient type. He must not have read her response in detail. She had written that she was still getting ready and would be there in an hour. She never said she was going to mention she was going to show up. "You don't read your messages do you?" Rebekah asked. "I said I would arrive in an hour. I was still waking up. Sorry to burst your bubble, older brother, but the whole world does not revolve around you."

    "Dorian. Yes, I know where we can find him today. He usually greets players near the cabbage cart." Rebekah said. She remembered the last time she done this quest, and there was an incident with the cabbage cart. It was not so long ago. "I will lead you the way." Rebekah said.

    As they began their journey over to Dorian, Rebekah could hear a distinctive growl coming Nicklaus' stomach. Boys. She wondered in their head. "I guess you have not had breakfast yet this morning?" Rebekah asked. She waited for a reply but she heard the same sound again from her brother's stomach. "Let's go grab a bite to eat." Rebekah said. "I know there this cafe which specializes in brunch nearby. It is on our way."

    Rebekah instead lead Nicklaus directly to the cafe where they decided to sit down and ponder over the menu. Rebekah knew what she was going to get which was the usual, a standard eggs benedict with a coffee. She called the waiter over, and placed her order, and then asked Nicklaus, "What do you want to eat?"

  17. Shop Post: [Link]
    Transaction Date: 04-05-2022
    Cost of Transaction: - 6 Materials
    Crafter's Profession: Chef
    Crafter's Rank: 7

    T4 Meals:

    1 Uncommon: 208211

    4 Rare: 208210, 208212, 208213-1, 208213-2

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Meal
    Item Rarity: Uncommon
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 1
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208211

    Item Name: Avocado Toast and Smoked Salmon
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Meal
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: EVA x 2
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208210, 208212, 208213-1, 208213-2

  18. Rebekah was not finish rebuilding her store stock as of yet. Right now, she still had a significant more products especially in the rare category to restock. She started by washing the avocado. She had placed a lot of avocados in the fridge in an attempt to slow down the rate at which the products were getting rip. At the same time, she also needed to make gravy sauce from beef trimmings and a stock of vegetables. Therefore she began cutting, peeling and washing the vegetables to place into the gravy stock. She wondered if she had enough gravy to last her the rest of this week.

    Date: 04-05-2022
    Rank 7: 1,142/1279 (+49) EXP
    Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
    Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
    Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

    Roll ID CD LD Result # EXP Type
    1 208210 8+1 5 Rare 1 5+3 Meal
    2 208211 6+1 8 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal
    3 208212 9+1 8 Rare 1 5+3 Meal
    4 208213 9+1 13 Rare 1+1 5+3 Meal
    5 208214 2+1 12+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3 n/a
    6 208215 1+1 11 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
    7 208216 3+1 4+5 Salvage-Fail n/a 2+3 n/a
    8 208217 3+1 14+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3 n/a

    Shop Post: [Link]
    Transaction Date: 04-05-2022
    Cost of Transaction: - 6 Materials
    Crafter's Profession: Chef
    Crafter's Rank: 7

    T4 Meals:

    1 Uncommon: 208211

    4 Rare: 208210, 208212, 208213-1, 208213-2

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Uncommon
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 1
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208211

    Item Name: Avocado Toast and Smoked Salmon
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Meal
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: EVA x 2
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208210, 208212, 208213-1, 208213-2


  19. Rebekah had just woken up. She had been very busy the last few days. There was a flurry of activity around her shop with a lot of consumables being bought up. She was trying to put in additional work to try to clear that backlog and to rebuild a stockpile of goods that she can used for the future. As she got up and took a shower, she had received a message from her older brother.

    He had wanted her to show him the ropes around the town of beginnings and especially try to help join him on his quest to gather materials. She was surprised to see he had not attempted the quest as of yet. Rebekah decided to finish up in the shower and then quickly apply some makeup on. She then decided on an outfit for today. Since they were going to be active in the wilderness so he can collect materials. So she wore something that allowed her to move around and made sure to put on a pair of boots.

    Afterwards, she headed out of her room to find that Snowball was waiting for her. "Do you want to come today?" She asked the snowy owl. Snowball agreed and flapped his wings. He wanted to join them, so Snowball flew with her towards the teleportation gate on Snowfrost Town. Since the town was small, it did not take them long to reach the teleportation gate for her to begin today's journey.


    Level 32 | P 15 | HP 760/760 | EN 88/88 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | LD: 5
    BH 41 | Survival +10% | Thorns 36 | EN -2

    Tier 5 – Paragon Bonuses
    Laurel Wreath
    + 1 LD for Looting, Searching and Opening Treasure Chests

    Laevateinn II (T4 RAPIER) 3 [DMG]
     Silver Necklace (T4 Trinket) 3 [ACC]
    Frozen Dress (T4 HA) 2 [MIT] 1 [Throns]

    Weapon Skill (R5) | 7 [DMG]
    Battle Healing (R5) | 5% (38 HP)
    Heavy Armour (R5) | 35 [MIT]
    Searching (R5) | 5 [LD] 5 [SD]

    Combat Masteries:
    Evasion (R1) | 1 [EVA]

    Ferocity | 2 [DMG]
    Precision | 1 [ACC]
    Stamina | 2 [EN]
    Iron Skin | 15 [MIT] 60 [HP]

    Impetus | 1 [DMG]


