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Status Updates posted by Dameon

  1. 3 tier 2 rares in my shop now :)

  2. anyone want to knock out a quest with me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dameon


      Maybe later :D

    3. Macradon
    4. Tyr


      If you don't mind me being such a low level, I'd be willing to tag along. What quest?

  3. Awake and open for threads. PM me ;)

  4. Back even if only for a little bit.

  5. Been away so long, everything is different. Need Halp :'(

  6. For anyone interested in being in my plot: 


    1. Lowenthal
    2. Dameon


      Lol did you open up and read the topic :P

    3. Lowenthal
  7. Going to pick up your gloves? lol

  8. I am on and ready to rp. PM! :D

    1. Ssendom


      I never met you before you left the site. But welcome back.

    2. Dameon
  9. If anyone ever wants to do a Private thread. Message me or just link me :)

  10. Off to bed. If you wanna rp msg me :)

  11. Still busy?

    1. Opal


      :) I had a long day at work and just got my posts finished for the night. I'm a little spread thin at the moment with threads, but I'll try and get a spot open for you soon, friend. 

    2. Dameon


      Sure. I am always on skype chat and here or LH. I am not hard to get a hold of if you need a thread :)

  12. You might find the task of doing so much more difficult than you think. :)

    1. Opal


      Challenge. Accepted. ;)

    2. Dameon


      Not convinced xD

  13. Need to be added to skype group! The_cableguylol

  14. Recently back...tired of being a solo player.

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