    Forager (R3)  - 219/299 EXP

    Snowball – Rending Familiar

    Unbroken (T4 Shield) 2 [MIT] [Anti-freeze]
    5 Golden Keys | + 2 [LD] on Chests

    Trading Hall
    Treasury | + 5% mobs + 10% treasure chest


  20. Shop Post: [Link]
    Transaction Date: 04-04-2022
    Cost of Transaction: - 5 Materials
    Crafter's Profession: Chef
    Crafter's Rank: 7

    T4 Meals:

    3 Rare: 208171, 208171-1, 208171-2

    4 Perfect: 208168, 208170-1, 208170-2, 208170-3

    Item Name: Avocado Toast and Smoked Salmon
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Meal
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: EVA x 2
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208171, 208171-1, 208171-2

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 3
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208168, 208170-1, 208170-2, 208170-3

  21. Rebekah was running out of meals once again. This time she did not have enough to make bread or sandwiches. So she knew she would have to start by baking her own bread by mixing a mixture of sifted flour, eggs, milk, sugar, butter and salt into a dough. She also knew that she would need yeast for this to work, as yeast can help the mixture expand. Therefore, Rebekah got to work on making the bread. She knew she would need to let the dough rest long enough in the kitchen prior to baking it. Therefore, there was a lot of work to be done.

    Date: 04-04-2022
    Rank 7: 1,093/1279 (+57) EXP
    Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
    Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
    Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

    Roll ID CD LD Result # EXP Type
    1 208165 3+1 10+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3 n/a
    2 208166 4+1 8+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3 n/a
    3 208167 2+1 15+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3 n/a
    4 208168 12+1 6 Perfect 1 8+3 Meal
    5 208169 1+1 8 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
    6 208170 12+1 18 Perfect 1+2 8+3 Meal
    7 208171 8+1 10 Rare 1 5+3 n/a
    8 208172 9+1 13 Rare 1+1 5+3 n/a

    Shop Post: [Link]
    Transaction Date: 04-04-2022
    Cost of Transaction: - 5 Materials
    Crafter's Profession: Chef
    Crafter's Rank: 7

    T4 Meals:

    3 Rare: 208171, 208171-1, 208171-2

    4 Perfect: 28168, 208170-1, 208170-2, 208170-3

    Item Name: Avocado Toast and Smoked Salmon
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Meal
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: EVA x 2
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 208171, 208171-1, 208171-2

    Item Name: Poutine
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: Over-Health x 3
    Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 28168, 208170-1, 208170-2, 208170-3


  22. As Rebekah began to leave the shop and head back towards the teleportation gate. She could not help but wonder there was a lot of guards wondering around the streets patrolling. All of the NPCs carried a weapon which was visible in town. She wondered if this had something with the swarm of animals she saw dominating this entire floor. Everyone else was also wearing a green crystal around their necks. Perhaps it was part of the attire of this town.

    She looked around and saw a small street stall selling one of the crystals. She decided to make a purchase given that she wanted one just like how everyone else in this town was also wearing the same thing. She had learned this was a way to protect themselves as the monsters do not like this green light. It can also function as a last minute source of light in the dark akin to a flashlight for emergency uses. This may come in handy one day, so she made sure to keep it with her whenever she will return to this floor. The green crystal necklace which is a flashlight.


    Thread Summary

    3,962 Words / 30 x 5 = 660


    660 EXP x 5 = 3,300 EXP + 1,000 EXP (Quest) = 4,300 EXP
    4,300 x 15% = 645 Col + 18,560 Col = 19,205 Col
    18 Mat
    1 T4 Uncommon Consumable (208001)
    1 T4 Rare Armor/Shield (208005)
    1 T4 Rare Weapon (208001)
    2 T4 Rare Trinket (207977, 208002)
    2 T4 Perfect Armor/Shield (207978, 208000)
    2 T4 Perfect Consumables (207978-1, 207978-2)
    2 T4 Perfect Trinket (207979, 207991)
    2 T4 Perfect Weapon (207991, 208000)

  23. Now that her original goal is finished, Rebekah made her way towards the a cafe in the settlement of Nimbus. She was enjoying the vibe of this floor, and she knew that this was a good place to try out some local desserts. Being high up in the mountain, she was not expecting a lot in terms of the drinks but she was surprised to find a niche store selling coffee in a cafe and doughnuts. It was an interesting combination, but she was not going to question it.

    Rebekah had sat down and order a french vanilla drink. It had tasted fine nothing too out of the ordinary, and began to ate her pastry. It was nice to be able to wind down and relax at the end of such a long day. Rebekah knew that she would like to visit thsi floor again one day in the future. She looked at the time, she had somewhere to attend to.

  24. As soon as Rebekah had entered back inside the underground town, the mayor was right there waiting for him. "How did it go?" He asked.

    Rebekah then decided to tell him that the town had been saved as the serpent has been defeated. It was at this time that she received the notification indicating that the quest had been successfully cleared. It was finally done. Rebekah can now spend a little bit of time exploring this town that she had set out to do originally before this quest had spawned today. She knew it was an interesting place, being hidden inside the mountain and filled with light coming from the gems that light up the buildings.

    There was a nice contrast around here with the green light shining inside the dark stony buildings. It was not all dark but just bright enough to see. This was a mining town, so Rebekah wondered if she could also be able to find some rare materials.

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